At their 15 month appt, the boys ped confirmed our thoughts that the boys had a slight speech delay. At the time, they had basically no words other than attempting "dog." They couldn't point to any body parts. They didn't follow any simple directions. Basically, they showed very little receptive or active language. He said he didn't want to refer them at that time, but if they didn't have 6 words by 18 months that we should be sure to tell our new ped (we were relocating a few weeks after that appointment).

After that they seemed to really have a burst of language development. They are now 17 months old. Both had a big jump in receptive language. They can now follow some directions. They can point to 2 or so body parts fairly consistently and occasionally another 1 or 2. As for actual words, Finn has more words that he attempts than Elliot. For Finn, he at least occasionally says: dog, ball, daddy, bird, and he tries to say more. Elliot for sure has said "dog" and "ball." He tries to say "rock" and "daddy" as well but it's not very clear and not in a way that I'm 100% confident he's actually saying it to refer to the respective thing. He also makes the sounds "me" over and over when he wants something; not sure if he actually is saying "me" or just making that noise to get my attention. They both babble quite a bit. They are having a lot of biting episodes, which I think largely is from frustration at not having words because it usually involves fighting over a toy, etc. Not sure what other info would be pertinent, but I'm happy to answer questions if someone knows what else would be relevant.

I'm trying to decide if I should call EI and get an eval done now that we are in our new town or if I should just wait and see what the new pedi thinks when we go in 6 weeks. If they need speech therapy, I would rather start sooner and avoid the delay compounding, but I don't want to be over zealous if this is something that isn't that delayed. Where they were at 15 months was pretty clearly delayed to me, but I'm just not sure after their little burst of language development if that are "far enough" behind. I know they're still behind, just not sure how much.

Also, they are fine in other areas from what I can tell.

If you have any speech or EI experience or knowledge, what would you recommend?