I feel terrible. Dh and I are both in a wedding party in 2 and a half weeks. We have to fly 2 seperate legs to get there totalling about 8 hours. In my first pregnancy I was induced for high BP. In this pregnancy it has been up and down but borderlining high for most of the pregnancy. I had my appt today hoping for a sign off on my ok to fly. They wouldn't give it to me based on my intial BP reading even though it dropped to normal in the appt later on. They want to see me closer to the fly out date to decide on whether or not I can fly due to my previous history with high bp. I will be 29 weeks when we fly. 30/31 weeks when we return. Obviously I can't cancel on this couple at the very last minute due to our involvement. Dh thinks we should just tell them we aren't coming now to save the stress.
Do you think it's too risky for the baby and mines health even if we did get a last minute ok to fly and we should just cancel now?
What would you do?