So about a week before I got a BFP I signed up for unlimited yoga for the summer. I went to two classes, then got the positive.

I asked my doctor about it, and she said there are some poses that I should avoid, so before each class I should ask the instructor what to avoid. She said that if they simply said "yoga is fine" in pregnancy, I should avoid going and wait until they offer their pre-natal class in the fall.

I emailed the yoga place explaining that I was pregnant, and asked if there was anything I should avoid, or if I should get a credit for what I paid and sign up for some pre-natal classes in the fall. I said I didn't feel comfortable asking each instructor at the beginning of class what to avoid, because I've been going with friends that do not know I'm pregnant.

I heard back today, and they suggest that I "listen to my body" to know what to do and what is too much. They didn't specify any specific poses or things to avoid. I'm kind of worried. I haven't done any yoga in over a year except these two classes, and I don't know if I'm good at listening to my body.

Should I just ask for a credit and sign up for a prenatal class in the fall? Other ideas?

ETA: also worried because when she replied to my email, I could see an email below from one of the other instructors saying "I don't know anything about pregnancy and yoga, any thoughts?"