Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to be pregnant. And this is kind of funning seeing as how I started a thread worrying about my lack of symptoms. Lol but dang I'm feeling like crap.

I'm 9 weeks and this past week my morning sickness just keeps getting worse. I'm throwing up once a day and I feel nauseous almost all day long. I feel like a crappy mom to DS and a crappy wife to DH.

I left my job so I could be a SAHM (actually put in my notice before I even knew I was pregnant) but now I feel like the crappiest SAHM ever. The house is a mess. DS is watching more tv than I care to admit and all I want to do is lay around. I cannot wait to get relief soon! With DS I was feeling 100% better by 14 weeks so hopefully I don't have too much longer of this.

Anyone else hate the 1st trimester?