Hellobee Boards


Any May 2013 mommies out there?

  1. mjane

    apricot / 444 posts

    @Mrs. Lovejoy: add me, please! 5/17 with a girl. Plenty of cramping but that's the only news around here. Assembled the bassinet this wknd... Have yet to pack a bag. Oops! But about to finish and hand in my last paper of the semester!

  2. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @mauri: I understand! I'm impatient too, but I have a bit longer to wait than you do, I bet! Hope LO comes soon!!
    @mjane: Added! We haven't packed our bag yet either. So odd, we did some things super early and other things we are being so slow about! Congrats on turning in your last paper! Now you can enjoy a little nice weather before LO comes!
    May babies already here!

    Septemberlove: EDD 5/16, baby boy, born 4/14
    Autumnlove: EDD 5/2, baby girl, born 4/25
    Cupcake: EDD 5/2, baby boy, born 5/2

    Waiting to meet...

    Mauri: EDD 5/4, boy
    EMG86: 5/5, girl
    Mrsbookworm: EDD 5/7, boy
    Happyjax: EDD 5/14, team green
    Mjane: EDD 5/17, girl
    Anniegurumi: EDD 5/20, boy
    Mrs. Lovejoy: EDD 5/22, girl
    Jojogirl: EDD 5/23, team green
    Maybebaby: EDD 5/24, boy

  3. Mrs. Schoolbus

    blogger / apricot / 349 posts

    @septemberlove, @autumnlove, @cupcake: CONGRATS MAMAS!!

    I've been majorly MIA on the boards. This whole time I thought I was due May 25th but at my last appointment, they said it's may 23rd with a baby girl! Please add me @Mrs. Lovejoy! I'll keep it at May 25th since that's what i've been going by throughout the whole pregnancy.

    I can't believe it's almost time!!!!

  4. maybebaby

    nectarine / 2177 posts

    @mjane: Congrats on last paper--just handed mine in this AM!

  5. mjane

    apricot / 444 posts

    @maybebaby: congrats right back at you! It has not sunk in yet at ALL!

  6. maybebaby

    nectarine / 2177 posts

    @mjane: oh man, it hit me hard and wonderfully after I turned it in. Freedom!! Hope you have some delicious downtime planned over the next week or so

  7. anniegurumi

    cherry / 174 posts

    I have been so MIA! My in laws are here in town to take care of me for the next few months so I have been busy with them. Still no baby in sight... yet Still have two more weeks.

    Mommies, how is the transition from pregnancy to motherhood??

    Expectant ladies: how are you ladies holding up? Are you having any BH? I have a lot of BH, very hard tummy and uncomfortable. No pain though!

    The one thing that has happened this past two weeks have been my foot and hands have swelled up. It hurts a lot but isn't terrible... my midwife says this is normal in the last two weeks of pregnancy and will likely go away after birth since it's preps for birth? (sigh)

    I can't wait to meet our son and I can't wait to hear about everyone's updates!!

  8. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @mssally: added you!! Coming up so fast!

    @anniegurumi: Yes to the BH! And a bit of painful ones too, but they are SO SHORT. Like I feel a surge of pain across my belly and as soon as it hits me it goes away. No idea what that means.. My feet are also swollen :(. Then there are days when they don't feel swollen, but people at work still mention that they are (rude!). Two more weeks is going to come so quickly!

    May babies already here!

    Septemberlove: EDD 5/16, baby boy, born 4/14
    Autumnlove: EDD 5/2, baby girl, born 4/25
    Cupcake: EDD 5/2, baby boy, born 5/2

    Waiting to meet...

    Mauri: EDD 5/4, boy
    EMG86: 5/5, girl
    Mrsbookworm: EDD 5/7, boy
    Happyjax: EDD 5/14, team green
    Mjane: EDD 5/17, girl
    Anniegurumi: EDD 5/20, boy
    Mrs. Lovejoy: EDD 5/22, girl
    Jojogirl: EDD 5/23, team green
    Maybebaby: EDD 5/24, boy
    Mssally: EDD 5/25, girl

  9. Cupcake

    apricot / 495 posts

    @Mrs. Lovejoy: It's been wonderful! For now, Charlie has made it really easy for us! I'm bfing! And it's been easy, it's crazy. You hear all these horror stories about the pain and sore/cracked nips, and I haven't had any issues. He eats really well.

    Now... More cute baby pictures,

  10. Cupcake

    apricot / 495 posts

    @anniegurumi: I had some seriously swollen feet/ankles my last month, still a little swollen @ 6 days pp, but getting much better. And I gained 10 lbs my last week from all the swelling!!! That was a really upsetting appointment, although I did go into labor that night!

  11. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @Cupcake: Oh my goodness, he is a doll!! So glad you are loving motherhood and he's been easy so far!

  12. maybebaby

    nectarine / 2177 posts

    Hello mommas and mommas to be! How is everyone doing? I've been having some more steady BH contractions than I am used to and I think I've dropped, but who knows!

  13. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @maybebaby: doing good!! Just waiting and agonizing over every change in my body, even if its just a flinch. Had some contractions last week, but they've gone away. Now just lots of BH and general crampiness. We finally packed a hospital bag, so I'm ready to get this show on the road!

    I saw your bump photo (gorgeous!!) and it does seem you've dropped a bit!! Very exciting - so close!

  14. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @JoJoGirl: congratulations on baby girl!! Come back and share with us how you're doing when you have a minute

  15. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    Updating! How is everyone doing?! When are these next few babies going to make their arrival?!

    May babies already here!

    Septemberlove: EDD 5/16, baby boy, born 4/14
    Autumnlove: EDD 5/2, baby girl, born 4/25
    Cupcake: EDD 5/2, baby boy, born 5/2
    Jojogirl: EDD 5/23, baby girl, born 5/11 (?)

    Waiting to meet...

    Mauri: EDD 5/4, boy
    EMG86: 5/5, girl
    Mrsbookworm: EDD 5/7, boy
    Happyjax: EDD 5/14, team green
    Mjane: EDD 5/17, girl
    Anniegurumi: EDD 5/20, boy
    Mrs. Lovejoy: EDD 5/22, girl
    Maybebaby: EDD 5/24, boy
    Mssally: EDD 5/25, girl

  16. maybebaby

    nectarine / 2177 posts

    In my Wedding Bee May babies group 17 of 22 mommas have had their babies. I am ready to meet mine!!! I know I should cherish this time before he comes, but I am sooo excited to meet him already. How are you ladies passing the time? I made 5 freezer meals today! Working on some last minute cleaning/organizing projects and sneaking in some pedicures/eye brow threading/etc. here and there so that when I am overwhelmed with new baby stuff I at least got some of that in beforehand.

  17. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @maybebaby: 17!?! That is ridiculous! I am also SO READY to meet LO. As much as people say to enjoy this time, its really impossible. I'm still at work so that occupies some of my day, but I really really really want to be home giving me at least a little hope to "enjoy" this time. A pedicure sounds amazing right now! I've never had my brows threaded, but was considering having them waxed.

  18. maybebaby

    nectarine / 2177 posts

    @Mrs. Lovejoy: I definitely recommend threading if you have never tried it! It is much gentler on the skin, and a fellow May momma from WB had her brows waxed a few weeks ago and she had a bad reaction--her skin had gotten so sensitive in late pregnancy that the wax burned her badly! With threading there is no room for burning. It hurts a little more but it is SO precise, they do a great job! I think you need to book a pedicure for this weekend How is work? Are you checked out? I was so checked out when I left at 37 weeks I cannot imagine how I would be now!

  19. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @maybebaby: That is good advice. My skin has been super sensitive this pregnancy though it had never been before. I think I need to book a pedicure too - now to convince DH :). Oh dear, I am SO checked out at work. But, at the same time I owe a ton of deliverables to my boss so it is super stressful. I am trying to decide my last day and am hoping to work from home next week in case I go overdue. How did you work out ending at 37 weeks? I've heard I'd have to burn through my PTO and I don't have enough banked to stop this Friday if I go 2 weeks overdue..

  20. maybebaby

    nectarine / 2177 posts

    @Mrs. Lovejoy: I was in school working a part time job, and I was actually covering another woman's maternity leave--so I am not going back to that job and have no PTO. The timing just worked out that way and my last paper was handed in last Monday! It's great in one sense, but my "maternity leave" is also my job search...so this will be interesting!

  21. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @maybebaby: oh yes! I remember you saying that. Well it's nice now, try not to stress about your job search just yet and enjoy! (ah I'm sure that's one of those easier said than done things, but.. hopefully you're able to!).

  22. Mrs. Schoolbus

    blogger / apricot / 349 posts

    I went in last week for an ob appt and i was only 1cm dilated and 20% effaced. i have another appt tomorrow so we'll see if it's progressed any more. baby girl is moving a lot.. getting antsy and nervous!! hope all the other may mama's are doing well!!

  23. mauri

    cherry / 153 posts

    I gave birth to my son, Jack Aidan at 10:08pm on May 9! He weighed 9 lbs, 6 oz, and 21 inches long, and I'm feeling like a total rockstar for being able to deliver him vaginally. We came home the day before Mother's Day, and we've been having a great time settling in as a family of three.

  24. maybebaby

    nectarine / 2177 posts

    @mauri: Oh, he is SO beautiful!!! Congratulations and what a wonderful Mother's Day!! How are you settling in at home?

  25. maybebaby

    nectarine / 2177 posts

    @mauri: And, wow, you absolutely ARE a rockstar!! What a healthy bub!

  26. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @mauri: hooooray!!! Congratulations!!! I love the name and he is just precious! You are a rockstar!

  27. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    May babies already here!

    Septemberlove: EDD 5/16, baby boy, born 4/14
    Autumnlove: EDD 5/2, baby girl, born 4/25
    Cupcake: EDD 5/2, baby boy, born 5/2
    Mauri: EDD 5/4, baby boy (Jack Aidan!), born 5/9
    Jojogirl: EDD 5/23, baby girl, born 5/11 (?)

    Waiting to meet...

    EMG86: 5/5, girl
    Mrsbookworm: EDD 5/7, boy
    Happyjax: EDD 5/14, team green
    Mjane: EDD 5/17, girl
    Anniegurumi: EDD 5/20, boy
    Mrs. Lovejoy: EDD 5/22, girl
    Maybebaby: EDD 5/24, boy
    Mssally: EDD 5/25, girl

  28. mjane

    apricot / 444 posts

    @mauri: congrats!!! He is gorgeous! Go you!

  29. Cupcake

    apricot / 495 posts

    @mauri: congrats girl! Hope you and babe are doing well!

  30. mauri

    cherry / 153 posts

    @cupcake Charlie is so handsome and precious! We have that same boppy cover too.

    @maybebaby We've been settling in well! Breast feeding has been a bit of a struggle, since Jack strongly favors my right breast and refuses to latch on to my left. But I've been pumping as well, and I'm glad my husband can help out with feelings now too. I love seeing my husband interact with Jack! He is such a great daddy!

    We had our newborn photo session yesterday, and I'm attaching a sneak peek from it. Can't believe he's a week old already!

  31. anniegurumi

    cherry / 174 posts

    @Cupcake: OMG HE IS SO CUTE!!!! Congratulations!!!

    @mauri: Congratulations!!!! Jack is a fitting name, he's so handsome!!!!!!

  32. anniegurumi

    cherry / 174 posts

    Oh ladies, my due date is in 3 days and I'm just WAITING for him to come out. lol The doctor keeps saying she thinks he'll be an early baby... but I keep waiting. lol

    I have the pains come and go but it feels more like a sharp knife pain on the top of my belly or in my groin area. But I read that is BH still. Real contractions start from the back to the front. Sigh.

    How are you ladies doing? Waiting is so hard isnt it??? I really want to meet him but at the same time, I want him to be ready to come on his terms. But my belly is feeling bigger these days and I'm waiting for it to look like it "dropped" and labor to begin!

  33. mjane

    apricot / 444 posts

    @anniegurumi: this waiting game is the WORST! I was so sure she would come early bc I was so worried about finishing up my semester and now that it's my due date I'm not sure what to do with myself. Last night I organized my wrapping paper. Yep.

  34. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @mauri: So adorable!!! Glad you are settling in well. I've heard the road down breastfeeding can be a difficult one, but I'm sure you're doing great! Have you seen a lactation consultant?

    @anniegurumi: I've been getting those sharp pains too! I don't know exactly what they are, but agree that they may unfortunately not be real contractions . I am so excited for these babes to come!!

    @mjane: haha you organized your wrapping paper? That is quite impressive. I don't know if I would ever think to do that (but I'm not really an organizer. More of a cleaner). How are you feeling? Do you have an induction date if you go overdue? That's the one thing that is keeping me sane. Knowing I'll have this baby by 5/29 regardless if she wants to come or not.

  35. Cupcake

    apricot / 495 posts

    @mauri: have you tried using a shield on your left? We were having the same issue and now everything is fine.

  36. mauri

    cherry / 153 posts

    @cupcake I haven't tried a shield yet, but that is a good idea!

  37. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    Any updates from over the weekend ladies?! I'm assuming there'll be more babes making their debut anytime now!

    I learned last week that little one is posterior, so I've been trying to get her to turn. Saturday night, I started getting intense and tickly feeling pressure down on my cervix. No idea what it indicated, but my guesses are: she turned breach (I hope not!), she's starting to drop, or she's trying to get in to position from posterior. I have an appointment Wednesday (on my due date) so we'll see then! I'm still at work and everyone has made a comment that they are surprised to see me here today and expected me to be out.. well I wish I was out too, but I guess I have some things left to tie up before she comes!

  38. maybebaby

    nectarine / 2177 posts

    @mauri: Oh, so precious!!! I love the name Jack--haha Jack and Charlie are our top two names with Mason and Edward in there as well. We are waiting to meet him to see what we think suits him best! Is Jack a nickname for anything? We would just name him Jack (not John), though I also love Jackson.

    @mjane: I was the same way! Graduation was yesterday, and I made it! I felt like a tank in my robe, but I was there. I totally udnerstand about the wrapping paper--that is hilarious.

    @Mrs. Lovejoy: No weekend updates, I was hoping babe would decide to come right after I graduated yesterday so my parents could stay in town! No dice. Last night I tossed and turned for hours feeling very crampy--was hoping it was the start of something, alas, nothing else has happened since then...

  39. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    @mauri: Congrats, you are a rockstar!!!

  40. mauri

    cherry / 153 posts

    @Maybebaby Congrats on graduating!

    Our kiddo is just Jack, not short for anything. Although my husband is a Jonathan who goes by Jon, so Jack is quasi named after him since Jack is also a nickname for John. We both just really liked the name!

    I love your other name choices too, especially Charlie!

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