cherry / 174 posts
I'm due May 20! After TTC for so long, I went to a fertility specialist. She found 3 polyps in my uterus and I had surgery to remove them in June of this year. Now I'm pregnant! I can't believe it and so excited.
clementine / 972 posts
@anniegurumi: congratulations!!! Must feel so great after a long time to get there! Happy and healthy 9 months to you!!
I just got a BFP yesterday, so I'll join in with you guys! By the Internet calendars I believe my EDD is May 22, but we'll see what the midwife says.
Have you guys done anything different since finding out? Other than avoiding the no-nos during pregnancy and making a prenatal apt. is there anything else?
kiwi / 711 posts
@Mrs. Lovejoy: Congrats and welcome to the club!
I haven't done anything different except for changing my diet and trying to hide my bloat. I guess since this is my second I am so paranoid about showing early!
papaya / 10570 posts
Hey May 2013 Mommies! I've just seen this thread pop up and had an "OMG, that's me!" moment! FF calculates that we're due 28th May - of course, we'll see what the doc says!!
Mrs Lovejoy: I haven't even thought about making the docs appointment yet - I'm completely overwhelmed!!
@Anniegurumi: Congratulations!! That's great news!!
nectarine / 2177 posts
Congrats to all the new May mommies!
@anniegurumi: I am so happy for you!
@Mrs. Lovejoy: My estimated due date is 2 days after you! I've just been trying to listen to my body about resting or eating. I talked to an NP when I made my 8 week appointment and there were some "no-nos" I did t realize, like herbal tea. I also bought a pregnancy journal to write in.
@Ali: I never got to post but congrats--the Evap line drama was the best thread ever! How did your husband react?!
I am still in shock and so happy. Perhaps this is too soon, but I've heard of other months creating a Facebook group (a private one). Is anyone interested in this?
papaya / 10570 posts
@Maybebaby: FB Group sounds good - as long as FB doesn't show other people you're part of it (Im not sue how this stuff works!!!).
I think DH was in shock at first. He acknowledged what I'd said but then he started reading the news and telling me about some scientists that have made water droplets float in mid air or something!! Then, about 30 minutes later, I found him in the front bedroom, just staring around. When he saw me, he said "I guess this is the next room we'll decorate then, the nursery". AAW! It wasn't until we went to bed that night that he really smiled and talked talked about it as if it was a big deal!!!
nectarine / 2177 posts
@Ali: so sweet! Yeah, I was part of another Facebook group from a different site for something else. It is private and only shows up on your feed, not to any followers!
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@anniegurumi: Congrats and welcome!
@Mrs. Lovejoy: YEAH!!! Congrats!!!!!
@Ali welcome!!!!!
It's been so weird to be changing my diet because I AM pregnant and not just thinking "well i shouldn't eat that just in case..." for the last 5 months of TWWs. Man, so strange. My big struggle right now is trying to figure out how hard to exercise... I am used to going pretty intensely and working on finding out where to slow down. i have absolutely NO symptoms at all right now so waiting for those to kick in!!!
I'm so glad we finally have our little group here Should we do a survey and all introduce ourselves!?
Location: MA, USA
EDD: May 27, depending on how I calculate it.
How far along?: By date of conception, not lmp (I od late), 3w6. God it's so early. I'm 13dpo.
How long TTC: 6 months
First child?: Yes!
First doctor's appointment: I have an appt with my gyn a week from tomorrow (9/24) but it's sort of a pre-appt. He'll refer me to an ob closer to 8 weeks.
How do you feel?/Symptoms so far: Absolutely NONE!! Only symptom is anxiety about losing it
Who have you told?: God way too many people Our parents and siblings, and a couple of friends who knew we were TTC.
cantaloupe / 6164 posts
congrats mamas! i'm not a may 2013 mommy, but i got my bfp in may -- it's a great month!
nectarine / 2177 posts
@JoJoGirl: I love this! I'll play
Location: Boston, Ma
EDD: May 24
How far along?: 4 weeks 2 days.
How long TTC: First month
First child?: Yes!
First doctor's appointment: Oct 8 for 8 week appointment
How do you feel?/Symptoms so far: Not much, though some sore boobs would be a welcome reminder! So far I feel like I have to pee often and seem to be a bit hungrier. A little gas and bloating. Otherwise, nothing.
Who have you told?: DH and one close female friend who is a doctor and a great secret keeper! I am dying to tell more people. We will wait until 8 weeks to tell fam and 12 for the rest.
honeydew / 7917 posts
@anniegurumi: Yay!! So excited and happy for you! I have been following your blog for the last year, and I am thrilled to see you on Hellobee. Wishing you a very healthy pregnancy.
eggplant / 11287 posts
@MrsHotDog: you got your BFP on the exact same day I did last year! My due date was may 13. Congrats!
blogger / apricot / 349 posts
Got my BFP on the digital this Saturday. According to Fertility Friend, my EDD is May 27th. It's our first baby but 3rd pregnancy (2 miscarriages last year in March & Dec.) I've been going to acupuncture, staying away from a lot of processed food, taking extra vitamin b12 & folic acid, and did a few rounds of chinese herbs my acupuncturist recommended. I'll call this week for blood tests and try to schedule my first appt. congrats everyone!
nectarine / 2177 posts
@JoJoGirl: absolutely! I'm actually in Somerville. My Ob office is linked to mount auburn but we'd like to research other options. Where are you located?
papaya / 10570 posts
@Jojogirl: I feel you about the losing-it-anxiety. That's pretty much the only thought going through my head at the moment. Every time a nice thought pops into my head - like "oooh, I'll be 8 months pg at BIL's April wedding - I feel like I've jinxed it or something and panic!! It doesn't help that it was our first cycle so there's a bit of me that feels like I don't deserve it as much as everyone else (which I know is silly) and that our luck is sure to run out. I'm normally such a positive person, as well!!
Okay, an intro:
Location: Coventry, UK
EDD: May 28
How far along?: 3 weeks 6 days
How long TTC: Cycle 1
First child?: Yes!
First doctor's appointment: I haven't called yet. I might wait until next week as it is so early.
How do you feel?/Symptoms so far: Excited. Nervous. Like's it's not real. The only symptom I've had is the need to pee more often - oh and the moodiness! My word, the moodiness! One minute I'm fine, then in a flash I'm filled with rage, then I'm crying! Poor DH!
Who have you told?: DH, my BFF and my mum. We will tell the rest of our close family in a few weeks and tell the world at 12.
cherry / 174 posts
@Mrs. Lovejoy: The only thing different I've been doing is drinking a TON of water and eating more. My doctor told me not to eat seafood because I have a mild reaction to some seafood and she thinks it could be bad for the baby this early.
and thank you everyone!!! I'm still trying to get use to the boards here.
@yin: Thank you so much!! I had no idea anyone even reads my blog other than my friends.
Location: Shanghai, China (I'm an expat)
EDD: May 20 (My FIL's BDAY!)
How far along?: 5 Weeks
How long TTC: 2 years, 1 year really paying attention + fertility hospital, surgery to remove polyps
First child?: YES
First doctor's appointment: The day after my BFP. My fertility dr cried, the nurses celebrated and there were tears all over the hospital.
How do you feel?: I'm very tired, I'm taking progesterone capsules and those have made me very dizzy. But I AM SO HAPPY!!!
Who have you told?: DH, in laws, my BFF, two close gals and my Weddingbee girls.
cherry / 174 posts
@yin: Can you open your comments on your blog to url? I wanted to comment but couldn't!
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@maybebaby: Waltham. My gyn is at Mt Auburn as well, but he is referring me to an ob at newton-Wellesley (shhhh)! I have a friend with 2 kids- she gave birth at both and had a much better experience at N-W. So between that and my doc's recommendation, we are starting there. But I likely won't even see an ob til next month.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@anniegurumi: omg I'm so happy for you and love the visual of all the doctors and nurses crying!!
clementine / 972 posts
@JoJoGirl: Love the survey, it's great to get to know each other since we'll be sharing a lot of the same feelings/situations/emotions over the next 9 months!
Location: OH, USA
EDD: May 22nd!
How far along?: By LMP, 4W5D (though I'm pretty sure I O'd late, which I'm assuming might push me back a few days?)
How long TTC: We got lucky our first try
First child?: Yes!
First doctor's appointment: No idea! I haven't set an appointment yet, but I think we're going to go to a midwife. Anyone know if its typical to interview different midwifes, or just go with the one you get the appointment with if they are a part of a group practice?
How do you feel?/Symptoms so far: Well, I hope this isn't a sign of whats to come, but I'm having a lot of symptoms (but all mild) - Sore boobs, headaches, exhaustion, hunger all the time and if I don't eat, slight nausea. All this is telling me is that I'm going to get fat, because I can't stand nausea!
Who have you told?: Just DH right now. We're going to tell our parents around week 10 and other friends/family right after!
kiwi / 711 posts
Location: TX, USA
EDD: May 4th according to LMP
How far along?: 7 weeks 3 days
How long TTC: I got off of BC two months ago and we were just seeing what happened.
First child?: Nope, second. Our daughter is 14 months.
First doctor's appointment: I went in last week for blood work and I don't go back for another four weeks.
How do you feel?/Symptoms so far: We are still on shock. I literally cry at anything. My husband thinks it is funny... I also have a really sour stomach almost all the time and I am exhausted.
Who have you told?: Just DH and another couple that we had to tell since we had plans to do something but then had to cancel since it wasn't safe for me anymore. We are waiting until 12 weeks for everyone else if my stomach doesn't give it away.
cherry / 181 posts
@anniegurumi: Yay! Glad you found us! I don't think I can every quit telling you how excited I am for you!
Location: Seattle-ish, WA
EDD: The whole month of May (if you are really curious you can do the math with the info below)
How far along?: 5 weeks 2 days
How long TTC: 15 cycles- 13 months
First child?: yes
First doctor's appointment: Had blood-work done same day as BFP and will continually monitor progesterone and thyroid throughout my pregnancy. First U/S scheduled for 9/25.
How do you feel?/Symptoms so far: Bloated! I look pregnant already (naturally round belly + bloat = baby bump?). I am frequently hungry and get a little nauseated if I don't eat frequently (maybe the real cause of the "bump"?) I have started having super vivid dreams and started to feel really tired in the past couple days. I also went all hormonal on a poor customer service person this weekend and it shocked me. I raged then I cried and later I was like WTH was that?
Who have you told?: Hubby, my Mom, a friend who lives out of town. My coworker who I carpool to work with and my boss. I didn't really plan to tell my boss- but he knew about our struggles and inquired how I was doing and it just came out. Thankfully he is super cool and supportive.
clementine / 972 posts
Just made our first appointment yesterday! It's scheduled for 10/12, which feels so far away, but their office said they usually schedule the first between 8 and 12 weeks. I can't imagine not going in until the very end of the first trimester! We'll be about 9 weeks at that point.
Does anyone know if its general practice to get an ultrasound at the first appointment (if its around 9 weeks)? We're going to a midwife and I wish I would have asked, but I didn't want to seem like a pain if it wasn't completely normal.
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
Popping in to say hi!
Location: CA
EDD: My official due date is 5/2 but I will be scheduled for a repeat C-section in April.
How far along?: My OB just pushed me back a week after my first ultrasound...7 weeks, 6 days
How long TTC: We got lucky on not trying.
First child?: Second
First doctor's appointment: Yesterday! With the same OB that delivered my first LO!
How do you feel?/Symptoms so far: Pretty good....less nausea these days! I got diagnosed with early gestational diabetes from my A1C blood test from my prenatal appointment so I am eating carefully and monitoring my blood sugar.
Who have you told?: Our families and a handful of friends. I think work knows because I am showing fast!
Good luck to everyone!
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
@Mrs. Lovejoy: I think you will get a transvaginal ultrasound if you are past 7 weeks at your first appointment! Good luck!
clementine / 972 posts
@autumnlove: Thank you! That is encouraging and exciting!
And welcome to the May 2013 baby board! We're happy to have you as I'm sure the April board is
apricot / 444 posts
Hi everyone! Joining the club.
I have PCOS and was expecting to wait a long time for BFP, but we got one two weeks ago--the first cycle after stopping BCP! I am kind of in shock, as I was really not expecting this, and I'm also terrified of losing it at this point (there's a lot of anecdotal evidence about PCOS and miscarriage, although studies have yet to establish a correlation...). But other than that, I'm very excited! Had my first appt yesterday at a practice with one OB and four midwives and it went well, I think. Ahh!
Location: NYC
EDD: May 16
How far along? 6 weeks
How long TTC: first cycle
First child? Yes
First Dr's appt: yesterday. ultrasound and everything.
How do you feel/symptoms: incredibly anxious (doing acupuncture for that), super, super crampy, mild nausea in the mornings and at night if I wait too long to have dinner, very sore breasts.
Who have you told? Husband, one of my sisters who knew we were trying, and two friends who would not let it go that I needed to take a sip of their "amazing spicy margaritas." They were relentless--I'd told them I was on antibiotics, and one of them launched into this whole speech about how there's actually very little evidence that you shouldn't drink on antibiotics and how these were so delicious and I needed to just take a sip. I didn't know what to say anymore and was tired of lying so I just blurted it out! Needless to say they felt terrible and were also super excited! I'll tell a few other close friends soon--people from whom I'd want support if we lose it--and our families in a few weeks, I think.
apricot / 444 posts
@maybebaby: looks like our situations continue to be very similar! Also, I used to live in Cambridge, and my husband used to live in Somerville, and my parents live in Cambridge now! I miss it soooo much and wish we could move back there--very jealous!
How is it going to work out with your due date and finishing grad school? Would love to talk as I'm trying to figure out this being-a-pregnant-student thing!
nectarine / 2177 posts
@mjane: Congratulations! Too bad you're not still here, we could be pregnancy buddies
My EDD is May 24 and my graduation date is May yeah. we will see how that goes What about you? I am also working part time so we will see how the pregnancy thing adds to the mix. So far I am feeling really good but it is so early.
Has anyone had experience making a private facebook group before? It would be fun to start one but I am not sure how to go about it!
papaya / 10570 posts
@Maybebaby: I've worked out how to set a secret group up on Facebook but you need to add friends, you can't add people who are not your friends if it's a secret group.... presumably, we need to add each other on FB?? Perhaps we can ask Mr or Mrs Bee to make a private thread for us to put our names onto??
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
May Mamas...will you find out the gender or are you planning on going the Team Green route? We talked about going Team Green but we are getting weak and we think we want to find out!
papaya / 10570 posts
Right May Mammas
Fabulous Mrs Bee suggested a really clever way of setting up the FB group!! She's so clever!! That's why she has a successful website and I don't!! (such a technophobe!!)
So, if you want to join, please go to this Google Doc and follow the instructions!!
Thank you!!!
papaya / 10570 posts
Actually, you might just need to add me - I don't know how you'll edit this doc. Urgh, me and technology don't mix!! Lol.
papaya / 10570 posts
@Maybebaby: Change of plan. I've taken the Google Doc down. I hadn't thought of it as "deserting" Hellobee but I guess it kinda is like that and, well, my loyalties lie here. And I feel really guilty about it all!!!!! (pregnancy has made me ultra emotional!!).
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