pomegranate / 3895 posts
We swaddle for naps and sleep. I try to keep DD's max awake time to 90 minutes at the moment...anything more than that and she gets overtired and fussy. So when she gets up I feed her, take a break and do tummy time, read some books or sing some songs, feed her some more, diaper change, swaddle, nurse to drowsy and pop her in her swing. Works like a charm 90% of the time. She naps for 2-ish hours at a time and I usually have to wake her to feed her. It's possible that she's just a freak though
@blackbird: I absolutely believe that sleep begets sleep and am also a follower of Weissbluth. We're going to start working on moving DD to an earlier bedtime per his recommendations......not quite sure how to make that work, but...we'll see.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@hergreenapples: what are the suggestions for moving bed time earlier? The past three nights T hasn't fallen asleep until midnight! I have no idea what happened...we ere on a good routine for awhile. I think she might be overtired?
I agree sleep begets sleep...if she starts the day with a good nap things are much better.
pomegranate / 3895 posts
@Silva: Yeah, I'm not entirely sure either! Our plan is to try to move it back by 15 minutes each night. At the moment we start the bedtime routine at 8 and she's usually down by 9:30/10. Weissbluth says it should be more like 6:30/7 once they get past 6 weeks.
Our secret weapon is her swing, which does it every time. I worry that we're creating a real dependence on it, but I kind of don't care at the moment because it works!
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@hergreenapples: its awesomethe swing works. i think thereis no harm in it... when you have to transition her she will be older. hopefully the other parts of your routine will help her then! whatever works, at this point! T will hang out in the swing, and if she is asleep i can get her to stay asleep for maybe 20 mins.
Today my focus is helping her sleep better. I'm bummed to mss our playgroup, but things have been totally out of whack and we need to re-set! Poor girl was a mess yesterday (and me too!)
pomegranate / 3895 posts
@Silva: I hear you We missed out playgroup earlier this week too after DD projectile vomited twice.....super fun times.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
T was 9 weeks yesterday. She has rolled from tummy to back 3 times now! We are still struggling a bit with naps, but she is more and more fun each day! I love her little squeals and coos.
How are you guys doing?
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
Rolling already?! Wow!
I go back to work next wedn and am looking forward to it. I'm getting bored at home
Naps are still sucking. E likes to catnap for 30 minutes and then be awake for hours'
pomegranate / 3764 posts
Oh my gosh! How did I miss this updates thread? I've been missing you guys. How did our bubs get so BIG?
Georgia turned 3 months this weekend, and is 14 weeks old on Saturday. Seriously crazy. She is an absolute doll, we love her to bits. Chuffed to say we're still exclusively breastfeeding - something I never thought I would be able to do after our rocky start in the special care. I'm plugging away... it's tough, but eh, we'll see. No pressure seems to work wonders.
She sleeps well at night (either sleeps though til 6am, or has an earlier 4am wake-up, before napping again until 7) - but her day naps are shocking. 20 mins & she's wide awake. Makes for a busy day keeping her from getting cranky!!
Can't wait to catch up with all of you!
Here's a pic from today for you!
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
She is so stinking cute! I thought E had loads of hair, but Georgia blows her out of the water
I'm going back to work today!!! Wheeee!!!
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@jaguar: oh my god she is so cute! Her hair!
We have been having a bit of trouble with bedtime this week. It is taking her forever to fall asleep. I think part of the problem is we have had tons of social engagements in the past 2. Weeks and she gets overstimulated.
She is 10 weeks and more fun every day. I love how much she can interact now!
nectarine / 2591 posts
Saw this on another board and thought it was a good idea to check in with each other
LO's name: Harriet
Age: 12 weeks
Weight: Was 5kg at our 2 mth appt. I'm guessing we're about 5.7 now after weighing myself and then her on our home scales.
Length: Was 58cm at our 2 mth appt.
Recent milestones: She's found her hands and loves to stick her whole fist in her mouth. Has rolled over once belly to back and once back to belly. Can reach and grab toys, has the best time kicking at toys on her activity mat. Smiles a crazy amount and is trying very hard to laugh, especially when you tickle her belly.
Milestone you're most looking forward to: Reaching for me and laughing
How's feeding going: Still BF but we do supplement with formula for her bed time bottle. I wasn't able to cluster feed her at night with her tongue and lip tie and my supply just never recovered.
How's sleep going: She is a good sleeper and is easy to put down. No rocking required. We have one night wakeup still. Naps have been under control aside from this week where I think we are starting her 12 wk growth spurt and putting her down has been hard. She has cried properly for the first time about napping.
What is your favorite trait about your LO? How soft and squishy she is. Her beautiful gummy grin. When she strokes with my hand when I am holding her.
What is something silly that your LO does? She has this adorable squeal she does for no reason sometimes!
WOHM, WAHM, SAHM or on mat leave? Still on mat leave.
Recent Pic:
pomegranate / 3398 posts
LO's name: Anna
Age: 12 weeks
Weight: 12.5lbs
Length: 23inches
Recent milestones: Smiling in response to things and us
Milestone you're most looking forward to: giggling and laughing
How's feeding going: She takes 5oz to 6oz of formula every 3 to 4 hours
How's sleep going: She doesn't nap consistently at all but she sleeps 8hrs straight at night start anywhere from 8:30 to 10:30pm
What is your favorite trait about your LO? Her chubby little face
What is something silly that your LO does? She lights up when her dad has sports center on which just cracks me up
WOHM, WAHM, SAHM or on mat leave? WOHM I've been back to work 2 months on the 19th
Recent Pic:
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
LO's name: Theodora (thea)
Age: 10weeks
Weight: about 11.5 lbs
Recent milestones: Hands in mouth all the time! She has rolled tummy to back a few times now. I'm hearing an occasional giggle.
Milestone you're most looking forward to: Reaching for toys and laughing. I also can't wait until she has more head control
How's feeding going: She is EBF. Every couple hours during the day. No issues. I love it!
How's sleep going: ugh. She is getting better about napping and in a smi routine there. She usually wakes up twice a night. The issue is she won't sleep alone! I wear her or hold her for naps and at night she is right up against me belly to belly. I am working on getting her to take naps alone. Every day for one nap I try the crib a few times, then nurse her to sleep on our bed and try to sneak away. Lately she has been having a hard time falling asleep at night so we are trying to get better about a routine
What is your favorite trait about your LO? Her smile. When she coos and babbles at us. How alert she is...she seems so curious! Oh, and she has this soft, fuzzy strawberry blonde hair that I love. I always wanted a red headed babe, so I hope it stays this color!
What is something silly that your LO does? She loves the contrast image mobile above her changing table and goes bananas when she sees it
WOHM, WAHM, SAHM or on mat leave? SAHM
nectarine / 2591 posts
@Silva: Everyone was sure LO would be born with DHs red hair and we were all really shocked to see our little brunette! Hopefully Thea stays red, so cute
pomegranate / 3764 posts
LO's name: Georgia
Age: 14 weeks on Saturday!
Weight: She is growing, slowly! This week she was 5.4kg
Length: 58cm long.
Recent milestones: Recognition smiles are fantastic! She's also starting to swat at and grab things with her hands. We've been rolling for a few weeks now (tummy to side/back) and she's been kicking loads.
Milestone you're most looking forward to: I can't wait until she has better head control!
How's feeding going: Really well. She breastfeeds all day, and we top up with about 50-60ml of my expressed breastmilk at night, to try and encourage her to have a good sleep.
How's sleep going: Terribly day sleeps, but usually good night time runs. I'm trying to get her into an earlier bedtime though, because she is heading to bed at 10.30-11pm, pretty late.
What is your favorite trait about your LO? She is a really smiley baby & she responds to certain things well - eating her feet at nappy changes, 'talking back' at bedtime... just cracks me up.
What is something silly that your LO does? Spits out the dummy, like it's a game. She knows she's cheeky.
WOHM, WAHM, SAHM or on mat leave? SAHM for now.
Recent Pic:
olive / 69 posts
Ladies - it's been forever!
It's lovely to see everyone's updates and see the little baby pics!
LO's name: Juliette
Age: 13 weeks
Weight: Was 12 lbs, 3 oz at our 2 mo appt. I think she's around 15 lbs now using our adult scale.
Length: Can't remember! She was 50th % at the 2 mo visit, whatever that is.
Recent milestones: She's been sucking on her hands - she discovered her mouth! She's been "talking"/cooing for a while now. She can roll onto her side now from her back. I've come into the nursery & find her on her side. She hasn't rolled over yet.
She loves the activity mat & batting at/grabbing the hanging toys.
Milestone you're most looking forward to: laughing
How's feeding going: EBF which is going well after a rocky start, and she's still on a bottle strike I'm dead scared what's going to happen once I go back to work.
How's sleep going: She's a pretty good sleeper overall. She's been sleeping anywhere from 4-8 hours overnight, and she gives generally 2 longish stretches of sleep per night (1 wake-up at night for a feeding). I haven't cracked the code about what gives a longer sleep.
We haven't been able to get her on a solid schedule yet for wakeup or naps. I just put her down for naps every 2 hours from the last wake-up time. I let her sleep as long as she can in the morning so I can sleep, too!
She goes down anywhere between 8-10:30pm, depending on how hungry she is, how long she wants to eat (she really fuels up before going to sleep). I'm still trying to figure out if we should be doing dream feeds.
What is your favorite trait about your LO? She's generally an easygoing baby, which I'm so thankful for. She has an adorable gummy grin & smells lovely.
What is something silly that your LO does? She has an amazingly adult-sounding fart. It cracks me up whenever she does it!
WOHM, WAHM, SAHM or on mat leave? Still on mat leave. Supposed to go back in mid August but am going to talk to work about pushing out another month. I have been so sad thinking about going back to work & leaving her.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@nycbee: great to hear from you! Glad things are going well!
We had our first baby yoga class today. I'm really hoping to start making friends with some moms who have similarly aged babies. It is supposed to be in the 90s all week, so no walks for us I'm visiting every friend with a pool though!
How's everyone doing?
olive / 69 posts
@ silva - i just went to my first mommy/baby yoga class last week! i had a great time. apparently there are usu. only about 4-5 women, but there were more like 10. lots of crying babies! i'm sorely out of shape and we did baby cobra poses & my pecs were so sore!
i was trying to go out for long walks when the weather was cooler, but since it's been "feels like 100" here in ny, i've been trapped inside my apt with the A/C.
do you have a meetup group for new moms for your area? i found one on meetup.com and have met some awesome ladies through there. plus there were some moms who i'd taken pre-natal yoga classes with, who i see walking around the neighborhood with their LOs.
@silva and aprilfool - so impressed that your babes have been rolling!
@aprilfool - those cheeks! and i love the outfit! i've been finding it very difficult to put juliette in outfits. she tends to stay in her onesie all day unless she has to go out for my mommy meetup!
@pumpkinspice - what a gorgeous girl! i love her onesie. we have the same carter's set
@jaguar - georgia has so much hair! i love. and her skin is luminous. i love how babies are so soft and new.
@blackbird - how was going back to work??
@sslm - love the pic of your babe! she looks like she's having a ball on the activity mat.
i'm struggling a wee bit with the idea of going back to work. some days around 6pm, i'm like - what have i done all day? what else can i think of to do with Juliette? i want to watch some mindless daytime TV but then feel guilty doing it when Juliette is awake.
i enjoy stimulation & would probably enjoy the structure of being in the office again. but there's something so amazing about watching Juliette growing and learning new skills and changing a little every day, and a lot every week.
it's also been good for me. i'm someone who thinks there is a "right" way to do things. and having a baby means i keep getting reminded that there isn't!
now that juliette is more active & awake, i've started buying a lot more books & a few toys. she LOVES the activity mat and swatting at the hanging toys.
has anyone read "you are my i love you"? that made me tear up the first time i read it. ok, the first few times.
one thing i've been trying to do during my maternity leave is to push myself. meaning get outside with juliette on my own - driving with her, taking her on the subway, trying out the ergo.
the first subway ride with her solo was terrifying! but we did great. i'm sure she will have her share of meltdowns but fortunately for my confidence, saved it for another time.
there are some great ideas for mo 1-3: http://www.rookiemoms.com/25-activities-to-try-during-your-maternity-leave/
i went to a mommy/baby movie a couple weeks ago with a girlfriend (supposed to have volume turned down, lights turned up a bit, stroller check, changing tables). i called the theater prior to confirm, but the matinee movie i saw didn't have any of that! and we were the only mom/baby in the theater! and juliette started shrieking b/c of her wet diaper when the movie started. fortunately, she settled down and breastfed for half the movie, and slept for the other. we saw "this is the end", which is hilarious and stupid.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@nycbee: it's been so long!!! Thanks for reviving this thread.
Madeline turned 12 weeks yesterday. She's 14 lbs on our scale, and we think she's about 25.5/26 inches long. About 2 weeks ago she started rolling back to tummy and laughing!!!! Exciting stuff
She's a great night time sleeper. We typically get a 6-8 hour stretch followed by a feeding and a 3-4 hour stretch. Sometimes I need to wake up with her twice, but she's consistently getting 11 hours total overnight. Naps are a work in progress but I can usually get her down after 2 hours of awake time.
Here's a couple of iPhone pics
olive / 69 posts
@sslm: adorbs!! i love madeline's outfit in the first pic! what a cute pumpkin
i can't believe she's been rolling from back to tummy (that's supposed to be much harder than tummy to back, yes?) and that she's been laughing. that's so exciting for you guys!
it's kind of blowing my mind that just in march, we were all waddling around and now we have these beautiful babies taking over our lives!
another thought - a girlfriend from college just had her baby & sent me a note and reminding me how desperate, hard and not fun those first few days (and weeks) were. we're just coming out of that & enjoying our babies, but doesn't that seem so long ago? i feel like i'm getting my life back bit by bit (not the same as before, but not totally gone like before). and getting my sense of equilibrium.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@nycbee: it's odd because she makes no effort to roll from tummy to back!!! Crazy kid.
Time is just flying. I'm trying so hard to just enjoy all of it and not wish the time away
pomegranate / 3764 posts
@sslm: So funny - Georgia rolls tummy to back but has made no efforts the other way around!
We are starting to get squawks which are what I THINK is the beginning of laughter. SO CUTE.
nectarine / 2591 posts
@Silva: How did yoga go? I looked for a mummy and me yoga class but couldn't find one so am going to try and go solo. Something always seems to come up on thurs nights though.
@nycbee: H has to get dressed because I bought so many clothes! I don't leave her in sleepers because I am lazy and it's more work to change diapers than pulling down some pants
Thanks for the link! I need a few more things to occupy her. She wants to be keep busy all the time now. I am very grateful to be home with her, I couldn't imagine going back to work at the moment.
nectarine / 2591 posts
@sslm: I know what you mean about trying not to wish the time away. I find myself trying to memorise everything about her because she will never be this small again. I saw a newborn the other day and I can't believe she was once that tiny and only 3 months has passed.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@sslm: @jaguar: such cuties!
T was up every two hours again last night. Whatever this phase/growth spurt thing she is in needs to hurry up and end. Ahhhhh.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@AprilFool: It was great! Its a 45 minute class, which is good because she definitely gets pretty over stimulated by the end. But most of the babies are within a few months of her, so I'm hoping to make some friends. Its hard to do - I think I just need to be bold next time and say "we should go for a walk sometime!"
We are also going to take swim lessons in the fall- they offer them starting at 6 months at the Y here. They are offered on Saturdays, so I'm hoping my husband will be able to go sometimes.
The other place I found good baby activities was at the local Waldorf school- they have a 10-week mom/baby playgroup for a fairly reasonable price (10 bucks a class- but it includes snacks and tea for mum). We'll hopefully sign up for that this fall. Once she is older there are several story times in the area.
pomegranate / 3398 posts
Anna is still being a rockstar about sleeping! She is now on average sleeping 8 to 10hrs straight. Most days she will eat around 6 or 7am and got back to sleep until 10am . She isn't one for a morning/day schedule so she naps whenever she wants but with that kind of night sleep I'm cool with it.
Here are some pics...
pomegranate / 3895 posts
So glad this thread has been revived!
LO's name: Kate
Age: 12 weeks tomorrow
Weight: I haven't had her properly weighed in a few weeks, but I checked on our scale over the weekend and she was 11.5 lbs
Length: Hasn't been measured since her 8 week appointment...she was in the 97th percentile at that time.
Recent milestones: She found her hands awhile ago and more recently has found her feet. TONS of smiling and laughing. She started rolling from her back to her tummy at 9 weeks and tries to roll from her tummy to her back but hasn't quite gotten there yet. She's gotten really good at grasping toys like rattles.
Milestone you're most looking forward to: More consistent full-out laughter.
How's feeding going: Still EBFing and it's gotten so much easier, thank goodness! DH gives her a bottle of pumped milk before bed each night, which is a huge life saver as it gives me an hour to myself before I go to bed.
How's sleep going: She's a good little sleeper (*knocks on wood*). A typical night's sleep is from 9:30 to 5:30. She then wakes up, eats and sleeps for another 2-3 hours. She takes about three two hour naps throughout the day..not on a schedule, I just put her down when she starts to show sleep cues, which usually occur after 90 minutes of awake time. We need to start moving her bed time earlier and I'm mildly terrified that that will equal middle-of-the-night wakings...
What is your favorite trait about your LO? She's a pretty laid back little girl, but she certainly has her own personality. She is FULL of smiles!
What is something silly that your LO does? She and DH play a game wherein he covers her legs with a blanket and she immediately kicks it off and laughs. She thinks it's HILARIOUS.
WOHM, WAHM, SAHM or on mat leave? On mat leave until spring 2014.
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
Name: Ella
Age: 14 weeks
Weight: 13-14 lbs
Recent Milestones: hands in mouth, squealing, laughing, rolling back to tummy, grabbing stuff, staring in the mirror:
Feeding: She's now drinking 6 oz!
Sleep: Good! Napping well at daycare (according to T) but getting up 1-2x/night depending on when her pre-bed bottle is. I'm thinking we can work to drop her from MOTN feeding soon.
Favorite trait: Her hair and her big open-mouthed look. She does it if you do it to her first. Then she laughs.
Silly things: She goes NUTS for the animals in her mobile. Wiggles violently in the crib when i turn them on
@Nycbee, going back to work was great! I actually enjoy my time with her MORE because I'm not with her 24/7. I was getting Baby Burn Out
This is the face she makes! And then an obligatory blanket photo. I got this one blown up into a big canvas!
olive / 69 posts
@blackbird - those photos are TOO CUTE! you reminded me that the open-mouthed look is one of my faves, too!
so glad to hear that going back to work is great for you! you make a great point that being with a baby 24/7 can cause burn out, and that you're enjoying time with her more now! while i love being with juliette all day, i often feel like it's groundhog day.
@hergreenapples - on leave until spring 2014?! jealous!
@pumpkinspice - what a cutie! i love how anna is sitting up so tall in her bumbo!
@silva - swim lessons sound exciting! i was looking on baby center about when you could start them, and it seems like after 2 mo? i'd like to see how juliette does in the water. she seems to enjoy showers & baths (we take a shower with her sometimes!).
you should definitely chat up some of the moms. most of them are probably looking for nice peeps to hang out with, too! or maybe you could tell them you're going for a coffee after class & do they want to join?
@aprilfool - i'm doing the same. i'm trying to take everything in so i can print it on my brain. i know i'll miss it once i go back to work.
ladies who are going back soon - what are you doing for childcare?
i think we're going to do in-laws for part of the week, and daycare for the other. i go back part time initially for 2 mo (3 days/week), then 4 days/week for month 3.
my in-laws bought a coop nearby and will be living in NYC part-time to help out indefinitely (yay!). i like that J will have the structure and socialization associated with daycare and also some great one-on-one TLC from her grandparents. i'm also really relieved we don't have to interview any nannies. the thought of trying to find that one great person i'm entrusting J to was giving me agita!
nectarine / 2591 posts
Argh it is 5:30am and I have been awake since 1:30 when I fed H. Stupid pp insomnia, am sleeping worse now than third trimester. Going to be a loooooong day.
nectarine / 2631 posts
LO's name: Bradley
Age: 14 weeks
Weight: 10lbs 12 ounces at his last appt (2 months) I think he is around 12 lbs now according to me holding him on my bathroom scale
Length: 22.5 inches long at 2 month check up
Recent Milestones: he has recognition smiles when he sees us and has started giggling! He has been rolling for a week or two from his tummy to back and he kicks like crazy
Milestone you're most looking forward to: More laughing- his little giggles are so cute
How's feeding going: great- we are BFing on demand and he is growing well! I have a pretty good freezer stash for him as we'll because I wake up every night (as he sstn) and pump so I can freeze it!
How's sleep going: He is not great during the day- he takes a few cat naps and one really good nap late in the afternoon. He sleeps well at night though- bed around 8 and sleeps till around 5ish.
What is your favorite trait about your LO? He is such a happy baby , always smiling at us! We call him "happy baby" we know of he is crying something is wrong
What is something silly that your LO does? Eats his toes! He loves holding his feet!
WOHM, WAHM, SAHM or on mat leave? Wahm right now- going back to the office in August (with him coming with me) and them in Sept he will be on daycare.
Recent Pic:
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@AprilFool: ugh that is the worst!
T was up every 2.5 hours again. We have been doing this for two and a half weeks and I'm hitting my breaking point. I don't know what to do!
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@Silva: the same thing is happening here! It's been a week and I'm just hoping it gets better soon. Especially considering she had started sleeping 8 hour stretches just before it all went to crap.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@sslm: I can't tell you how good that makes me feel- i mean, I'm sorry for you, but so relieved. I was thinking we were doing something wrong because all the. Other babies in playgroup are sleeping longer stretches now! Maybe my hunch about a growth spurt or developmental thing isn't so far off...
olive / 69 posts
How are you ladies? I'm going to attempt to upload some photos of J since the last 2 times were unsuccessful (browser issues on my laptop).
One new update is that I asked for an extra month off of work, which my boss approved. Yay! So I'm at home with J until mid-Sept. Staving off the inevitable. Trying to enjoy every minute I spend with her and getting out of the house a lot to prevent getting bored. All the moms with older babies keep telling me to savor this time. Once they start getting older, apparently they become (loved) pains in the butts?
Sleep has continued to be good, although naps aren't as good as before. I wonder if J is just more aware now and needs a bit more coaxing to go to sleep. Night sleep is good. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. At 4 months don't things start to get funky?
I also realized I need to get more serious about losing my baby weight! I still have about 10 lbs to go, but they're not budging! I keep thinking the breastfeeding will get me there, but I've been going at it for almost 4 months and my weight loss has plateaued. I don't think the daily ice cream & cookies are helping. ;P I got away with buying a few shorts/skirts from Old Navy to get me through the summer, but once fall rolls around, I don't want to have to buy a whole new set of fat pants!
I also want to start to cook more. I don't think I'm up for making baby food, but we're not going to be able to eat Trader Joe's meals forever! I'm getting inspired by some of the slow cooker meal posts here on hellobee. And now that life has gotten a little easier with J, I'm inspired to try my hand at more cooking. I anticipate the cooking plan will go to hell once I start work, though. Thankfully I'm only doing it 3 days/week for the 1st 2 months.
@Cheert - lovely pictures of Bradley!! He looks like such a happy little fella And nice work on the freezer stash!
olive / 69 posts
@Silva & @ SSLM - are your babes sleeping a little better now? Sending you good vibes!
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