Hi Bees,

Just looking for some advice on whether or not to get the cystic fibrosis testing.

My insurance, which changed its policy on coverage recently, (awesome) now requires that I meet the $300 deductible and then pay 10% of the cost. Any bees recall how much this test costs? I'm not trying to sound cheap, but I don't really want to spend $800 or something on a test that I don't really feel is necessary. (I have no family history and DH does not either, to the best of our knowledge of course. My doctor recommends it since we are Caucasian and its a 1/29 chance we are carriers. Also, we would not terminate based on this test)

We have plenty of other medical bills that will come along with pregnancy and delivery, so I am just trying to make smart decisions.

Advice? How much did it cost? Did you do it - yay or nay? Thanks!