pomelo / 5298 posts
@theotherstark: Any updates on your progress? I hope your induction is going smoothly.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@snowjewelz: what a doll she is! Conratulations! Cant wait to hear how it all went down!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@snowjewelz: Awww, she's so precious!!!
@theotherstark: Thinking of you! Hope everything is going well!
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@snowjewelz: she is beautiful - congratulations!!
Our little ones share a birth day
pomegranate / 3045 posts
Thanks so much everyone, for checking in! Sorry to leave everyone hanging - I am really lucky in that we had a super fast induced labor experience, particularly for a first labor. And I have been avoiding electronics for the most part since, and just want to stare at our guy
I was admitted due to high blood pressure and worries about my platelets and the possibility of pre eclampsia developing. I had wanted a low-intervention, med-free birth, so I was kind of a deer in the headlights when it all started happening. I was really disappointed, since I worried about the whole cascade of interventions once one starts, but I still wanted to go med free.
I was admitted around 1:30pm on Dec 4 (my due date!) after monitoring following my regular weely appointment. They inserted a foley bulb around 2:15. I started at around 1-2cm, 50%, -1 station. They started pitocin around 5:15pm. Due to the high blood pressure and pitocin, I had to be hooked up to an iv and constant fetal monitoring, which I really didn't want. I still tried to walk around the hospital a lot, though, and just dragged all the monitors and stuff with me.
They removed the foley bulb between 8:30 and 9pm, and I was dilated to 5cm. They seemed happy with that, but I had wanted things to progress more quickly! They kept upping my pitocin, and the contractions really were insane. Around 10pm, I threw up, and I started doubting whether I could go med free, which should have been my first idea that something was up! My husband asked when they would check me next for progress, and the nurse said in about teo hours. Around 10:30, I started feeling like I had to push. I thought at first maybe I just had to do a BM, but nope, felt like I had to push during contractions. My husband told the nurse, and they were like, you aren't ready, you were just 5cm. I made them check me, because I really had to push, and it was getting to be a real struggle not to push with each contraction, and the nurse found that I was fully dilated. She had another nurse come check to make sure, and yep. Good to go! Midwife came down (she hadn't thought I was far enough along when the nurse called), and it was go time!
I started pushing around 11:05pm or so, and our little guy, H, was born at 11:28pm on Thurs December 4th. He was 7lbs 12 oz, and 20 3/4 in long. We are in love!
pomegranate / 3045 posts
Oops, just realized that probably should have gone in the birth stories. Oh well, I will blame that on sleep deprivation
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@theotherstark: Wow! What a story! I can't believe how quickly you dilated and were ready to push! And then you only pushed for a short period!! Congratulations!! And med free while on pitocin! Amazing!!
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@Adira: it was insane! My midwife and the nurses were like wtf just happened?!
@BandDmommy: Thank you!!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@theotherstark: wow what an amazing birth story! I am so jealous of how well you dialated during your induction and your natural birth. I couldn't dialate till I had an epidural and then I was all hazy for the birth. Congratulations on your little peanut. It seems like just yesterday you were on TTC boards. Very exciting!!!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@theotherstark: aww congrats!!! Can't believe our LOs were born like half an hour apart!
I am so bad with keeping up. We are waiting to be discharged.
I'm just having a very achy body (sore muscles from pushing), pains down there from tears and getting stitched up, and my nipples. Oh my poor nipples.
My milk isn't in and we gave her a lil formula today bc I apparently have flat nips so K wasn't getting as much colostrum and was fussy during nursing. I don't know how I can push thru this pain and keep nursing/pumping but I am determined to try! Meanwhile, Im ok with the fact that I have to supplement.
honeydew / 7283 posts
@theotherstark: sounds like a great experience, even if it wasn't what you had anticipated. Congratulations!
@snowjewelz: sorry you're feeling so uncomfortable I definitely felt like I was hit by a truck for a few days after giving birth - and BF can be so hard at the beginning. I hope things get easier soon!
nectarine / 2053 posts
@theotherstark: wow! Glad your induction was so quick! And a big congrats to you!!
@snowjewelz: hopefully your milk will come in soon and it'll get easier? I'm nervous about how breastfeeding will go!
eggplant / 11861 posts
@theotherstark: Wow what a great induction story! Glad all went well ♡
@snowjewelz: Sorry about your milk, hopefully it comes soon! Are you ready to go home? That is what I can't wait for is our time togehter as a family at home!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@theotherstark: congratulations!!!! What a quick induction!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@snowjewelz: I think it's normal to take a few days for your milk to come in, but I don't have experience with flat nipples. Sorry!
honeydew / 7283 posts
@snowjewelz: My daughter had trouble nursing (she was a little premature with a tiny little mouth) and they told me it was partially because I had flat nipples. I was worried about it this time, but baby was full-term and is a pro-nurser and nobody mentioned anything about my nipples. I think it had more to do with her tiny mouth and bad latch and less to do with nipples.
They had me use nipple shields with my daughter because of the ?flat nipples. They definitely helped us in the short-term because she could latch more easily but they were a pain to deal with and hard to wean off of. I know that LCs generally don't like them because the baby doesn't really learn how to latch onto your skin and that can sometimes mean they don't get milk as effectively. Not sure if anyone has recommended that to you, but there are pros and cons. I hope things get easier for you and baby!
kiwi / 578 posts
@snowjewelz: congrats!!! She's gorgeous!!!
@theotherstark: wow! You're a rockstar! congrats!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Seems time for an update!
December Babies
November 13: Ava Quinn (Sandy)
November 14: Darcy Evelyn (BandDmommy)
November 18: Kaylee Parker (MamaG)
November 20: Lila (Mrs.Lilac)
November 24: Jack (MrsF)
November 26: Ethan Michael (josina)
November 26: Matthew Everett (Angelicone)
November 29: Logan Matthew (Adira)
December 4: Kara Grace (snowjewelz)
December 4: H (theotherstark)
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@MrsF: Yup LC at hospital told me go use a shield and she is the one telling me to supplement. I'm thinking maybe she is small and early too; I'm def gonna try to see if she can latch without a shield at some point. There is a LC at the peds too that I'm gonna see.
So far the pain from BF and birth is the hardest to deal with! I don't know how you moms have time to do anything else? I feel like I'm always feeding, then pumping, then trying to nap or do whatever I need to, then repeat!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@snowjewelz: Breastfeeding for the first time is soooooo hard, especially if both you and baby don't know how to do the latch correctly, and even then, it takes a while for your nipples to just get used to it. I remember with Xander feeling soooooo overwhelmed by the whole thing and I felt like I didn't have time or energy for anything other than feeding the baby! And I dreading doing that because it hurt sooooo much!!! But it DOES get better if you decide to stick with it. It just takes a while!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@Adira: I just wish there is just one right way or something bc there is so much info out there and its overwhelming!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@snowjewelz: I agree! And until you figure out what works fir you, it's so confusing! Hugs! Hang in there! You're doing a great job!
nectarine / 2028 posts
@snowjewelz: Like @MrsF said...a nipple shield might be a huge help for your latch with flat nipples. I have been using one (we had latch issues so they gave me one in the NICU), and at this point I nurse with it and without it. I know LCs don't love them, but IMO if it means you can successfully BF while using it, it's worth it. My son is gaining weight nicely so I'm not concerned it's impairing us. DM me if you want and I'll be happy to talk more about it as a new mama using it daily. I can also send you links to them on Amazon (I have a few scattered around the house). I also suggest using the hospital pump to help your milk come in-that worked well for me. Good luck!
nectarine / 2028 posts
@theotherstark: Still grinning like a fool about the arrival of N's buddy H!!! I also love that they were the same weight and length! So impressed you went med-free! I definitely didn't-you're a rockstar! Rest up!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: It definitely helps; she could barely latch without it (I thought she was but LC showed me that as soon as you tilt her head back she broke off). I just need LC to check her latch WITH the shield; maybe it's not great so that's why it's still painful. I am already doing a million times better though! So I do have hope that if I stick it out, it will work out eventually... I'm gonna be lazy and give myself till Monday for milk to come in (Monday would be day 4). I think I'd be more motivated to pump if something's coming out instead of just trying to stimulate. I *think* I am stimulating my boobs enough since she's nursing 10-12 times a day...
Sorry for going on & on on the labor/delivery watch
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@snowjewelz: just wanted to chime in and say that 4 days is completely normal. I wouldn't worry about pumping in addition to feeding. Your boobs need a break! And You may end up calling in too much milk!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@winniebee: Thanks for the reassurance!
I guess things have been quiet over the weekend... Excited to see what babies this week brings!
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