wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@Elizachase: haha that's ironic since I brought it up and now I don't want it. Hope you enjoy it!
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
@Foodnerd81: I made a Caesar salad last night and could only eat one bite
I'm really glad there are a lot of STMs (and TTMs!) on this thread! I'm pretty freaked out about all of upcoming transitions for Ev, and I'm glad there are other women in the exact same situation to commiserate with. And that we can pass on experience to the FTMs (if they want it, of course ) and beg for advice from TTMs (sorry Running Elley and MamaBehr!
clementine / 957 posts
Caesar salad sound delish but I'm afraid to make it because I'm sure I won't want to eat it once I do! Stupid food aversions!
I have to say as a FTM I'm really excited to have so many STM & TTM in our board. It's great to have mamas who have great advice!
pea / 6 posts
@Foodnerd81 @lovehoneybee: My Caesar was delicious but it doesn't taste so good burping it up after the fact
@Happybluebird: Agreed that it's nice to have STM & TTM on the board to spread their wisdom!
nectarine / 2591 posts
@Foodnerd81: My symptoms are totally different this pregnancy and I have to keep reminding myself not to worry just because the symptoms are different than my last pregnancy. No all day nausea or food aversions but headaches and more cravings. I feel sick if I eat too much but I always want to eat too much! Complete opposites, another reason I think this one is a boy.
Oh and I am totally over the caesar salad too.
@lovehoneybee: I am also worried about the effect on H. She is so attached to me and vice versa. Sharing is going to be hard.
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
@Foodnerd81: @AprilFool: My symptoms are pretty different this time too. Queasy, but hungry. Lots of headaches (I had like 3 (bad ones) last time, and my boobs are KILLING me (which didn't happen at all last time!)
nectarine / 2591 posts
@lovehoneybee: My boobs are pretty much normal, last time they were terrible!
persimmon / 1233 posts
Is anyone else showing? I don't really get how the baby is the size of a grape and yet none of my pants fit... please tell me I'm not the only one?
clementine / 957 posts
@hummusgirl: I'm most definitely bloated! None of my jeans fit!
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@hummusgirl: a good friend told me yesterday that she wasn't sure if it was the shirt or me but if I was trying to hide it, it wasn't a good outfit since I looked pregnant.
However I'm eating constantly to keep queasiness away so not surprised!
pear / 1639 posts
@hummusgirl: Not just you! I am definitely bloated and stopped wearing tight shirts because my stomach is not nearly as flat as it was a few weeks ago. Hoping this time I can avoid that really long "is she just getting fat or is she pregnant look". I don't think I had a pronounced bump until 20+ weeks last time!
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@Mrs. Taco: my friend was careful to say I def looked pregnant, not fat.
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
@hummusgirl: Lots and lots of bloat! I was wearing maternity pants at 8 weeks last time just because my pants were already so uncomfortably tight (and will probably be wearing them again soon....and might have already worn a pair yesterday...)
pear / 1639 posts
@Foodnerd81: Lol good friend! Wait did she already know you were pregnant or was she asking?! I always felt like I looked just big for a long time in my last pregnancy but I really think for those of us on # 2 (and some FTM!) it'll look more like baby sooner. Or so I hope.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@Mrs. Taco: haha yes- she knew I am pregnant. So it was more like, if you are trying to hide it don't wear that shirt. Cause I can tel you're pregnant in it. But I feel like that shirt kind of made me look pregnant before anyway.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
So no wonder I look pregnant. I've gained 6 lbs in like four weeks. Not too shocking considering I am constantly eating carbs and processed foods but still.
On the plus side, today I felt like a SALAD for lunch, so I went with it. Granted it had steak and cheese in it, but the baby needs iron and calcium.
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
@Foodnerd81: I wish I would crave a salad! I'm full-on in kids' foods right now...spaghetti-o's night before last, chicken tenders (at least I made them myself with skinny taste's recipe?)/mac and cheese/sauteed apples last night (and for lunch today), a banana with peanut butter for breakfast and Lunchable for a mid-morning snack...
pear / 1586 posts
Hi ladies! I usually wait much longer to join due date boards but I am anxious to share the news! Hope y'all don't mind.
Location: RI
EDD: December 16
How far along: 8 weeks
First child? 3rd DD will be 3 the end of June and DS turned 1 two weeks ago.
First doctor appointment: Had an ultrasound today and will meet with the midwife on Monday.
Who have you told? DH, my SIL (she was in the waiting room for her appt when I got out today...so I had to share lol), and my best friend jokingly mentioned it and was shocked to find out it is true.
As for symptoms- I don't usually have many in my pregnancies other than sciatica later on but this time I have some acne. So depressing. I also feel like I look much larger than I should for being 8 weeks but I just want to eat junk!
persimmon / 1233 posts
@HappyBluebird: @Foodnerd81: @lovehoneybee: @Mrs. Taco: Glad it's not just me but sorry we're all so bloated! I wore a skirt and heels to work today (because I can't fit into my shlumpy jeans) and it did make me feel a bit better. I know it's not great to eat Kit-Kats for lunch but the salad craving has passed me by, unlike the rest of you!
clementine / 957 posts
@cheesetomywhine: Welcome to the group!
@hummusgirl: I also don't have the salad craving but I wish I did! Today the only thing I could find that was somewhat appealing was cereal. I also bought some lemon Italian ice I've been dying to have!
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@hummusgirl: I've been wearing the slightly bigger, stretchy clothes I bought post partum last time. I def have a bump today.
@cheesetomywhine: congrats! Our due dates are just about the same I think.
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
@cheesetomywhine: Welcome and congrats!
December Mamas
December 1st: skipper2010 (#2)
December 3rd: berly (#1)
December 4th: happybluebird (#1), shortiecake (#1), hummusgirl (#2)
December 5th: truth bombs (#2), Lady Baltimore (#1)
December 6th: lulabee (#3), Mrs Hedgehog (#2)
December 7th: myboxerstella (#1)
December 8th: Running Elley (#3), sotofamilia (#2)
December 10th: maybebaby (#2), mrstiz (#2)
December 11th: Yogina Bee (#1)
December 15th: nyxee (#1)
December 16th: cheesetomywhine (#3)
December 17th: foodnerd81 (#2)
December 19th: Mrs. Taco (#2)
December 20th: littlemisskeiko (#1)
December 22nd: mamabear2 (#2), Kali (#1), Elizachase (#1)
December 24th: lovehoneybee (#2)
December 29th: MamaBehr (#4)
pomegranate / 3275 posts
@Foodnerd81: I totally weighed myself today and gained 5 lbs in three weeks. I do this every time! I gain weight the first trimester because when I don't feel sick, I eat really terribly. I can NOT gain as much weight this pregnancy... ugh.
@lovehoneybee: I feel like I'm going to have to bust out the maternity stuff soon! I'm only 6 weeks! SIX WEEKS. At this rate I'm going to have a 13lb baby.....
coconut / 8681 posts
I also look pregnant already. I've been wearing button down shirts because they have wider waists because I can NOT wear fitted shirts anymore. I've been wearing stretchy skirts, dresses or leggings for the last week and a half because I can't button my jeans. And I may have busted out maternity shorts yesterday. Aye.
I'm 9 weeks and have gained 3 pounds...all in the last 3 weeks. It was more when I weighed myself last weekend but I was eating fast food like an insane person last week so when I cut that out this week the number shrunk. Thank. God.
@cheesetomywhine: Welcome!!! Excited to see someone else on #3 with me And it sounds like our other 2 are pretty close in age too (3 in October and 2 in November). Were you able to actually hear the baby's heartbeat at your U/S? I have one tomorrow and that's what I'm hoping for (I'll be 9 weeks)!
pear / 1586 posts
@Running Elley: The ultrasound tech took the heartbeat and said it was 160 but didn't play it for me. It was an internal though. Not sure if the midwife will try with the Doppler on Mon. I hope you can hear it though!
persimmon / 1196 posts
@MamaBehr: I wanted to ask about licorice root tea (from what I read, large quantities are a M/C risk in the first trimester) and kombucha (I wanted to know if it has a warning just because of the caffeine, or is otherwise a bad idea). I didn't even get all the way through the questions before she was shaking her head and saying, "they haven't been tested, anything like that, you just never know . . ." It just felt like an overly-cautious approach to life (at least for me). She also didn't want me to go rock climbing, or to belay other climbers, when she clearly knew nothing about how climbing works. I much prefer the "keep doing what you've been doing until it starts to feel like a bad idea" approach.
I feel like I've fallen out of the loop here. I had my big exit conference for my internship (student teaching) yesterday, so now I feel deliciously free! I'm digging out the baby name books tonight, because I finally feel like I have serious time to devote to them.
@cheesetomywhine: Welcome!
@hummusgirl: @Foodnerd81: @Running Elley: I have definitely had to retire some of my pants already - even if they fit in the morning, they are torture by mid-afternoon. When I first got my BFP, I bought a few transitional/camouflage items (flowier tops, one pair of pants with stretch in the waist) and I finally broke them out this week. I am still holding out on the one pair of maternity capris I already bought.
My first ultrasound is tomorrow morning (9w,6d). DH was able rearrange his schedule so that he can come, and we are both looking forward to (hopefully) seeing the little nugget and a nice, strong heartbeat.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@lady baltimore: I broke out the transitional post partum stuff. Plus, I was 20 lbs heavier before my first pregnancy, so the clothes from then, which have been too big, are now comfortable- but not flattering.
And a playground mom asked my friend in private if I was pregnant. She probably also overheard me talking a little bit anyway. After my friend (who knows) hesitated she got horribly embarrassed for asking so my friend told her. But yeah- I look pregnant at 8 weeks.
pomegranate / 3275 posts
@lady baltimore: How did the ultrasound go?!?! And, congrats on finishing student teaching! That is so much more work than real teaching! Do you have a job lined up?
@Foodnerd81: I can't imagine what I'm going to look like at 8 weeks. I already can't stand tight things on my stomach, at 6 weeks 2 days!
Ok, silly question. What does your morning sickness look like? I keep thinking I have a cold, but what happens is I cough, and cough hard, super close to throwing up. I never throw up, because I hate it, but I'm wondering if this is how I'm dealing with "throwing up." Like, to fight the urge to throw up, I cough my lungs out. I had a sore throat from coughing so hard the other day. So, what does your morning sickness look like?
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@MamaBehr: it's so weird, having this stomach at only 8 weeks. Funny how you hear things (like you show much faster with your second) but then it happens to you and you're like, whoa what's going on??
My "morning sickness" this time around is waking up feeling icky, but not overly nauseous, just like I need a few glasses of juice. Can't drink coffee until after I eat, which is a lot better than last pregnancy when I just could not even stand the thought or smell of it. Then, at some point during the day, I get very nauseous and feel like garbage, bad hangover style. But I never threw up last pregnancy and I hope for the same this time. I really hate throwing up too. I was even with someone who did throw up (from an actual hangover) and I held it together.
coffee bean / 32 posts
Haven't been on this thread for a few days, but great to see it so active and some more people joining
@Mamabehr, @Foodnerd81, @Lady Baltimore, @hummusgirl, @Mrs.Taco, @lovehoneybee, @happybluebird, @Running Elley (I think that's everyone who mentioned clothes getting tight!): I am definitely experiencing bloating and weight gain. I have gone from being a very active person who ate pretty healthily to spending any spare time stationary and eating huge amounts of mash potato!
I'm still feeling sick all day at just over nine weeks. Cruelly, I felt a little better a few days ago only to have the worst day yet yesterday!
I have my 'booking in' appointment with the midwife on Thursday, which I'm getting excited about. I'm hoping I'll get the date for my first scan then which will be 2 weeks later. I was wondering how it differs here (UK] to the US as many of your scans sound like they're earlier? Our first 2 are at 12 weeks and then at 20. We can find out the sex at the 20 week... Very exciting!
Hope everyone's holding up well. Looking forward to getting to the 12 week mark now
persimmon / 1196 posts
@MamaBehr: U/S went well! The little heart was fluttering away and LO was kicking up a storm! I won't know if I measured "on time" until my next appointment, which is in another two weeks or so. I guess I'll also get the results of my thyroid scan then, too - the NP thought it felt a little enlarged, so she ordered a neck U/S while I was there.
I am going to stay in my current job (as an assistant teacher) for the time being. I still have a few classes to take to finish my master's/certification program. Hopefully I will graduate just before I give birth!
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
I have no clothes that fit. Regular clothes- bottoms mostly- are too tight and uncomfortable. My "fat clothes" (from when I weighed about 20 lbs more, pre-C) are still way too big. Friend has all my maternity clothes but I know they won't fit yet anyway.
So annoying! Luckily I wear yoga pants almost every day but sometimes I want to wear something a little nicer. Skirts worked at this point last time but chasing a toddler in a skirt is less practical.
Ah well. Have I mentioned I'm only 8 weeks? Second time mom problems.
coffee bean / 32 posts
@Lady Baltimore - great to hear the ultra sound went well. Must be incredible to see the heart beating away. I'm really looking forward to my first one now... Although still a little nervous...
cherry / 107 posts
Who else hasn't heard a heartbeat or had an US yet? Mine isn't for 3 more weeks (I'll be 13 1/2 weeks) and I feel like a bit of a debbie downer. When we announced to our families, we followed it by saying we haven't heard or seen anything yet so who knows if anything is in there. DH thinks I'm not excited but I feel like I'm just being a realist.
Anyone else feeling this way?
I guess I should have begged to hear a heartbeat at our first appointment!
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@Berly: I had my first appt today (8 weeks and change). The midwife told me it was too early to hear the heartbeat but humored me by trying with the Doppler, but we couldn't hear anything. I feel sort of the same as you- like I assume since I feel so crappy and my belly is getting bigger, there's a baby in there growing, but it doesn't feel that real yet. Won't have another appt until 12 weeks (June 8).
nectarine / 2771 posts
Hi all! I'm joining late as I'm finally feeling more optimistic about this pregnancy! I had a miscarriage in January, two D&C procedures (the second one was an emergency due to "retained product"), and feared the worst when my period never came back. My ob and I were starting to look down the road of scarring and other potential issues when lo and behold, I find out I am pregnant.....and I was already 7 weeks along. What!!! I had an ultrasound two weeks ago and one again today, at 9 weeks. Today's was the most nerve wracking as I had found out about my loss at the 9 week apt. Thankfully, strong heartbeat, baby looking great, and measuring exactly where he/she should be. I'll have one more ultrasound in 2 weeks before I leave for my week-long vacation, the NT scan when I get back, and by then it will be second trimester and hopefully this peanut will make it (and I will stop visiting my ob so much!)!
Location: NJ
EDD: December 15
How far along: 9 weeks
First child? 2nd, DD will be 2.5 in July
First doctor appointment: 2 ultrasounds already (due to my history of miscarriage), today was my most recent apt
Who have you told? DH, parents, in-laws, and nanny (who caught me throwing up)
As for symptoms- I've thrown up every day for the two weeks I have known! Fun times. The vomiting and nausea have been really intense and my ob prescribed some medicine for me today. Hope it will help!
Happy to be here with all you December mamas!
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@yerpie110: congrats! So wonderful that you've gotten to see the nice little heartbeat. I'm sorry for your previous loss and complications- a friend of mine is going through something similar and I know it is so hard for her. Glad you are getting the extra reassurance if the heartbeat now! I hope the mess help you feel better quickly.
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
@yerpie110: Yay! Congrats and welcome!
December Mamas
December 1st: skipper2010 (#2)
December 3rd: berly (#1)
December 4th: happybluebird (#1), shortiecake (#1), hummusgirl (#2)
December 5th: truth bombs (#2), Lady Baltimore (#1)
December 6th: lulabee (#3), Mrs Hedgehog (#2)
December 7th: myboxerstella (#1)
December 8th: Running Elley (#3), sotofamilia (#2)
December 10th: maybebaby (#2), mrstiz (#2)
December 11th: Yogina Bee (#1)
December 15th: nyxee (#1). yerpie110 (#2)
December 16th: cheesetomywhine (#3)
December 17th: foodnerd81 (#2)
December 19th: Mrs. Taco (#2)
December 20th: littlemisskeiko (#1)
December 22nd: mamabear2 (#2), Kali (#1), Elizachase (#1)
December 24th: lovehoneybee (#2)
December 29th: MamaBehr (#4)
@Berly: I haven't been to the doctor yet. I have a nurse intake this week, but I think it's just a medical history/dos nad don'ts appt. I won't see the OB to try to hear the heartbeat (which I'm really hoping will be an U/S and not just doppler) until June 2nd. I'm really anxious, because of previous losses, and even though I've had no bleeding and feel like crap pretty much 24/7 I'm really hesistant to get excited.
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