clementine / 878 posts
We had our first appointment and ultrasound last week, baby was 1.71 cm and 166bpm heartbeat! Morning sickness is starting to fade but my pants are starting to get way too tight. Yes I have been eating more than the recommended extra 300 calories per day. Next appointment is at 12 weeks. I am hoping everything will stay on track.
grapefruit / 4903 posts
@gracecat: Hooray! Isn't it the best feeling? Glad to hear it went well.
pear / 1616 posts
@gracecat: yay! glad it went well! yeah my pants are getting tight too!! i'm thinking about getting some maternity pants already! it'd be way more comfy and the earlier i start the more use i get out of them!
are you guys doing the nt scan? i just made my appt and its the end of may. i can't wait till that appt because i'll feel alot more confident that this pregnancy is good. 4 more weeks!
apricot / 263 posts
It's nice to see these early updates! I figured I would stop lurking and say a proper hello. I got my BFP on April 7 and today was my first appointment. I am about 7 weeks 1 day, although I'm going in for a more precise dating ultrasound tomorrow. My husband and I got to see a white splotch on the screen with a little flicker of a heartbeat - very exciting!
Looking forward to getting to know everyone else as we go through this together!
hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts
@MsInformation: yay congrats and welcome! My edd's 12/23! super close to yours!
apricot / 263 posts
Thanks ladies! We had a more precise dating ultrasound today and it turns out I am 8 weeks tomorrow, with an EDD of 12/15/12. I guess this means we'll have to sell the tickets we already bought to see Book of Mormon on 12/18!
@Chopsuey119 - my birthday (and my dad's, incidentally) is 12/24!
pear / 1769 posts
Well I'm officially going to join you all. I had my first appointment today at 9 weeks. My EDD is 12/11/12. The baby is currently measuring 8 weeks 4 days and she said the heartbeat was upper 160's lower 170's.
persimmon / 1202 posts
Had my first "real" appointment yesterday. I asked about seeing the heartbeat, so the doctor wheeled in an ultrasound machine and found the gestational sac the second the wand was down, and little one's head half a second later. Little one turned so we could see his/her side (there's an instinctual consensus between parents, grandparents, and great grandparents that this is a her, so I'll refer to him/her as a girl for the moment), and the heartbeat was immediately visible. As soon as it was obvious there was a strong heartbeat, she started flipping and rolling and doing frog kicks and flailing her arms, doing an insane Snoopy dance, and she kept doing it until the ultrasound was off. I'd been telling her that I wanted to know she was healthy and strong for several days, and it was like "Hi Mama! I know you wanted to see how strong and healthy I am, so let me show you what I can do!" I'm calling him/her Wiggles/Wiggle Worm until we know the gender.
pear / 1616 posts
@MsInformation: @rawrasaur: welcome and congrats!! glad that your appointments went well!!
i think we should start a survey, just to see where everyone's at. heres one i found on weddingbee!
Estimated Due Date: Dec 8, 2012
How far along: 10 weeks tomorrow!
Next Appointment: May 29th is my NT scan and May 30th is my next dr's appointment
How are you feeling: pretty normal. getting more tired, esp around 7pm. the last couple nights i've taken a 2 hour nap, then can't sleep till like midnight! but otherwise no nausea
Is it what you expected: i thought i'd feel more "pregnant". i just hope baby is still in there cookin!
What are you researching: yesterday i was looking at crib sheets (i know so early for that!) and i like looking at names
What have you bought: i bought some maternity pants, just cause the waist on my other pants are getting snug! and i bought a fetal doppler which should come in today! i don't think i'll hear anything cause i have a tilted uterus... but it will give me some peace of mind if i can hear the heartbeat!
hope everyone is doing well!
pear / 1616 posts
@cyneswith: haha i like that we posted at the same time. glad your appointment went well!! was this your first ultrasound?
persimmon / 1202 posts
@kodybear: Yes, and I wasn't really expecting it - I was expecting a 15 minute doctor's visit and this one lasted over an hour! I didn't realize they'd schedule a dating ultrasound for next week )I thought it'd be in another 4 weeks), or I wouldn't have said anything or asked. And I'm so glad she just asked the nurse to bring in the portable US and doppler!
pear / 1616 posts
@cyneswith: ahh i see! i'm surprised they didn't do an us at like the 8 week mark, but i guess each doctor is different. are you doing the nt scan too?
right after i wrote that post about not having m/s i totally felt like i was gonna vomit! totally jinxed myself. it has subsided since i ate something but that was really weird.
persimmon / 1202 posts
@kodybear: I'll be 11 weeks tomorrow, and for some reason they were doubtful they'd hear anything. as it was. It's not their standard practice.
cherry / 231 posts
I went for my first ultrasound today...and it turns out we're having twins! What a surprise! I thought the tech was lying to me at first because my hubby & I were joking about it in the waiting room but the picture shows two babies!
persimmon / 1202 posts
@littlehunny: Congrats! And... terrified little squeak on your behalf (I know how I would've felt in your shoes.)
cherry / 231 posts
@cyneswith: Thanks! We're excited and a bit terrified all at the same time.
pear / 1616 posts
@littlehunny: wow, congrats!!! do twins run in either of your families? that would be quite a surprise if they don't!
cherry / 231 posts
@kodybear: Thanks! Fraternal twins run on my dad's side of the family, but I haven't been to see my midwife yet after the scan so I'm not sure if they are fraternal or identical (the ultrasound tech wasn't really allowed to give us much info.
pear / 1764 posts
@rattles: did you due date change from 12/21? I have my first appointment (FINALLY! ah!) this coming Wednesday & am interested to say when he says my official due date is! eeeek!
grapefruit / 4903 posts
@sulli301: My due date's still 12/3 based on my LMP, and my doc hasn't adjusted it yet. My 12 week check up is the day after your appointment, so I'll let you know if there's news then. I think @chopsuey119 and @littlehunny were/are 12/21 though! Congrats on finally having an appointment - you've been waiting long enough!
pear / 1616 posts
my 12 week appointment is next week too! next friday. if everything goes well we may announce after! i tried using a doppler earlier this week but failed to find anything. i'm surprisingly not freaking out tho bc it may be too early and also i have a tilted uterus so the ultrasound lady had told me multiple times that i may not be able to find it on a doppler as easily. so i can't wait till the appt next week to make sure everything is still okay.
pear / 1764 posts
@rattles: oh gotcha! That must be why I thought 12/21! Good luck with your next appointment! I know, I waited this long for DD but it didn't seem as long somehow, but maybe because that time we had already told our parents & this time we are waiting for after!
@chopsuey119: did your due date change??
@kodybear: I've heard of moms not being able to hear it at the doctor @ later than 10 weeks, so @ home I wouldn't worry too much I hope you have a great next appointment! Next week we will both get some relief/excitement!
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
Hi Everyone! I am tardy for the party since I usually am just on WB but am moving it over...
I am due December 7th, and I have my NT scan on Friday! I am nervous and excited! I'll be 12 weeks on Friday:)
Hope you all are feeling good today!
pear / 1616 posts
@jholler25: I posted on ur other thread but congrats again! I'm a day behind u at edd 12/8. My nt scan is next Tuesday! Excited about that! How has your pregnancy been so far?
I re-tried the Doppler today and found the heartbeat! That was so exciting! I have a 12 week checkup this Friday. It finally feels like this pregnancy is moving faster.
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
@kodybear: HI! Congrats to you too! And thank you:) I have felt pretty good the whole pregnancy - I have been lucky in that respect! And the baby has been really healthy and tracking perfectly with a really strong heartbeat! I have had several really scary spotting incidents, and we found out I had a Subchorionic Hemmorrage (sp?) that put me on bed rest a few weeks until it went away, but the important thing is that the baby has done great the whole time!
I'm so glad you found the HB! The doppler is such a great thing to have. Sometimes I do it in the morning before work and it just changes my morning so much for the better:) I find myself in such a happier mood!
How have things been for you?
pear / 1616 posts
@jholler25: the last 4 weeks have been pretty uneventful. no morning sickness really. the first 4 weeks tho i was spotting. for the most part it was okay since it was just brown. but once in awhile it'd be red. one time i passed like a blood clot or something! that freaked me out. they couldn't really find a reason for it. they said something about the outside ring of my cervix was kind of red so i might be more prone to spotting? something like that. but the spotting has gone away since week 8 so thats good!
how often do you use the doppler?? i feel like now that i know i can find the heartbeat i kind of want to check like all the time. but i'm trying to limit myself to maybe once a week? its only been a day tho and i want to check again! haha we'll see.
@sulli301: good luck at ur appt today! hope everything goes well!! i can't believe you had to wait almost 10 weeks for the first appt. i could barely wait 8 weeks.
clementine / 878 posts
Hi again ladies, how are you all? Had my second appointment today at just over 12 weeks and was relieved to hear everything is ok so far. NT scan went well too. I was told we could find out the sex of the baby at my next appointment at 16 weeks! My EDD keeps changing though, moving up. First it moved up by 1 day at my 8 week appointment then it moved up 4 more days according to today's appointment. The thing is, I know EXACTLY when the first day of my last period was so why should it keep changing?
pear / 1616 posts
@gracecat: yay! glad your nt scan went well! wow only 4 more weeks till u find out the gender! we're going team green but i'm starting to get anxious finding out if its a girl or boy! not sure if i can last... as far as dating, i think that the 8 week appt is the one that matters for dating. my ultrasound tech has been really good at explaining everything. and she said that eventually babies are going to start growing at different rates and so they use the 8 week ultrasound as the official due date. i'm not sure exactly when babies start growing at different rates but my ultrasound tech said they won't change the due date after the 8 week one.
hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts
@sulli301: Just saw this! Still 12/23!
@littlehunny: OMG so exciting!!! congrats!!
cherry / 231 posts
Sorry I'm a bit behind!
@jholler25: Congrats & welcome!
@gracecat: Glad to hear your NT scan went well!
@kodybear: I had no idea about the 8 week ultrasound and dating. Thanks for the info!
@chopsuey119: Thanks!! I don't think it has really sunk in for me yet..but I'm sure it will at my next ultrasound! My sister is sooo excited to be an Auntie and wants to go shopping for everything for the babies as soon as possible. lol
I have my next appointment with the midwife on Thursday and hopefully everything is still ok!
pomelo / 5789 posts
Just checking in to see how all the December Mama's are doing!
Not many updates here.
Stopped progesterone supplements 2 days ago. A little nervous about that.
Told work on Friday.
Finally told SO's siblings and our friends yesterday.
Morning sickness has subsided mostly. Energy has returned. Now I'm just waiting for that first movement and looking forward to our early gender scan July 14th.
Anyone else?
apricot / 370 posts
I was looking for this board for the last weeks so thank you for the latest post @travelingbrit. i'm expecting 12/14/12, and I've had real bad all day sickness and fatigue. i was hoping now that i'm in the 2nd trim it would subside, but the all day sickness is still going strong, although the fatigue is slightly better. i have my next appointment next week, though i don't think they'll do an ultrasound for this round.
glad to have found you december mamas!
clementine / 878 posts
Nausea finally went away after 14 weeks! Very happy about that. Now dealing with being tired most of the time which strangely hadn't affected me during the first trimester. We are hoping to find out the sex of the baby in just two days!
pear / 1616 posts
@travelingbrit: when are you due? thats exciting that your getting an early gender scan! so jealous of everyone whos finding out! (dh is adament about team green which is okay with me for the most part but i'm a planner so it still bugs me not to know!)
@kakimochi: welcome! sorry to hear about the morning sickness!! i hope it subsides soon!!
@gracecat: ahh let us know what you are having! i like hearing about everyone in the dec group finding out what their having!
not too much to update here. i have my 16 week appt tomorrow and anatomy scan in about 3 weeks. has anyone felt any movement yet? i think i feel little bubbles or small punches but it might just be my stomach. can't wait to be able to feel the baby more! oh yeah and i can't stop buying stuff, even if i don't know the gender! so far some clothes, converse sneakers (to match dh!), a glider, crib sheets, etc etc its an addiction!
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
@kodybear: Are you having 16w triple screen bloodwork? I'm having it on Fri and I'm nervous. Then I get the comprehensive results next week coupled with my 12w bloodwork. My nt scan was good, but I've read so many things about nt scan being normal and then getting worrisome b/w results. I just want her to be okay soooo bad!!!
I also cannot stop buying things. I'm basically out of control! I bought her a pair of 0-3 months Seven For All mankind jeans today from nordstrom rack and they are so tiny and cute it kills me! I need to slow my roll on the ridiculous stuff;)
I also started feeling bubbles/butterflies a couple of nights ago, then yesterday afternoon and this afternoon. I think it's her moving! It almost feels like gas but without the gas-lol!
pomelo / 5789 posts
@kodybear: I'm due 12-12-12 - How's that for a date My birthday is December 8th. I was originally going to spend it in Las Vegas, but now it will either be at the hospital, home with LO, or I'll be massive!
When are you due?
I always thought if I had a baby I'd want to be team Green, but i've been so anxious that I want to know everything I can about whats going on.
@Jholler25 I am so jealous of you feeling movement. I've felt a few weird little things here and there but nothing I can definitively chalk up to movement. Also jealous that you get to go shopping on weekdays! Work is so tough. I still haven't and am not going to buy anything for awhile. Still hard to believe it's real.
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
@travelingbrit: i am nosy...Are you British? I need to know if I should read your posts in a British accent:). Of all the cultures down here, I haven't met a Brit! Seems like it would be way too hot for them-lol!
pear / 1616 posts
@jholler25: yep! i think i'm doing that tomorrow. for our doctors office they have the 12 w and nt scan results together, and i guess the 16 w just kind of adds on to the previous results? so at the nt scan the dr said the b/w and nt scan results were low risk so thats good! i would assume that your doctor would've said something if there was bad results with your 12 week b/w so i wouldn't worry too much! esp with a good nt scan! but i know how nerve wracking it can be to wait for results. i hope your baby girl is doing well in there! also, ever since your post on the baby uggs i've been wanting them! trying to resist but they are so cute!!
@travelingbrit: nice!! that'd be a fun birthdate! i'm due on your birthday!
pomelo / 5789 posts
@jholler25: Yes, I'm a Brit. There's actually a lot down here, people move here for the warm weather.
Don't bother to read in a british accent though, I lost mine after moving here in High School.
I moved back to England about 4 years ago but then I met my SO who lives here - so I came back for him. Once we can get immigration stuff resolved, I would love for us to both move back.
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