Everyone I talk to seems to have only gained HALF or less of what I have so far during their pregnancy! I'm feeling like the only one who exploded!

I am 5 feet tall. I started out at 126 lbs at my first doctors appointment at 6 weeks. That's a normal weight range for me....could be less but still in the healthy range. Now I'm 30 weeks and at my last appointment (26 weeks) I weighed 166 lbs. I have scale fear at home so I don't weigh myself except at the doctors office. So it's probably even more now.

That's over 40 pounds and I still have 10 weeks left!! I'm feeling totally bummed right now. I should have saw it coming...I've not been the best eater and I haven't exercised hardly any besides some walking.

Just feeling majorly bummed. Seems like everyone else on HB gained just a small amount! I feel fat and alone (lol).