Hey February 2013 Mamas! Post here about your LO's sleep or lack there of
Hey February 2013 Mamas! Post here about your LO's sleep or lack there of
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
So last month J was sleeping really well... he went down by 8 pm and didn't get up until 5:30-6 am most days. But earlier this week, he started waking up 1x a night again.
Not sure what is going on! His two bottom teeth popped through, but they are teeny nubs and not fully in yet. Maybe that's why we're dealing with night wakings again? He wakes up around 2-3 am, then will sleep til morning.
apricot / 373 posts
Knock on wood it continues, but my kiddo goes to bed around 8 and wakes up around 7. What a life-changer.
Naps, on the other hand, are something we need to work on. Ever since he started rolling back to front, naps have gotten shorter and shorter. (He is currently in his crib, awake, on his tummy.)
kiwi / 520 posts
B has STTN for a long while now so I really can't complain on this front. We have our routine and he's usually asleep by 7/7:30 and sleeps till 6am when we have to get ready for work/daycare. On weekends he sleeps a little later and will sometimes take his first bottle and we all go back in our bed together and sleep a little more and snuggle.
He recently had a few bad nights when he started rolling over onto his belly but it seems like he's past it. He now changes positions all night long but ends up more on his belly than not. I love watching him on the video monitor wiggle all over. He's the cutest on his side, snuggled up with his A+A blanket.
Naps were all over the place for the longest time but have seemed to settle into some kind of pattern. He usually takes a short one in the morning around 1030 and a longer one in the afternoon lasting 1.5 - 2 hours. He definitely naps better at home but I'm happy to see him getting more consistent rest at daycare.
blogger / nectarine / 2010 posts
Ladies, I didn't go through pregnancy with you all, but lo is a Feb baby and I wondered if it was ok for me to post here?
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
@Mrs. Polish: OF COURSE!! I didn't really participate much on the pregnancy board either.
blogger / nectarine / 2010 posts
@Mrs. High Heels: ok thanks, because I need to talk! Isaiah's sleep has never really recovered from 4 months and I don't know what is going on!
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
@Mrs. Polish: what does his sleep look like right now?
blogger / nectarine / 2010 posts
@Mrs. High Heels: ugh.
The only consistent thing we have is that he goes to bed every night at 7. I started solids and then his teeth came in and everything went down. He woke up half hourly at night and naps were just as awful.
At the same time I moved him into his crib from the rnp. Anyone else try too much at once? ugh.
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
@Mrs. Polish: oh no! if it makes you feel any better, i would NEVER be able to tell based on how happy he looks in pictures.
do you try letting him fuss to sleep at all? would you consider sleep training? based on bee's bed timing post, right now is the ideal sleep training window.
are you still watching other kids during the day too? oh man, i don't know how you're handling it all if you are!! supermom.
pomegranate / 3983 posts
We're in the "lack there of" camp. Since 4 month regression we've been having lots of wake-ups, generally at least 4 and most often closer to 6-7!
We just this week switched from swaddle to sleep sack and that has made no difference.
pomelo / 5258 posts
My LO consistantly went to bed at 8 and woke at 4 am for about 2 months. Most of the time she would go back to sleep until 5 or 5:30. We sleep trained at 16 weeks and it made a world of difference. It cut our bedtime routine down by two hours a night.
We didn't get the 4 month sleep regression but at 5 months she started waking up 3x a night. That lined up with when we started daycare and when she started getting colds.
She got pretty sick this past weekend so we've had lots of very alert wakeups. She's been choking on phlegm and coughing until she vomits. Then she needs to be held upright by mom in order to sleep. Even then it was taking an hour and a half to get her to stop crying and fall back asleep. Last night she was feeling better and we got her to stay in her crib all night again.
kiwi / 711 posts
I don't want to say too much in case I jinx myself but we have been pretty lucky now and I owe it all to sleep training!
kiwi / 711 posts
@Mrs. Polish: Of course you should be posting with us!!
Thoughts on sleep training? It could help.
blogger / nectarine / 2010 posts
@Mrs. High Heels: I am watching kids still, and it's getting a little harder, but I do what I have to do. I tell dh daily that I'm going back to work. He is so happy most of the time. He smiles all the time, which makes everything a little easier. Also, my brothers go back to school Monday so that will make life that much easier.
@wallaroo: @Mrs. High Heels: I haven't read much about sleep training because he doesn't cry when he goes down at 7. I'm planning to nap train him when he hits six months. I know I could now, but I have him doing so many other things that I want to get him used to the crib first, and solids, and get these teeth in before I throw more at him.
He still naps in the RNP but it's in our bedroom now so it's quiet. The past two days I've let him cry a bit and he's fallen asleep, and the naps have been much better, so lets just cross our fingers that this might be figured out.
pomegranate / 3401 posts
Hi ladies! Well LO goes to bed around 8-830......sleeps to 3-ish, nurses for 45 min, goes back to sleep, then wakes up again at 5/530....ahhh! Why?!? I wish she could skip the 3a and just wake up at 5. I'm so tired in the mornings because of this.
pomegranate / 3872 posts
Hey all!
LO is a good sleeper (knocking on all the wood!) and generally STTN from 9 - 6:30/7. She's a pretty good napper, getting in one long nap from 10ish to 12:30ish. Then she takes a shorter nap in the afternoon.
She had been STTN for over a month when the 4 month sleep regression hit us pretty hard. Starting at 3.5 months, she was up every 2 hours or so for about 3 weeks! After that, though, like magic she was back to STTN with an extra hour tacked on. The last few weeks we've dealt with what could be a 6 month regression. It seems to me that there's a separation anxiety component, though because it was like the second she realized I wasn't there she would scream. I've started staying with her when I put her to bed (she's still in our room in the p n' p because maybe *I* have separation anxiety!) Instead of putting her down and tip toeing out, I put the nightlight on, brush my teeth, read in bed, etc and if she stirs, she sees I am right there and goes back to sleep. Fingers crossed, she's been back to STTN for the last 3 nights! Hopefully this will get her back on track because all jokes aside, we do want to transition her to her crib in her room soon. It'll be tough for me but I know it's the right thing for us at this point.
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
So J's naps have been terrible the last couple days - he usually goes down pretty easily, but the last 3-4 days all he wants to do is nap ON someone, or else his naps are super short (30-45 min). He also seems to be moodier when he's generally a really happy, easygoing baby... so I decided to look up the wonder weeks just in case, and lo and behold he is in WW26! He turns 26 weeks/6 months next week.
I really like how this website broke it down because it tells you when you should expect a wonder week to start and when it ends - http://www.mybabysleepguide.com/2012/01/when-are-wonder-weeks.html
Wonder Weeks and Fussy Periods:
Wonder Week 5 - fussiness starts around 5 weeks and usually lasts 1-7 days.
Wonder Week 8 - fussiness starts around 8 weeks and usually lasts 3-14 days
Wonder Week 12 - fussiness starts around 12 weeks/2.8 months and usually lasts 1-7 days
Wonder Week 19 - fussiness starts around 15 weeks/3.5 months, peaks at 17 weeks and skills appear around 19 weeks. It usually lasts 1-6 weeks **From now on Fussy periods will last longer than previously
Wonder Week 26 - fussiness starts around 23 weeks/5.3 months, peaks at 26 weeks and skills appear around 26 weeks. It usually lasts 1-5 weeks
Weeks 29/30 or 6.8 months - This isn't actually a Wonder Week, but many babies act fussy during this time as they begin to understand that their mommy can leave them. Just thought I'd let you know
Wonder Week 37 - fussiness starts around 34 weeks/7.8 months, peaks at 36 weeks and skills appear around 37 weeks. It usually lasts 3-6 weeks
Wonder Week 46 - fussiness starts around 42 weeks/9.7 months, peaks at 44 weeks and skills appear around 46 weeks. It usually lasts 3-7 weeks
Wonder Week 55 - fussiness starts around 51 weeks/11.7 months, often peaks at 53 weeks and skills appear around 55 weeks. It usually lasts 3-6 weeks
Wonder Week 64 / 14.7 months
Wonder Week 75 / 17.2 months
Over 20 months - Other wonder weeks have been documented throughout childhood. It is also suspected that adults even go through some wonder weeks.
pomegranate / 3983 posts
@Mrs. High Heels: ooo thanks for posting that- I was just wondering what happened to my chill dude! Now I know.
grapefruit / 4669 posts
You guys! LO has slept from 8pm-5am for the past 2 nights...for the first time since the 3 month growth spurt. I'M SO EXCITED!!! Even if it doesn't happen again for a long time, I got a couple nights of sleep. I read a post on here somewhere saying sometimes night wakeups are b/c they get chilly. And even though her nursery feels warm to me, I added a layer and it seems to have done the trick! For now, anyway.
pomegranate / 3983 posts
Ok ladies, I think Baby Brother is moving out (of our room) tonight! Wish us luck!
pomegranate / 3872 posts
@Baby Boy Mom: Good luck! We bit the bullet and moved LO into her crib maybe a week and a half ago and she LOVES it. Makes me feel kind of bad that we didn't do it sooner. She sleeps so much more soundly in there! Hopefully it works out the same for you!
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
@Baby Boy Mom: hope it's a smooth transition! We all slept better too once J was out of our room.
pomegranate / 3983 posts
@JerricaBenton: @Mrs. High Heels: Thanks! So far so good. It took him about 20 minutes to settle down- mostly just looking around and a tiny bit of crying (2 minutes), but we went in right away. I'm slightly concerned about what will happen when he wakes in the middle of the night and realizes I am not right next to him. For now though I'm trying to rejoice in the fact that my toddler went to bed without waking him up and I get to shower in my own bedroom tonight!!!
kiwi / 689 posts
Is anyone else going through a sleep regression? This is the worst its been since she was a newborn. Waking up every hour all night, refusing to go down for naps without being bounced completely asleep. Waking up after fifteen minutes completely hysterical. I'm totally exhausted.
I can't tell what's going on with LO. We just moved house, but her sleep has been wonky since before that and we've been pretty good about sticking to her routine. And she slept just fine when we were in a hotel for a week a month ago. Separation anxiety? Nearly crawling? Anyone else in the Feb group dealing with awful sleep?
I go back to work next week and was really hoping I could hand her over to her daycare teacher and be able to say she was putting herself to sleep for all naps. Now I get to be incompetent first time mom and explain that she has zero schedule and needs to be nursed and/or bounced for all naps.
pomegranate / 3872 posts
We're having a rough week sleepwise. I'm attributing it to new skills. She's getting into sitting position by herself and starting to crawl and pull herself up to standing.
@Elderberrygin: is she picking up anything new?
kiwi / 689 posts
@JerricaBenton: I think she's on the verge of crawling. She's been rocking back and forth on her hands and knees today. But she also seems really unsettled by the new house and all the packing and unpacking, so I don't know what it is.
kiwi / 612 posts
I've never posted in this group, but my guy was born in feb and we are also going through some kind of regression. He has figured out to roll onto his stomach, but not back, so he rolls over and then freaks out. We've been up every two hours for the past few nights. It's really rough.
kiwi / 689 posts
@sotofamilia: We went through the rolling over and getting stuck phase last month. No fun at all. Hope your little guy gets back on track soon!
kiwi / 612 posts
@Elderberrygin: thanks! I'm hoping he either figures out that it's ok to sleep on his stomach or how to roll back. I hope your LO figures out the sleeping thing soon too! It is SO HARD being a working mom when your baby is not sleeping.
pomelo / 5258 posts
@sotofamilia: You can say that again! I think it's so hard to be ANY mom when your baby is not sleeping.
I cried on the way to work today. I am so tired. LO spent the weekend night practicing rolling over and trying to crawl in her crib. Then she's had a fever since Sunday night. That's not helping her sleep either. She turned 7 months yesterday and I realized I've had at least 3 wakeups every night for 2 months straight now.
kiwi / 612 posts
@Corduroy: that is so true!! Being any mom is ridiculous on little sleep. But at least at this stage, we know their sleep eventually has to improve...right?!
I am so sorry your LO isn't sleeping either - it makes life so difficult. I hope all of our babies figure out this rolling/crawling/sleeping on their tummies soon. Lots of support to you - it is so hard.
pomegranate / 3983 posts
@Elderberrygin: Our sleep here has been horrible too! See my post right above yours about moving to the crib? Yeah that didn't happen. What has happened in these last three weeks is lots of milestones (rolling both ways back and forth, pulling to a stand, almost crawling) plus teething, plus his very first cold and some unrelated disruptions like toddler nightmares waking us up. I have been on the verge of tears more than once from lack of sleep. All I can say is hang in there momma! It doesn't last forever!
kiwi / 689 posts
@Baby Boy Mom: Thanks. I hope we're through the latest round of sleep disturbances soon. I'm worried this time because we've had to resort to desperate measures to get her to sleep and I'm not sure if she'll go to sleeping without being nursed or bounced. Not that our "normal" sleep is particularly good, but its better than this hellish period. I'm living on coffee right now.
kiwi / 689 posts
Thank the deities! She just put herself to sleep for a nap for the first time in a week. Fingers crossed for a better night tonight.
pomegranate / 3983 posts
@Elderberrygin: excellent! Just remember that it only takes babies 3 days to get used to something, so there are lots of opportunities for us to "fix" things.
kiwi / 689 posts
@Baby Boy Mom: I hadn't heard the three days rule. I'll have to keep telling myself that next time something goes wonky.
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