Hellobee Boards


Feeling lost and hopeless

  1. Ms.Badger

    clementine / 918 posts

    I only skimmed the posts so forgive me if it has been mentioned already, but my baby was like this until I figured out he was sensitive to nuts. Stopped eating nuts and he has been a lot calmer with less spitting up.

  2. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    I just wanted to offer you my support. My son is 14 weeks now, and from weeks 2-8 he was a terror several hours a day. No sleep, horrible reflux, crying, screaming, arching his back away from us. We ultimately found that he had a tongue and lip tie along with reflux. Trust your gut if you think something is wrong.
    I promise you it gets SO much better. Just take it a day at a time. If all your baby's needs are met, step away for a minute to gather your thoughts. You are not failing as a mom. You will get there little by little


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