Hellobee Boards


Gun control

  1. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    I just can't even with Congress.

    A friend of mine shared an image on facebook the other day that really hit me. It was of a little girl standing on her toilet. Her mom posted that she'd taken the picture to send to her husband like "Oh, look what our silly girl is doing!" But when she asked her daughter (who is three) what she was doing, she told her that she was practicing the lockdown drill she learned at school. She was told that if her school had a lockdown and she was in the bathroom, she was to stand up on the toilet and be absolutely silent.

    How can ANYONE think it's ok to live in a world where 3 year olds are learning to stand on a toilet in the event that someone with an assault rifle is going on a rampage through their school?!

  2. Madison43

    persimmon / 1483 posts

    @littlebug: I saw this yesterday too. Beyond heartbreaking that this is the best we can do for our kids.

  3. meredithNYC

    pomegranate / 3314 posts

    I was so pissed last night I immediately donated to Everytown for Gun Safety. F these cowardly jerks who answer to the NRA above all else.

  4. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    It's too bad that this is happening. The problem is the Senators that receive funding from the NRA.

  5. yoursilverlining

    eggplant / 11824 posts

    I just can't even with Congress. How do Republicans get away with declining to stop gun sales to suspected terrorists and are still the "patriotic" party, the "pro-America" party? Like, how is that even possible?

  6. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    In case you're curious, here are the senators who voted no last night, along with how much money they've received from the NRA. A number have received funding in the multimillion-dollar range. Keep in mind 85 percent of the general public voted in favor of expanding background checks in polls. These are the congresspeople who are accepting money from an organization in exchange for voting against the interests of 85 percent of the U.S. population. Remember that when you vote.


  7. meredithNYC

    pomegranate / 3314 posts

    @MrsSCB: Exactly. Voting is so, so important- and the only thing that will lead to significant change.

  8. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @MrsSCB: Ugh, one of my state's senators is on that list. So depressing.

  9. lawbee11

    GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts

  10. meredithNYC

    pomegranate / 3314 posts

    @lawbee11: YES. I literally got chills when I read about this.

  11. lawbee11

    GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts

    @meredithNYC: Same. Proud to be a Dem!

  12. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @lawbee11: I'm so proud of House Democrats and Senate Democrats for trying to take a stand and DO SOMETHING about this subject.

    It sucks that it takes a Filibuster or a Sit-In to get Republicans to agree to even consider any sort of gun reform. And then, as the Senate Republicans have shown us, they still vote against it despite the majority of Americans wanting these measures passed.

  13. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @lawbee11: I love this. I'm so proud to be a democrat!

  14. Madison43

    persimmon / 1483 posts

    @lawbee11: yesss! Watching Rep. Lewis's speech and then literally sit on the floor, I actually cried. So proud.

  15. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    HELLS YES!! #nobillnobreak

  16. lawbee11

    GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts

    Paul Ryan tried to regain control of the House last night and this is what happened...

  17. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts



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