Hellobee Boards


Has your SO been to any of your prenatal appointments for your current pregnancy?

  1. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    For both kids, just ultrasounds. Maybe he did come to one extra for #1 so that he could meet ob and talk about birth plan. In general he didn't have a job where he could easily come either time and I didn't care for most appts.

  2. Coffee-lover

    apricot / 340 posts

    My husband went to every one up until my 6 month mark. Then he switched jobs and no longer has the luxury of a flexible schedule to make the appointments. He is really upset he is not able to go and talks about it all the time, its really cute.

  3. ElbieKay

    pomegranate / 3231 posts

    My husband did not attend a majority of my appointments. But he did come to (1) the first appointment (2) NT scan (3) anatomy scan (4) two interviews when I decided to change providers and (4) several appointments at the end of my pregnancy when I no longer felt comfortable driving on my own -- it was too hard to check my blind spot! -- including two NSTs when I was overdue.

  4. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    I should clarify - the only reason he has come to all is that (1) my OB's office is basically across the road from his work, and (2) he has an extremely flexible schedule.


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