I have a very small extended family, so i'm not concerned about sharing the news with them. However, DH's family is HUGE, and all over the country, so it's not like i'll be seeing them together. I was just wondering how you went about spreading the news to extended family...did you call everyone? send a mass email? let your parents (or in-laws) share the news? I'm letting my mom share the news with my family because she is SO excited...should i let the MIL share with her family?

One reason i'm concerned about this is I REALLY want to keep the news off of facebook, which I think might be easier if I spread the news. I'm sure i could rely upon my MIL to tell people about our no-facebook policy, I just have to make it clear how important it is to me. (Not to threadjack my own thread, but if you have any advice on how to keep the families from spreading the news on fb, i'm all ears!)