In your pregnancy(s) how many total U/S did you have?
In your pregnancy(s) how many total U/S did you have?
91 votes
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
Both of my pregnancies I had 3 (that I remember.) dating scan, one at 17/18 weeks (due to a car accident for one & a cyst in another) and then my 20 week anatomy scan.
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
I had a lot for my last pregnancy because I had a complete previa. Around 15?
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
5 for my first (6 week, 10 week, NT scan, Anatomy Scan, and scan when I had preterm labor)
Too many to count for my second. I had scans every week in the third trimester because of suspected IUGR.
pear / 1998 posts
dating scan, 12-week, 20-week, 20-week follow up to get additional pictures (baby wouldn't corporate the first time). I'm 26 weeks now and don't have any additional ones scheduled.
nectarine / 2834 posts
dating scan, NT scan, and anatomy scan. That was it for both of them.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
6+ for sure. I pretty much got one every time I went in. And after I got GD, I had even more appts and more U/S.
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
3 for my first (4, technically, but the last one was just to check his position when I was in active labor and lasted literally like 15 seconds).
I've lost track with this one. I think I'm having either my 9th or 10th next week. I had some early bleeding, plus some placental issues they want to keep an eye on, so I've gotten once a month since 20 weeks, plus several before.
grapefruit / 4819 posts
3 each time - a dating scan, NT scan, and the anomaly scan. I was low risk and without there being any concerns, they don't do scans after the 20 week scan.
It will probably be the same this time as well unless issues arise.
pineapple / 12566 posts
A lot with both...with my first LO I had a low lying placenta so they monitored it regularly, and then there was a different concern around week 36, so we had one just to check. If there had been no problems, I probably would have only had 3. With LO2, my OB did an ultrasound every time I saw him to measure growth and I also had the regular NT and anatomy scans.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
A lot. An early dating u/s, the anatomy scan where they discovered a low lying placenta that they checked on every few weeks until 35 weeks. Then I went 12 days overdue which resulted in 2 u/s to check fluid levels and such.
nectarine / 2797 posts
First pregnancy just NT and anatomy. Second pregnancy ending in a loss I had US at 10 and 11w. This pregnancy 2 so far (6w due to bleeding and NT scan) and another coming next week (anatomy). Assuming I'll be done then unless there were any issues.
pomegranate / 3565 posts
DS1 - 4 (dating at 8 weeks, anatomy scan at 20, recheck at 24, check for weight at 37)
DS2- lost count (dating, anatomy, and weekly beginning at 32 weeks because of GD)
LO3 - 1 so far but it will be a lot because of AMA
cherry / 167 posts
A trans/vag at 7 weeks, elective for gender at 16, anatomy at 21, and a final one the day before I had him (39 weeks) to determine his estimated size (which resulted in a scheduled c/s).
grapefruit / 4355 posts
Too many to count! My OB does a quick ultrasound at every single appointment!
papaya / 10343 posts
4. One at 8 weeks for dating. Anatomy scan at 18 weeks. Scan at 24 weeks to check on the placenta because it had been low at 18 weeks. Then one in my 41st week to check fluid levels.
pomegranate / 3921 posts
I ended up having 5. One at 8 weeks, because I was freaking out due to a previous missed MC. Then an NT scan so we could make sure everything was okay before spilling the beans to DH's entire family on vacation. Then anatomy scan, then a follow-up because DD wouldn't uncurl enough for them to see her heart well at 20 weeks. Then again at around 36 weeks because I was consistently measuring behind. Usually my practice just does two--a dating scan and an anatomy scan.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
Somewhere around 7-8 for both. Dating, NT scan, anatomy scan, and then monthly until delivery due to "high-risk" (GD with LO1 and an antibody issue with #2)
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
I saw an RE first and had 2 with her first at 6&8 weeks. Then transferred to my OB and had one at 10 weeks and then the NT scan at 12 and anatomy at 18 which wasn't clear so they had to repeat at 22. I will have one more in 2 weeks at 36 weeks. For a grand total of 7
pear / 1739 posts
With DD I had 8 and DS I had 4.
With DD I was part of clinic that did free ultrasounds for people training to be techs. I also had lots of complications.
With DS I had one extra ultrasound because I slipped into a car door (thank you Michigan ice storm) and he wasn't moving much. You typically have 3 here.
cantaloupe / 6751 posts
With LO1, I had a dating scan, NT scan, and anatomy scan at 22 weeks - so 3 total.
With lo2, we have different insurance and idk if the NT scan will be covered. Hopefully it will!
pear / 1580 posts
I had something like 8+. But that's because he was an IVF baby plus the fact that at the NT scan, there was some concern, so we had two additional ones to check on stuff. Then one more at 37.5 weeks while I was waiting for pre-e blood test results. (All turned out fine.)
pear / 1593 posts
Oh gosh, I have no idea. I had probably 4 in the first trimester because of bleeding, and previous loss. Then I got classified high risk, and had monthly during 2nd tri, and bi-weekly in 3rd tri.
hostess / papaya / 10540 posts
3. Initial visit, NT, and at the end to check baby's head position.
pomelo / 5607 posts
I dint know exactly, but if it wasn't 6+ It would have gone into labor preterm. With R it was 10+ that I can remember, maybe more.
persimmon / 1322 posts
I had two. One dating scan and one anatomy scan. If my pregnancy hadn't happened right after an early miscarriage, I would have only had the anatomy scan. If I see the same midwife group next time, I'll most likely only have one scan as well.
nectarine / 2973 posts
5. Dating, NT, and then three anatomy scans because they couldn't get a good look at everything.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
With my RE, I had them weekly from week 5-8, then graduated to my OB. Had them at the OB about every 2-3 weeks. I did have to see a pediatric heart dr to check something that Ivf babies have a slight increase in getting. (All clear). Oh, since I had twins, I could have seen a MFM (high risk dr) but I stayed at my OB. I did see an MFM after I had some spotting at 14 weeks, it was a SCH. I was in the hospital twice for HG at 8 & 12 weeks but I don't think I had ultrasounds during those visits. (Edited; Oh, I saw a MFM during one of my stays... It was a scheduled appt not related to my HG. So instead of missing it because I was in the hospital, one of the nurses wheeled me down. I'm glad that my hospital and Dr's office was all in the same complex.) Oh, I had a shortened cervix from weeks 18-20 weeks which resolved itself. Then at 28 weeks, my water broke (PPROM) and I was on hospital bedrest until 34 weeks when I was induced. I had weekly ultrasounds.
Wow, I just realized that I had a lot of pregnancy complications. (Forgot about most of it til now.) With HG, SCH, twin pregnancy, shortened cervix, PPROM and standard u/s related to IVF, I had a ton of ultrasounds. At least 20. I need to go back and count.
ETA: I just counted... I had 25 u/s during the pregnancy. Heh, heh... Good thing my twins are healthy.
persimmon / 1461 posts
@Mrs.KMM: Same as my OB. I had two in his office at 7 & 10, then the big one at 12, again in office at 16, big one at 20, and a quick scan every month (and now week) that I've seen OB.
pear / 1812 posts
With DD I had 6 The three normal ones and three 3D ones (one was a bonus because she couldn't find the gender and had to reschedule). With DS, A bunch. The normal ones at first but then I was diagnosed with GD and have had one weekly until birth (in 3 days!!!)
coconut / 8483 posts
3. Dating around 7 weeks. Nt at 12-13 weeks. Anatomy at 18-20 weeks.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
4. Dating at 8 weeks, NT at 12 weeks, anatomy at 18 weeks, and fluid check from early labor at 23 weeks.
grapefruit / 4418 posts
4 with my first (1 elective). I have already had 3 with this one at 12 weeks and I'll have at least 2 more depending on what this cyst does.
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