Hellobee Boards


How many U/S did you have?

  • poll: How many U/S in your prengnacy? (multiple replies enabled)
    0 : (0 votes)
    1 : (1 votes)
    1 %
    2 : (13 votes)
    13 %
    3 : (22 votes)
    22 %
    4 : (13 votes)
    13 %
    5 : (13 votes)
    13 %
    6+ : (40 votes)
    39 %
  1. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    Standard at my OB practice are dating, NT and anatomy scan. With my first we paid for an elective scan during the third trimester as well.

  2. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    A lot since DS was an IUGR baby. I'm getting quite a few this pregnancy to hopefully catch/prevent another IUGR baby. It's paying off already because DD is measuring a bit small at 22 weeks.

  3. Mrs. Peanut

    apricot / 347 posts

    Standard at my OB's office is one at 20 weeks. That's it. I got an US done today at 9w0d due to left pelvic pressure. LO was perfect, but they explained that wasn't standard. Assuming nothing goes wrong, I'll have two.


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