My brother and I were raised in a very Republican-work-hard-stand-on-your-own-two-feet type of household. He posted on Facebook about how Uncle Sam must love him, since as a single guy who rents and has no kids, he doesn't get much in the way of tax breaks.

The first comment was from a family member who had a child (intentionally) out of wedlock, while unemployed and living with her parents. She went off on him saying that he should pay more because people like her needed that money more than him and it wasnt fair that he made so much money.

Uhhhh what? He (and I) both went to college (on academic scholarships that we busted our butts to earn!) and work incredibly demanding jobs.

I absolutely hate the mentality that the world "owes" something. SHE made her decisions, no one else, and she needs to deal with the consequences.

During the state of the union address, I feel like Obama perpetuated this entitlement mentality, with his calls for increasing the federal minimum wage by nearly 25% and attempting to pit rich against poor.

What happened to personal responsibility? Has anyone else noticed this entitlement mentality?