Hellobee Boards


IF Check in - 11/7

  1. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @Happygal: Doing good had bad sharp pains today at 10DPIUI...doubt it was implantation cramping I don't think they would hurt that bad?!?!?! But feeling good, Nov 18th baby come soon enough...lol

    How are thinhs w/ you?

  2. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @bluestriped bee: Wow, what a crazy plan! You at least live near the airport, right? Maybe you can convince him to just pack a carry on? Or lets just hope you get that +OPK earlier

    @Happygal: I saw you're now in the TWW! Definitely doesn't sound like lazy ovaries How is your lining doing?

    I had a good appointment with my ND today. I gave her the latest bloodwork from the RE and she explained it to me and suggested a few things. I still can't believe that the RE just ignored it. Also, the ND thinks its a great idea to go see the perionatologist, so she signed my referral and sent off my records.

    I already love the perio's office. They called almost right away and even remembered me from my call last week. That appointment is on Tuesday.

    I also have an appointment with my nutritionist tomorrow to hopefully start adding some things back into my diet (hello, ice cream!)

    And on top of this all, work is beyond slammed. I'd love to fast forward to December...

  3. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @bluestriped bee: that an is intense schedule! It sounds like you can pull it off though. I'm sorry again about how things happened today, but I'm glad you have a good plan in place.

    @faithfertility: cramps could be a very good thing. Will you be POAS on the 18th? Are you keeping busy this TWW?

    @mrs.someone: excellent move forward! Sounds like good vibes from the perio--looking forward to hearing what they have to say. Are you still making getting lots of Etsy orders? What ice cream will you be eating?

    I believe I'm in the TWW now. It was a surprise--I went in Sat. morning and left with them saying I may do the trigger that night or Sunday morning. The message they left for me on Sat. afternoon was to take the trigger right then! I was out in the country with friends, so I had to drive back in to take the big 'ole shot. Then it was an explosive fight with my husband. He has weird ideas about IUIs and had finally made up his mind on that day that he wasn't going to do it. We fight about stupid stuff, but this was our first big fight about a serious matter. So getting over being really mad with each other in order to have TI was not an easy task. I'm not feeling positive about this TWW--I might feel differently had we done the IUI. Is that bad? Can I positively wish myself pregnant?

  4. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @Happygal: I actually cut the Etsy orders off on 10/31 because they take 2 weeks to get to me from the manufacturer, then I need to put them together and ship. Its been a TON of work, but I think it will still be considered profitable.

    Sorry to hear about your fight with your husband I think whats done is done for this cycle, hopefully it will work and you won't have to worry about whats next.

  5. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @Happygal: Man I hope so :))) I am typical work and everyday lIfe but it seems to be taking FOREVER! I go in for BW on the 18th

  6. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: yeah, it's crazy and we are close to the airport. (In no traffic, we can get to the airport in 15 minutes. ) I just told DH the plan and it will be a super early day for the both of us but he thinks its doable. He will be traveling back east so he will need to check a bag. It's okay.

    @Happygal: thanks!

    Well, I just felt a bit overwhelmed leaving work. With my BFN & AF starting off my morning, then followed by phone calls to and from the RE and pharmacy, I wasn't very productive psychologically and emotionally. I stayed late to make up for it. Realized I have some many projects that I have to keep track of. Then all the dr appts I have coming up. So I felt kinda crazy and overwhelmed while leaving work. Almost got upset on my way home but luckily a good song popped on the radio and lifted my mood. (Posted a thread on it.)
    Staying upbeat. Can't get too upset. Moving forward. I got a lot of emails out before I left work so I just have to wait for the replies. Work will be fine. Breathe.

    Vent over. Wanted get that off my chest. I do feel better admitting it and thinking things through.

  7. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    May I do a little pouty pout pout?

    I have a friend who tried to get pregnant for three years. That's a long time. She's so happy now that has had her baby, and I'm happy for her. But. . . her FB posts though as killing me! I love the happy pictures, but she keeps posting articles about how being a mom is so awesome and tagging all our newly recent mom friends in it. Then they all comment and call each other mommas and tell each other they're awesome. Last picture was of all the new moms out with their babies together. It's like a new mom clique, I'm not included, and it's hard to see.

    I feel badly thinking that b/c she tried for so long and is just so happy. But I know I can be honest here.

  8. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @Happygal: hugs hugs hugs.

  9. justdarling

    apricot / 452 posts

    @Happygal: Big Hugs! You would think that she would be more sensitive since she had such a long journey. I don't even want to make an announcement on FB (when the time is right) about our pregnancy. I know how it feels to see all of those posts and I don't want to make anyone feel bad.

  10. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @bluestriped bee: sending you so many hugs! You're doing an awesome job balancing things. You'll get through it!

    @Happygal: sending you hugs as well. There are days when I don't even know why I'm on FB anymore. I decided not to announce there because seeing new mamas/babies/announcements completely killed me this year. If I am honest, in a way, sometimes they still hurt in a very bizarre way. I hope that you can find some peace.

    Love to all

  11. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @Happygal: OMG, you totally deserve to pouty pout about that one. Can you hide her? Or do you feel comfortable having a heart-to-heart with her about it? Maybe it will make her remember what it feels like and be more sensitive about it. Unfortunately, I've hidden most of my new mom friends, especially the mom-activists.

    And I totally agree with the others about not making a FB announcement about pregnancy. I'm pretty sure I won't be doing that when the time comes, or if I do I may reference the rough road it took to get there.

  12. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: sounds about right. I mean, there is a part of me that wants to celebrate, but at the same time, even seeing those announcements while pregnant is still hard. So if we had decided to announce, it absolutely would have included a reference to the road to get there.

  13. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @LovelyPlum: You are such a humble person, even PG you dint forget the road to get there!

  14. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    Thanks everyone for letting me pout it out.

    @Mrs.Someone: "mom activists"--that's a perfect way to put it! I feel torn about FB. I don't want people to fee like they have to hide their joy, and the fact is that if wasn't on FB, it would be somewhere else. It's just a bitter pill to swallow with this whole shebang. I would love to share something if/when that time comes--I like the idea of letting people know what it took to get there. If anything does go on FB, a lot of thought will be put into what goes up and how it should be phrased.

  15. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @FaithFertility: I think once you've seen the other side, it's hard to forget. I also know I wouldn't want to!

    Rooting for you this cycle, lady!

  16. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @LovelyPlum: Very true,
    Thank you, much this TWW seems forever......Monday can't come soon enough!


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