Hellobee Boards


IF Check In - 1/22

  1. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @bluestriped bee: Congrats on the move. I hope things go well for your DH tomorrow!

    @bhbee: Google is evil! I know that I have seen ladies on these boards and on Weddingbee have varying levels of "darkness" on the lines over a couple of days. I am crossing my fingers that it all works out for you

    @FaithFertility: FX for you!

  2. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    My very sweet SO knows how hard this cycle was for me and I came home from work today to a dozen beautiful red roses So sweet...made me weepy all over again

  3. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @mrswin: that is soooo sweet!!!!!!

  4. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @mrswin: that's a good man! I hope it helped to brighten your day.

  5. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @bluestriped bee: Alright! Glad things are working out! Keep us posted!!!

  6. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @mrswin: How amazingly sweet. They really surprise us sometimes, don't they

  7. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @mrswin: aww, so sweet!

  8. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    is it weird if I hope for a low beta tomorrow? I know in my heart this isn't viable and I'm ready to move on . . .

  9. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @bhbee: no, I don't think it's weird. You know your body, and I understand wanting to be out of limbo and in clear territory once again. Are you going to POAS at home today, or just wait until tomorrow?

  10. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @bhbee: I don't think it is weird, but it makes me so sad for you. Did you ever end up telling your DH?

  11. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @mrswin: That's awesome!

  12. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @Happygal: I did POAS this morning, though I told myself it was the last time (we'll see). it's still positive but I think it may be dropping off. I've had quite a collection of BFP pee sticks over the years for only one baby! but you know what I decided, I shouldn't get down on my biology too much because I did succeed once (whether through the right dosages or just luck) and carried a healthy little girl to term and that is pretty awesome even if takes me extra time to get there again. my heart is ready to move on and I just need my body to catch up.

    @LovelyPlum: yes, I told him yesterday morning - I always find it awkward and I probably made it worse. we do daycare drop-off together and then he drops me at work (only one car). so I told him on the very short drive between daycare and my office. he doesn't really get what I feel - it's not crushing to him in the same way, plus he's caught up in his own drama this week - but he is trying to be supportive.

  13. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    Here's my update: we spoke to my RE yesterday about our next steps. A lot of questions and information, but we've decided to go forth with laparoscopy for a number of reasons, and it's scheduled for March 21st. I hate that it's so far off, but they only do surgery on Fridays and it has to line up with my cycle.

    So Feb and March are IF drug free for me, and I don't have a lot of hope that we'll see a BFP during that time. Patience is definitely required in this process.

  14. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    @mrswin: that's so thoughtful!

    @bhbee: I've still got fingers crossed for you for whatever the right outcome will be.

    @happygal: fingers crossed that the next 2 months are pleasant without having to worry about side effects .

    Update: I'm on CD18 now and not sure if I'm in the 2ww or not but my boobs are really sore and I've noticed a lot more CM within the past week. I've never experienced this in the past so it's kind of weird to me. I'm tempted to POAS but trying to hold out til my lab work this weekend. Initially I was going to go in for my lab work on Friday but a friend reminded me that it would be bad luck to do so because of Chinese New Year. Anyone else have lingering side effects from when they were on Femara?

  15. Shutterbug

    grapefruit / 4703 posts

    @Happygal: so is the lap to check for endo? Are you knocked out for that? I'll be your IF med-free buddy for the next two cycles! (well... I'll be on bcp for March, but no shots! haha)

  16. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @lazypanda: No, femara didn't seem to cause lingering effects for me, and that was one thing I liked about it! When do you think you ovulated?

    @shutterbug: I feel like we should do something positive during our med free months. Ideas? How are you feeling these days?

    The lap is to check for the endo he is pretty sure is there, and then take anything out he sees. Definitely will be knocked out from anywhere to 45 minutes to 3-4 hours. He said this will hopefully help with the pain I've been having, and also give us a good idea about how we should proceed--more IUIs with higher dosage, or right to IVF.

    If they called and asked me to come in tomorrow, I would. I'm just ready to have it done and hopefully have some answers. Unexplained infertility is hard b/c you don't know what you're battling, why it isn't happening. I asked them to call me if they have anyone cancel for February!

  17. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    @happygal: I think I ovulated on CD12-13 as that was when the LH test showed the line to be about the same color as the control line. The last few days, the lines were not as dark. RE had told me to come in for lab work on CD21 (really to check my progesterone) and make sure it's >10. Maybe the meds are working really well and, as you mentioned previously, I'm just really more aware of ovulation symptoms? I'm no longer feeling achy but the pulls/pinches in my uterus as well as the breast tenderness is totally new to me this cycle. Or maybe I'm just getting too hopeful and attributing everything to the meds in the hopes that this cycle is will result in a BFP?

  18. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @lazypanda: fingers crossed this is THE cycle for you! It's too early for pregnancy symptoms, but more CM post ovulation is a sign of rising progesterone, I believe, and that is a good thing.

  19. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @bhbee: I think you are feeling what anyone in your position would feel.

    You are in my thoughts tomorrow, keep us updated either way! Praying for you!

  20. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @Happygal: Sounds like you have a good plan! Hoping your IF med free months are fun ands relaxing!!! Praying you get answers and your blessing soon!!!!

  21. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @FaithFertility: @Happygal: @lazypanda: @LovelyPlum: Thanks ladies, it was very sweet. I can count on one hand how many times he has bought me flowers in the 5 years we have been together!

  22. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @Happygal: Good luck with the lap. I had one a year ago and all things considered it wasn't bad. The worst part of the recovery was the shoulder pain from the gas trying to escape. I spent two days with a hot compress on my shoulder

    @bhbee: There is nothing wrong at all with the way you feel. I hope that you get your answers soon so that you can feel more settled.

    @lazypanda: You may have ovulated anywhere from 12-36 hours after your surge so ovulation could happen a little later. Good luck with the CD21 progesterone test

  23. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    @happygal and @mrswin: thanks! it's so nice to have your perspective on what I'm experiencing. Since I have anovulatory cycles, there is no "normal" cycle for me. I've had periods anywhere from 20 days to 80+ days so every symptom and change feels so weird. According to the MyDays app, if my avg cycle is 45 days, I'm not supposed to O until 2/3. :sigh:


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