I'm a *little* obsessive when it comes to clothes. haha! I mean, I try to take very good care of all of our clothes, even cheap stuff. I hang dry almost everything. And even iron most of LOs clothes - they look so much nicer!

So as I am putting clothes away in "to save" or "to give away" piles, I'm a bit conflicted.

I know we will try for another one. I know my sister wants a DD and will eventually have one. I don't mind giving nice clothes to my sister and she is happy for any of K's hand-me-downs. Thing is... she doesn't take as much care into laundry and keeping the clothes nice and not faded, not shrunk, etc. as I do. Therefore, "getting clothes back" is not really a good option I can think of.

So, IF she has a girl before we have #2, I'm not sure if I want to pass along all of K's nice outfits. Of course, it wouldn't matter if our #2 ends up to be a boy! It sounds selfish right?

So, WWYD about hand-me-downs? Do you save all of the nice things for yourself "in case" or just forward most of it on to others? (FWIW, my sister and other friends wanting K's clothes is not in the distant future. I mean, most of it would be claimed as she outgrows stuff!)