... I can see why people use sleep deprivation as a form of torture

I've been unable to fall asleep AND stay asleep this entire pregnancy (at week 20 now). The earlier weeks, I was on Unisom for morning sickness and that helped me fall asleep at least, but I stopped for the past 2 weeks and I'm seriously dying here. I get maybe 2 hours a night? I usually go to bed around 10. Lie there, restless, toss and turn, get up to pee from about 10-3am finally fall asleep for a couple hours, wake up, Toss and turn, then fall asleep again and wake up at 7 or 8. It's driving me crazy.

I can understand insomnia during third tri but anyone suffer from it the entire pregnancy? What did you do? I'm trying to do all the right things - no tv before bed, no phone in bed, etc. but nothing is helping and I'm at my wits end