"Don't gain anymore weight and try to stick to fruits and vegetables" -my OB.

Ok, I've gained 29lbs supposedly. I say supposedly because she didn't weight me until I was 10w along and by then I had lost 4-5 pounds because of morning sickness. So, she says I was 120 pre-pregnancy and actually, at 0w-4w pregnant, I was more like 125ish.
i'm 33w2d along now.

Now, I am on a diet of fruits and vegetables? I don't think this is fair because he is measuring right on target (in fact, a few days shy).

She says to walk too (which I am but I know not nearly enough or not nearly fast enough). I am OK with the increased activity level she's asking for.
And It's not that i'm not OK with watching my food intake: But, to me, skim milk, oatmeal, brown rice, yogurt and other similar foods are acceptable foods, right? I can't imagine eating salad for the next 6 weeks...And all for what? to avoid the 5 pounds I might gain?
She (my OB) apparently didn't gain an ounce while pregnant (with twins mind you) : I saw pictures!
Ahh...sorry...I just have felt like crap every since my appointment.

Anyone else been put on a pregnancy diet, ever? How did you survive? I am eyeing the cupcake my best friend saved me from my own baby shower yesterday that I didn't get to touch:(