pineapple / 12053 posts
@littlebug: congrats!! Love his name and his full head of hair! Thanks for posting your birth story! I need to write up mine!
grapefruit / 4235 posts
Leo Harrison
7 lbs 1.7 oz 20 inches
842 pm
More later...I'm exhausted!
honeydew / 7504 posts
@dagret: Congrats! I think Leo may be the first blonde newborn I've ever seen! What a cutie!
pear / 1895 posts
@dagret: congrats!
I don't think this baby is ever coming out. +1 past due date and counting...
grapefruit / 4235 posts
So Leo's birth was long and had some unexpected ...
lost my mucus plug sun am, pre labor contractions started at 9 am. Got checked and sent home from l and d at 11 that night- they gave me ambien and I was hallucinating all night that my contractions were objects. Each one looked different. It was SO WEIRD and I don't think it helped me actually get any sleep.
Went to the hospital at 545 am Mon. (thankfully i had off for the holiday ) and my water broke with meconium in it as we were walking in.. I was 3 cm when I was admitted, and went to 5-6 cm by 9 am, but I stalled at 6 cm and got an epidural and pitocin around at 1:45 pm.
I pushed for about an hour and Leo was born at 842 pm covered in meconium and with the cord wrapped around his neck. They got him out right away, cut his cord and whisked him away working on him immediately. My husband was crying and all I could say was oh, oh, oh! And "I feel so empty." I was too worried about him to even cry. Really scary after he was born bc of the meconium, it can be really serious. But they didn't have to send him to the NICU. He is breastfeeding like a champ already and the pediatrician says he looks great.
So I got an epidural with pitocin, no delayed cord clamping, and no immediate skin to skin, but Leo is here safe and healthy so that's all that matters.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
Hope to type up a recap soon! Our little man is here - born Monday afternoon after a very successful induction. 9lb 2oz and 21 inches. We feel so blessed are totally in love !
pear / 1965 posts
@coacheswife123: Yay! CONGRATS!!! So happy he is here! Cant wait to hear more details.
Well, the flu is def going around here. Thought it was going to miss me. I THOUGHT WRONG!!! If being 39 weeks pg doesnt make me miserable enough, lets add the flu. I thought I was going to cough this baby out last night. I had some good contractions though last night. Man I thought maybe it was going to be the day. But of course they stopped and went away after about 3 hrs. So here I work....very sick...and on 3 hrs of sleep. Ohhhhhh UGH!!!!!
pineapple / 12053 posts
@coacheswife123: congrats!
@Rescuemom10: yeah, boo to the flu! i had it at 38 weeks. it's the suck.
i typed up my birth story here:
thought it was easier to post the link than repost the whole thing here, but the short story is: my water broke at 8:30 am at 39 weeks and 3 days. i went for a long walk where surges started. i labored at home for 2 hours where i went through transition. i got to the hospital at 1 pm and delivered my daughter without pain meds at 3:15 pm!
pineapple / 12793 posts
@coacheswife123: congrats! Glad he wasn't too too big
@Rescuemom10: hope you feel better soon. Flu+pregnancy=no bueno.
@birdofafeather: your birth story is the one I wanted! Congrats again! Row is gorgeous!
pineapple / 12053 posts
@oliviaoblivia: thanks! i'm sorry you didn't get the natural birth you wanted. hope you're healing up all right!
pineapple / 12793 posts
@birdofafeather: meh. I got the baby I wanted and that's all that matters:) my c section recovery has been remarkably easy. I was back to normal after a week. Now if only I could get my old jeans on...
pomelo / 5331 posts
@coacheswife123: Yay!! Congrats!!
@Rescuemom10: Oh, no -- please rest!
grape / 89 posts
Sorry I'm just now posting!
Liam Charles was born at 4:33pm on Friday January 18 by c-section. He weighed 9lbs 6ozs! Big boy!! I was induced
at 1 am that Friday and by 4 pm had only progressed to 4 cm. I was on oxygen for the baby's heart rate and had an epidural already due to back labor pains (epi was not
Working well on my left side). We decided to proceed with a section. It was a good decision bc I would not have been able to deliver him. Baby was not breathing well when he was delivered due to fluid in his lungs and had to be taken to the nicu. I lost a lot of blood due to my uterus being too tired to contract. The baby was finally brought to me at 7:45 and was doing fantastic. I had to have a blood transfusion and antibiotics the next day due to a fever and blood loss. The blood really helped and I turned the corner so to speak shortly after.
Overall, it was a really rough delivery and recovery and nothing I could have planned, but mom and baby are home and happy!
And here is Mr. Liam!
pomelo / 5628 posts
@oliviaoblivia: I'm still not in my old jeans and it's been 3 1/2 months! Ugh.
pineapple / 12053 posts
@Kffw: he's such a cutie! Sorry you had such a rough delivery but I'm glad you're both doing well!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@dagret: ok look at him! Congrats honey !!!
@allison: thinking happy baby thoughts for you mama !
@Rescuemom10: I hope you are feeling better by now !!!
@oliviaoblivia: love your attitude girl !!! If it makes you feel any better the damage LO did to my lady bits is unreal. It's 2nd degree but REALLY crazy how I tore so required lots of stitches. I'm scared to look down there.
@ladyfingers: how are you ma'am ??
@Kffw: big boy !!! He is sooo precious !
Here is our chunk :
pear / 1965 posts
@Kffw: & @coacheswife123: What handsome boys! So, so beautiful!!!
Im feeling discouraged today. Little emotional but so far have kept it together. DH and I went for my appt today where the doc was going to try to strip my membranes. We ran into someone we know who then asked DH "When do you leave again?" In which my DH responded "one month from today".
I know he is leaving next month, but I just had not realized it was a month from today. I just got this horrible sinking feeling and felt horrible waddling along wishing LO would come already so she could have what little precious time possible with her daddy.
I know how dilated and effaced I am doesnt mean anything really, its why I chose not to get checked last time. But this time he was going to try to do a sweep. I wasnt dilated enough and he couldnt do it. I just wanted to cry. I know I cant control it, I know it doesnt mean anything and I know it doesnt always work. But with DH leaving so soon I just feel all this added anxiety in wanting her here ASAP.
I had to go back to work and I am trying so hard to keep it together. Im trying so hard not to be but I am super upset.
pineapple / 12793 posts
@Kffw: so glad you and Liam are doing well. He's so cute.
@coacheswife123: sorry about your lady parts he's totally worth it though! So cute! I love baby chub!
@Rescuemom10: I'm hoping your LO comes soon! Hang in there.
pear / 1895 posts
So I was supposed to have a doctor appt today, but it got cancelled bc of bad weather. Anyway, the dr. just called me to chat about things and basically told me she wants to induce on Monday. I just really don't want to! I've been having more regular contractions the last couple days, and I've been feeling more pressure "down there". I am hopeful that I'll go into labor on my own soon. But she started talking about increase of stillbirth, etc, and it really got me freaked out. Talked to my doula, and she made me feel better, but still. I think I'm going to try to get into an acupuncture place tomorrow ($150!) to do an induction. Hopefully that'll work. If not, I'm going to have a non-stress test on Monday. Fingers crossed!
cherry / 165 posts
Congrats to all you ladies and your beautiful babies! It's been a rough two weeks since having the little one I've been out of the loop! But since we are sharing pictures of our little ones, here's two that DH took of Maxim the other day....
pear / 1965 posts
@allison: Been thinking about you. Hopefully LO comes soon for you. My doc just talked to me yesterday about induction as well. Told me to "start thinking about it".
I dont love the idea of it. But with DH leaving so soon im starting to feel like I am "bending" on the idea of it. Just because each day she doesnt come is a little more dissapointing because its one less day he has with her.
Hopefully the acupuncture can help get things rolling for you.
Fingers crossed for you as well!
pear / 1895 posts
@Rescuemom10: Thank you. I know we're both ready to have these babies!
Update: I've got an acupuncture appt for Monday morning. I found a cheaper place, only $60/visit, and she specializes in prenatal/postpartum.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
Thinking of you ladies ! Can't wait to see you on the postpartum thread soon !!!
apricot / 426 posts
Saige was born on jan 21! (That's the female spelling)
More later...
honeydew / 7504 posts
@heartsnsunshine: That little lion hat is too cute! What s beautiful baby!
@Jumpingjacks: Congrats! I do love the name Saige!
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@littlebug: congratulations! what a handsome little guy. holy cow you went through a lot--go momma! hope you guys are settling in well.
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@BlueWolverine: congratulations and welcome to alice! i hope you are recovering well at home and enjoying your new family!
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@heartsnsunshine: oh my lord those beautiful eyes. hope everything is okay. congratulations!
@Jumpingjacks: congratulations! love the name saige.
@coacheswife123: your little chunk!
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