grapefruit / 4235 posts
@birdofafeather: knock on wood, I don't have it yet either. @coacheswife123: aah!
honeydew / 7504 posts
@birdofafeather: Nope, no AF here, yet, either! The past couple of months I've gotten cramps, though, which is weird. Maybe my uterus is gearing up. Like, get ready, lady... Duh-duh-duh....
pineapple / 12053 posts
@littlebug: i've had cramps too and i keep thinking that AF is around the corner, but nothing! knock on wood!
clementine / 750 posts
Nothing yet. I don't want to wean to get it back, but I'm 40 now and time's a wasting if we want a second and we do. We had to do IUI wioth injectibles to get our first so who knows.
pear / 1895 posts
No AF for me, either. With all this night waking/nursing he's doing, it probably won't return for awhile, I'm guessing. Fine by me!
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@kayakgirl73: We had to do IUI too, so I kind of want it to come back so we can get cracking again. We have to try 6 mo before the RE will take us back.
pear / 1895 posts
@littlebug: @birdofafeather: okay, y'all tell me about your cramps. Because, of course, as soon as I posted the other day, I start having AF symptoms! I've got some serious EWCM going on and pretty painful cramping. I don't remember having ovulation pain, but maybe? I wouldn't expect it to be this painful, though, and it doesn't seem to be on just one side...
honeydew / 7504 posts
@allison: Yup, that's exactly what I've had the past couple of months. Some pretty intense EWCM, then cramps. I never remembered having ovulation pains, either, but maybe that's it? Seriously, pregnancy jacked my sh!t UP.
honeydew / 7091 posts
Anyone still AF-free? I think I want to get pregnant again just to avoid it again - best year of my life!
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@swurlygurl: I'll probably jinx myself, esp b/c i've felt crampy the past few days, but still no AF here.
cherry / 165 posts
No af here either! Woop woop lol I haven't had one since last easter, i forget what they are like hehe
pineapple / 12053 posts
No AF for me so to get insurance, I have to go to a clinic tomorrow to show proof of a negative pregnancy test!
pineapple / 12053 posts
@allison: ha! I think if I said I had it regularly in the last 6 months, they wouldn't have asked. PTL, it's negative!
pineapple / 12053 posts
oh hey! some of us have 1 year olds! crazy! i'm in a good season now. work is slow and DH is slow at work too as he transitions from school to work FT. i fell out of practice with exercising, so i'm trying to incorporate that back into my routine so i feel good about myself as well! i'm excited about getting into the mommyhood phase where i have some me time (something DH and i agreed that i need!) and not feeling guilty about taking the time off (or worrying about having to pump!)
grapefruit / 4235 posts
Well, my period has arrived this morning - explains why L has been unhappy at the boob lately and what a b! I've been for the past week.
pineapple / 12793 posts
@dagret: I'll be a January mom again. Due Jan 1 2015.
Saw you post in February moms - congrats!!!
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@oliviaoblivia: thanks - congratulations to you! Literally just found out. I think i'm in shock over 3 cycles of ttc vs 21 cycles the first time...
honeydew / 7091 posts
@dagret: 7 months pregnant with #2!!
It's getting kind of crazy to think about having 2 babies, when it didn't seem *that* long ago that I was soooo anxiously waiting for #1.
honeydew / 7091 posts
@oliviaoblivia: Oh man, that's going to be a busy birthday month for you!! If you're having another girl, it's nice that your clothing is all going to be the right season!
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@swurlygurl: I knew you were pregnant, but not that you were to 7 months! Phew!
ETA: my coworker has a son 3 days younger than L and had her 2nd in April. She said so far the pregnancy/toddler combo was worse than the newborn/toddler combo. Good luck!
pear / 1599 posts
@oliviaoblivia @dagret: and @swurlygurl: Congrats!! I cant believe 3 of you are already pregnant
I am currently in my TWW, crossing my fingers!
pineapple / 12053 posts
@dagret: @oliviaoblivia: @swurlygurl: wow! so crazy awesome! congrats again ladies!
@pinkb: i know two of my other IRL januaryish mamas are PG with #2 and a couple of other HB january moms! good luck!
i'm not there mentally yet. i think i would be in maybe 6ish months (although i am kinda getting baby fever) but that's not the best timing wise, so we'll probably start TTC again in the beginning of 2015.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
Not me but definetly starting to go there in my head !!! We will prob start TTC a year from now.
I was so excited to see this thread pop up. Congrats mamas!
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@birdofafeather: Thanks! well to be honest I assumed that we'd take a long time again and needing the RE, and you have to try for 6 months before mine will take you back, so I thought that really we were looking at a September-October pregnant timeline, but that didn't happen (thankfully.)
Good luck when you get back to TTCing!
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@coacheswife123: Thanks! I was just thinking about you the other day. I haven't been as active on here as I used to be.
pineapple / 12053 posts
@dagret: that's great that it happened quickly this time around!
coincidentally, every one of my friends PG with #2 right now got KU either first month TTC or not-on-purpose.... so i'm very aware of the timing issue in terms of making sure i'm mentally ready. it's just so much more real to me and talking about #2, i actually know what it entails instead of the idea of being a parent with #1... obviously, we've been thinking a lot about the future kiddos recently! ha.
@coacheswife123: i was also excited to see this thread! miss you mamas!
pineapple / 12793 posts
@swurlygurl: My maternity wardrobe is perfectly timed! I'm secretly praying for another girl. L has too many beautiful things that were hardly worn.
@pinkb: Good luck!
I miss you guys!
honeydew / 7091 posts
I missed everyone too! We need to do a catch up on how all our babies are doing! Well, toddlers...
Almost everyone I know IRL got pregnant super quickly with #2, even the ones that took a year+ to get pregnant the first time. It's crazy how that works... We definitely got pregnant much quicker than I was expecting!
@birdofafeather: @pinkb: @dagret: Thanks!!
honeydew / 7504 posts
Congrats to all the 2nd-time mamas on this board! I am nowhere near ready for #2, and we're not even sure we're going to try for #2. Up until about 2-3 months ago, I was absolutely, for sure, no way having a 2nd. But then my coworker brought her 6-week old in to visit, and my ovaries twitched, and then the other day I was holding Daxon and the thought popped up, "Man, I kind of wish he would latch on and we could nurse again...I miss that." So that was weird. Cuz I haven't really missed bf'ing at all since we stopped. So we'll see.
We just moved in with my parents while we wait to close on our new house, and I'm between jobs, so I'm a SAHM this week and next. Dude, this shit is HARD. And I have help! I do NOT think I could do this full time! Wow.
pear / 1895 posts
I'm due with #2 on Christmas day! Yikes... I'll probably end up as a January mom, though.
I'm glad to hear from all of you! Congrats to the other second-time mamas. And those of you waiting/one-and-done, I'm a little bit jealous! We decided to tough it out having them close together while they're young, for the benefit we feel (hope?) it will bring when they're older. And I just decided I'd rather pop out a couple/few in a rush then have my body back
honeydew / 7091 posts
@allison: That's me too!! Haha. I don't just love the infant/baby/young toddler stage (love the baby!!, just not the limitations), and it takes a LOT of work to keep my body in good (heck, decent even) shape - so I'm definitely one of those that wants to 'hurry up and get it over with'.
I'm a little bummed that L is FINALLY getting to the point where we can kinda do whatever we want now without stressing about feeding/naps/generally accommodating her, and now we're almost back to step 1 with a new baby.
honeydew / 7091 posts
@allison: Oh, and congrats!! Hopefully baby doesn't want to share a day with Christmas My nephew is Dec 26th and it's a bit challenging. At least all the extended and out-of-town family is around for his birthday already!!
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