Hellobee Boards


January 2016 Postpartum Chat

  1. gracecat

    clementine / 878 posts

    @JoyfulKiwi: mine did sleep all day but now at 1 month she sleeps less easily. Sigh... Yesterday the only time she slept during the daytime was in the Moby wrap or on the boob. Otherwise she was fussing and crying. Argggghhhh....

  2. Kulala

    pea / 23 posts

    @mrs.shinerbock: I took my 12 day old out today for a car ride and grocery. She slept through the whole trip, which made my shopping relatively easy. 😀

  3. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @mrs.shinerbock: We took her on a few outings last week- to CVS, my ob/gyn appointment, a walk, the deli to pick up lunch, and to a kids hair salon so LO1 could get a haircut. This week is bitterly cold so we haven't been out and about as much.

    @gracecat: I'm worried about this happening to us too! Right now, we have a lot of family around to help, but she sleeps so much that I don't need much help. I have a feeling that as soon as everyone clears out, she's going to wake up and be way more demanding!

    @JoyfulKiwi: Yes, she literally sleeps for 20 hours a day! Curious how long it will last...!

  4. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @Kulala: isn't it nice when they make it easy on us? I remember going out to eat with friends a few weeks after LO1 was born - it was so easy to go and she would sleep the whole time. Now, we never go out to eat dinner unless we have a babysitter.

  5. gracecat

    clementine / 878 posts

    Oh the baby acne... It looks really really awful. Peeling and red and angry. It doesn't seem to bother her at all but it looks terrible! It makes me afraid to show her to others cuz I'm afraid they'll think I'm a terrible mother!

  6. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @gracecat: How's the baby acne? I hope it's clearing up! How long does it usually last?

    I think we are kicking off the 2 week growth spurt today! G definitely wants to eat every hour or so. I'm glad it's winter and we have no where to go!

  7. gracecat

    clementine / 878 posts

    @QueensBee: thanks for asking! it Is clearing up! It was so bad, I was sure it was eczema. I started bathing her every day just to remove the dead skin a little, stopped wearing wool, used a moisturizer on it, and slowly it seems to be clearing up. Phew! I read is usually lasts until 2-3 months old.

    There's a two week growth spurt? Maybe we missed that! But we are doing BF and formula.

    We are at that dreaded six week old summit, isn't this their super fussy, all hell breaks loose growth spurt?

  8. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    Poor Liam has terrible baby acne now and diaper rash. I had an LC come over yesterday because I'm still having BFing pain and she said he has a posterior tongue tie. Also I have oversupply that is causing a foremilk imbalance. He is having tons of gas and spit up because of that. Besides the gas pain, he's a very happy and sleepy little guy. He's gaining a lb a week!

  9. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @gracecat: I think of 3-6 weeks as the fussiest but I might be off.

  10. gracecat

    clementine / 878 posts

    @travellingbee: oh no! Yes gas was the worst for us at first but at six weeks seems to be causing less screaming and doubling over in pain. Still happens a bit though.

    And then the baby acne, cuz ours looked like eczema. So red, cracked, peeling, just awful. I started stressing out so much... I'm holding my breath hoping it doesn't return.

  11. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    ...and now he has a cold

  12. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @travellingbee: poor baby - baby colds are so sad because there's not much you can do. We're battling one over here as well. LO1 brought it home from school and now LO2 and I both have it.

  13. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @mrs.shinerbock: yuck He had a stuffy nose at the end of last week but it never got worse and had cleared up and now as of last night he was totally congested. Struggling to breathe through his nose. Coughing, sneezing, snuffling... Poor boy.

  14. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @gracecat: I think there's a two week growth spurt but who knows?! It seems like every day could be considered a growth spurt at this point!

    @mrs.shinerbock: @travellingbee: Sorry to hear both babies have colds! That must be so hard but almost inevitable with January babies, I guess. Maybe this will mean they'll have super immune systems by next winter and never be sick?

    I have a second follow up appointment with my OB this Friday. I'm really curious to see when I can resume some form of exercise, even if it's just walking on our treadmill. I know it's still early but I have 25 lbs. to lose- most of my maternity pants are too tight to fit comfortably, and I'm getting tired of wearing maternity leggings every single day.

  15. Kimberlybee

    grapefruit / 4997 posts

    @mrs.shinerbock: @travellingbee: Oh no, sorry to hear that the babies have colds. Hope they get better quickly.

    @QueensBee: I have been wearing maternity leggings every single day too. I just hate buying new clothes for this "in between" weight issue. I can't fit into prepregancy clothes yet even though I am losing weight at a good pace.

  16. gracecat

    clementine / 878 posts

    @travellingbee: oh no!! lo1 is on the mend of a bad cold and I'm really hoping it doesn't pass to baby... Hang in there, hope it goes away soon!!

  17. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    Haha, I am SO GLAD to be fitting BACK into my maternity clothes!! And to not have to dress for work despite being pumped with IV fluids and blood, I have lost 10 lbs since delivering on Wednesday. My face and feet are SO swollen though, I find it ironic that I thought I had escaped this "pregnancy" symptom.

    Anyone else's newborn sometimes sleep so soundly that it takes effort to wake them up? It's a bit scary!

    Also, my pain level down there has increased significantly as of day 4-5. Thinking it's either due to halving my Tylenol dose or being more active/sitting more upright...?

  18. JoyfulKiwi

    nectarine / 2667 posts

    @DesertDreams88: I was so swollen after my first delivery, too! Drink a lot of water and give it time - everything will go back to normal. I forgot how sleepy newborns are, my girl still sleeps at least 18-20 hours and she's nearly 3 weeks. We would have to completely undress our son to get him to wake up and eat! And you should up your pain meds dosage if you're sore!

  19. JoyfulKiwi

    nectarine / 2667 posts

    Any other second time moms struggling to handle both kids? My older son is 3.5 and we usually have a really great relationship, where he generally listens & is well-behaved. My newborn is 3 weeks & probably has colic. We can't put her down without her screaming or waking up (and then screaming). It's been very hard to do things one handed or while baby wearing. This morning I'm trying to get my son to school (we should be there already) but between the two of them I haven't even been able to go to the bathroom since I woke up!

  20. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @JoyfulKiwi: we really have to divide and conquer because I can't handle both. DS1 is so high maintenance as an almost 3 years old.

  21. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @JoyfulKiwi: Kudos to you for getting out the door at all in the mornings! I have help each morning so that I can get my son to school on time and still maintain my sanity. We pay a sitter to come over from 8-9:30am and she stays with Grace while I bring Pete to school. That's the only way we make it there!

    I have to solo parent most evenings as my DH gets home at 7:30pm at the earliest, most days later. The 5-8pm stretch alone is definitely the hardest part of the day for me. I feel lucky in that Grace is a fairly easy infant. I can put her in her bouncy seat or bassinet when I need two hands, but there are still moments when I'm about to lose it. I'm not sure what I would do if she had colic!

    Hope you were able to finally get to the bathroom, take a deep breath, and maybe even have a cup of coffee. Two kids is no joke!

  22. RsMom

    cherry / 233 posts

    @JoyfulKiwi: I'm in a similar situation. My 3.5 yr old is being a bit defiant and having a colicky infant with feeding issues is no joke. I keep reminding myself that it will get better with time...well I hope it does.

  23. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    Just got back from our 2 week (technically 9 days) ped appt! This little chunker is up 6 oz past his birth weight, clocking in at 9lbs Dr said we could stretch out the nighttime feedings to 4 hours now, which, I think we'll be able to do - we've been waking to feed every 3 hours and he still sleeps through the feeding anyway.

    His head circumference, which we didn't get at the hospital, is 37 cm, which is the 97% percentile... ouch!

    Everything else is going well, except a visitor yesterday brought a toddler with a phelmgy cough There was hand-washing and surface sanitizing and no one held the baby, but ugh. Kid seemed fine except for the rare cough, which is probably why the mom didn't think twice, but I was cringing inside.

  24. Kimberlybee

    grapefruit / 4997 posts

    @DesertDreams88: Congrats on your little boy! What a big boy and 4 hour stretches sound amazing at 2 weeks pp. Hope you are getting lots of rest during that time.

    The coughing toddler would make me uneasy too. I've been to several play dates last fall where the moms would bring clearly sick kids, coughing and runny noses etc to the play group. DD1 caught colds immediately the next day on 2 occasions but she was sharing toys and holding hands with some of the sick kids. I think your baby will be okay if you kept a distance from the toddler. We had a month long meal train going from family and friends but instead of it being delivered, I had DH pick up the food from their house instead. I really didn't want too many visitors right away.

  25. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    @travellingbee: I've seen you mention a couple of places that you feed DS2 every 2 hours based on your LC's advice. I imagine that's to establish a good BF relationship but also to fill him up during the day so that he sleeps better at night? Also when do you think you would start stretching out those daytime feedings, if DS2 didn't seem interested?

    In general, for everyone: For daytime napping, where does LO sleep? How much sleep do you estimate they're getting in the daytime? DS seems to be getting more and more awake each day, and I'm not sure if I should be trying to get him to sleep more or just let him fall asleep whenever....

  26. arosebyany

    clementine / 955 posts

    Ok I have decided to officially come out of lurkdom! I actually followed the January due date board the whole time, but I never joined. My DS is 7 weeks as of yesterday. He was due January 14th but due to severe pre-e I was induced and had him dec. 19th. Poor thing has had a whole host of problems including MSPI and silent reflux. 😥 he's now on hypoallergenic milk and Nexium. It's made a world of difference since it kicked in a couple of days ago. He actually has happy days now...as long as he's being held. The kid does NOT like to be put down! Fine with me I love baby snuggles!

  27. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @Jackiedavis87: welcome! Sorry your little guy has had so much trouble! My first had mspi too and he was always crying.
    @DesertDreams88: we've kind of gone to 2.5-3 hours now because he was getting so much milk! She said just do every two hours during the day until they stop waking up frequently at night. Liam is waking 2x at night now- 1-2ish and 4ish. Our problem is he has to be changed because he has a severe diaper rash so he wakes up too much and has trouble going back.

    Our big guy is over 12lbs already. He's a tank. We are in size 2 diapers and 3 month clothes!

  28. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @DesertDreams88: we do every 2-3 during the day and she does a six hour and then a four hour stretch at night. If your guy is gaining well I'd just follow his lead.

    @travellingbee: same here 12 pounds at 3.5 weeks. I'm still squeezing her into ones though because we have so many left.

    @Jackiedavis87: welcome! I'm glad your son is so much happier. It's so hard when they are uncomfortable.

  29. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: wow sleeping so well at night. I'm so jealous. I need some more sleep

  30. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Jackiedavis87: Welcome! Happy to hear your little guy is feeling better now that the Nexium has kicked in! Enjoy the snuggles!

    @oliviaoblivia: @travellingbee: 12 pounds is great! I think G is about 9.5 lbs now and I've noticed her newborn pjs are starting to get a bit snug.

    @oliviaoblivia: That is amazing sleep! Grace sleeps a lot overall, but sometimes her 6 hour stretch is from 6pm-midnight, which is not very helpful for my sleep. She's then usually awake from 4-6am, which is brutal since my toddler comes charging in at 7. Hoping it will get better soon.

    @DesertDreams88: I can relate to your stress about the sick toddler. Our babysitter was here all day Thursday and also Friday morning. On Friday night, she ended up in the ER due to dehydration from a bad stomach virus! She was feeling totally fine but it came on very suddenly Friday night. Thankfully she's okay, but I've been nervous about it all weekend. By some miracle though, no one in our family has caught it yet.

    I survived my first school drop off with both kids this morning and no help! Small victories! I was feeling so accomplished that I treated myself to a Starbucks coffee on the way home.

  31. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    Our sleep seems to be getting worse. I see that we are in a wonder week so hoping it's just that. He does like @QueensBee:'s baby does with a longer sleep in evening rather than at night. Although I don't think he's ever slept 6 hours! Last night he was up most of the night... ugh. Lots of grunting and fussing and wanting to be held. I'm exhausted. I've tried going off dairy because of his terrible gas, but so far, it hasn't helped. Gas drops have been helping minimally.

  32. arosebyany

    clementine / 955 posts

    @travellingbee: I'm sorry you had to deal with MSPI too 😟
    @oliviaoblivia: 6 hours?! I'm super jealous lol
    @QueensBee: congrats on you outing! Starbucks is the best kind of reward😉. I just went out with LO for the first time by myself ( without hubby or MIL) Thursday. I'm a wussy FTM, because he's already 7 weeks lol.

    So this is weird but my kid was pooping 3 to 5?times a day and now only poops one time day. My ped said its normal for them to change pooping habits between 4 and 8 weeks, but it's freaking me out. Baby poop has become the bane of my existence lol.

  33. Kimberlybee

    grapefruit / 4997 posts

    @Jackiedavis87: Hi and congrats on your boy! My DD2 doesn't poop as much now either. It's 1-2 times a day, maybe a 3rd time every few days. Up until 3 weeks or so it was after every feeding! I am liking this much better.

  34. Kimberlybee

    grapefruit / 4997 posts

    Hi mommies! How are y'all doing? My baby seems to have her nights and days mixed up but not sure how to change that so I am one sleep deprived woman! She sleeps all day and starts her day at 3am! Then my toddler is ready for our day at 8am so I take itty bitty naps when I can but this broken sleep is not ideal in the long run. Other than that, I am doing great!

  35. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Jackiedavis87: I also asked the pediatrician about this at our one month visit on Monday- she said that pooping 1x/day is totally fine, as long as LO seems comfortable. If they start to poop every other day and seem uncomfortable, she suggested adding a bit of prune juice to the milk or formula. She was more concerned about them acting uncomfortable than the frequency of poops!

    @Kimberlybee: We are in a similar situation. Grace sleeps from 9-3am, and is then awake for a few hours at 3am. She then falls back asleep around 5:30am for another 5-6 hour stretch. This wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have a toddler ready to start the day at 6:30am! It's kind of brutal. I wish I had advice, but all I can offer is commiseration!

  36. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    A quick vent from a tired mom...

    I think LO has croup so he was up for most of the night coughing and being miserable. Grace decided, for the second night in a row, that she doesn't want to sleep between 12:45-6am. What happened to my good sleeper?! This is going to be a lonnggg and exhausting couple of days.

    That is all.

  37. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    I was going to post this over in the Labor Watch Thread, but figured most of you are hanging out over here, anyway. Ainsley Kay was born on Tuesday, February 9th. Bigger than her brother at 8lb 4oz and 21.25!" I'll post more details later on my induction and our birth story, but we're home and both doing well. She is already almost back to her birth weight (8lb 2oz this morning at the ped). She's breastfeeding like a pro, and sleep is as good as can be expected at 5 days old. She definitely has her days and nights flipped, so we need to work on fixing that, otherwise we are going to have one tired Mama zombie-ing around here pretty soon!

    ETA: Was just thinking, I follow a few of you already on Instagram, but definitely not everyone. It has been really fun to watch the LOs from D's birth month grow up on IG. Would anyone want to exchange IG usernames? Or start a Gold board for posting pictures?

  38. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @QueensBee: omg, this is what mine is doing!! I'm so tired...

    @littlebug: congrats! Super cute name! I don't have gold but you can IG me. I'll wall you my name.

  39. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @littlebug: congratulations! I don't Instagram very often, but would love to see everyone's babies. My last due date board moved to FB and created a private group there. We are still pretty active 2.5 yrs later.

  40. brady80

    kiwi / 589 posts

    Anyone's baby have acne? My daughter didn't have it but LO 2 does. It seems to be clearing up but now his face just seems chapped. Is there anything I can/should do?

    Also, both kids decided to wake up at 5:45! i thought I'd get a nap in when my daughter took her nap, but no such luck. And now of course I'm wired and can't sleep!!

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