coconut / 8483 posts
How's everyone feeling?
I still have heart burn most days but usually just have to take one tums before bed.
I only feel nauseous if I don't eat enough. I wish I had a lot of symptoms to make me feel more pregnant, lol. I am such a worrier.
10 weeks 2 days today
clementine / 854 posts
@Mrs. Champagne: I have nausea first thing in the am before I eat. Other than that, it hasn't been too bad. It was terrible with my DD. My boobs have gotten a bit bigger. I'm also wishing for some more symptoms. I just keep waiting for the spotting to start.
nectarine / 2591 posts
@Mrs. Champagne: Am glad there has been no more bleeding!
I am nauseous a lot of the day and want to eat a lot but feel really full., boobs are sore and my skin is breaking out. I never get zits... it's awful!! First ultrasound tomorrow and really nervous!
clementine / 854 posts
@AprilFool: good luck! Hope you see that flickering little heartbeat!
kiwi / 633 posts
@AprilFool: aww yay! Ours is at 3pm, can't wait!
Also, just for fun, according to the heart rate gender thingy you're having a girl!
apple seed / 2 posts
Hi everyone, excited to join
Location: Detroit, Michigan
EDD: July 5
How far along: 10 weeks
First child? Yes
First doctor appointment: 12/04
Any symptoms so far?: Just cramping and exhaustion
Who have you told?: Parents and close friends
Just had our first ultrasound done and heard the heartbeat. Best feeling.
How was everyone else's first appointment?
nectarine / 2591 posts
@thismustbetheplace: Interesting! I would love another girl but gut says boy!
Good luck with your scan
@brunnermel: Welcome!
cherry / 124 posts
I had my first ultrasound yesterday too!!!! 6w6d with a 146 heartbeat. They did saw I was measuring a teensy bit big, 7w1d but didn't seem at all concerned.
Still having tons of nausea and some exhaustion. Coffee and chicken food aversions have developed.
apricot / 490 posts
I just want to post an ode to maternity clothes. I am not a fan of the bella band, and just like my first pregnancy, I have already started to bloat. I cannot comfortably button my pants. So ladies, I am not holding out any longer. At 6 weeks, 5 days I am wearing maternity pants and I won't look back.
Hope this gives you permissions if you want to venture there too!
nectarine / 2591 posts
@thismustbetheplace: How did your ultrasound go?
@teawithpaloma: I think I am very close to needing maternity pants. My shorts were cutting in today and getting uncomfortable.
kiwi / 506 posts
@brunnermel: Hi and Congrats! I'm from the Detroit area and I'm due July 31!
@AprilFool: @jstalter: yay! Ultrasounds are the best!
I am just so tired over here. Every day is like a count down till I can nap or go to bed. Less than 2 weeks until my first ultrasounds. We are so antsy to find out if (and Hoping) everything is good.
nectarine / 2591 posts
@Aandmklover: Hear you on the tired. Just doing the smallest of things is a huge effort. Hope these two weeks pass quickly.
apple seed / 2 posts
@Aandmklover: Excellent! I'm so happy it isn't freezing here yet. I have been super exhausted too. Hopefully, we get the second trimester energy boosts I have been hearing about
cherry / 124 posts
@AprilFool: my gut says boy for me too but heartbeat and vomiting are making me think otherwise! Love the anticipation!!
cherry / 124 posts
@teawithpaloma: love this!! I need to get my first pair! I see a weekend shopping trip in my future!
cherry / 124 posts
@Aandmklover: it was so exciting to have the ultrasound!! Excited for you to have yours!!
I have also been so exhausted. Today I had to shut myself in my office and nap for 25 min. Happy I told my boss early what was up.. Then I couldn't wait to get home to nap. Not everyday is this tough but most days I'm pretty stinking tired!
clementine / 854 posts
I'm still struggling with a little nausea, but it's mostly just in the am before I eat. It's nothing compared to the daily vomiting with DD. Of course the smell/taste of coffee does make me sick. I've also been exhausted. I fell asleep on the couch at 8:00. Now I'm working up the energy to go to bed, but I decided to check the Internet to stall for a few minutes.
cherry / 124 posts
@futuremama: how long did your daily vomiting last? I've been nauseous since 4w5d but started vomiting at 6w4d... At 7w2d now and hoping it will vanish at 12w!
apricot / 490 posts
@AprilFool: @jstalter: do it! wearing maternity jeans while working from home is the best.
News from my end is that I likely won't have my first prenatal appointment till I am 11 weeks. I had some trouble with my insurance due to the NYS health exchange shutting down my company which wasn't making enough money. Then I needed to find a new doctor and tried for a group but I had repeatedly bad customer service with them so I changed my mind. The new doctor, with the hours he sees patients at the office I want to go, combined with holidays and his own vacation, can't see me until January 8. At first I was unsure but I sort of feel fine about as this is my second and I know more ultrasounds don't necessarily mean better outcomes. So one more month of waiting for me!
clementine / 854 posts
@jstalter: it got much better around week 13, but I still got sick a few times a week through 17 or 18 weeks. I hope that's not the case for you!
kiwi / 633 posts
@brunnermel: Welcome and congrats!
@AprilFool: Baby is fine but the whole experience was a bit 'meh'. DH wanted to be there so we had to bring our 17 month old because we have no family nearby. Our appointment was almost 2 hours late (!!) and DS was having a complete meltdown by the time the doctor finally got there. I've worked in OB/GYN so I totally understand that emergencies come up and things happen to put the Dr. behind but it still sucked. He ended up having a weird personality, made some off color comments, and didn't let us see the u/s screen until the very end. I was measuring a few days behind as I expected.. I usually O closer to day 18 or 20 of my cycle so I figured my dating would change. I'm now officially 7/28. Oh, and he didn't get a HR either which we were bummed about. At least we got to see the flicker!
Hope everyone is feeling ok! MS has a pretty good grip on me this time. No vomiting yet, thank goodness. Hope it passes quickly this time.
July 2- Mrs. Champagne (#2)
July 5- MrsD (#2), brunnermel (#1)
July 9- Letitshinephoto (#1)
July 10- futuremama (#2)
July 26- jstalter (#1),
July 27- AprilFool (#2)
July 28- teawithpaloma (#2), thismustbetheplace (#2)
July 31- Aandmklover (#3)
pear / 1593 posts
@thismustbetheplace: board jumping my last OB, EVERY.SINGLE.APPT ended up taking 2-3 hours bc of the waiting. I don't think I had one appt that I waited less than 1.5 hours. Never again!!! I'm always in within 15min of appt time at my new doc!
nectarine / 2591 posts
@thismustbetheplace: That does sound really meh! Nothing like a crap experience to put a pin in it! Am glad you at least got to see the heartbeat. Just seeing it took a weight off my shoulders.
kiwi / 506 posts
Hi guys! So I've been having this really annoying pain on my right side and I've been trying to ignore it but tonight it woke me up out of a dead sleep. It was sharp and raiding down to my lower back. After the pain went away I decided I couldn't wait any longer so I came to the er. I thought it may be an ectopic pregnancy and it has been eating away at me for days. I didn't want to be "that" pregnant woman who goes to the er for no reason but after tonight I knew if I didn't come I would not be able to sleep. So if I'm not sleeping at home, might as well not be sleeping in the er. So after 4 hours in the er I found out that baby is good, in the correct spot and they could see a heartbeat. Yay! (But they didn't show me any pictures) Bad news is I have a cyst on my right ovary. Something we need to keep an eye on but nothing major but that could definitely cause the pain I've been having. I'm so happy and relieved. I still have my regular scheduled appointment Monday 12/21. I'm looking forward to seeing baby then.
coffee bean / 26 posts
This is my first HB post - happy to have found this board!
Location: NYC
EDD: 7/15/16
How far along: 9 weeks
First child? No, I have a 5 year old (big gap was planned)
First doctor appointment: Was on 12/4/15 - had a sonogram and saw the hb - so far all is normal
Any symptoms so far? Yes, morning sickness and exhaustion
Who have you told? Our folks and a few close friends
I am high risk due to my age and the fact that I had pprom last time and my son was born at 30 weeks. In the interim I had my uterus resected b/c I had a huge septum that wasn't discovered until after the fact. I'll be taking P17 shots starting at 16 weeks. The whole enterprise seems risky and I'm more nervous this time than I was last time!
kiwi / 633 posts
@Aandmklover: scary! Glad everything is ok with the baby. Hopefully the cyst resolves on its own!
@Bee_McGee: Welcome and congrats! The board is a little slow in the beginning... I think we're all sort of in the early-pregnancy limbo stage. Once we all start with appointments and growing bellies things will pick up.
July 2- Mrs. Champagne (#2)
July 5- MrsD (#2), brunnermel (#1)
July 9- Letitshinephoto (#1)
July 10- futuremama (#2)
July 15- Bee_McGee (#2)
July 26- jstalter (#1),
July 27- AprilFool (#2)
July 28- teawithpaloma (#2), thismustbetheplace (#2)
July 31- Aandmklover (#3)
coconut / 8483 posts
@Aandmklover: glad you're ok!
@Bee_McGee: welcome!! Hope everything goes smoothly for you!
11 weeks 5 days here. I'm hoping they can find the heart beat with the Doppler at my appt on Thursday. So nervous!
How's everyone else?
coconut / 8483 posts
Just had my 12 week appointment. They used the Doppler and found the heart beat! 166bpm. I am so happy right now
coconut / 8483 posts
@runnerd: thanks so much I feel like hearing a heartbeat at 12 weeks is a good sign, right? I think we are going to tell DHs family this weekend. His grandma just passed and we are going back for the funeral and want to bring some good news
clementine / 854 posts
@Mrs. Champagne: Congrats! That's a big milestone! Glad you'll be able to give your family a reason to smile. I have an appt on Tuesday. I'll be 11w2d and am hoping to hear the heartbeat on the Doppler too.
cherry / 124 posts
@Aandmklover: that must have been a frightening experience! So relieved to hear baby is fine!! Good luck with the cyst pain!!
cherry / 124 posts
Still having the nausea and exhaustion! Some days I feel like I can barely stand up straight by the end of the school day!! Any other teachers on here?
I have my full workup 12/21; what can I expect? Went in for my first ultrasound (confirmation appointment at 7 weeks) and at the next appt I'll be at 9 weeks. Thanks!!
coffee bean / 28 posts
@Aandmklover: sorry, I've been MIA. If you look at my wall will you be able to see the info I have aprilfool? If so add my on Facebook and I'll add you to the group!
coffee bean / 26 posts
@jstalter - good luck today!
@Mrs. Champagne - yay for hearing the HB! & TY for the welcome.
My husband and I had a meeting with the Genetic Counselor this morning so we could schedule my CVS. It's scheduled for 1/7. I feel good about this option rather than amnio.
Did anyone do a genetic screening with their partner called "Counsyl"?
My husband and I are both Ashkenazi jews, so we had a panel done for the genetic diseases most common to our heritage (as well as, fragile x, and cf) last time. I'm not certain we need another screening but at the same time I am an info junkie. It's just blood (and money). I think we'll probably do it.
clementine / 854 posts
We just had our appt! Dr. had a heck of a time finding the hb on the Doppler, but just as she was going to recommend an u/s, we found it way down low. Everything sounded great! I get blood drawn for the Harmony XY test tomorrow and should know if we're having a boy or girl and all of the genetic results in early Jan.
kiwi / 633 posts
@futuremama: Glad they were able to find it! Last time they couldn't find mine on doppler until 12ish weeks and it made me so nervous. Curious about the Harmony test, is your insurance covering it? Are you over 35/have other risk factors? Did you do it in lieu of the NT ultrasound? I'm seeing my midwife tomorrow and want to talk to her about my options for first tri screening.
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