kiwi / 506 posts
My 12w appointment went well. Got my blood drawn for genetic testing and we should find out the sex next week with the other results too. She also did an ultrasound so I got to see the little bean jumping around. Everything looked good and the baby had a nice strong heartbeat. My 16 week appointment is February 16.
kiwi / 506 posts
The results are in. Baby #3 is At low risk and is another boy!! Looks like we are a boy family.
nectarine / 2591 posts
@futuremama: So sorry to hear about your FIL. I hope you and DH are doing ok.
@Aandmklover: 3 boys? Congrats!!
kiwi / 633 posts
@Aandmklover: WOO 3 boys! Congrats!
We got slammed with this winter storm system here in VA! Luckily we only lost power for a short time and we have a wood burning fireplace. Side roads are still a disaster, but luckily we were able to dig ourselves out and go for some groceries yesterday.
Excited for my next appt on Thursday! Hopefully they'll be able to hear LO's FHR on doppler (I'll be 14w3d but with an retroverted uterus it makes it hard). First tri screen came back great! We'll have to start a bump thread soon. Mine is starting to look less like bloat and more like a little baby belly
nectarine / 2591 posts
@Aandmklover: Aaaaw that's great!! Your house will be so noisy and full of fun!
@thismustbetheplace: Lucky you! Mine still looks like bloat. The storm sounds crazy, I have been seeing pics online.
kiwi / 633 posts
Hi strangers! This thread is so dead
How is everyone? Anyone watching the Superbowl today? We are not football fans at all, but CBS is streaming it free for AppleTV users so I figure we'll put it on and eat some unhealthy food! After all, who doesn't love buffalo chicken dip with veggies and chips, fried things, pizza & wings, etc?
I'm 16 weeks today, our little beansprout is apparently the size of an avocado. mmmm avocado...
apricot / 490 posts
I know! Our poor little thread isn't that exciting. No news here - next appointment is in 2 weeks and anatomy scan is March 4.
We have no names! I look forward to finding out the sex so we can start thinking.
Finally coming out of total exhaustion. Now my tiredness is just due to my toddler and all of her antics.
kiwi / 506 posts
I was just coming to post something. I don't really know what, just something to keep it alive. Lol
@thismustbetheplace: we did not watch the super bowl. We ran tons of errands on Sunday and my husband packed for a business trip he's on this week. Single parenting with 2 toddlers while pregnant is fun.
@teawithpaloma: names are the biggest struggle for us. Both boys are 3 letter names so we'd like to stay in that trend but I don't know if we will be able to.
kiwi / 506 posts
Had my 16 week check up today. Took a while to find the baby's heartbeat and totally worried me. They were looking too high on the belly. Whew!
2 Weeks till my anatomy scan and then 2 weeks after that is the 20 week appointment.
I've been having a lot of headaches and just a lot of aches and pains. I hurt my back lifting a friends daughter the other day. I'm so out of shape for this pregnancy and I can tell already. It's going to be a long 20 something weeks.
We still haven't gone Facebook official. My sisters-in-law are begging me to.
No huge bump yet at 16 weeks. Just leftover soft tummy getting pushed out.
How's everyone doing and feeling? Any baby bumps?
kiwi / 633 posts
@Aandmklover: the 2nd trimester headaches are the worst! I'm currently dealing with that and the back pain too Are you into yoga at all? I've started doing some easy prenatal videos (free on youtube) while my son is napping, in addition to a weekly class with a teacher. Hoping this is going to keep my back pain in check this time around.
We haven't gone facebook official yet either. I'm out of ideas! My cousin gave birth to a little girl yesterday and (completely innocently) named her one of our top girl choices. DOH. Guess we'll cross that one off the list!
Anatomic ultrasound next Wednesday morning! It's going to be a serious test of willpower to not find out the little bean sprout's sex!
17w4d today, bumping for realz. I'll probably take a pic next week.
apricot / 490 posts
Just had our anatomy scan and all looks great! And we found it is a little boy!!
Now onto names!
grapefruit / 4717 posts
Hi, ladies! If anyone would like to hop over to the active August 2016 Mamas board, we'd love to have you Just post over there:
Oh, and don't feel like you have to catch up on our crazy number of pages. We can do more introduction posts to catch you up quickly.
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