Welcome July 2018 moms
First child?
Any symptoms?
Who have you told?
Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
Welcome July 2018 moms
First child?
Any symptoms?
Who have you told?
Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
cherry / 114 posts
Location: Smaller east coast city
EDD: July 4th but it will be confirmed by my midwife at the end of the month.
First child? Yes!
Any symptoms? Sore boobies and cramping which goes in waves.
Who have you told? My husband's mom, a few of my friends, and my personal trainer (for safety reasons).
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I'm pretty excited.
apricot / 262 posts
Thanks for starting this, @oldschooolmama!
Location: Chicago burbs
EDD: July 9th based on LMP/O date
First child? #2! My DS turned 2 in September.
Any symptoms? Sore boobs for sure, and weird digestive issues. Not quite nausea but just an unsettled stomach. Also a lot of cramping that I didn't have last time. I've read it's supposed to be normal in 2nd+ pregnancies, so hopefully all is well.
Who have you told? Just DH at first. We had planned on keeping it that way at least until we heard the heartbeat, but I ended up spilling the beans to a friend. Also, we went on vacation with my in-laws last week and I didn't drink, so they definitely know (although they're way too nice to say anything).
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I'd forgotten how terrifying early pregnancy is! I'm also 35 this time around, so it makes me a little nervous. But I'm still really excited to meet this new little person and for DS to become a big brother!
pear / 1852 posts
@oldschooolmama: Thanks for starting the thread, I was waiting for it, lol!
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
EDD: July 16th
First child? 2nd (DD is 5.5 years)
Any symptoms?
Tingly boobs, and mild cramping mostly, although I've logged a few others in my Ovia Pregnancy App, lol.
Who have you told?
Obviously, my hubby, I couldn't even wait for him to wake up so I could do something cute for him. I didn't want our daughter to overhear because once she knows, EVERYONE will know. We've also told our parents because they have been praying for us for the last two years and knew we were struggling. Plus our sisters. Then hubby let it slip to one of his best friends. I thought by telling our family right away we could curb his need to leak the news like he did with DD, lol.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
I'm 38, so I"m afraid of the increased chances of miscarriage and twins.
Our daughter has been praying to be a big sister for THREE years. She kept asking why we didn't have a baby yet, so I told her God was looking for the right baby and we didn't want him to send us the wrong baby just because we really wanted one. LAST MONTH she told me that God found us the right baby, I said oh yeah? And let it simmer in the back of my mind. Guess what? She was right!
So With Christmas being when I'll be 11 weeks along, one of her gifts is going to be a big sister tshirt and book.
cherry / 239 posts
Location: New Jersey
EDD: July 14th
First child? Yes
Any symptoms? mild cramping, and sore boobs
Who have you told? My husband, mother and my close friend.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Soo excited, yet soo scared. I'm over the moon to be pregnant again, I'm just very hesitant and scared that I will lose the baby, like I had with my previous miscarriage. My new due date falls on my late father's birthday, so I'm taking it as a good sign. A sign that he sent a little angel in my direction.
apricot / 262 posts
@Mrs. D: that's such a sweet story about your DD - love the Christmas big sis reveal too!
@chypmunk: what a lovely due date to have, I hope it's a sign that this is your sticky bean
pear / 1767 posts
Location: Chicago, IL
EDD: Not really sure. I got a positive test on Halloween and am guessing it's somewhere around July 7th but I don't exactly know when I ovulated so I need that dating scan to shed some light.
First child? Third. My second just turned 1 last weekend...
Any symptoms? Just a little cramping that seems to have subsided. I know most of the symptoms historically start for me at the 6 week mark, though.
Who have you told? My husband and 2 sisters.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? We had fertility issues when trying to conceive our second and I had two miscarriages in the 14 months before getting pregnant with our second. I had wanted three kids but was worried that ship has sailed because conceiving #2 was so hard and I'm 38 on Saturday (an RE told me I had less than a 1% chance of getting pregnant naturally when I was 35 and here I am). I'm a little shocked that it happened so quickly and I'm a little wary about letting myself get too excited with my loss history. I'm also worried about my ability to handle 2 under 2 with an older kid as well (while working full time). I'm just taking it one day at a time.
nectarine / 2028 posts
Cautiously joining in. Really hope I get to stay!
Location: San Diego
EDD: July 18-20 (ovulated early so unsure)
First child? Second kid, third pregnancy. My son turns 3 this weekend.
Any symptoms? Tons. I have had boob pain, nausea, exhaustion, heightened sense of smell, etc. for a week already. I got a faint BFP on cycle day 20, so symptoms are way stronger than they have been in the past.
Who have you told? Husband, 3 best friends
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I'm SO nervous. I had a miscarriage at the end of September, and this was my first ovulatory cycle since. I am waiting on the doctor to put in orders for beta numbers to make sure there is actually something in there and that it's progressing as it should. I want this baby so badly and just hope he or she is healthy and sticks around!
nectarine / 2028 posts
@elljay: Where do you live (roughly) if you don't mind me asking? I grew up in the Chicago burbs (about 25 minutes north of the city) @Shantuck: Are you downtown? My husband and I lived in Roscoe Village during grad school!
Hoping for sticky babies for all. Congratulations!
pear / 1767 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: Yes. I'm in Old Irving after living in Roscoe Village for about 10 years. I love Roscoe Village. I've been there with the pregnancy after a loss and it is such a difficult place to be in emotionally. I still feel like I have PTSD after my two losses even though I went on to have a successful pregnancy. My mantra is one day at a time!
apricot / 262 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: we live in the Mt Prospect/Des Plaines area, so a little NW of the city. Where did you grow up? I’m a newer transplant to the area but my husband grew up in Buffalo Grove.
@Shantuck: I have a good friend who lives right by there in Portage Park. Nice to see a fellow Chicagoland bee on this board!
pear / 1852 posts
July Mamas
4th: oldschooolmama (#1)
7th: Shantuck (#3)
9th: elljay (#2)
14th: chypmunk (#1)
16th: Mrs. D (#2)
18th: ChiCalGoBee (#2)
Dec 4th: Mrs. D
nectarine / 2028 posts
@elljay: Awesome! My friend from HS lives in Mt. Prospect. Beautiful area. I'm from closer to the lake (Highland Park/Lake Forest/Northbrook area). @Shantuck: Our dog is named Roscoe . My husband still waxes poetic about Costello's sandwiches! I'm so sorry you, too, are familiar with the anxiety that comes with pregnancy after a miscarriage. My doctor's office is painfully slow at getting things going so I'm still waiting for the blood work to be ordered.
@Mrs. D: Thanks for starting the list! My first appointment (fingers crossed I make it) is December 8th.
pear / 1852 posts
July Mamas
4th: oldschooolmama (#1)
7th: Shantuck (#3)
9th: elljay (#2)
14th: chypmunk (#1)
16th: Mrs. D (#2)
18th: ChiCalGoBee (#2)
Dec 4th: Mrs. D
Dec 8th: ChiCalGoBee
pea / 10 posts
Location: Upper Midwest
EDD: July 5
First child? 4th (fingers crossed, I've had two miscarriages)
Symptoms: Started crazy early, as in before missed period. Fatigue, some nausea, sore breasts, some pulling ligaments? Emotional.
Who I've told: Just my husband and sister.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Took a while to get pregnant this time and I'm 35, so really worried about another miscarriage. We always wanted two or four, but after our third I had a rough time stemming from a medical incident with him and put it off for a while, unsure if we'd try for another. I am really excited to see how my kids will react and interact with the baby because they're a little older now. (They're close in age so it was different with past pregnancies because they were so young.) I have a daughter, 7, and two sons, almost 5 and 3.
@SHANTUCK: My boys are 20 months apart. I won't lie, it's been rough at times, but you just make it work. It's been amazing to see their bond as they get old enough to really play together. They're already best friends
pear / 1767 posts
@TLL: I was one of 4 and it was great fun growing up. I'm mostly feeling a little guilty that kid #2 will get cheated of the attention that my older one got as an only for a long time and that the new baby will need/get as being a needy new baby. I feel like her time as the "baby" of the family is getting cut short. I'm hoping that adding a new "best friend" will make her life richer rather than something that detracts from her happiness. It's good to hear you've been through it!
cherry / 215 posts
Location: Seattle
EDD: July 19
First child?: #2! DS turned 2 in late August
Symptoms: stretching ligaments/cramping, slight implantation bleeding at 8dpo, sooo bloated
Who I’ve told: Just DH
Thoughts/fears: it’s still so early but things were easy with DS so I feel fairly confident though I am a bit older this go around - 34 and feeling it!!! I am really tired and feel like I’m getting sick - ugh! Oh toddler/daycare germs! I’m mostly really excited for the age gap between DS and this little one. But I’m also a little worried about work as I’m up for a promotion at the beginning of the year and wondering if this will affect it. But there’s no way I want to wait any longer for another. Can’t wait to have two little ones and really hope for sticky babies for us all
pear / 1852 posts
Congrats to all everyone! Here's hoping all our babies are sticky!
July Mamas
4th: oldschooolmama (#1)
5th: TLL (#4)
7th: Shantuck (#3)
9th: elljay (#2)
14th: chypmunk (#1)
16th: Mrs. D (#2)
18th: ChiCalGoBee (#2)
19th: LauraBear (#2)
Dec 4th: Mrs. D
Dec 8th: ChiCalGoBee
apricot / 262 posts
@LauraBear: we'll have almost the same age gap (my DS was 2 in Sept) - I'm excited for it too! And I hear you on the toddler germs, I feel like we've all just been trading colds for the last few months.
@Mrs. D: thanks for doing the list! My appointment is 12/7 whenever you update next.
pear / 1852 posts
Congrats to all everyone! Here's hoping all our babies are sticky!
July Mamas
4th: oldschooolmama (#1)
5th: TLL (#4)
7th: Shantuck (#3)
9th: elljay (#2)
14th: chypmunk (#1)
16th: Mrs. D (#2)
18th: ChiCalGoBee (#2)
19th: LauraBear (#2)
4th: Mrs. D
7th: elljay
8th: ChiCalGoBee
cherry / 215 posts
@elljay: so fun!! I’ve heard this pregnancy flies by but I’m not so sure! Until I get to 14 weeks, I’m going to be somewhat anxious. Can’t wait to see that gummy bear on the US!
nectarine / 2028 posts
How's everyone feeling?
My first beta today was 245, which I'm hoping is good for about 14 DPO. Next level I'll do is Saturday so fingers crossed it's doubled!
apricot / 262 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: fingers crossed for good doubling numbers!
I’ve been feeling...hungover. Just queasy and with a headache I can’t seem to shake. Hoping it will let up a bit since I’ll be solo parenting all weekend...
cherry / 114 posts
@chicalgobee- I'm feeling fine for the most part but I am crazy exhausted. I can't make it through the day without a nap.
Fingers crossed for you!
@mrs-d- My appointment is November 22nd! I can't wait to hear the heartbeat and be told I do infact only have one baby in there. May or may not have convince myself I'm pregnant with twins
pea / 10 posts
@OLDSCHOOOLMAMA: I'm with you on the twin thing. I've had symptoms weeks earlier than past pregnancies and it just feels different. I keep thinking maybe it's twins, but it's likely just because I'm older! I'm telling myself that if it were actually twins, it probably wouldn't have crossed my mind
I have a dating scan on the 27th, so we'll find out then... I'm really just hoping for a heartbeat, too!
nectarine / 2028 posts
@elljay: Thank you! I'm guessing I won't have results until Monday but maybe my doctor will surprise me. I hope you're surviving your solo-parenting weekend. Those are so hard!
@oldschooolmama: Thank you! I hear you on the exhaustion. It's really rough.
kiwi / 631 posts
Location: Milwaukee, WI.
EDD: July, 13th.
First child? I have a 19 month old son, so if it all works out, this will be #2
Any symptoms? Slightly sore breasts. It comes and goes though. Hunger more often, can’t sleep at night (hello, hellobee at 2 am), tiredness during the day.
Who have you told? My husband. I’m going to try and wait until after the first trimester to tell anyone else. But with Christmas right before, it’s so tempting.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I had a rough journey conceiving my son, and this child will be an equally rough journey. I had an 11 week MMC in June. This was my second TTC cycle since the MC. I don’t know when I’ll be truly excited for this pregnancy, and I know the anxiety wouldn’t go away. I’m hoping so hard that this is my rainbow.
My first appointment is November 28th. This is a new OB for me. I saw my GP for my last pregnancy, but she isn’t doing OB anymore. I’m nervous but hopefully that this new doctor and clinic is for the best. I’m getting an ultrasound on that day too. Hopefully that will calm my nerves.
pear / 1852 posts
Congrats to all everyone! Here's hoping all our babies are sticky!
July Mamas
4th: oldschooolmama (#1)
5th: TLL (#4)
7th: Shantuck (#3)
9th: elljay (#2)
13th: auggiefrog (#2)
14th: chypmunk (#1)
16th: Mrs. D (#2)
18th: ChiCalGoBee (#2)
19th: LauraBear (#2)
22nd: oldschooolmama
27th: TLL
28th: auggiefrog
4th: Mrs. D
7th: elljay
8th: ChiCalGoBee
nectarine / 2028 posts
My second beta was 483. 490 would have been a perfect doubling, so I'm hoping this number is still good. I'll hopefully talk to my doctor (or his nurse) on Monday, so I'll get a better sense of their confidence then.
@auggiefrog: So sorry about your MMC. I totally feel you on the anxiety with a new pregnancy. Fingers crossed we both get our rainbows in July.
@Mrs. D: Thanks again for updating the list!
apricot / 316 posts
Location: New Jersey
EDD: July 19
First child? 2nd, I have a daughter who's turning 3 in December
Any symptoms? None. My only clue was that AF didn't show up. I hope no symptoms is not a bad sign.
Who have you told? DH, my parents, my sister, his parents, and his brother. We will wait till the 3 month mark to tell everyone else.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Feeling excited and anxious at the same time. We were thinking of being one and done because we're so settled in our little family routine with the 3 of us, but then caved to pressure haha. I hope it will be worth it in the long run. Hoping for sticky babies for all of us!
cherry / 239 posts
@Mrs. D: thanks for updating the list! when you can I have my first appointment on 12/12 wishing sticky babies for all
nectarine / 2028 posts
@pmrlady: Welcome! Sounds like we'll both have similar sibling spacing (if this baby of mine is sticky, that is ). My son turned 3 today!
apricot / 319 posts
Hey Ladies! I thought I would join in for the time being, who knows, maybe I'll get to stay?
Location: Bay Area, CA
EDD: July 17th? But I honestly, have no clue.
First child? Nope. Numero 4. Yikes!
Any symptoms? Random bouts of nausea, craving healthy, nutrient dense food. I'm also tired, but I have a 5,4, and 1 year old, so that could be the reason.
Who have you told? The hubs and a select few friends.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Well, this was clearly not planned, so there's that. But babies should always be celebrated, so I'm choosing to celebrate while freaking out a little. I've had two miscarriages, so pregnancy doesn't always mean baby for me, so I'm waiting to full accept this reality until we know more. First appointment is this Thursday (11/16) afternoon. I genuinely have no idea how far I am, so we'll see!
pear / 1852 posts
Congrats to all everyone! Here's hoping all our babies are sticky!
July Mamas
4th: oldschooolmama (#1)
5th: TLL (#4)
7th: Shantuck (#3)
9th: elljay (#2)
13th: auggiefrog (#2)
14th: chypmunk (#1)
16th: Mrs. D (#2)
17th: LittleGBee (#4)
18th: ChiCalGoBee (#2)
19th: LauraBear (#2) pmrlady (#2)
16th: LittleGBee
22nd: oldschooolmama
27th: TLL
28th: auggiefrog
4th: Mrs. D
7th: elljay
8th: ChiCalGoBee
12th: chypmunk
apricot / 262 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: I hope your doctor is feeling good about your numbers!
Love that this board is filling up - fingers crossed for sticky July babes for everyone!
apricot / 316 posts
My first appointment is December 5th. I feel like it's so far away lol. I still have no symptoms at all, I'm like trying to focus on my body and see if there's anything different but nothing. On the one hand, it's nice to be symptom free, but on the other hand I'm worried that maybe the Hcg is not rising properly or something... I was trying to find that Clearblue test that shows you how many weeks you are but for some reason it's no longer available in the US from what I searched
nectarine / 2028 posts
@elljay: Thank you! Finally spoke to him after many, many unanswered phone calls to his nurses. He says he can't promise anything (of course) but both progesterone level and beta numbers are looking good and he hopes I feel "awful" and that he'll see me in about 3 weeks. Fingers crossed!
@pmrlady: Welcome! Congrats! My first u/s isn't until the 8th of December (fingers crossed I make it that far), so I feel you on the wait. I just bout some of the Weeks Estimator tests on eBay (since they're no longer sold in the U.S.-I read something about a law suit recently about these) to try and give myself peace of mind. They were expensive but hopefully will give me reassurance!
@LittleGBee: Welcome! So sorry you've had 2 m/cs and hope this one is sticky <3.
apricot / 316 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: I'm glad your numbers look good. Fingers crossed for you. Yea it sucks that those tests are no longer sold. I took another regular pregnancy test to check that the line is still dark because I really don't feel pregnant at all lol. The waiting is the worst part
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