papaya / 10473 posts
@Espion: Yes I'm pumping and nursing too. I have an over-active letdown so LO has a harder time latching and it also scares him, so he screams when it happens. I have to pump some off and save it for the end of the feeding each time.
nectarine / 2750 posts
@Espion: Just nursing for now, prob start pumping in a couple weeks to start building a stash. I did have to use the manual pump last night because A only are on one side and fell asleep. My boob looked huge and like rock hard-I was afraid to go to bed! I only got like one oz and my arm was tired, but it was my first go.
Oh, did you all see? I think @tinypiglet is in labor!
pomegranate / 3577 posts
@knittylady: I hear you! Hope you got some rest!
I don't know it it is a good or bad thing, but E totally doesn't care if he's sitting in a puddle. Home skillet soaked his clothes and his crib sheet!!
pomegranate / 3212 posts
Oops I was sleep deprived and thought you meant "at the moment". I've been pumping after every other nursing session as per the LCs orders. We got a double electric pump and man it makes me feel like a farm animal!
pear / 1632 posts
Hi June mommys!! Just watching the thread and waiting for my time. It's kinda nice to see what you all are discussing and working through as it prepares me a bit. @knittylady: farm animal..ha!!! My mom warned me and said thats exactly how you will feel ; )
pomegranate / 3577 posts
@knittylady: Ha! I grew up on a dairy farm. As my sister puts it, "I keep waiting for someone to slap me on the butt and move me down the line!"
cherry / 184 posts
@tlcbaby: Wishful thinking. Must be early labor; it seems to have stalled out after 20 hours of contractions starting last night into today. Here's hoping it kicks back in for real this time, and soon.
I should be joining y'all in the near term, I hope! Hope you're all enjoying getting to know your new little ones...
pear / 1563 posts
Hi June mama's. LO is having a brutal nap day today - or rather lack of naps. I think she basically only catnapped all day until finally at 5:30 I got her down and she's been asleep for an hour and a half. She doesn't really fall fully asleep when she nurses, so I just feel like I'm so bad at getting her to sleep. How are your LOs at sleeping during the day? Any tips?
So at day 15 PP my emotions feel a little more stable, but I really catch myself mourning my former life and my personal time and time with SO. I know this newborn stage is just a brief moment in time, but between the lack of sleep and constant nursing I just feel like there's very little reward right now, even though LO is adorable and we love her so much. Hoping my outlook improves soon.... :end pity party:
pomegranate / 3577 posts
@Revel: DH and I promised each other that we won't interrupt our lives for our LO. Not that we frequent bars or have wild nights, but we do enjoy our travel, down time, and sexy time. It basically comes down to making a commitment to not take each other for granted and not consistently putting the LO first when it comes to things where it doesn't make sense. The way I see it, I wouldn't have E if I hadn't loved DH first. So our relationship is almost a bigger priority, if that makes sense.
That being said, I can't wait until this kid is big enough to put him in a sling and nurse/nap on the go. I would love to hit up our favorite Mexican restaurant before we leave here and have a real, live beer, lol!
nectarine / 2750 posts
@Revel: Sounds like my day! I looked online and they hit a lot of growth spurts early on. One is between 7-10 days (from what I read) so that is my theory. Before today he would take mostly 1-2 hour naps during the day. Luckily his nighttime sleep is amazing so I can't be mad at him.
And I think what you are feeling is normal, especially after a tougher than normal day. It does go by fast so I just try to enjoy my family keeps reminding me!
pomegranate / 3577 posts
I officially golded myself today...if anything to support Hellobee. This place has been beyond enormously helpful. The wisdom of experience trumps most knowledge!
My little "picture of innocence" refused to sleep last night except for marathon nursing sessions and napping in my arms. He finally admitted defeat and surrendered to the crib/co-sleeper thing at 3:50 am. I am a little tired today!
nectarine / 2750 posts
@Espion: Oh good (on the gold)! Sorry about your night.
So I was brave and weighed myself today and I am already down 23 pounds after nine days. I gained about 40 total so I am just gonna not worry about it until I hit 6 weeks and see what happens.
I love seeing the numbers go down but I do have to say that I thought I would be self conscious about my body or trying to hide my little belly, but I find that I still wear tight-ish shirts and I don't mind if you can see the belly. I am kinda proud of it - I feel like I earned it and I know it won't be there forever.
OH and by the way, we got the Pampers Swaddlers and we are sitting pretty now - no more leaks! We went through four costume changes before my Mom picked them up yesterday!
nectarine / 2750 posts
@revel: How is your day on your own (saw your post on the June 2013 due date thread)? I am doing fine with LO, but it is SOOO quiet in here. His parents are actually coming in town today so there will be some excitement, but I hope they don't just want to hang out here all day every day, too.
I feel kinda bad about that, but I am trying to have some type of schedule with A and they said they could come visit so we could get some sleep, but neither of them can give him pretty much the only thing he needs that keeps me up at night, so I don't think they will actually be able to help us get more sleep.
pomegranate / 3577 posts
Ahhhh, *just* laid E down in his crib. It may last an hour, it may last a minute, but for right now, I've got the use of TWO arms!!
It's the little things, right?
@tlcbaby: I feel the same way about my parents being here. There's actually not that much they can do, and they are too old to be staying up at night or helping in other ways. Personally, I find it a little aggravating that I'm exiled to the bedroom every 2 hours for an hour or more. I'm totally splurging on a Netflix account tonight.
nectarine / 2750 posts
@Espion: You get 30 days free when you sign up right? You can do that! Yeah, I much prefer hanging out downstairs during the day, but sometimes A takes a while to latch on and I really don't feel like fumbling in front of my FIL!
pear / 1563 posts
@Espion: that's how I feel every time I set LO down... TWO ARMS!!!
@tlcbaby: my day alone has been pretty good. It's definitely harder without someone else to hold her. I did go to a new mom's group and that was incredibly good for me, to hear that all the nursing and needing to be in arms is normal. It helps to hear it in person even if I've read it 100 times. Plus, we weighed LO and she is up over birth weight! So I do feel like BF is working, even though I feel like I just can't satisfy her right now. So fussy and so much nursing these last few days.
pomegranate / 3577 posts
I feel like E is doing better with nursing, but sometimes he completely freaks out. He roots and makes hungry signs, but when I try to latch him he either screams, pushes off or both. I don't think it's an over active let-down, because he's fine nearly every other time. But he'll get completely frantic. I've been held boob hostage or the last hour and a half. He's been successfully latched, maybe, 20 minutes of that.
Anyone else's LO doing this?
nectarine / 2750 posts
@Revel: oh I am glad to said that-I need to remember to check the calendar for our local new mom's group. We are trying not to take LO out too much, but did you feel better taking her since it was all new moms and babies? I'd love to go to one of ours and get out of the house.
pear / 1563 posts
@tlcbaby: I did feel comfortable with her there. Everyone had a baby and was tending to their LO... no one touched her or anything, haha. It was refreshing and very normalizing for me of BF ing and the new mom challenges, I would absolutely go if at all possible. We have been getting out a lot with LO, just trying to avoid crowded indoor spaces. It is important for my sanity at this point!
pear / 1563 posts
@tlcbaby: meant to comment on your weight loss, nice work! I am exactly where you are, down 24 of 41, and similarly don't really feel self conscious about my belly pooch. I grew a baby! I've been feeling up for some longer walks these last few days. I can't wait to get back to CrossFit!
nectarine / 2750 posts
@Revel: I know! I am ready to get back, but so scared to find out how much strength/stamina I've lost! I am counting down the weeks!
We do go for our daily walks and we went to the farmers market this weekend, but haven't really been inside anywhere except the doctor's office, which luckily we are done with for a while.
DH's parents are here now and I feel like we are in for a week of unsolicited parenting advice. They aren't staying here, so hopefully it won't be too bad, but MIL already tried to ignore us when we asked her to bring him inside out of the sun because he had even out for a while already and it is pretty hot here today.
papaya / 10473 posts
@tlcbaby: @Espion: I got tired of being exiled to the bedroom by company so I've started exiling the company to our dining room so I can nurse in my regular spot. Its just too tricky to manage in the bedroom since C struggles to latch correctly! I just want our regular set-up in my regular chair.
papaya / 10473 posts
@Espion: Re: boob hostage - YES! I don't get it. He roots and hyperventilates and shakes his head... Then immediately unlatches and starts fussing. I am confused.
@tlcbaby: Aww no Hopefully they will just love on A and keep their opinions to themselves. My MIL and DH's aunt asked me last night if LO was sleeping through the night yet. When I said no, they said it was probably because I'm spoiling him. All I could do was laugh!
nectarine / 2750 posts
@grizz: Nice I was told there was no way my baby could be hungry again...right before he ate for 30 minutes
pear / 1664 posts
Just popping in to say, I was 222 lbs. down to 185 and holding. My goal is 150 but obviously can't exercise for 3+ more weeks.
Also, my kid flings her head around and acts like she doesn't want a bottle in her mouth, then fusses that she isn't being fed. Ugh!!
And, I share the mourning of my old life. My baby is too volatile to take anywhere (unpredictable screaming) and I'm so tired! But, it'll pass. Sadly my parents are leaving tomorrow.... That's going to be hard.
nectarine / 2750 posts
@LazyLightning: Have your parents been staying with you this whole time? I am looking forward to the end of visitors next week just so we can feel settled, but I will miss the help.
pomegranate / 3577 posts
@grizz: @LazyLightning: I hate that the weird fussiness is happening to you guys, but it makes me feel better that this is clearly a baby frustration thing and not a mama thing. I feel like he's telling me that I'm not hitting *exactly* where he wants to latch, or something.
I wonder when babies latch like its second nature to them?
@grizz: @tlcbaby: Sleeping through the night?! Never hungry? You know what that means...clearly they had miracle babies who slept at night and ate three square meals a day! (And crawled uphill in the snow both ways, dang it.)
nectarine / 2750 posts
@Espion: A seems to latch pretty well during the day after a few tries, but at night when I am more full, it takes him forever!! I'll be a lot more comfortable nursing in public when he is better at it.
Haha-through the snow Let's see what kind of tips today's visit brings!! They are going to keep A company in the Target parking lot so I can buy some real nursing bras today. I have no idea what size I am!
pear / 1664 posts
@tlcbaby: my mom did for a few weeks. It was really a godsend. Now they are in a hotel, since last Wednesday.
nectarine / 2750 posts
I was just getting ready to get A out for a walk and he fell asleep! Not complaining, but I wanted to get out before it got too hot! I might wait until tonight now after DH and his parents are here.
pomegranate / 3212 posts
Just wanted to pop in and say I've been feeling really low and just called my midwife about it. They're going to see me. This afternoon about possible ppd. I feel so relieved to have reached out.
GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts
@knittylady: it's really brave of you to have reached out for help. You're doing a great job I hope your appointment goes well today.
nectarine / 2750 posts
@knittylady: Thet is great you had the foresight to reach out. That is an important first step. Hugs to you-hope the appt goes well.
pear / 1664 posts
@knittylady: so glad you reached out! Hang in there and I hope your appt goes well. How long has it been since your lo was born? I feel like I turned a corner at about 2.5 weeks. I hope you will feel better soon.
pear / 1563 posts
@tlcbaby: I have a lot more trouble with latch when I'm full. My LC actually wants me to start pumping off like half an ounce before night feeds to alleviate this and start building a stash, but this seem backwards from other advice I've read (to pump after a feed to build a stash/build supply).
Also, I wish LO would randomly fall asleep for me these days! All sleep right now is a hard fought battle. I have her in the swing right now with a paci sleeping, finally.
@knittylady: Good for you for reaching out. For me, these last two and a half weeks have been incredibly difficult and I've felt pretty low a lot of the time. I am feeling a little more on top of things in the last few days, sometimes, so I hope that the combination of reaching out for help and time will have you feeling improved soon.
@LazyLightning: I guess it's normal to miss the old life, when such a permanent change has been made. I remind myself every day that this is actually a short period of time, even if it doesn't feel like it, and she won't be this small forever. I hope you're hanging in there with the parents gone.
@grizz: THAT is some ridiculous advice you got.
@Espion: I am waiting for the moment when latch is easy! Right now to keep things in the right plae I often have to keep one hand on the boob and one hand on the baby so I just end up staring into space. I'd be happy with one handed nursing at this point.
pear / 1563 posts
Baby sleep question - LO sleeps a couple good stretches at night, but is a tough daytime sleeper and is tough to get to sleep almost all the time. She's been having her first long stretch around 10 or 1030, but I think this may be a little late. Last night, for example, she fell asleep in the swing around 730, and I woke her around 830 (I know...) so I could feed her and get her down, and she ended up being so fussy and not falling asleep until like 11, but still doing her normal wake ups, although I got her down for an almost 2 hr stretch between 740 and 930 - normally she would be up in that time.
Is it to early to even be thinking about these type of bedtime concerns? I like for her to take her first long stretch around 10 so I can go to bed with her, but if it's at the expense of her well being I'd rather put her down when she's actually sleepy and for her to get the rest she needs.
What kind of "schedules" are your LOs on?
pear / 1664 posts
@Revel: mine eats about every 2.5-4 hours. She sleeps most of the time in between, but is awake for 30 minutes to an hour sometimes in the afternoon. Unfortunately her fussiest time is in the evening (from about 5 pm till 10 pm). It's like she's awake and doesn't know what to do - nothing is interesting to her and she isn't tired. I wish I could 'move' this time to a different time of day. It makes it impossible to go to dinner or anything. At night she tends to wake up twice - we go to bed around 10 with her, then she's up at 1:30 or so and again at 4 or 4:30. It's questionable whether she'll go back down after the 4:30 feeding. Today I was lucky. Some mornings we watch a lot of early morning reruns. lol.
pomegranate / 3577 posts
@knittylady: I'm so glad you reached out. This is a tough time, period. I went outside by myself yesterday to get the mail while my mom held the baby, and I swear I experienced that fleeting memory of what it was like to leave the house without having to worry about the tiny human they handed me. Talking to someone who has experience with this will absolutely help. We're all sending good vibes and know that we miss you on here!
pomegranate / 3577 posts
@Revel: I'm using the Baby Connect app for feedings, and the schedule is that there is no schedule! I chart only feedings and diapers, but you should see the chart it gives me. It's a mess.
Our speech therapy appointment went well today. I was lucky enough to end up with a therapist who had a personal history of having a really tough time BF'ing. It was like she was on a personal mission to ensure we preserved that relationship.
She had an interesting theory, though. E has been spitting up some of his feeds (but he's never really fussy with it, so I've thought nothing of it), and she wonders if his slow/disorganized nursing is to protect himself from the discomfort of an overfull stomach. She also recommended a better nipple if we do have to bottle feed him (the Nuk). She said that his refusal of the others is likely because they are too narrow.
I also cracked and bought a baby scale. Hopefully we can document a positive trend in how much he's eating.
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