Hellobee Boards


June 2014 mamas!

  1. beachbee

    kiwi / 673 posts

    @Orvis18: thanks! And I'm with ya on the peeing every 15 minutes... I don't remember it starting this early last time

  2. Chastenet

    kiwi / 614 posts

    @beachbee: I'm sorry for your losses - that must have been very traumatic. Congratulations on the surprise pregnancy this time around - I hope you have an easier time of it! I also had a loss, though it was very early on, and I've been reassuring myself this time by just thinking that the odds of that happening to the same person twice are much lower than the odds of experiencing a loss at some point in your life. That's helping me not stress too much...will definitely feel better in several weeks though.

  3. beachbee

    kiwi / 673 posts

    @Chastenet: thank you! I love your positivity and that is a great point, I will keep telling myself that when I start to freak out. This time around is so different, after IVF and getting pregnant with multiples we had multiple appts a week very early on for monitoring. So when I called my gyn office yesterday to schedule an appt after my hpt came back positive and they said I had to wait 3 weeks for bloodwork, I was shocked! I told my DH that I don't know how to handle a "normal" pregnancy

  4. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    How is everyone today? I have been feeling pretty normal (aka not feeling pregnant at all) for the past couple of days. Today I am 5 weeks.

    I am so eager for my first appointment and ultrasound on 10/14. Waiting is hard! If you are a FTM or when you were a FTM, was the waiting hard for you?

    I browsed for cribs this past weekend. Since we have been TTC for almost 2 years , I have been dreaming/casually browsing for baby stuff for a long time. Now that I am actually PG, I just want to shop or do more specific research but it still seems too early. Any one have suggestions about things I can start do or researching now?

  5. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @Tundra Daisy: @MsBadger: Welcome! Glad to see you both here!!!

  6. Sunshine710

    cherry / 206 posts

    @kentuckygirl: Waiting for appoints was SO hard as a FTM. Now in my 2nd pregnancy, I'm just savoring each day as a mother of 1 and just trying to live in the moment (it all goes so fast)!

    I was very much into researching breastfeeding and cloth diapers, didn't spend as much time on crib, furniture, etc until I was much further along. I ended up finding my crib on Gilt.com anyway (it was the one I wanted but out of my price range) so that was exciting.

  7. beachbee

    kiwi / 673 posts

    @kentuckygirl: I'm feeling not at all pregnant also! Besides being exhausted, but that may be due to the fact that DD is an awful sleeper so I'm up most of the night.

    I have to wait until 10/21 for my first appt, and the waiting is so hard for me. My first pregnancy was different since we were monitored so often early on, so waiting three weeks seems like an awful long time to me.

  8. BadgerMom

    persimmon / 1385 posts

    I'm not feeling too different either. A little crampy/gassy I guess. No morning sickness yet but since I'm not quite 5 weeks I'm sure there is plenty of time for that, ha!

  9. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    Today I feel fat. I am already overweight but today my clothes felt tight. Urgh, I wish that I had found a way to lose some weight before I got pregnant. I was on the roller coaster of emotions and drugs with infertility for about 1 1/2 year and it was just so hard to lose weight. But now as I think ahead to the next 9 months of just getting bigger - ugh! I would like to gain no more than 15 lbs but if I am going to accomplish that, I need to make some meal plans so that I am getting enough nutrients but not too many calories and fat. Although I "know" how to eat right, maybe I should try to find a nutritionist.

  10. beachbee

    kiwi / 673 posts

    Well the nausea has officially kicked in! This morning I was feeding LO her yogurt and took two bites of mine and that was it! I tried a banana then some pretzels and then cinnamon cookies. No dice. Finally settled on a bag of sweet potato terra chips that hit the spot. I was hoping the nausea would stay away a little longer this time. Oh well, I'm taking this as a good sign that this baby is sticky!!

    How's everyone else feeling?

  11. owlmom

    clementine / 958 posts

    @beachbee: ugh, me too. It started this weekend. All I've wanted to eat is bread and American cheese (gross). I'm going to try to adopt your attitude about it - morning sickness means baby is sticking

  12. Tundra Daisy

    cherry / 150 posts

    @beachbee: @owlmom: Mee tooo! ugh I've felt really sick the last two mornings.. only seems to get better after about 2pm! I'm on holidays at the moment seeing some in laws who we haven't told yet! going on a car trip tomorrow morning with them eeeek! When I told my mum I was feeling sick she said good good! so I'm trying to see it positively too

    I'm also going through a bit of OMG what have a got myself in for? I'm hoping this is normal with a first pregnancy hehe

  13. Chastenet

    kiwi / 614 posts

    @beachbee: @owlmom: @Tundra Daisy: Ugh! Sorry you ladies are already getting nausea! I was lucky with DD, I never had morning sickness...So I'm hoping that this pregnancy is the same. I had a pretty easy time of it besides some major swelling in my legs and feet during 3rd tri.

    Has anyone else had appointments? I had one last week that went well - besides taking FOREVER, I almost was late for DD's babysitter who had to get to her real job - the midwife was super nice and calm. They confirmed the pregnancy, took some blood, gave me flu shot....I also got a referral for a dating ultrasound since I have long cycles. I know when I O'd thanks to charting, but hey, I'll take the ultrasound anyway! So, I scheduled it for next week Friday so DH can come, and that way I'll be 7weeks so we should definitely see a heartbeat. Next midwife appointment is in 4 weeks.
    I've been tempted to tell my mom & sis - it's going to be so hard to keep this a secret over the next 2 months. But it's kind of challenging to see how long I can do it.

  14. TheSwissWifeStyle

    nectarine / 2600 posts

    Hi all Tentatively dipping my toes in...!

    EDD: June 17

    When Did You Find Out?: got a faint bfp last Thursday, but though it might still be my trigger shot. Confirmed with another bfp this past Monday and Tuesday, and a blood test Tuesday.

    Child Number: 1 hopefully. This is my 3rd pregnancy. 1st ended in a mmc at 9weeks+, 2nd ended in a natural mc at about 8 weeks. With the 2nd one, I had my first scan at 7w2d and it didn't look promising from then.

    Where You Live: Switzerland

    What kind of provider will you see?: RE for now.

    When's Your First Appointment?: well had 2 betas done already, and first scan is Oct. 21. I'll be 5w6d

    What kind of birth do you want?: I really just want a healthy baby so whatever. But I'm not a fan of pain either, lol.

    What You're Most Excited For: I don't really know. It's hard to be excited at this point, but I'm trying to think positive. I hate that I've been robbed of the fun of being pregnant.

    What You're Most Scared About: Don't really think I need to say!

    Symptoms so far: exhausted! Like I just wanna lay in bed all day and not deal with anything! Been taking 2 hour long naps almost every day.

  15. Chastenet

    kiwi / 614 posts

    @TheSwissWifeStyle: Welcome and congrats! I don't mean to be trite at all, but I hope that in your case the 3rd time is the charm! I know how difficult a loss can be, and how scary it can be to be pregnant again. My DD was born after my loss and I was pretty worried until about 9 weeks when we had an ultrasound where we saw movement and heard the heartbeat. I hope you are able to relax after these initial weeks

  16. beachbee

    kiwi / 673 posts

    @TheSwissWifeStyle: congrats and welcome!! So happy for you and I hope this is your take home baby! I'm glad to hear your betas are looking good. I used an RE's office for my first pregnancy and loved that I got results so quickly! Now I'm at my regular OB and they won't see me for a few weeks, its so nerve wracking! I just want to know what's going on in there

  17. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    Edd: 7/5/14

    When Did You Find Out?: 9dpo

    Child Number: #2

    Where You Live: GA

    What kind of provider will you see?: OB

    When's Your First Appointment?: Had a blood draw last Thursday, then again Monday. I have an ultrasound on Monday at 6w, 4d.

    What kind of birth do you want?: Whatever the dr feels is best

    What You're Most Excited For: I'm too cautious to be excited right now. If all goes well, I can't wait to announce it to our family with the help of our son.

    What You're Most Scared About: I had a chemical a few months ago so I'm nervous.

    Symptoms so far: bloated, so tired, emotional. How attractive!

  18. Alexandra603

    cherry / 160 posts


    Edd: 7/11/14
    When Did You Find Out?: 10/3/13
    Child Number: #1
    Where You Live: WA
    What kind of provider will you see?: OB
    When's Your First Appointment?: Not until November 9th! (9 weeks)
    What kind of birth do you want?: Not sure yet
    What You're Most Excited For: To be able to tell people our news - doesn't feel very real yet.
    What You're Most Scared About: Just wondering if everything is normal - I think I will feel better after my first ultrasound.
    Symptoms so far: super sore boobs, bloated, stomach feels full and tight.

  19. TheSwissWifeStyle

    nectarine / 2600 posts

    @Chastenet: @beachbee: Thanks ladies.

  20. leelee

    persimmon / 1194 posts

    June 2012 momma back again for June 2014

    June 2014 mamas-to-be roll call!

    EDD: June 23 (2 days before DD birthday eek!)

    When Did You Find Out?: 10/10, I think it was 10DPO

    Child Number: #2

    Where You Live: CA

    What kind of provider will you see?: OBGYN

    When's Your First Appointment?: Err still need to make it!

    What kind of birth do you want?: DD was a induced vaginal delivery so I wouldnt mine going that route again

    What You're Most Excited For: Feeling the baby kicks!

    What You're Most Scared About: the transition from 1 kiddo to 2.

    Symptoms so far: just bloating. I happened to catch a stomach bug yesterday so I originally thought all those were symptoms but they are gone today.

    Yay so excite to join you ladies!

  21. peacockblue

    coffee bean / 45 posts

    Here is to de-lurking and joining you ladies :).

    EDD: June 15

    When Did You Find Out?: 11DPO, a week ago

    Child Number: #2

    Where You Live: Arizona

    What kind of provider will you see?: High-risk OB

    When's Your First Appointment?: I still need to make it. Have been putting it off until my fourth/final beta on Tuesday confirms this might really be happening and is not just a dream :).

    What kind of birth do you want?: Whatever the doctor calls for!

    What You're Most Excited For: Seeing what looks like a flickering piece of rice that will confirm this baby's heart is a-beating!

    What You're Most Scared About: The 1 to 2 LO transition--I'm so excited to see my LO as a big sister and to watch their siblinghood develop. But really freaked out about how exactly all this works with only two hands

    Symptoms so far: the only ones I really have are ridiculous nightsweats (I hate those) and loss of appetite. I am pretty bloated too.

    @beachbee: I can totally relate to so much of what you wrote, and I feel for you mama. I too had stillborn twins and I am so emotionally traumatized from the experience I have insisted on continuing to see a high-risk OB for any other possible pregnancies, even though they are not actually high risk pregnancies. My anxiety is so high that I crave those weekly ultrasounds and they help put my mind at ease!

  22. Alexandra603

    cherry / 160 posts

    How's everyone feeling? I have to say I'm not loving pregnancy so far ..... I'm breaking out like crazy, having trouble sleeping at night, am bloated and gassy with a wacked out appetite and boobs have hurt terribly for about 3 weeks now!! Ugh! Could be much worse, I know, but anyone else also feeling uncomfortable already?

  23. TheSwissWifeStyle

    nectarine / 2600 posts

    @Alexandra603: for me just feeling really lazy, and my boobs are bigger and a bit sore and tingly at times. I feel like I haven't had much of an appetite.

    ETA: I am 4+5 today.

  24. beachbee

    kiwi / 673 posts

    @calsmom: @Alexandra603: @leelee: @peacockblue: congratulations and welcome!!!

    @peacockblue: I am so sorry to hear you share a similar story, I wouldn't wish it on anyone and I hope you have had some time to heal from your losses. Ours were a year ago this week, so it's going to be a rough week but I know well get through it. I tried to make an appt with my perinatologist from my last pregnancy but they referred me to my regular OB, who we see on Monday. I'm not happy about that and will likely ask for a referral to the other office even if this pregnancy is not considered high risk. Glad you were able to do that!

  25. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @Alexandra603: 7w today. I'm feeling bloated, tired, naseous...all of the same things with LO #1 but more intense. I am also breaking out all over the place like I did the first time too. Oh joy. I'm also anxiously awaiting my first appointment in 3 weeks. It feels like a lifetime from now!

  26. BadgerMom

    persimmon / 1385 posts

    I'm thinking about ordering my first pregnancy book. Not sure which one to get, I've looked at the usual suspects, but is there one that you guys who have done this before would suggest?

  27. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    I had the Mayo clinic book and really liked it. It was comprehensive and not too scary. I also liked the format of the chapters. I lent it out to someone but am hoping to get it back as a refresher this time around.

  28. kimbed

    grape / 84 posts

    EDD: June 19

    When Did You Find Out?: last Tuesday, Oct. 8th

    Child Number: #2

    Where You Live: Florida

    What kind of provider will you see?: OBGYN

    When's Your First Appointment?: Oct. 17 (which seems so early to me!)

    What kind of birth do you want?: With #1 I had a c-section after trying to induce labor for nearly 15 hours with ZERO progress. I will most likely have a c-section again since they found out (after cutting me open) I am narrow, hence why #1 was not able to drop down into position. Maybe this time around I won’t have to wait 9 days past due date!

    What You're Most Excited For: First ultrasound and feeling the little bean for the first time. Oh and seeing LO#1 as a big brother. And telling our families

    What You're Most Scared About: Same here on the 1 to 2 LO transition! But also just the general nervousness. Will it stick? Will I remember how to do all this??

    Symptoms so far: Bloaty. Break-out city. And exhaustion, but that could be partially due to the cold I’ve seemed to come down with.

    FX to a happy, healthy 9 months for all!

  29. LiliBillie

    cherry / 105 posts

    EDD: June 17! Which is also our 2nd year Anniversary
    When Did You Find Out?: 10dpo - 10/7
    Child Number: #1
    Where You Live: New York City
    What kind of provider will you see?: OBGYN
    When's Your First Appointment?: October 25th
    What kind of birth do you want?: Really no clue.
    What You're Most Excited For: The first ultra sound.
    What You're Most Scared About: Miscarriage.. I've never had it but I'm so scared of it.
    Symptoms so far: Very Sore boobs, also gained about a size up. Exhausted. A lot of bathrooms trips and little acne showing up.

    Wishing everyone a healthy few weeks

  30. Alexandra603

    cherry / 160 posts

    Happy to see more mamas-to-be on here! When are you guys telling family and friend the news? We are planning to wait until Thanksgiving but I don't think we'll make it - but I would at least like to wait until after our first appointment on 11/6 at 9 weeks.

  31. BadgerMom

    persimmon / 1385 posts

    Owlmom, I hope I'm not stepping on your toes with this, I was just getting lost with who's all in as a June mama. Here's the list:

    June Mamas
    1st - Owlmom (#2), Sunshine710 (#2), Tundra Daisy (FTM)
    2nd - Orvis18 (#2)
    3rd - Beachbee (#2)
    4th - KentuckyGirl (FTM)
    5th - Calsmom (#2)
    6th - Chastenet (#2)
    9th - MsBadger (FTM)
    11th - Alexandra603 (FTM)
    15th - Peacockblue (#2)
    17th - Theswisswifestyle (FTM), Lilibillie (FTM)
    19th - Kimbed (#2)
    23rd - Leelee (#2)

    and hopefully we'll still add a few more

  32. TheSwissWifeStyle

    nectarine / 2600 posts

    @Alexandra603: Not sure how long I can hold off telling my mom. I will see her in a few weeks and I'll feel deceitful if I don't tell her!

    DH wants to wait to tell all other family til Christmas, when I'll be 15+2. He never wants to put it on facebook. Our history has him scared.

    @MsBadger: Great idea

  33. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    Very cautiously dipping my toes in the water...

    EDD: June 13

    When Did You Find Out?: Hard to say because I tested out my HCG trigger...but I had an inkling by 9dpo and positive digi at 12dpo

    Child Number: #1

    Where You Live: NJ

    What kind of provider will you see?: RE for now, then OB and most likely MFM (because of a seizure disorder)

    When's Your First Appointment?: Had a few betas and an u/s last Fri (saw gestational sac and yolk sac), next beta this Fri, next u/s 10/25

    What kind of birth do you want?: Anything that results in a healthy baby!

    What You're Most Excited For: Finally holding a LO in my arms after everything we've been through. Just thinking about it makes me emotional although maybe everything makes me emotional these days!

    What You're Most Scared About: I don't even want to say it. But we've had 3 losses (2 chemicals and 1 at 7 weeks) so every day is still scary.

    Symptoms so far: Peeing constantly, boobs so sore, very occasional nausea

  34. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    Congrats to all the newbies! Fingers crossed for all of us!

    I had my first ultrasound yesterday. We saw the heartbeat and so far everything is good. Our next ultrasound is in a few weeks (@ 9 weeks).

  35. crunchy1

    coffee bean / 36 posts

    So excited to be joining you ladies!

    EDD: June 21

    When Did You Find Out?: 14 dpo (I had some spotting at 11 and 12 dpo and was convinced I was out)

    Child Number: 1

    What kind of provider will you see?: I'd love a midwife, but I'll probably go to an OBGYN since there aren't many in our area.

    When's Your First Appointment?: I haven't made one yet.

    What kind of birth do you want?: As of right now I'm hoping to go as natural as possible...we will see what happens when I'm actually in labor. Most important thing is a healthy baby and momma.

    What You're Most Excited For: Telling family/friends, seeing the heartbeat/US, having a baby belly, feeling the kicks, being a momma...everything!

    What You're Most Scared About: Something going wrong.

    Symptoms so far: Sore boobs/nipples, some cramping, and my stomach doesn't feel great if it's empty (not nauseous so far...thank goodness).

  36. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @spaniellove: eeeeeeeeeee.....hi there!!! Sending all of my stickiness to you!!!

    ETA: seeing your avatar totally, 100% just made my day. I am so excited for you!

  37. meesker

    grape / 84 posts

    EDD: June 2 by my calculations, June 1 by LMP

    When Did You Find Out?: September 21st, roughly 12 dpo

    Child Number: 1

    What kind of provider will you see?: OB/GYN.

    When's Your First Appointment?: November 14th. So far away! I'll be 11.5 weeks along and we do want first trimester screening, so hopefully the first appointment being so late doesn't throw things off too much.

    What kind of birth do you want?: Healthy and uncomplicated. I will most likely do whatever my OB suggests.

    What You're Most Excited For: Being a mom. We've been trying since April 2012 and only had one other BFP that we lost October 2013 (at about 5 weeks). I've made it to 7 weeks so far, but have had a couple spotting incidents and am terrified of miscarrying.

    What You're Most Scared About: Losing this pregnancy and not being able to get another BFP.

    Symptoms so far: Nausea, fatigue, constipation, bloating.

    We don't know for sure when we will announce, but if everything looks ok with the first trimester screening, maybe around Thanksgiving. We probably won't see family again until Christmas and that just seems longer than we'll want to wait to tell family.

  38. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @LovelyPlum: Hi!! Thank you! It really is scary and hard to just trust that someone is in there. But it makes me happy to see you!

  39. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @spaniellove: Hi! I have a huge smile seeing you here! I am soooo excited for you!!! Looking forward to sharing this journey with you!!!

    Welcome to so many other new faces! @TheSwissWifeStyle: @calsmom: @Alexandra603: @leelee: @peacockblue: @kimbed: @LiliBillie: @crunchy1: @meesker: I had a busy few days and have missed so much!

  40. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    We had our first appointment yesterday and saw our little butterbean with a tiny flickering heartbeat. I have been a little nervous about that first appointment and am relieved that baby looks good so far. I have another appointment with the RE on 10/30. I also went ahead and called my OB and she wants to see me on 11/7. I think I am going to be holding my breath for each appointment.

    Someone above mentioned not sleeping well and I am having the same problem. There is some worry about the future at work and while I think it is going to work out, it may mean I'll have a lot of driving/travel in the future. I keep waking up (bathroom, etc.) but then staying awake worrying about my job stability and childcare arrangements with the potential changes. After a really rough night last night, I told myself today that whatever happens we will deal with it and to stop worrying. Hope my semi-conscious self remembers that when I am trying to sleep tonight!

    Milk and creamy foods seem to be bothering my stomach, which is unusual. I am struggling with lunch options since cold cuts are out and my favorite salad dressing is blue cheese. Any suggestions? What is your go-to lunch?

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