kiwi / 705 posts
In the hospital! Not sure if we’re staying yet but I’m 3cm and they are running a check to see if my water is broken. Contractions spaced out immediately once we got here 🤨 Same thing happened with my first 2. So we’ll see if I progress over the next couple hours and if not they’ll let us go. I’m 38+5.
cherry / 146 posts
@jccovi how exciting! Did they wind up keeping you? Even though my bp did come back down they have me coming in for an induction tomorrow evening, hoping maybe things get started before then? Today is my son’s birthday so I’m glad I get to be home for that!
kiwi / 705 posts
@msmilkshake: Yep, my water was leaking so they kept me and I opted for an epidural immediately which I think helped me relax and let things progress. Still 17 hours of labor. I want my money back from all the people in my life who promised third babies come super fast
She was sunny side up and back labor was intense but she’s here
cherry / 146 posts
Felix Douglass arrived yesterday after a slightly eventful but ultimately successful induction!
cherry / 160 posts
Update from the late summer straggler Made it to 34 weeks! Placenta previa resolved at the 32 week follow up so I'm cleared and back to being low risk! Just waiting now...
kiwi / 518 posts
@msmilkshake: Omg I haven’t been over here much but congrats!!! Hope you are both recovering well.
@MountainBaby: So glad your previa resolved! Hope you’re hanging in ok during the summer heat. I thought I would kick out by not being pregnant in the heat of summer breastfeeding every two hours instead and sweltering either way 🤦♀️
kiwi / 518 posts
Hope everyone is well! We have spent the last few weeks at the beach which has been great except I didn’t foresee that my two year old would see the trip (my husband had paternity leave which explains the timing) as another traumatic change. She loves it but has been highly emotional and I had hoped that would be regulating by now.
Our other news is we have a referral to Boston Children’s to see a craniosacral specialist because the shape of his head suggests he might have craniosynostosis - premature fusion of two plates in his scull. Stressful but happy the pediatrician is on board - she was wanting to wait and see but called us out of the blue the other day because it was weighing on her mind. I’m glad to see the specialist sooner rather than later and I would love to be wrong of course!
Hope you are all well ️ Share a pic of your LO if they’re here or a bump shot if not!
nectarine / 2648 posts
@skiierchck99: he’s so cute - such a little man! You are so right to go with your instincts and push on any concerns you have. Here’s hoping for good news when you go to Boston Children's.
A little photo of my old man & DD:
cherry / 146 posts
@mountainbaby Good update! I hope you can stay cool.
️️️ loving these photos. All is well here, starting to fee physically better myself and F’s bilirubin, which was a little high was looking better as of Friday: Here are a couple of additional baby faces
nectarine / 2690 posts
Just popping in to say congrats to all the new momma's! Such cute babies!!
clementine / 787 posts
Baby V is doing great over here. Loving my time with her before my new job starts in August.
Love all the photos - what a wonderful crew of sweet babies!!!
nectarine / 2648 posts
@msmilkshake: Glad everyone is feeling better. That last one with the B&W stripes is the best!
apricot / 430 posts
So many cute babies!! How is everyone doing? I’m in Texas and our household has returned to strict social distancing before we even left it. Poor DS so wants to play with kids, but I’m not comfortable as we see the numbers rise and baby has medical tests coming up. Baby girl is doing great! She loves to eat and is sleeping well so far. She’s already 9lb 7oz at 1 month and last night she slept through her 3am feeding, giving me 5 hrs of uninterrupted sleep and really sore boobs!
Her dilated renal pelvis is severe and she will have tests at the end of the month down in Houston. I’m assuming she will need surgery. I’ve got a family history of hip dysplasia, so she will get an ultrasound in 2 weeks.
apricot / 431 posts
@BUNBUN: I accidentally came across this thread and just saw you mention the dilated renal pelvis. My daughter was also born with it and was monitored at a children’s hospital every 6 months. When it didn’t improve she had surgery at 14 months. Of course it was awful as a mom but she did so well. 24 hr hospital stay and she handled it all perfectly. She’s 3 next month and we’ve had ultrasounds every 6 months to follow up. So far everything has been perfect and she’s never had an UTI. Her (hopefully) last ultrasound is this Tuesday. If things still look good she will be discharged from urology. Best of luck to you and please reach out if you have any questions!
clementine / 874 posts
@yellowbeach: I WISH! I've had lovely prodromal labor sessions but they peter out after a few hours. Literally the worst. Just when I think 'this could be it' they increase to 10 minutes apart and disappear within an hour. Had my membranes stripped yesterday and have walked a mile every night this week I'm really worried the internet is right and that prodromal labor means shorter real labor. I now live 30 min from the hospital and last time I got to under 5 min contractions, I was at an 8 and in transition, so I know I have to go in sooner than that!
I'm scheduled for an induction Thursday, so I had to go get the Covid test yesterday so they'd let me in the hospital. My parents are in town to see my brother's 2 week old baby, so it looks like they'll be here to watch the kids while we're at the hospital. Huge relief during covid times. They don't have any health issues and my home state has been way better at limiting spread than Utah.
Still have the largest list of names I kind of like, but at this point, I think we'll just wait to see the baby and pick one then.
persimmon / 1390 posts
Love seeing all of the updated baby pictures! We are doing really well and the transition to 3 has been SO much easier than the transition to 2 just since the older girls play together and are good ages (4 and 6.5). I had a few nice days alone at home with the baby over 4th of July.
DD1 has norovirus earlier this week which was awful. I was so scared the baby was going to get it but it seems the rest of us are okay. It was nice that we had masks because of COVID so DH wore one while taking care of her and she was so good about staying away from everyone.
persimmon / 1390 posts
Also just wanted to share that after a scare a few days in when he was spitting up everything he ate and we had to do weighted feeds, he’s now just spitting up a lot like my first did but gaining weight—he put on 2.2 lbs in 2 weeks! We did a full day of formula and I think it helped rehydrate him and get rid of his jaundice so I’m really thankful for formula! Back to breastfeeding after 24 hours without any problems.
kiwi / 518 posts
@Becky: what a cutie pie - so glad to hear he’s doing better! We have a spitter this time too which is so surprising because our first really didn’t hardly at all.
Tell me, any tips on the transition to two? It’s so much harder than expected! The baby resting itself feels much easier, but managing competing needs is like way hard - and this has all been with my husband home! I’m a little terrified of his transition back to work next week!
nectarine / 2648 posts
@skiierchck99: Glad you asked this question because I’m also having the same struggle. I can tell DD feels neglected and like second place which breaks my heart... my DH in all his infinite wisdom didn’t take any paternity leave so we’ve been alone this week. Was just as bad the prior few weeks though even when he was home... it’s hard.
How is breastfeeding going for everyone else who went that route? I was so looking forward to a better experience this time around. With DD, I equates our breastfeeding troubles with her being a premie, me being so sick and is just getting off to a rough start... but this time things aren’t going any better. My left boob is basically lazy and a non-contributor. I can only get myself to pump three times a day at best. He’s feeding maybe 8 times a day but never quite satisfied so we are supplementing with formula. We’ve been seeing lactation every week since he was born (have another apt at 9:30 tomorrow) but I feel like we are making zero progress away from triple feeds. One thing the lactation MD said that I never knew is that IVF affects BFing because the hormones of the first trimester play a huge role in laying down your milk ducts? Who knew... so maybe this is just me and how things are... but I keep feeling guilty I’m not doing more.
apricot / 430 posts
@MommySLP: thank you so much! I really appreciate hearing about your experience!
persimmon / 1390 posts
The transition to 2 was super hard for me. I think it was mostly because of DD1 being 2.5 which was a tough age but I also know my friend whose daughter was 4.5 had a hard time too. I really don’t have any advice other than stick it out! I can’t recall your situation but are you seeing other people? I bet setting up a play date with like aged children would help. My DH never took any leave I remember I was TERRIFIED of the first time I would have to give them both a bath and put them both to bed on my own. It was much easier than expected and also empowering to be able to say hey, I did all of this on my own!
Breastfeeding has been going well for me this time. Last time though it was awful and I had major supply and latch issues so I feel your pain! My left boob was a non-contributor too and nothing improved it. I didn’t see a lactation consultant and wished I had since we would have caught the lip tie so I think that’s a great first step. Do you see the same one every time? I wonder if getting a different perspective would help. For me I think my supply issues all had to do with stress. I also wasn’t eating great so I think having a more nutritious diet with DD1 and now DS contributed/s to a better supply (more veggies, whole grains, healthy proteins, nuts). Feeding issues are just so stressful—I hope it improves!
clementine / 874 posts
This baby finally came! I kept hoping my prodromal labor would get under 7 minutes to go to the hospital, but nope. After hours of 8 minute contractions the night before, I got to the hospital at 7am for my induction right on the due date. Only 3 cm of course
Have to say I really loved my induction, I had time for an epidural and a little nap before 5 minutes of pushing and we had a baby girl! Wahoo I was right!
Went home after the tests at 24 hours and this is honestly the fastest recovery I've had. No stitches or tearing and only needed the peri bottle that first day. But the post labor contractions really do get worse with each kid.
The transition to 3 is going ok, both kids love baby M and want to help me and her all the time, so that's good. But my kids are definitely feeling the lack of attention especially when I'm so tired. I went upstairs to pump yesterday and had both kids literally sitting on the floor watching me. 🙄
cherry / 160 posts
@codeitall: congratulations! Welcome baby M!
I just came from my 37 week appointment. 2cm dilated, 75% effaced, so things are happening!
clementine / 787 posts
How is everyone doing? I think of this group often I admit, just haven’t posted as I had no idea how busy I’d be finishing one job, getting ready for a new one and caring for this little girl. And I wouldn’t trade that last for anything!
Baby V slept 5.5 hours last night and frankly this mama didn’t know what to do. I woke up at 4 hours and checked her (admit I struggle with mild anxiety over her breathing related to her NICU stay) and then checked her every 30
minutes or so until she woke up. So ironically I got less sleep than if she had slept her normal e3.5-4 hour stretches. But if she keeps it up, I’m sure I’ll get used to the longer sleep stretch and sleep well myself.
So no gripes - so in love with this little girl. And found out my new job is remote working for the foreseeable future - which makes me happy so I’m around more - even while working - to help DH transition into a stay at home dad with her while I work.
apricot / 430 posts
@MrsJBeeG: Hello! I'm glad to hear you're doing well, and I second your sentiment. I think of you ladies often, but haven't found much time to post. I hope everyone is doing well!
Today is my first official day working full time. It went better than I expected. DD stayed with me in my office all morning, nursing and napping, and I handed her off to MIL when she was sleepy and I had a conference call. Fingers cross having her with me continues to work because I really hate pumping! That being said, I have quite a little stash socked away thanks to using my haaka once a day in the AM. It doesn't yield nearly as much as I expected, but it's added up over time.
Unfortunately, DS has finally gotten to the jealous stage and is taking it out on...DH! As in, "go away, Daddy!" every time he enters a room. We're grateful he's not taking it out on his sister, but it's really getting DH down. Fortunately, he's fine when they do things together one-on-one (walks, swimming, playing) but if I'm around, he's a brat. Probably more reason for me to spend time in the office and not work in the main part of the house.
Schools in our county in Texas aren't going to be in-person until September or October, but his preschool hasn't changed their Sept 1 start date...yet. We don't know yet if we will send him back (boy, does he need it!) because MIL is immunocompromised.
kiwi / 705 posts
Glad everyone is doing well! DD3 went through a rough patch where she refused the bassinet for the first month but at 5 weeks we're starting to get some sleep. The transition from 2-3 is so much easier then 1-2 because the big kids are so independent (5 and 6). Looks like we'll be homeschooling this fall but DH's work rolled out12 weeks of family leave (so so excited by that!) and he's spreading it out with half days so between my leave and his we'll be covered this fall so don't have to make any decisions regarding the baby and should be able to homeschool a 2nd grader and a kinder. We'll figure out the spring semester when we get there I guess...
persimmon / 1390 posts
I think if everyone on here often too!
@JCCovi: I agree the kids being older makes such a huge difference!
I think our first few months of school will likely be virtual. We will hear for sure in a few weeks but I can’t imagine with rates rising in other parts of the country that they would send us back (our rates are very low here). Trying not to think too much about juggling 3 kids at home and educating 2 of them
I had mastitis last week and was terrified it was COVID. Definitely spooked me and made me more cautious!
Had DS’s 1 month late at 6 weeks. He’s 11lb 13oz already and has gone from being in the 20s to 78th for weight percentiles. Chunky baby! He’s getting an ultrasound for his sacral dimple because we have a family history and he has a skin tag in it (weird). Crossing my fingers he’s fine because spinal surgery is no joke.
clementine / 787 posts
@Becky: your DS is adorable! I truly mean that. Love baby smiles like his. Keeping my fingers crossed all is well with the sacral dimple.
clementine / 787 posts
@BUNBUN: thanks for sharing about going back to work remotely with your baby. I start my new job on Monday - remotely for now - and hoping to still get time with my DD during the day when not on work calls. I just enjoy time with her so much.
clementine / 787 posts
As for me - DD has her 2 month check up and her immunizations. She is small - height and weight for 2 months - just at 10 pounds but the doctor told me to expect that since she was born 4 weeks early. The immunizations were fine but It was rough a few hours later when she started crying for long stretches - something she has never done. Infant Tylenol was approved and made the world of difference so she woke up happy the next day. It also made me appreciate how sweet and happy she is the majority of the day.
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