pomegranate / 3212 posts
@sidwuzhere: Congrats!
On an unrelated note, I wonder when we'll see a July 2013 group pop up! I think it'll be sort of neat when we're not the furthest away... is that weird?
pomegranate / 3192 posts
Sometime in the next few days I think... a girl on another board I read got her BFP today (I think about 13 or 14 dpo) and she's due June 30. I agree with you, it will be cool to not be the "youngest"...
I'm not feeling sick at all yet, it's making me nervous....
pomegranate / 3212 posts
@QBbride: my mother in law never had a second of morning sickness an with all 3 of her pregnancies! I know what it's like to want nasty symptoms trust me. I'm worried my boobs haven't doubled! Oy.
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@knittylady - Haha! Well it is still early! You have lots of time for your boobs to double! I'm hoping I'm not feeling sick yet because I'm only 5w+3d... I just want to feel a bit re-assured, you know?? I don't have my dating u/s till Nov 14...
nectarine / 2750 posts
@qbbride - mine didn't show up at all until I was exactly six weeks. I really wasn't feeling many symptoms at al before six weeks, except that I was feeling pretty tired. Now I have been trying EVERYTHING to help the m/s - I bought those sea bands yesterday, I am going to try wearing them today and see how it goes.
pear / 1986 posts
@knittylady: @QBbride: @TLCbaby: Hi ladies! I can't help but join in the boob talk - mine are huge! DH is shocked every time he sees them! I wouldn't say doubled, but definitely bigger than I've ever had before. So weird!
I'm also "waiting" for the m/s to kick-in, but I'm only 5w2d, so I know it might still be a week or so. I've been so worried about m/s for the longest time - I hate nausea! I had a friend who used the sea bands for her m/s and had pretty good luck with those. I know citrus scents are also supposed to help! My acupuncturist gave me some orange and tangerine oils and they've really helped with my nausea due to the IVF meds I've been taking.
DH and I are getting excited for our first u/s on Nov 2nd. I'm pretty sure I'm carrying a single little bean, but there is a chance we may have twins. We'll know soon enough! Hope all is well with you!
pear / 1664 posts
ladies count your blessings. I'm a little over 7w. I feel so, so awful. I've done everything possible to stop it and I still feel like death.
Seaband, dramamine, unisom, b6, zofran. All of the natural "cures" like crackers or gingerale or apples or citrus just make me barf. It's really terrible. Careful what you wish for.
pear / 1986 posts
@LazyLightning: Sorry that it is so bad right now! I hope the *Seaband, dramamine, unisom, b6, zofran* combo does the trick so you get at least little relief! I'm definitely dreading it!!
pear / 1664 posts
@GreenThumb: it really doesn't. The seabands hurt my wrists and the other stuff makes me tired (still sick though), and the zofran stops me up. Yay
pear / 1986 posts
@LazyLightning: Blah! That sucks! I've been on zofran before and yup - that isn't the best at all! I hope it ends for you sooner rather than later.
grape / 76 posts
Hi Ladies!! I just got a BFP four days ago and have been so excited!! My husband and I were NTNP for only one cycle, so this is a little bit of a surprise to get pregnant so early!
Location: Central Texas
EDD: June 28
How far along: 4w 4d
First child? Yes!
First Dr. Appointment:Calling today to set something up
How do you feel/symptoms? Had sore boobs only a few days after ovulation. Woke up this morning feeling bloated and had to urinate more than usual last night. Just feel weird!
Who have you told? Husband, oldest sister, best
friend, two close girlfriends. We will tell my parents and other two sisters in three weeks when we go on vacation with them. We will tell my husband's whole family at Thanksgiving!!
So excited to share this journey with yall!! Hoping for healthy pregnancies for all.
nectarine / 2750 posts
@mellybelly - Welcome! We are getting such a big group, fun!
@lazylightning - I am so, so sorry! I don't think I am feeling nearly as bad as you and I am still having little pity parties about putting up with this for another 4-5 weeks! We plan on having two kids so I was even trying to mentally prepare myself to go through this a second time when I was in the shower this morning.
So far, my home remedies have been a miss. I have been drinking apple juice when I get up to pee at night, which can't be hurting, but it doesn't make it go away either. I bought the sea bands, but I won't be announcing it at work until next week so I can't even wear them. I did buy some peppermints, which is something I would normally never eat because we don't eat anything processed, but they actually do help a little bit when I have them in my mouth. Once they are gone I don't feel much different. It is 2012, how can there not be a magic cure yet??
@greenthumb - do you just sniff the oils? I have lemon at home from a random hand scrub I made a while back. I wonder if that would be worth a try?
I have pretty small boobs to begin with (about a 32A) so I don't think they look any bigger, but my husband thinks they do. I think I just can't tell because they are so small already. They definitely feel heavier and are crazy sore. I was hoping to find out what I looked like with big boobs.
pear / 1986 posts
@tlcbaby: Yes - smelling the oil either directly from the bottle or by rubbing it on my hands and behind my ears and taking a deep breath in from my hands. I get really bad motion sickness and really stong ginger candy can be helpful for that. I just buy the sugared ginger in bulk at our food coop. I agree though - why can't they figure something out?! Don't we suffer enough?!
@mellybelly: and @sidwuzhere: Welcome and congratulations!
nectarine / 2750 posts
@greenthumb - i bought the ginger candies, i got the hard candies that you suck on. I wanted to try them yesterday, but they sounded really horrible at the time so I didn't. I may try them today, though. I'll give the oil a try, too. Maybe dab some on my wrists, it can be my lemon-y perfume!
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@lazylightening @tlcbaby - I'm sorry, I didn't mean to flaunt that I'm not feeling well. I didn't mean that at all. I just wish I felt more confident that things were going well.
@mellybelly - welcome and congrats!
I bought two new sleeping bras today! I think I need to start wearing something to bed. My boobs are so sore! Hopefully they help a bit...
nectarine / 2750 posts
@qbbride - not at all! I know exactly how you feel! It is a blessing and a curse (pregnancy symptoms). They give us reassurance, but I definitely find myself cursing them sometimes
pear / 1664 posts
@QBbride: Hey I definitely hope you continue to feel well! I have read that a lucky 25% of women do! I totally understand wanting symptoms to validate what's going on though! it's my one consolation, trying to remind myself that i feel sick for a good reason/it's a good sign.
@tlcbaby: same here with the small boobs. husband does think they're bigger. I am not seeing it though they sure are sore.
Ladies who use BabyBump app - how cute is it that the Week 8 baby has a little eye open and looking at you? (Ok, a bit creepy looking but still cute--haha.) Is it weird that I look at that when I'm really feeling hammered by the sickness and it sort of cheers me up?
nectarine / 2750 posts
I downloaded the Baby Bump app just so I could see what you were talking about. He is a little creepy, but in a cute baby way I guess...
pear / 1664 posts
@tlcbaby: "I seeee you there..."
(I tried to find the same picture online to illustrate this thread... but couldn't find it.
grape / 76 posts
BabyBump seems like a cool app. Any other good ones out there I should know about?
My boobs have been sore too, but that's the only symptom so far. I'm only 4w 5d, so m/s will probably not kick in for another week or two (I'm guessing). I am the first of my close friends to get pregnant, so honestly I have just a basic understanding of what to expect from pregnancy. Time to do some research!
@lazylightning: hope you feel better soon!! Sounds awful
clementine / 814 posts
@LazyLightning: I am sorry you feel so horrible. I was suuuper sick with DD from around 5 weeks. I would come to work go home shower and go to bed and on the weekend I barely even left bed.. just to go puke and shower. I took zofran with her every day for about 15 weeks and she is A-OK. I am not sure if you had concerns and thats why you didnt want to take it every day?
So far I guess I am about 7 weeks. Im a little worried because I have horrible lower back pain and cramps a lot. Although Ive read thats normal when you have a little one at home.. I carry her a lot (she is suuuper all about mommy right now) and also carrying that car seat is heavy! I dont feel all day every day nausea like I did with DD last/this year but I do feel sick from time to time although it goes away throughout the day. I can go out and do things with my family. I threw up for the first time today although I really think I ate something bad. I have my first appointment today and like I said I am very nervous because of all the pains and feeling off. Also ive been battling major anxiety and some depression (I imagine partly because LO is barely 6 months old and here I am again pregnant for the second time in the same year)
also, Im always hungry but for nothing in particular.
pear / 1664 posts
@JustlikeHeaven: glad you are not feeling as bad this time! Actually for me my concern with zofran is the constipation...it's bad!! But I definitely hate nausea more... It's a give and take I guess.all so pleasant!!
nectarine / 2750 posts
@justlikeheaven - my sister and I are only 11 months apart and while I am sure my Mom was completely freaked out when she found out, we are so close now. I was so glad to grow up with such a close friend.
grape / 76 posts
I have my first doctor appointment today with my family practice doctor to do blood work to confirm the pregnancy. She said she can refer me to an OB. I think it'll all feel more real after this.
When is/was your first doctor appointment?
Do you already have an OB in mind?
nectarine / 2750 posts
@mellybelly - that is great! That is a beautiful picture from your wedding! I love the colorful flowers.
I used to go to an obgyn for my annuals, but when I went through my miscarriage in December I was really unhappy with how they handled it. I've talked about it a bit on here. I switched to a midwife after that and I love her. I just did a Google search and after meeting with her I knew it was the way to go for me. She treats pregnancy less like a medical condition and more like a part of life than my old ob did, if that makes any sense.
I got back for my second appt. on November 13th. I'll be 11 weeks by then so we should get to hear the heartbeat again, this time using the doppler.
pear / 1986 posts
@mellybelly: So exciting!
I'm headed in for my first u/s at our fertility clinic next friday (@ just under 7 weeks) because we got pregnant via IVF, but my first OB appointment is a few weeks away - on 11/13 at just over 8 weeks. It is just a sit-down with a nurse, no exam, but I already have so many questions so I'm really looking forward to it. I have not met the OB yet, but the practice is part of a larger medical group of all of our other docs. I'm also not ruling out switching to the midwife practice (also part of the same medical group), I just want to see if we are having twins first in which case I will stick with the OB (although I really think it is just one special little bean).
pear / 1986 posts
@JustlikeHeaven: I just wanted to offer some support about your pregnancy. It wasn't so long ago that my best friend called up completely freaked out because she was pregnant again under a year after her first LO was born - I think it was something like 9 months. While it was quite unexpected and she was really very unhappy about it (she hadn't even told her family yet and her DH was still in shock), I just told her how happy I was for her, what a blessing it was and that it was probably meant to be! I think she was really encouraged to have someone so happy to hear about her pregnancy rather than thinking badly of her. And her family was actually thrilled, too. LO #2 is now 7 months old and they are all doing just fine.
It will work out! You will do great! And I really hope that your cramping subsides asap and your appointment went well. I know that will put your mind at ease.
grape / 76 posts
@tlcbaby: I'm so glad you love your midwife!! My mom had 4 kids, the first three in a hospital and the last one at home with a midwife. She always says that if she could do all 4 births over again she would use a midwife for all of them. I'm considering using a midwife too, but I figured for now I'll meet the OB that my doctor refers me to and see how it goes. I may start asking around to see if anyone knows any good midwives in my area. How exciting to hear the heartbeat!
@greenthumb: Hope your u/s goes well next week! I'm sure it'll be so nice to get your questions answered at your OB appointment. So what makes you think it's not twins? Just curious
pear / 1986 posts
@mellybelly: Well (I hate that this whole thing had to come down to science, but...) we put two embryos in for the IVF, so there is something like a 30% chance of twins. But my blood work seems to indicate a singleton since the numbers weren't too high. Only the u/s will tell and we are extremely thrilled for either scenario!
Also, I keep hearing the same kind of thing from women who had babies both with an OB and a midwife. Midwives are definitely a pretty mainstream thing where I live and after all the medical-ness of fertility treatment, it would be a wonderful relief to have prenatal care/birth that is a little more on the natural side.
pear / 1664 posts
Heartburn, anyone?
In addition to the sickness I think I also have heartburn. I feel like I'm hungry all the time and sometimes for me, hunger and heartburn are really similar feelings. Especially thinking it's heartburn because I ate a whole bagel and still felt it after eating it. No way I am still hungry after just eating a bagel. Took some tums... doesn't seem to be helping.
So many symptoms. Meanwhile I'm so bloated that I look bigger than some of the girls posting their 20 week belly shots. I wore demi-band maternity pants to work yesterday and they felt too tight.
I'm thankful to be pregnant, yes. But I can't say I'm enjoying it a lot at this point!!!
nectarine / 2750 posts
@mellybelly - I think the most important thing is that you are happy and comfortable with whoever you see! They should make you feel at ease and answer your questions, etc. I always felt so rushed with my ob and like she just didn't care much about how I was feeling. My midwife talks with me and answers all of our questions. My husband met both and he said he much prefers my midwife.
@lazylightning - No heartburn, but I am so bloated and uncomfortable it is insane! I just feel like a giant blob most of the time. I do feel hungry all the time, but I think it is a combo of nausea and hunger, I can't always tell the difference.
grape / 76 posts
@GreenThumb: Thanks for the explanation. This stuff is so fascinating! Definitely excited for you either way!
@lazylightning: just had a bit of heartburn for the first time this morning. No m/s yet but it's still early for me. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time! I can commiserate with the bloating thing. All my jeans are already tight, and I'm only 5 weeks along!
@tlcbaby: thanks for the encouragement!
nectarine / 2750 posts
We are leaving tonight for Oklahoma to visit my husband's parents. We are going to tell them the big news tonight or tomorrow. I am really excited because it will be their first grandchild.
@mellybelly - how was your appointment?
grape / 76 posts
@tlcbaby: HOW EXCITING!! They are going to be so happy! Do you have a fun way to tell them? I feel like that's such an honor to have the first grandchild in the family. We're in the same boat, with my family and my husband's as well!
My appointment went well! Blood test came back positive to confirm the pregnancy, so now it feels that much more real. I got referred to a women's health center that has a few midwives and OB's, so I'll be able to have some options. I'll be getting a call from them next week to set up my first appointment. Thanks for asking!
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@tlcbaby - have fun telling your husband's parents! So exciting!
@lazylightning - I've been having bad heartburn. I've been taking ranitidine and it has helped a lot.
Well, I guess I got my "wish"... I'm starting to have many more symptoms. It started off as nausea in the last few days but I've vomited twice today (walking home from work this morning - lovely). So now I guess I'm feeling a bit more confident.
I still have a few more weeks till my dating u/s. if everything looks good, I think we'll tell our families. It will be the first grandchild on my side of the family, but second one on DH's side. His sister is due at the end of November, so we don't want to share our news right before/after her baby is born. When do you guys think is the best time to tell his family? WWYD?
nectarine / 2750 posts
@qbbride - Sorry you aren't feeling well. When is your appointment? If it is a little before her due date? I would say just share the news! I don't think anyone would see it as trying to overshadow her news. Everyone would just be excited about more babies!
@mellybelly - I did come up with a cute way to share the news. I made a photo book on Shutterfly that was "The Story of Us" with pictures from our life together (me and my husband) and the last one was me holding the pregnancy test and I stuck the ultrasound pictures in the next page. They were all surprised and really excited.
I am just going to start telling everyone else this week and once all the people I want to tell in person know we will send out an email announcement to other friends/family.
grape / 76 posts
@QBbride: Sorry you're feeling bad! I agree with @TLCBaby about sharing your news. Especially if it's a few days before her baby comes!
@tlcbaby: That's such a great idea with the photobook! I bet they loved it. We don't have any ultrasound pics (and won't until 20 weeks), but I love that idea!
So we ended up telling my husband's family the news yesterday, since we had an impromptu lunch with the whole gang. My husband got to decide how to tell them (it's his family afterall!), and he didn't want to do anything "cute." So he just made a little announcement during lunch. They all seemed pretty excited, especially my MIL. However, my FIL and BIL seemed to be more excited about the elk that they had just hunted last week, so our announcement got a little overshadowed, weirdly enough. Overall it was good, though! We're telling my family in two weeks and I know they'll all be bouncing off the walls with excitement!
nectarine / 2750 posts
@mellybelly - An elk? That doesn't sound very exciting to me, but I guess I may feel differently if I were into hunting. It is fun sharing the news, I always felt like I was going to accidentally let it slip or something!
grape / 76 posts
@tlcbaby: I know right! Even my husband (who is very into hunting) was disappointed with how much they talked about the elk vs how little they talked about the future addition to the family. Maybe they just didn't know what to say about the baby? Who knows.
Yeah I've almost let it slip to my mom on the phone a couple times. It is SO HARD not to tell her!
pear / 1664 posts
So... I think caffeine cured my morning sickness.
I've felt downright awful and nothing helped, not even zofran or any of the other remedies (natural or pills). Yesterday i had a few sips of my husband's caffeinated beverage and felt great all day. Ate normally, did normal things, wasn't tired or sick feeling or averted from smells. I even made hotdogs at lunch (for him, not for me) and didn't gag from the smell. It was wonderful!
Today I woke up feeling back to my old sick-as-a-dog self and decided to try a few sips of a caffeinated drink again. Now... I've felt great for over 6 hours. Ate a normal breakfast and lunch, was productive at work, etc. I don't really believe it! But I hope it lasts...
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