I never wanted to be one of those paranoid pregnant women, but baby K was noticeably much less active yesterday and this morning even less movement still. After chugging some Coke and still not getting any reaction when I'd press on her foot (which usually gets a push back) I called the on-call OB and left a message. She called me back right away and wanted me to go to the hospital to L&D to get fetal monitored. We heard the HB right away, but due to the doc being in surgery, we had to wait for over 2 hrs., during which, another Dr. Came in to check my fluids. Turns out I was borderline low at a 5. I didn't really think much of it...rather actually just go home and drink lots of coconut water or Gatorade, but they wanted to keep me overnight and keep me on an IV. So, been here for almost 8 hrs now and Google-ing low amniotic fluids and talking to a friend, sounds more likely that I will get induced tomorrow if fluids don't go up by much tomorrow morning? It also seems more likely to have a c-sect if induced?
Time-wise, it's okay I figure...I'm already 39 weeks today. I just didn't think I would be hanging out in bed hooked up to IVs and monitors etc for very long before labor. Anyone have this same experience? Did you get released and go into labor naturally or am I likely destined to be induced tomorrow?