bananas / 9973 posts
@Smurfette: we had a long night too! She was awake and alert for hours! I snuck in a nap from 11-3 right after I fed her for a combined 40+ minutes! I thought I'd be good for 3 hours or so but DH ended up bottle feeding her twice in that time period and then she was still crying. So I woke up and BF her on both sides another 3 times before I could get her to fall asleep on me and finally put her to sleep in the bassinet around 6:00! She is insatiably hungry at night!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
R spitting up and gas has gotten even worse over the last couple days. I called the doctor this morning and we are going in this afternoon. It is breaking my heart seeing her spit up everything (at least it looks that way) that she eats. I can't stop crying thinking it is all my fault. I am not sure how much longer I am going to BF, depending on what the doctor said. I am miserable thinking that I am the one that is making her so upset.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Booo, I'm sorry that R is spitting up so much!!! I know some spit up is normal, but if she's spitting up everything, that's no good. Did you see the doctor yesterday? How did it go? What did they suggest? I hope you're able to come to a solution that works for both of you!
Oh my gosh, you guys, Xander is one month today. It's crazy!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: The doctor said that she thinks she has reflux. Since she doesn't spit up every time she eats, she didn't want to prescribe something yet. She said that it will get worse before it gets better, joy! The good thing is R is gaining weight still. She was 8lb9oz yesterday, so she is gaining a little over an oz a day like she should be. It is just so hard seeing her spit up and hearing her tummy make all these noises. The good thing is that R doesn't seem to be super upset about the spit up. She is just super fussy at times. I taking her to a chiropractor tomorrow since they are suppose to help with reflux. A friend recommended this guy said she daughter cried all the time and one session was a new baby. Figure it can't hurt.
I can't believe Xander is a month already either! Time sure is flying!!!
bananas / 9973 posts
@Smurfette: poor thing! Hope you get it figured out soon and you can keep BFing if that's what you want. Let us know how the chiro turns out! Can't imagine what they do to such a little one! Have they suggested lifting her head higher when you feed and when she sleeps?
@Adira: wow!!! Happy 1 month Xander! My how time flies!
As for me, I had an emotional cry last night too. I woke up from trying to nap scratching my upper lip. Uh oh! I immediately knew what that meant. I'm getting a cold sore! Looked a over for some medicine. Googled breastfeeding baby and cold sores and allllll this stuff comes up about babies dying from mother's kiss she had a cold sore. Well yesterday our photog friend came over to take Ks pics and I was kissing her all over for hours because she was naked. :(. Omg I'm freaking out if I've gotten her infected! Well I call the Ped office at 11:30 pm and the answering service lady keeps telling me to call my own doctor since it doesn't have to do with the baby. I told her I was concerned if I could breastfeed. If baby gets it, she's not even 3 weeks yet! I never got a call back but K has an appt this morning anyways with the ped. I will tell him how I was so upset the by the answering service and that I didn't get a call back! I went to the 24 hr pharmacy, got Abreva and lysine )read it could help), and will try to get in with my own doc today. Sooo upset that I could pass this on to baby even though its such a common virus. And sooo upset I can't kiss her for about 2 weeks! Only good thing is this morning it still looks like just a little red dot and hasn't progressed into anything bigger. I'm being super cautious washing my hands compulsively and using hand sanitizer and the Abreva.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@shopaholic: BF is actually better then formula for reflux. So that makes it so much easier for me. I was thinking I was causing her to spit up. I do have to cut out dairy and see if that helps. Of course all I want now is pizza and ice cream.
I do make sure her head is higher then her stomach when she eats. And then we have to keep her upright for 15-30mins after she eats. So far today, only one really bad spit up, knock on wood!
I am so sorry about the cold sore! DH gets them all the time. It sucks that we can't kiss during that time. He was just getting over one when she was born so we couldn't even kiss to celebrate when she first was born. It was sad. He had to wait days to give her kisses to be safe. I am sure K is going to be ok. I know it is going to be so hard to not kiss her.
bananas / 9973 posts
@Smurfette: I wonder if K is starting to get acid reflux too. Yesterday and today she has been spitting up saliva and clumps of milk. Yesterday I thought it was from taking pics, but today I'm not sure why. Trying to keep her head up for awhile after eating too.
Oh wow! That sucks about DH not even being able to kiss at baby's birth.
bananas / 9973 posts
Pediatrician visit update!
Kaitlyn will be 3 weeks tomorrow.
She's grown 2" since birth! From 18" to 20".
She is currently 7 lbs 6 oz.
Measuring 6-7 percentile on all the charts.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
So Xander and I went on our first outing today! I was nervous, but it was just lunch with my mom, so I figured if he started freaking out, she wouldn't care. I fed him at 11:00 and then we left. He fell asleep in the car and slept the entire time until we got back home for his 2:00 feeding!! That made it so easy! Our next outing is on Friday to Hubs' Dad's for lunch. That will be a little more challenging since they live 1.5 hours away. I'm thinking I'll feed him before we go, have to feed him when we get there, then hopefully he'll nap and I can have lunch, then I'll probably feed him before we leave. I'm not really sure how this will work since he'll have to nap in a Pack N' Play and he's never done that before. But at least if it's a disaster, it's just family, haha.
apricot / 373 posts
@Adira: happy belated one month to Xander! Your outings sound fun, and I'm sure he will be just fine!
@Smurfette: hope all of the feeding and sleeping is still going well. How did the chiropractor appt go?
@shopaholic: good job on the growth, baby K (and mama)!
Everything is going really well over here. I woke up this morning feeling almost well-rested, even! Baby boy is still waking up 3 or so times per night, but he goes down really quickly again after bfing. I've also joined a local Stroller Strides group, so it feels really nice to get out of the house and be active a few mornings per week.
I can't believe how big he is getting already. He'll be 5 weeks this Friday, and I think we are going to have to retire his newborn-sized cloth diapers sometime this week. We've had a couple of pee leaks in them! Poor guy. Anyway, I'd be curious to see how much he weighs! We don't have another ped appt until his 2 month checkup.
We also decided to finally order a rock n' play. He had been sleeping in his pack n' play in our bedroom, but I wanted to get something more mobile for naps. (Maybe I can get in a daytime shower one of these days? haha.) We'll also see if he sleeps a bit better at night in something more confining. Do any of you use one? What do you think?
I also finally was able to order his birth announcements, so I am really excited to get them and send them out!
What else is new with you all?
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@mole: That stroller group sounds awesome!! I wonder if there's anything like that around here... And yay about feeling rested!!! I've actually been feeling pretty good the last few days, although I have to go to bed early in order to get a decent amount of sleep.
I'm so glad my office isn't the only one that doesn't have a one month appointment (or did you have one?)! My next pediatrician appointment is at 2 months as well. I really want to know how Xander is growing, but I'm assuming he must be fine since he eats every 3 hours or so and doesn't complain much.
I have no advice about the Rock N' Play. Xander tends to sleep in his swing or his bassinet. We have a Pack N' Play, but haven't used it yet. And we really should transition him to his crib to get him used to sleeping in something bigger...
apricot / 373 posts
@Adira: our last ped appt was when he was 1.5 weeks, so we didn't have a 1 month either. Our ped said we could go in for weight checks whenever we want, though. I just haven't felt the need!
When do you think you'll transition your baby to a crib? I thought we would do it around 2 months, but now I am thinking we'll wait a bit longer? Still, the reason that I hesitated with the rnp is because he's now doing really well sleeping in the pnp (which is more crib like). Then again, we skipped the swing and he's not super interested in the baby bjorn bouncer yet, so it would be nice to have somewhere else to put him down.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@mole: I'm glad my office isn't the only one that skips 1 month! I kind of want to go in for a weight check, but also don't want to seem crazy... I'm assuming he must be fine. He's eating plenty, haha.
I'm not sure when we'll transition to a crib... probably soon. I originally said around a month, but... I guess I'm not ready, haha. I want to make sure he's used to a crib though before I go back to work and he goes to daycare at 12 weeks, because that's what he's going to be napping in.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: Awesome you survived your first outing! So far I don't have the nerve to take R any where just us besides doctors office. I might try BRU on Friday. Figured it would be safe since they have a room to nurse.
@mole: We moved to size 1 diapers already. We ran out of newborn and I didn't think we would need a whole new box of newborn. Plus R poops so much, we were having leaks in the newborn. A stroller group sounds like so much fun. I should look and see if there is anything like that here.
We have a rock n play. We were using it for nighttime the first week. Now we have been putting her in the PnP napper at night. I think she likes it better cause she seems to like sleeping on her side better. We still use the RnP for naps though. She does like it.
I think that we might try and get her in her crib at night this weekend. Girlfriend is a noisy sleeper and wakes us up with her noises and squeaks. We will see how it goes. She just seems so little to be in her room but we have put her in the crib for naps and she likes it.
The chiropractor went ok. He realigned one vertebra that was slightly off. We will see. She spit up the one feeding she had after it, but has been sleeping all afternoon. We will see if it helps. We are going back in two weeks cause he wants to see if she is any better.
We had one three hour stretch last night. It was great. I only wish she did more of those!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
Last night my Mom came over and babysat so DH and I could go out to dinner for a bit. I even had a glass of wine. It was so nice.
Does anyone else's LO blow bubbles all the time? I feel like she always has milk on her mouth.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: BRU definitely would be safe! You should do it! And yes, Xander's always got bubbles or something - it's kind of gross, haha.
bananas / 9973 posts
@Adira: Yay! Sounds like a great first outing and next one planned! We are going to try and take K with us to dinner again with my ILs. I think even they are going stir-crazy staying in the house with us all the time.
@mole: Wow! 5 weeks and you're already doing Stroller Strides? That's awesome! How does baby handle it? Sleep through the whole thing or does he ever wake up and fuss or need to be held? I got a card for a free week trial to SS and I can't wait to try it, especially to meet some local moms with babies ~ the same age!
I just picked up our newborn pics files today and working on the Birth Announcements right now too. It's so hard to choose just one or two pics, but the ones with too many pics seem so cluttered. decisions, decisions...
We don't use a RnP, but we use the swing to let her sleep in the daytime (or when we're not in the bedroom). At night she's still in the bassinet. I originally planned her to sleep in the nursery in her own crib from the beginning, or at least by Week 2. But that notion's flown out the window and my goal is maybe around 2 months now? Or when she is more predictable with sleep and wake times.
@Smurfette: Will you keep us posted on how your transition is to the nursery and crib? I know I wake up or at least am always conscious of all of her little noises she makes throughout the night. I wonder if I would hear them on the monitor and just be jumping out of bed every 5 min.? Yay for your 3 hour stretch of sleep! I think that's the magic #. At least 3 hours and it feels so much better than anything less!
Interesting on the Chiro and adjustment. Since you mentioned it, K's been spitting up a LOT the past 3 days too. So I've been trying to monitor it. Brought it up at the ped appt. yesterday, but the Dr. didn't answer my question and I kind of forgot as we moved on to different topics. If it continues, I'll call him to ask again. Are R's spit up issues like all milk, curdled, milk, clear? K started with spitting up clear liquid mixed with curdled milk. Then yesterday it has become more all milk, but not curdled. That made me think maybe she is just getting too much milk too fast? Bubbles? Yes! Our girl is a constant bubble maker - though it's always clear.
* Wine sounds divine! Haven't treated myself yet! Did you still BF afterwards? But I'm sure one glass would have been out of your system fast!
apricot / 373 posts
@shopaholic: You totally should try it! I just started last week, and the moms all seem very nice. The babies have all been older (most are walking), although there was a 7 week old there today. My kid started fussing at the end, so I skipped doing abs to hold and feed him. Last Friday, though, he was passed out the entire time!
I couldn't narrow it down, so I went with this Tiny Prints announcement:
They are having a 20% sale on announcements through 4/2 if you spend 75 plus!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@shopaholic: Will let y'all know how the crib transition goes this weekend. I hope it works. I don't like DH getting up at 2 and sleeping in the guest room so he gets some sleep before work. I am just worried I will sleep through the monitor. I am sure at first I will end up in the guest room, haha!
R spit ups are all of the above. Sometimes it is just more clear milk and then sometimes it is looks more curdled. I still wonder if my milk is coming out to fast and that is what causes it. I guess only time will tell. Her gas does seem better today. Which is good.
I did BF probably an hour and half after I got home. I didn't feel anything from the wine so I wasn't worried about it affecting her.
Can I just say that it is so hard giving up dairy?? I really want some ice cream!
Bath time went great tonight. Dare I say she liked it!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@shopaholic: @Smurfette: The nurse at the hospital told me that if the wine didn't affect your head, it wouldn't affect your breast milk. I've been drinking wine since I got home! Though only one glass. I've missed it so much, haha.
persimmon / 1096 posts
Wow, I've been so out of the loop here - it's been nice to read about everyone's similar issues though!
We've had a crazy time with Jack. After we were discharged from the hospital, happy and healthy, he had to go back and into the NICU after only one night at home, just 3 days old, because of severe jaundice. It was awful, they had to put an IV in the side of his head because all his veins were too small to stick his arms/hands/feet (although they tried all over and he still has some bruises!) He was really dehydrated, I was wearing myself out walking all over the huge hospital (NOT fun postpartum), and it was so awful to leave him there overnight. Terrible first week, although I'm so grateful that he's healthy.
Since then, he has already gained a pound - he was 7 lbs 4 oz at birth, 8 lbs 4 oz at his appt last week (I'm sure it's more now). He is cluster feeding like crazy in the evening, pretty much attached to my boobs from 7-9 or 10 pm... But then he sleep pretty well at night. Usually feeds around midnight, 3 or 4 AM, and then 7 AM or so. He'll normally nurse for 15 or 20 min and then fall right bsck asleep. That's been a huge blessing, because I'm tired but not exhausted.
He's had a few screaming fits though - the worst one was two nights ago, he was basically crying/screaming from 9:30 intil 1 AM, it was sooo sad and frustrating. Imthink they've all been because of gas I actually ordered the Windi last night, I'm so afraid of a repeat performance, haha!
He's 18 days today. I can't believe it's almost April!!!
bananas / 9973 posts
@mole: Yeah, I think I want to wait until she's old enough to sit in a jogging stroller without a car seat. And I'm scared of what to do if she started fussing and everyone's walking away or something. lol!
CUTE on the birth announcement! I ordered this one too.
IDK about the 20% off, but I used the Costco discount, which I think is also 20%? I still think it comes out to be so much $$ but what are you gonna do? lol! What I wouldn't spend on this lil one! Did you get the rectangle envelopes? I looked up the postage and the square envelopes were $0.20 more for each stamp! Hope it doesn't seem weird to mail a square card in a rectangle envelope!
@Smurfette: hmm.. glad to know the spit up is varied with R too. Mmm... Ice cream! I just taken the time to sit down and enjoy some ice cream or wine! Maybe tonight after my ILs leave.
@keepcalmcarrie: Yikes! I think I remember you mentioning the IV and NICU for the jaundice. K had to go get tested 2 times at the hospital after discharge, but I'll count our blessings she didn't have to stay. Glad he is all better and growing fast now! K cluster feeds like crazy in the middle of the night too. You will HAVE to let us know how the Windi goes! lol! I think it seems sooo funny and scary to have to put that in there! And awww on the pic! What a cutie pie!
P.S. I think we ALL need to post some more updated baby pics!
Here is K yesterday @ 3 weeks old. She was too tired to stay awake.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@keepcalmcarrie: so glad he is doing better! He is so cute! I wish mine liked the swing like yours does.
What exactly is the window? I keep seeing it but don't know what it is. But I need something to help with her gas.
@shopaholic: she is so adorable!!
How many times does everyone's LO poop a day? Every diaper change she has some poop! Had a blow out this morning. It does crack us up cause her poops are so loud!!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
This was Reagan this morning. She was so wide awake and fun!
apricot / 373 posts
@keepcalmcarrie: Sorry to hear about the screaming fit; that sounds like it was so frustrating! However, I'm glad to hear he is doing better and sleeping so well. What a handsome little guy you have there.
I told my husband about the Windi, and he was convinced that I was trying to trick him! Haha. We've been giving our kid a bit of gripe water, which seems to help.
@shopaholic: The instructor totally had to rock my kid in his stroller! We have the Bumbleride Indie as our stroller, and it reclines so he can sleep. I am happy that he generally likes it, or I'd have to wear him all of the time on walks! (One of our dogs, however, is terrified of the stroller. Fingers crossed she gets used to it soon.)
What an adorable birth announcement (and cute baby)! I also went with the rectangular envelopes to save on postage. I think they will look fine -- and no one but us moms probably cares about things like that!
@Smurfette: How precious is she! I like how your boppy complement her outfit.
My kid poops a ton! I keep reading that EBF babies as they get older can go up to 10 days without pooping, but I have yet to see one diaper change without it! Haha.
persimmon / 1096 posts
@shopaholic: I must be more tired than I thought - completely forgot I already told his tale of NICU woe in the other thread! And yeah, I'm a little afraid of "operating" the Windi, but not as afraid as I am of his midnight fits of gas rage/agony. Your LO is adorable!!!
@Smurfette: he doesn't really like the swing, or the bouncer... I just carefully pass him into it once he's fallen asleep after nursing. Not the best habit, I'm going to try implementing the EASY schedule when he's 4 weeks... But for now, I'm doing whatever works easiest! Jack poops every single time he nurses... so 8 times a day probably? OMG Reagan is soooo beautiful!
@mole: yeah, my husband wasn't all that excited about me spending $18 on what he called "a few butt straws" Hopefully they work!!!
bananas / 9973 posts
@Smurfette: Wow! R is beautiful! Look at those eyes and such a dollface! Hehe - I bought that same sleeper in a Preemie size in case to bring her home from the hospital in. IDK if it was all her screaming and fussing, but DH couldn't snap up the bottom right and we just gave up and never used it. It's so cute though!
K probably has "some" poop in her diaper at least every other diaper change. It was A LOT until just the past couple of days. Now her pee diapers are a lot more wet and heavier than before, but less poop.
@keepcalmcarrie: LOL! "Butt straws" - exactly! hahah! And thanks!
Question: What sizes are your babies wearing now and how long are they? I don't know when I will retire K's newborn clothes. Some NB stuff she still can't fit yet, but all her Carter's sleepers are just exactly perfect length right now (she's 20"). The next size up looks HUGE but I don't want to restrict her leg growth in the NB sizes. But then, this mommy feels sad when I have to retire her NB stuff soon. They really grow too fast....
bananas / 9973 posts
@mole: Oh I bet the stroller is a big adjustment for your dog! I will have to check out that stroller. Yeah, on the envelopes - probably just one of those things that matters to the person making things (just like wedding details).
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@mole: @keepcalmcarrie: @shopaholic: Thanks! We think she is pretty precious.
@shopaholic: She is still in NB but I think some are getting to tight for her in the length. She was 20" when she was born but not sure if she has gotten any bigger yet. The pants she has on today are looking a little short today. I have a couple things for Easter for her and I am going to return the NB size and have her wear the 0-3 even if a little big cause they are things she can wear again. She was 8 lb 9 oz on Monday so I am guessing she will be 9lb by Monday.
apricot / 373 posts
@shopaholic: He is wearing 0-3 month clothes now at ~5 weeks. He outgrew the NB clothes in length before the width. We have a pretty tall baby (90% at birth). Many of his 0-3 month clothes are still too big and long, and others are just too big.
apricot / 373 posts
The baby and I went to the mall today so I could buy some cuter nursing bras (and get out of the house). As an FYI, Motherhood Maternity is having a "Buy 3, Get 1 Free" sale on nursing bras, tops, and accessories. The sale works both online and in store.
bananas / 9973 posts
@Smurfette: I'm sure she has grown! K grew 2" already! But only just 20" this week!
@mole: Wow! 90% at birth? And he was a few weeks early too right?!
I went to the mall yesterday too and bought nursing bras at the Destination Maternity sale too! I HATE the workers there though. Every.single.time I've been in that store. Awful CS and always so condescending. The manager straight up told me "You feed her every time she cries?! You need to put her on a schedule so she only eats every 3 hours." etc. There was a lot more that I really could write a whole rant and bad yelp review about. I only went because I had a GC I wanted to use for the nursing bras, but hopefully never again!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
DH and I took off as soon as I finished feeding R. We survived lunch out and went to Home Goods and Buy Buy Baby. On the way home, she woke up so we pulled over in the chick-fil-a parking lot and I feed her since it had been 2 1/2 hours. Then she fell back asleep for the ride home. Fingers crossed she sleeps through church tomorrow!!!
bananas / 9973 posts
@Smurfette: Yay for a successful outing! How was church yesterday?
K's been starting to chunk up a bit! lol! She's getting little rolls all over, when she was such a skinny minnie before! She's staying awake A LOT nowadays and really alert. Bad part of that is she always wants to be held, and prefers me. Like if she hears my voice, she will keep turning away from whomever is holding her and keep swaying her head to me and fuss. And we can't just sit. She wants to be rocked and bounced. I was so tired yesterday that when she finally fell asleep I made a mad dash to BRU to buy a bouncer - and she was awake before I got back home! But it worked, she likes it (at least for last night she did). FX'd it'll be my arm & back saver!
P.S. Any moms still having PP bleeding and after pains? every time I think it's slowly ending, I'll get a heavier day. Wishing it would end already!
honeydew / 7589 posts
Hi guys!
I'm officially joining the thread.
Vivi is six days old. She had her first pediatrician's appointment two days ago and had lost 10 ounces from her birth weight of 8 pounds 10 ounces. She has another appointment on Wednesday. I have my postpartum appointment tomorrow, and Vivi has her newborn photoshoot on Wednesday morning.
My third degree tearing is still giving me some significant pain but I'm doing okay. I've lost 32 pounds already of the 47 I gained, so I guess there was a lot of water weight from the swelling!
Breastfeeding every 1-3 hours. Latching on hurts, but it's not too horrible. I think my milk has come in but I never got engorged, so I hope I have enough. I'm going to ask about it at my appointment tomorrow.
Her umbilical cord fell off today! I wasn't expecting it so soon. She seems to be kind of ahead in a lot of ways - she's also lifting and turning her head and holding it up for a minute at a time. She's a strong little munchkin!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@shopaholic: She slept all through church yesterday, which was great. I think it was because she cried the whole 30 mins on the way there, poor thing wore herself out.
@Arden: Reagan lost her stump at 6 days too! Let us know how much weight she has gained back. Can't wait to see her newborn pictures. She is precious in the ones you posted on the other thread. Sorry you are having pain. I hope it gets better soon. I never really got engorged either, so I wouldn't worry about it. I am sure V is getting plenty to eat.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@shopaholic: My bleeding is pretty much gone. I have only been wearing a panty liner. I am afraid that it is going to come back though. No pains either. I feel pretty much normal.
Despite how exhausted I am, I can't wait till DH and I can have sex again. I am so missing that part of our relationship. All my friends tell me that the first couple times suck and hurt but after that they all say sex got even better for them.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Oh my gosh, I'm so out of the loop here! Time to try to catch up!
@keepcalmcarrie: Yikes about the jaundice!!! That's so scary! But so glad to hear that he's doing much better now and gaining weight! Definitely a good thing! And what a cutie-pie! Love that picture!!
@shopaholic: Oh my gosh - LOVE that picture of K at 3 weeks! So adorable!!!
I had to retire the NB clothes around 3 weeks I think. They were too short and I could tell that Xander couldn't really stretch out his legs in them anymore. Plus I might have shrunk them in the dryer, haha. Now Xander's in 0-3/3 month and they seem to fit him perfectly. I'm actually thinking I might have to go up a size soon... but again, I may have shrunk everything in the dryer and that's why they fit so well, haha.
I'm still spotting, but it's very light. I've just wearing panty-liners, but every time I think I've stopped spotting, I start up again, haha. But it's very very light. I'm 5 weeks today.
@Smurfette: Xander used to poop after every feeding and when he had blowouts, we switched to a larger diaper and that seemed to help. Now at 5 weeks, he only goes once a day I think and they are MASSIVE. Soooooo disgusting to clean, haha. His pooping face is my favorite though, haha. And Reagan is so cute!!! She looks so alert!
I'm excited to have sex with Hubs again too. I'm going to wait until after my six week OB appointment, which is next Friday, but I'm looking forward to being intimate again! Especially now that I'm not HUGE anymore!
@mole: Thanks for the tip about the Motherhood sale!! I should go! I don't have any nursing bras yet - just nursing tanks. I'll have to go to the store though because I have no idea what size to get...
@Arden: Yay! Welcome to the thread! And I never got engorged either when my milk came in, but I think that's because I was feeding Xander so often. I don't seem to have an issue with my supply as far as I can tell.
Here's Xander at 1 month and yesterday:
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