wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@shopaholic: I meant to ask you - what kind of pain in your breasts were you experiencing from thrush? I'm starting to wonder if maybe I have it. I don't have the white spots or anything, but my nipples have been feeling more sensitive/sore lately and I've noticed that after feeding (or pumping), my breasts tend to throb painfully... not sure if that's normal? What are you taking for the thrush? Do you have to take something AND K has to take something?
bananas / 9973 posts
@Adira: It started hurting a LOT more the first couple minutes of BFing and even more AFTER BFing or randomly when I wasn't doing anything! I would kind of get hot, sharp, shooting pains in my breasts. I think sometimes they would be kind of like throbbing. I've read some description that it's like having glass shards in your breasts, and that sounds right sometimes. I didn't have any white spots, but I did have the cracked nipples which make you more susceptible to thrush.
Since I've started treating it, they've started to get itchy sometimes. I have read over and over though that thrush often gets worse before it gets better.
The doctor put me on Flucanozole (generic Diflucan). I'm also using Newman's/All-Purpose Nipple Ointment.
K is on Nystatin. I've read a lot of stuff that Nystatin has very low efficacy and I still see the white (but looks kind of just like chapped lips) on K's lips, so I've started using Grapefruit Seed Extract for both of us. I went to Whole Foods to buy both the liquid form and the capsules (for me to take orally).
Here is a good link for it.
If you suspect it, you can start trying to use Gentian Violet or GSE without any prescription. Supposedly they are both more effective too. WF didn't have GV, I think I would need to find it at a pharmacy so I haven't gone that route yet.
You can also try the vinegar solution wiping on your nipples.
I've also been crazy washing laundry, washing hands, and trying to avoid cross-contamination, or re-contaminating things. Whew!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@shopaholic: Thank you so much for the information! I actually have some All Purpose Nipple Ointment, so maybe I'll try using some of that. Though I'm thinking maybe my issue isn't thrush after all, but a crappy latch. Xander was doing just fine, but lately he has been latching really poorly. That's probably causing most of my pain. I'm going to see if I can fix that and if the pain goes away, haha. Though I'm not really sure how to get him to latch well... he used to and now he just doesn't open his mouth very wide anymore... ugh.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
We upgraded Emma from the co-sleeper to the cradle last night. The co-sleeper is now in my office/guest room, next to the bed. Last night, Em slept from 9:30 to 11:00 after an hour of fussing; we nursed and fell asleep in the guest room until 2; and after a bottle, she slept from 2:20 to 6:30. I'm still ao shocked over the whole thing since it's the first time in five weeks I've gotten to start and end my night in my own bed. It was beyond glorious.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: I am having this issue with Reagan. So hard to get her to open her mouth big enough. I think she is getting lazy.
@NaturallyCathy: woo hoo!! That is awesome. I am jealous you got four hours. We still can't go past three in our house
We tried giving her a bottle last night, she wouldn't take it. It has been four days since the last one she took. I guess we need to be better about doing it every night. My Mom offered to come over Friday night since my Dad has to work late. So she needs to take a bottle so DH and I can go out to dinner by ourselves. We need a break from fussy pants. This weekend was rough, esp with the car seat. Going to put her in it every day this week even if we don't go anywhere, have to get her use to it.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: I'm wondering if it might be because we introduced a pacifier and bottle too early. But you guys JUST introduced one recently, right? Which wasn't as early as we did, so maybe that isn't the issue. I have no idea what to do though. Xander wouldn't latch correctly at all this morning and it made me so frustrated that I started crying. Now I'm seriously considering giving up breastfeeding...
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: we tried a bottle for the first time around two weeks. We tried a pacifier at the hospital, she just would never take it. Will he take a bottle? You could always just pump.
I think every SINGLE day about quitting BF. Right now I am making myself stick it out till 6 weeks and then go from there to make a decision. But it isn't this bonding experience that people talk about for me at all. I hate feeling like it is all on me.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
@Smurfette: We've had a few four hour stretches, usually after two to four ounces of formula, since I don't produce enough to breastfeed exclusively (which I can never remember if I've mentioned or not so I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself!) And usually she'll sleep like that at night if she's swaddled in an A+A blanket or her SwaddleMe. I'm not a consistent swaddler though. If anything, I make sure her legs are fairly swaddled since she doesn't seem to like her legs and feet touching things. On the flip side, she seems to like having her legs and feet massaged.
I'm afraid I have no suggestions on the car seat. Getting DS in it was always a struggle until about month 11. After in it, he'd often quiet down especially if we were in motion but he was always eager to get out of it. Even now!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Yes, Xander will take a bottle... maybe I should just exclusively pump. I should talk to Hubs about it. And I feel the EXACT SAME as you - it's not some awesome bonding experience for me and I don't look forward to feeding him at all! And I hate being the sole person responsible for feeding him. I mean... I'm happy I can provide him with food and stuff, but at the same time, I think it sucks. And now that he's been latching terribly again, I'm miserable!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
I had a rant all lined up to chime in on breastfeeding, @Adira: @Smurfette, but I figure you guys have it covered. Breastfeeding isn't for everyone and it isn't for every baby. Whatever choice you make, you shouldn't let yourself feel guilty either way like I was with Henry when I decided breastfeeding just wasn't for us. I'm much more secure and happier in my decsion this time around to just take every day as it comes with little miss Em - some days she gets more formula bottles and some days she gets more boob time. I know she'll turn out just fine if some time down the line we switch to exclusively formula. I do support in doing breastfeeding as long as you want to instead of as long as you can because it should be a great experience - and if it's not, don't sweat it.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
On a side note, I felt like showing the cradle. So here it is! It was a gift from an old family friend - his daughter and I were best friends when we used to live on the same street even though she was two years younger than me - and my mother made the bumpers and bedding. What do you think?
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: I think about switching to just pumping all the time. I just wonder when I would find time to pump since R wants to be held all the time. Plus I would have to make sure she is better with bottles by then.
persimmon / 1096 posts
Ugh, it looks like we're all getting the worst of breastfeeding right now! I like certain things about - I do feel like it's good bonding time, I like how I've lost a lot of weight, I like not having to wash and heat up bottles and measure or buy anything - but I've supplemented with formula probably 4 or 5 times now, and it's nice!!! He sleeps longer, I can see how much he's eating, I can keep my top on and not get covered in milk, etc.
Yesterday and last night his feedings were more normally spaced out (every 2-3 hours as opposed to every 1 or 1.5, and almost continuously at night) so I didn't supplement. He slept from 11:30-2:15 and then 2:45 -5:45, and then 6-7:30, so not too bad. But I felt pretty engorged last night and worse this morning/afternoon, and I have a hot red lump on my left breast! Ugh, if it's not one thing it's another. He's taking an epic nap right now (2.5 hours) so I pumped because I was so uncomfortable. My Dr. also called in a prescription in case it's mastitis.
Pretty sure, after avoiding them all preg/delivery, that I also have my first ever hemorrhoid (tmi?)
On the plus side, he is sooo cute and growing so fast. I'm in love. They're worth all this other nonsense
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@NaturallyCathy: so cute!!
@keepcalmcarrie: what a cutie! I hope you don't have mastitis. I think that is great sleep! DH wants to supplement with formula so we know what she is getting and to get her to sleep more at night. I want to wait and talk to the pediatrician next week about what kind since we think she has a milk allergy
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@NaturallyCathy: Thanks for the support! I know that stopping breastfeeding wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, but I do feel guilty about thinking about doing that! Ugh - sometimes I wish I just hadn't been able to breastfeed so I wouldn't have to make a decision about it!
That cradle is so cute! Love the bedding and bumper! You mom did a great job!
@Smurfette: Aww, you have it worse than me - I could probably pump because Xander doesn't demand being held all the time. But it would still be time consuming to pump exclusively - although maybe not as time consuming as breastfeeding is!
@keepcalmcarrie: Oh my gosh, he's so cute!!! And I really hope you don't have mastitis! Yikes!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
@Adira: Have to let go of the mommy guilt or it'll eat you up within a year. Seriously. Voice of experience. Just let it go. You're doing a great job as a mom and you should cut yourself some slack. You're doing a great job. Focus on the positive: "My baby is safe; my baby is loved beyond measure; and my baby is getting fed and growing strong, regardless of how he/she gets her nutrients."
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@NaturallyCathy: You're so right. I think I just worry about being judged - particularly by my mom, who breastfed me for six months. I don't actually know if she WOULD be judgmental if I stopped, but I worry about it, haha.
While this morning was awful, our afternoon feedings have been better, so I'm not feeling as inclined to quit as I was this morning. But... who knows how I'll feel later, haha.
bananas / 9973 posts
@Adira: Hopefully you don't have thrush! It's literally a P.I.T.B!
K has gotten lazy with opening her mouth wide to latch also. As long as I don't see the areola though and it doesn't hurt, I don't do anything. She's got a really strong latch, so one she's on, it's hard to take her off!
@NaturallyCathy: What a nice cradle! May I ask why you changed from the co-sleeper to the cradle? Isn't the co-sleeper bigger and more convenient next to the bed?
@Smurfette: I have wondered if pumping would be easier too at times. But like R, K wants to be held a lot! I haven't found the time to pump in almost a week! That and I feel like I barely have enough milk to keep up with feeding K on demand.
Interestingly enough about BF'ing - I wasn't totally sold or super gung-ho about it ever before having baby. I never had timeline goal of how long I'd do it. I always thought I'd find it weird, cumbersome, and uncomfortable. But it's kind of turned out to be opposite for me! I really enjoy the bonding feeling of BFing - something I didn't really expect or think about. And I like not having to wash so many bottles and parts, and not having to worry about having formula ready. I feel like my boobs are a secret ammo for instantly calming her most times! All this to say, I KNOW BF'ing is not for everyone. I always thought I'd be throwing in the towel on BF'ing real quick!
@keepcalmcarrie: Ouch! Hope you don't have mastitis! Do you have a fever at all? What an ADORABLE face! Love it!
K has been sleeping for longer stretches when I do finally get her asleep. Night times are getting a lot better for me since I've been letting her sleep ON me. I think she is a lot less noisy and fidgety, so we both get longer sleep cycles. Even close to 5 hours once or twice! The side effect of that is that I get painful, rock hard boobs AND I don't know what to do when I need to pee!
Saturday was K's 1 month celebration and my ILs threw her a party. I'll post pics in a Gold thread. She handled it really well! It was about 1 hr. and 45 min. drive. We had to give her the paci just for a few minutes on the way there and about half the time coming home. She was great with all the people there and all the different people holding her! Not scared or fussy, I was very proud!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
@shopaholic: To be honest, even though we have the co-sleeper we never have used that function. Its history is this: my aunt used it with her only child four years ago, gifted it to me when Henry was born; we put it beside the bed on my side but not right next to the bed (if that makes sense) when he was born and then I would move it into our living room during the day at our old house so I would have a quicker time laying him down when he was tired (and because I was a new mom, I wanted to see him); after a month we moved him into the cradle because the co-sleeper was getting a bit snug and he slept better with the rocking motion.
Fast forward to this year. There's no room for the co-sleeper next to me on my side of the bed at all so it's against our closet door. Emma sleeps in the PnP in the living room during the day. Well, after a month of sleepless nights and rowdy days, it becomes apart good big brother Henry likes to check on little sister. Which means leaning and pushing and jostling the PnP whenever he thinks he should be able to climb the side. We moved the co-sleeper into the guest room (where I spend most nights camped out anyways) and bring the cradle out of storage into the temporary master bedroom. Since my office/ guest bedroom is blocked by a gate, Em doesn't get harassed and it's right next to the living room so I can listen for her while I watch him. Dual purpose.
And to answer your question, my cradle is a smidge wider and a whole head longer than the co-sleeper. Plus it seems more roomy
pomegranate / 3452 posts
Sorry I've been so MIA lately, but I am just starting to feel normal after Andy's arrival last week. I'm gonna be honest, the labor and delivery were pretty traumatic.
BUT I wanted to chime in on the breastfeeding vs exclusive pumping topic. I know I'm only a week in, but I wanted to offer my perspective. Andy can't BF due to a severe maxillary frenulum, tongue tie and high arch palate. He can get my nipple in his mouth, but only a little, and it doesn't go far enough up/in to activate his suck reflex. We are getting him "fixed" at the pediatric ENT on Wednesday, but in the meantime I've been pumping and luckily have been able to avoid formula.
So while I have nothing to compare it to, exclusively pumping is a pain. Between the parts and the washing and the constant watching of the clock, and the stress of the numbers game (you can't help but count and obsess about the output) it's really tough.
The good part, though, is that my husband can share the feeding duties, which he loves. It's super handy at night or if I need a daytime nap, but on the flip side, it means I always have to stay ahead so that we have some "extra" milk as a buffer.
None of this is easy, as you know. Thank goodness our kids are cute!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: glad things were better yesterday afternoon!
@shopaholic: that is great you are liking BF so much. R slept on me from 6 till 730 this morning but she moving so much I hardly slept.
@aprk: glad you are starting to feel normal. Are you going to post your birth story? I am sorry that you can't BF and have to pump. One reason I haven't gone to pumping is I know I will get annoyed and end up stopping. Hang in there Mom!
Yesterday R's reflux was really bad. She spit up every time and it was more then ever. Going to the chiropractor today so hopefully he can help again. She did good in the car seat/ stroller for about 20 mins for a quick walk so that was good. Pollen is crazy here now so we can't be outside for too long cause I worry it will bother her.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@shopaholic: I think I may have gotten to the point where my nipples are just numb to the pain now...
haha, that's kind of funny about K sleeping on you! That's great you've gotten some decent stretches out of her doing it that way! But I know what you mean about the rock hard boobs! Occasionally Xander will go a long stretch during the night and I have to pump a little while he's still sleeping! Though you can't do that with K on top of you, haha.
And that's awesome about the party and how K wasn't fussy! Yay!
@aprk: You make some really good points about exclusively pumping! Definitely all the cleaning and having to prepare the bottles would be a pain in the butt. Although I try to pump after every feeding (at least during the day and once at night) anyway, so I do have to deal with the cleaning already. Having to prepare a bottle every time though would be annoying. And it would make going out and about more complicated too... I'll have to think about it some more I think.
@Smurfette: Things were better yesterday afternoon but terrible at night and this morning again! Just when I thought my boobs were starting to feel better, they hurt all over again! Why can't he just latch correctly??? And I think his poor latch frustrates him too because he can't get the milk out as easily and will start whimpering while he's nursing and then pull off. Ugh!!
Bummer about R's reflux! That must be so frustrating for both of you! I hope it gets better!!!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
@Adira: Feel free to tell me to butt out but I feel like I should chime in again. When we decided to supplement with formula because Henry was jaundice and I wasn't producing enough, we got into a routine for eating and bottle making. I would nurse first, for as long as I wanted and as long as I felt DS was getting something and while I nursed, DH warmed up a pre-made bottle from the fridge. And by pre-made I mean one he had measured out himself and stored in the fridge. We would make x number of bottles with x number of ounces a day and once we went through them all, DH would wash them and then make them up again. With formula, you have 24 hours from when you make the bottle to use it up. Once a bottle is warmed up or made, it can stay out for two hours until it has to be discarded. It's also suggested that any uneaten formula be discarded instead of refrigerated. Whenever we went out with DS, we would carry a refillable water bottle with warm or room temperature water inside, clean empty bottles, and either formula measured out ina container or pre-packaged packets of our formula. It took seconds to pour the water, add the formula, shake, and give to the baby. And it wasn't that much work. It made outings easier, in my opinion. Longer outing? Just pack more empty bottles and formula. You can usually find an uncold bottle of water anywhere if you run out of whatever you brought from home. It really isn't hard and it makes it easier because you can always hand off baby and bottle to someone else to feed.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
And it took me a week nearly but I've posted my birth story on my blog. It's a two parter and if you don't want to read it, here's the sum of it:
March 3, was in early stages of labor most of the day; went to L&D in the early afternoon and was monitored for an hour, then sent home; spent the rest of the day second guessing my labor until late that night; finally decided it was time to go but nearly got there too late! Got to the hospital and as soon as we pulled in, my water broke; went upstairs to the examination room behind the triage desk and a few minutes later, was giving birth to Miss Emma Rose. Didn't make it to L&D until after the birth! All told, from the time we arrived at the hospital to the time of her birth, it was 22 minutes. Completely unmedicated, completely natural because there was no time for anything else!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@NaturallyCathy: You're not butting in at all! I definitely appreciate hearing other's perspectives! That's awesome how helpful your husband is with preparing the bottles and washing and everything - it definitely seems like it would make the whole thing a lot easier! And I totally get what you're saying about being out and about with formula and having it be so easy to feed! My best friend used formula and I was with her a couple times when she had to make a bottle and it definitely seemed pretty convenient. I think if I give up breastfeeding, I'd like to go to pumping and still provide breast milk, which probably wouldn't be as easy as formula since I'd have to keep it refrigerated or something when we go out. Not sure how that would work...
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
@Adira: I'm sure if you ask the boards, someone will have an idea.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@NaturallyCathy: Oh my gosh - just read your summary of your birth!! I can't believe how quick your labor was!!! Thank goodness you made it to the hospital in time! I'll read your blog before I bombard you with questions, just in case you already have them answered, haha.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@NaturallyCathy: Just finished reading your birth story and WOW!!! I can't believe how fast it happened!!! Having been through a natural birth myself without an epidural (which I really wanted), I can't decide if it's good that your labor was so quick or not! In a way, it seems like it would be nice to have gotten it over with so quickly, but I'm guessing the pain was probably a lot more intense! Plus I'm assuming you tore instead of getting an episiotomy, which I think is worse!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
@Adira: I did tear but inside, not externally. And it took the entire two days I was there to get the pain down from an eight to a more manageable five. And yet, even though I was in more pain than the first time around, I was up and moving about much faster. Back to normal faster too.
pear / 1718 posts
Hi, March Mamas,
Congratulations to all on the birth of your new babies!
I'm posting under a new screen name (formerly BklynBee41), as I changed it when I upgraded to gold membership. I no longer live in Brooklyn, so I thought wanted an updated name that reflects my new borough… Queens!
I am happy to announce that baby Peter was born on March 21st at exactly 7 lbs. We are totally head over heels in love with him. He was breech for the entire pregnancy so it was an automatic c-section once my water broke. I thought I would be nervous/terrified of the surgery but the whole delivery was very calm and relaxed. It ended up being a really lovely experience.
Breastfeeding has also been my biggest struggle so far. Sore nipples, engorgement, cluster feeding- the usual newbie hardships. Sometimes it can be so discouraging! His latch has gotten a lot better and so it's not nearly as painful as it was two weeks ago. We are masters at the football hold, although that’s the only position we know how to do correctly. I give him one bottle of pumped milk every evening to give my nipples a few extra hours to recover overnight. This has led to some painful engorgement in the morning which I am still sorting out. Pete is a champion eater though, and has rightfully earned the nickname “milk monster!” around here.
Now that I am actually on maternity leave, my goal is to be more active on the hellobee boards. I've read the message boards for months now, and I've found everyone's advice and support so incredibly helpful, but I felt like I never had time to respond adequately at work. So here's hoping that my new schedule will free up some time to become a more regular part of the community!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@NaturallyCathy: Wow!! I can't believe your labor was so fast.
@QueensBee: Congrats! Welcome to the struggling with BF club, wish you weren't a member. Glad you are going to be more active. It is a great community!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@QueensBee: Welcome to the March boards! Congratulations on the birth of your son! I'm so glad your birth experience went well for you!
Whenever I've given Xander a bottle at night, I tend to have to pump before his next feeding, so I don't think I'm helping my nipples any, haha. Oh well.
I feel like so many people do the football hold and I just can't get the hang of it! How exactly do you do it? Where do you sit when you're doing it? Where do you rest the baby's butt? Do you have to hold his head to your breast the whole time? I've noticed that Xander's head is friggin' HEAVY and supporting it with my hand for ~15 minutes is a STRUGGLE. Cradle Hold is the only comfortable position I can do (and I have to start with Cross-Cradle Hold to get him latched).
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
@Smurfette: @Adira: My mom argues that my labor wasn't all that quick since labor pains started around eight in the morning. She counts my labor as being from the time we first went to L&D that morning to that evening when I actually gave birth. DH and I call the 22 minutes the labor but that's only when she isn't around
@QueensBee: Welcome stalker! Just kidding I did my fair share of stalking the first month of Em's life because I had no time to get on here either. We're glad to have you join us and congratulations on your newest addition.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@NaturallyCathy: haha, I probably agree with your mom! I say that my labor was 14 hours, counting from when my contractions were fairly consistent, and that I had one hour of pushing. So you probably were in labor for longer than 22 minutes, haha, but I definitely get why you call it that!
pear / 1718 posts
Hello again!
@naturallycathy yes, I've been a total stalker! Hoping to not be so creepy now! haha!
@adira Thanks for the welcome again! Regarding the football hold, I had a lactation consultant show us on his second day home from the hospital. First, we started by putting one or two pillows behind my back so that my elbow could have space to move back (along the side of the pillows). I'll try attaching a photo of the LC showing how to position myself and the pillows. Then, I hold Peter fairly upright with my hand supporting his big wobbly head. The LC told me that his latch is best when he's in a more upright position. I lean back on the pillows and then lean him onto me, so he doesn't feel heavy and I'm not hurting my back.
(I don't know if that description was helpful at all!)
@smurfette Thanks for the warm welcome! I hope we all start graduating from the "despite all my research, I didn't realize breastfeeding could be this hard!" club soon. I hear that things can either improve gradually or sometimes overnight around the 6-8 week mark. Here's hoping! I also hope you're having a good day with sweet Regan and she's not feeling too fussy from the reflux. Let us know how it goes with the chiropractor!
pear / 1718 posts
Here is the photo of the LC, the pillows, and the football hold. (It's also my first time posting a photo so I hope it works and it isn't obnoxiously large!)
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@QueensBee: Thanks for the info! I'm going to have to give it another try. Xander latches well with the Cross-Cradle/Cradle Hold on one side, but terribly on the other! I'm thinking I need to try another position, at least to give my nipples some relief, so maybe I can get the Football Hold to work!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Tried the Football Hold, but Xander's latch was just as shitty in that position as it is in every other position...
I'm thinking about quitting breastfeeding. I've been crying all morning and haven't been able to give Xander any attention because I'm so upset. I want to do what's best for him and I know the health benefits of breast milk are so strong, but at the same time, I hate hate hate feeding him. It hurts so much... but I also feel so guilty for even thinking about quitting... I feel like I'm failing him as his mother.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: Repeat after me, I am not a bad mother!! I am a great mother!!! There is nothing wrong with stopping BF if I am unhappy.
Girl, I am a firm believer in happy Mom makes happy baby. If you are not happy breast feeding, then just don't do it. If you are crying every time you have to feed then there is nothing wrong with stopping. Someone just told me, the best thing they needed was colostrum and he got that already. If it makes you feel better, try just pumping and see how you like it. Or have to called a LC to come over and see if they can help you?
pear / 1718 posts
@adira I totally agree with everything Smurfette said! You are a wonderful mother and Xander will be a happy and healthy baby whether he's eating breast milk or formula or a combo!
You've already given him *over a month* of colostrum and milk. That's a huge accomplishment and you should feel really proud of that!
One thing my pediatrician said that helped me was:
"If you're struggling, give yourself a break and give him a few ounces of formula. And don't feel guilty or like you're breaking the rules. It's totally okay. I've found that new mothers who give a little formula here and there tend to breastfeed longer and more successfully than those who try to 100% EBF. "
So anytime I feel like I can't stand one more latch or pump session, I give him a bottle of formula, sometimes mixed with breast milk. And most of the time I don't need to do it but I feel better knowing that I have that as a perfectly acceptable and wonderful option.
So like Smurfette already said, maybe you can pump for a day or two to see how that goes, or offer a bottle or two of formula to give your breasts a break. A visit from an LC is also a great option. Or, go straight to formula if that will help you keep your sanity! We can help you come up with good comeback lines (real zingers!) if you get any snarky comments from family members
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