Hellobee Boards


March 2015 Mamas!

  1. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    @limabeanbabies: I don't have any intuitions about it but I really don't want her to come (too) early!

  2. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    March Mamas
    February 28: Beanie132
    March 1: intotheocean
    March 2: PhillyBaby2013 , ecjohnson
    March 3: Laughlines , PinkB
    March 4: LAZB
    March 5: Madbrave
    March 6: drjolene
    March 7: Youboots
    March 9: BeachMama
    March 10: Nicollete1189 , Sapphire
    March 12: Anya , Mrs.o
    March 15: Lil Bean , ms. pug
    March 16: limabeanbabies
    March 17: ninja , MamaGoose , MrsMcCarthy
    March 19: Blueberry
    March 22: MrsBucky
    March 23: MelisMc
    March 25: sumer08
    March 26: Annette , linzeelou
    March 27: Lulu Mom
    March 28: HolisticMama
    March 29: Renee
    March 30: yellowbird , Kemma
    March 31: Blessedmama
    April 1: NavyRN2012

  3. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    Hey ladies! Time for a third trimester check in for our sleepy little board! Please participate.

    How many days till EDD?:
    How are you feeling these days?:
    What prep have you done?:
    Have you picked a name/names?:
    What are you most excited for?:
    What are you most nervous about?:
    How is your husband doing in all this?:

    I'll start:

    How many days till EDD?: 69! Wow!

    How are you feeling these days?: large with a lot of Braxton hicks and some back pain. Trouble sleeping as well.

    What prep have you done?: some clothes and a swing were gifted to us and I'm working with my son on learning about babies and being a big brother. He is finally starting to get some of it I think. We also pre registered and I made all of my appointments through 41 weeks. We found a new pediatrician for the kids as well.

    Have you picked a name/names?: yes! Pretty much set!

    What are you most excited for?: meeting my daughter and dressing her up in amazing little clothes. I will be so happy when she is here healthy and safe in my arms.

    What are you most nervous about?: another induction or ending up with a c section this time. Going super late. Not getting to enjoy the snuggles with my son or how hard all of this will be on him. Also nervous about the lack of sleep with a toddler. My first overnight without our son. PPD.

    How is your husband doing in all this?: He definitely has a bit of a "dead man walking" attitude about all the challenges that await us with two but he seems much more relaxed this time than last time overall.

  4. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    @youboots: I'm thinking April baby for me, Miss A was nine days over so I'm not holding my breath that I'll go early this time!

  5. youboots

    honeydew / 7622 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: great idea!! So exciting your little girl will be here soon.

    How many days till EDD?: 60 days!!
    How are you feeling these days?: Overall not bad, a little slower, some back pain, some swelling.
    What prep have you done?: The nursery is done!! Minus some more art and accessories. All the clothes are washed and put away.
    Have you picked a name/names?: yes, we have about 3 favorites for each and a total list of 20 so we have lots of options if one of our favorites does not suit them.
    What are you most excited for?: To find out if it's a boy or girl! Baby shower Saturday! Maternity photos Sunday! Seeing M become a Dad most of all.
    What are you most nervous about?: The actual birth, excited to get started with classes and more regular Drs appointments.
    How is your husband doing in all this?: Good. He does not talk about it much without me bringing it up. He's just as sweet to me as ever and seems to enjoy the belly. Once the baby actually gets here I know he will be awesome.

  6. MrsBucky

    kiwi / 656 posts

    How many days till EDD?: 75 days.

    How are you feeling these days?: Pretty ok- just got over a nasty cold (thank you, Christmas travel) and just kind of feel big and slow, but nothing major is wrong/hurting. A little heartburn. Lots of increasingly painful kicking. But my midwife put me on an iron supplement for slight anemia that was just caught and I *think* it's giving me more energy!!

    What prep have you done?: Um, woefully little? I've been reading lots of books, and we finished the registry (I think? I'm having registry anxiety!) Our showers are on the 17th and 31st. I'm hoping my mom will fly up and help me finish the nursery sometime in February. I submitted my extended maternity leave request to HR. Still mildly panicked about childcare even though it is a ways off, but DH is in charge of that. Oh, and we started our Bradley classes this weekend, so that is in progress as well.

    Have you picked a name/names?: We are (sort of?) set on a boy name, but are basically no where with girl names. I'm shockingly zen about this. I have no idea why I'm not stressed about it!

    What are you most excited for?: Our showers; meeting this little person who is already so loved.

    What are you most nervous about?: Childcare for post maternity leave. Balancing everything once baby comes. Being far away from my family and my friends with kids when baby comes. How it will affect my relationship with DH. And oddly, toddler discipline. (Why am I such a worrywart? haha)

    How is your husband doing in all this?: It varies based on how he feels about work. When he feels good about work, he is great. When he feel crappy about work, he is a disaster. His work is really stressful/un-supportive/demeaning at times, so that makes it hard. Today was a good day, though, so I am grateful.

  7. pinkb

    pear / 1599 posts

    @limabeanbabies: Totally think I will be having a February baby, my gut is telling me around the 14, we shall see.

    How many days till EDD?: 57

    How are you feeling these days?: Currently sick with another respiratory infection of some kind so not the greatest But my pelvis had been better with limited activity so thats nice.

    What prep have you done?: Pre- registered at the hospital. Everything we need has been purchased. My mom is coming over this weekend to help me wash the rest of his stuff and make some freezer meals. Just need to set up his room, oh and paint it!

    Have you picked a name/names?: Nope, I have thrown around some names but DH is having a hard time with a boy name.

    What are you most excited for?: For him to get here so I can hold him on my chest! I feel like the world stops for a moment and you can just breath, its the best feeling.

    What are you most nervous about?: Passing the time when I went into preterm labor with DD and put bed rest (this coming Monday is it!!) Other than that if he stays put I am worried about how big he will be, DH and I were both 10lbers. DD was only 6 lbs, but a month early.

    How is your husband doing in all this?:
    @MrsMccarthy: "dead man walking" Yep DH is the same. A coworker basically told him his life is over completely now with 2 kids..lol thanks dude! He is just stressed at work so having a hard time to find the energy to get things ready for DS. But he has told me he is looking forward to him arriving and being home with us for a few weeks.

  8. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    @MrsBucky: good luck with HR! I hear you on the toddler anxiety haha. My husband fed some potato chips to a toddler at a party (with the parents permission) but when I saw that I tried to start all sorts of discussions about food, screen time, discipline.. Yeah I think we can table some of these for the moment! Gotta get through the newborn stage first

  9. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    @pinkb: come on Monday! I bet you'll be so happy to pass that milestone.

  10. BeachMama

    pear / 1946 posts

    How many days till EDD?: 64

    How are you feeling these days?: Eh, ok. Sleep has gotten difficult and I've been having a lot of low back pain. Even standing in the shower is tiring.

    What prep have you done?: Sadly, still not much. I've tagged a bunch of pictures on Etsy that I might order. I need to organize the furniture in the nursery, organize the closet, and wash clothes. I finally registered for the maternity tour today - the first opening is Feb 7th...cutting it a little close! My last day of work will be Feb 13th since I have a pretty physical job it gets hard to do once I'm so big.

    Have you picked a name/names?: I think we are going with James Axel - my dad's name and DH's grandfather's name. It was his idea, which I'm pretty surprised by because my dad isn't always the nicest guy...

    What are you most excited for?: To meet the little guy

    What are you most nervous about?: Handling two kids, keeping my patience in check with DD, and the possibility of another colicky baby. And nursing - I didn't love it the first time around and kinda forced my way through it. I'm also pretty nervous for the possibility of PPD again.

    How is your husband doing in all this?: Half the time I think he forgets I'm even pregnant!

  11. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    @BeachMama: very cool name!

  12. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    How many days till EDD?: 56
    How are you feeling these days?: Pretty good overall, but very big. I'm having major heartburn and am pretty tired, but it's just par for the course.
    What prep have you done?: We have pretty much all of the things we need, although I still need to wash everything and we need to paint the nursery. I really need to decide how I want it painted. I have also pre-registered at the hospital.
    Have you picked a name/names?: yep! On here I'll just call her L
    What are you most excited for?: Bringing this baby home and keeping her well
    What are you most nervous about?: Avoiding her getting sick.
    How is your husband doing in all this?: He is really looking forward to having her, just super nervous that we won't get everything done before she is here. Since our son came a month early, his deadline for everything is February 4th, he just wants to make sure we are totally done before she gets here.

  13. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @BeachMama: love the name!

  14. sumer08

    apricot / 468 posts

    This comment has been deleted by the original poster.

  15. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    How many days till EDD?: Just under 12 weeks to go - I'm not ready for counting down in days!

    How are you feeling these days?: Not bad apart from a pre-Christmas tummy-bug and the heat. Heartburn does seem to be making an appearance at the moment

    What prep have you done?: Still need to re-wallpaper the Squish's room and then we can sort out all the newborn clothes and gear

    Have you picked a name/names?: Nope, still working on our list

    What are you most excited for?: Getting organised!

    What are you most nervous about?: I'm a little apprehensive that I'm going to have another long labour, I'd really like to go on time and knock it out in one day this time!

    How is your husband doing in all this?: He's pretty relaxed but he's a late-stage panicker so I'm expecting him to freak out when March finally arrives

    In other news, I'm still feeling ridiculously large and I'm off to do my glucose test tomorrow - yay me!

  16. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @Kemma: good luck with your gluclose hope it comes back negative!

  17. Beanie132

    cherry / 102 posts

    How many days till EDD?: 52!!
    How are you feeling these days?: pretty good besides a cough thing that I've had since the end of NOVEMBER!! At this rate I doubt it's going anywhere fast and "there is nothing to do" about says the doctors... blah
    What prep have you done?: room furniture is mostly done, just need a rug and curtains and hang the artwork after my shower this weekend.
    Have you picked a name/names?: Boy yes, but not on spelling. Girls no, we have like 6 contenders!
    What are you most excited for?: Finding out if it's a boy or a girl!
    What are you most nervous about?: Labor pain and if my herniated disks will push me into camp epidural fast.
    How is your husband doing in all this?: good, getting a bit overwhelmed with the length of our to-do list.

  18. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    How many days till EDD?: 64
    How are you feeling these days?: Good! Some heartburn, some back pain, but nothing to really write home about.
    What prep have you done?: Almost everything that I can think of! Nursery is all set up, I haven't had my classes and hospital tour yet but everything is registered. The one major thing still on my list is selecting a pediatrician.
    Have you picked a name/names?: Yes! Unless we have a last minute change of heart.
    What are you most excited for?: Holding her for the first time, my husband holding her for the first time.
    What are you most nervous about?: Getting through the winter without any slips and falls.
    How is your husband doing in all this?: Great! He is a little nervous about handling the lack of sleep, but positive for the most part.

  19. NavyRN2012

    persimmon / 1447 posts

    How many days till EDD?: 84
    How are you feeling these days?: BIG! My belly just seems so darn huge! Otherwise, I have good energy and no other real issues!
    What prep have you done?: Oh goodness- not a lot. He won't have a nursery, since we're moving less than 3 months after he's born. We have MOST of our large gear. I was waiting until after the holidays to really start buying the little things we'll need (clothes, replacement nipples, a few pacis, and some other small things).
    Have you picked a name/names?: Yep! August Parker
    What are you most excited for?: Just meeting this little guy!
    What are you most nervous about?: Jealousy from my daughter. She'll be 26 months when he comes, but is attached to me something FIERCE! I just don't want her world to be turned upside down TOO much!
    How is your husband doing in all this?: He's great! Just a little nervous about being at home with 2 little people, while also dealing with school pick up and drop off with our oldest.

  20. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @NavyRN2012: ugh the jealousy thing is killing me too. I really love how close my son and I are and it hurts my heart to think of having to put him second to anyone. There are a lot of things I'm avoiding for this reason like trying to transistion him to more independent sleep. I just love cuddling him at night so so so much!

  21. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: failed my one-hour glucose test, off to sit the two-hour test this morning - boo!

  22. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @Kemma: buckets of poo! i am sorry. Good luck with 3 hour

  23. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: the test is only two hours in NZ with a fasting blood test (pre-drink) and another once the two hours is up so it wasn't too bad

    Hopefully my results come back all good because I was gifted a LOT of chocolate over Christmas!

  24. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    I know some ladies have had their showers recently, how did they go? Any highlights?

  25. Blueberry

    apricot / 342 posts

    LOVING all these updates!!

    How many days till EDD?: 65 Days! Holy Cow!!!!
    How are you feeling these days?: Not too bad actually! I just started a toning, cardio, and yoga class that is making me feel pretty darn great! The morning sickness is finally over and I have sciatic pain every now and then but thankfully, nothing too bad.
    What prep have you done?: Not a whole lot, I NEED to move DS to the guest room (which will be his new room) and change things up a bit in the nursery from his stuff to hers.
    Have you picked a name/names? We are thinking about Olivia, Sofia, or Emma. I think we are going to stick with Emma but it's not set in stone. Her middle name will definitely be Grace
    What are you most excited for?: Meeting her! She moves around a lot more than DS did so it makes me think she's full of this personality I can't wait to see!
    What are you most nervous about?: I'm trying for a VBAC so I'm just hoping that it is successful. I really REALLY want it!
    How is your husband doing in all this?: He's amazing! He is so hands on with DS so I can relax. He's super excited too!

  26. sapphire

    nectarine / 2173 posts

    I haven't been too active on here since our Facebook group is so busy, but I know not everyone is on there. The summary updates are nice!

    How many days till EDD?: 57!

    How are you feeling these days?: ,This last week has been harder in what otherwise has been a fairly easy pregnancy. But I'm having more back pain, calf cramps, shin splints. Stretching and my weekly yoga class definitely help.

    What prep have you done?: Prep for labor has been my biggest focus with the yoga classes, HypoBabies, a hospital based birthing class. We have bought most of the major nursery items but they haven't all arrived. We have basically no other baby gear yet, but there are two showers this month!

    Have you picked a name/names? We pretty much had her named since before she was conceived.

    What are you most excited for?: Seeing what this little lady looks like! I had a growth ultrasound today with 3-D u/s and I think her nose looks like mine.

    What are you most nervous about?: Feeling more musculoskeletal pains in the next two months as I had been doing well and am starting to hurt more now. And then taking her to daycare likely when she's only 8 weeks old...I know that's going to be really, really hard.

    How is your husband doing in all this?: He is so helpful and overall relaxed and excited!

  27. youboots

    honeydew / 7622 posts

    @Anya: I did on Saturday. It was great. My two best friends hosted. We had it at my house at 10 am. My Mom, Sister & MIL helped out a bunch too. I just wanted something short, no games, good food, lots of mimosas/wine (let's be honest those are the things I want at a baby shower). About 30 people came, we ate and mingled for about 45 minutes, then everyone introduced themselves, then I powered through gifts and people got back to visiting. The nursury was done, along with our two recent bathroom remodels, so I encouraged people to check out the baby's room. Most people left after about 2 hours. Some close family and friends stayed and we snapped a few group photos outside. We got a ton of homemade gifts, blankets, swaddles, knitted items, quilts, almost everything went perfect with the nursery. People were so generous, the invite asked for a book instead of a card and I got about 40 books with lots of sweet notes. I got tons of cloth diapers, I only have to return 2 things- a duplicate book and an outfit I did not care for. Most of the clean up was done for me and I watched the NFL playoffs the rest of the day with M, my MIL and FIL brought us dinner and watched the Seahawks game that evening, it was perfect. Everyone I talked to said it was an awesome shower and they really enjoyed it. It was exactly what I wanted. I'm going to start on thank yous this week.

  28. Beanie132

    cherry / 102 posts

    we had our shower on Sunday and my word of the day was overwhelming. People were so generous and I wish I had an hour to talk to everyone there! We have no other real "events" till the first weekend in February and I'm excited to focus on some house prep in the coming weeks.

    Is anyone getting seat protectors for under their car seats? Is that even recommended?

  29. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    @youboots: sounds lovely!

    @Beanie132: hmm i don't think I've even heard of that!

  30. pinkb

    pear / 1599 posts

    Awe seeing all the January babies arriving is making me so excited to see our little squishy babies!

    @Beanie132: I have heard of them and seen them, it all has to do with what your carseat guidelines says is ok. Some allow it and some dont. So just check you manual.

  31. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    COME ON MARCH I feel like February is going to be the longest month ever.. even though it's really the shortest month.

  32. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    @Anya: ahhh!!! So excited for our babies to come!

  33. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @Beanie132: I added you girlie! Or at least I think that's you. Make sure to introduce yourself so we know.

    @Anya: I waiver between wanting time to go slow and fast. I guess I vote for steady. Being so big makes me want fast but fleeting time with a more stable household and one on one with my son and husband. The first pregnancy I was in much more of a rush! I'm sure when I go overdue again ill be miserable as ever though and ready.

    Is anyone else a crazy nesting fool lately? I put up the swing in the nursery and cleared out the closet. I was sad to see that our arms reach cosleeper had mold all over it from being stored away so long. Glad I know now though. We were gifted a gray MacLaren double stroller and will also get my friends infant carseat so that's good. Our last one expired because it was also a gift and the child is now 5. We were given a double jogger too but we have to give it up because its huge!!! Too bad cause I love the way they handle.

    My MIL knit a little bunny hat and bloomers for put daughters first Easter!!! May do some home done newborn shots with that this time.

  34. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    @Beanie132: you probably want to check what your car and carseat manual say and whether or not having something under the seat will change the install. Some of the thicker protectors can compress in an accident / crash and turn what felt like a tight install into a loose one.

    So I started my GD diet and testing routine on Wednesday afternoon and last night I was totally feeling the sugar cravings! My breakfast, dinner and fasting numbers are pretty good but lunch is a bit out while I work on how many carbs I can eat at lunch. On the days I eat every two hours my numbers are definitely better but on the days I eat breakfast late they're a bit off. Trying to fit my food in with Miss A's schedule can be tricky!

  35. linzeelou

    coffee bean / 33 posts

    How many days till EDD?: 57! Ah!

    How are you feeling these days?: I've been having some hip/pelvic pain if I over due it and sometimes at night when trying to sleep. Nothing unbearable but worse than I remember with my first. I also just feel really BIG.

    What prep have you done?: We really haven't done too much prep. There are a few things like a second monitor we need to buy and possibly a double stroller but otherwise we just plan to transition our son to another room shortly before the birth so we have the nursery ready for the new little one.

    Have you picked a name/names?: I think we're about 90% set on a name. We still have fun thinking of other names though!

    What are you most excited for?: Maternity leave and lots of snuggles.

    What are you most nervous about?: Having two. I don't think it's really hit me yet.

    How is your husband doing in all this?: Good so far. We've been extremely busy with a toddler, the holidays, work and a move so I don't think either of us realize how quickly March is approaching!

  36. BeachMama

    pear / 1946 posts

    We had some maternity/family photos taken today. I hope we got a least a couple good ones! We really have no good photos of the 3 of us and I'd love to get one to commemorate our little family before DS arrives!

    I've also had some nasty heartburn the past few days. Yuck. It kept me up last night because I just couldn't get comfortable.

    2nd time moms - are you moving LO's carseat for baby? We're going to switch DD to behind the driver so the baby can be in the passenger seat. I'm thinking we'll do this soon to avoid any bad feelings towards the baby.

    I was hoping DD would be potty trained by now but I've kinda given up on it. She's so stubborn - says no anytime I suggest trying undies or even a pull up. I really hope she just decides on her own one day to start using the potty!

  37. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @BeachMama: we currently have our son rear facing behind passenger seat but new baby will take over that spot and we will probably let him forward face behind the driver. I think he will prefer it.

    It's getting super real for us with January more than halfway through and Feb such a short month!

  38. jlm22

    apricot / 343 posts

    Hi Everyone!
    New to the 'Bee and hoping I can join you. I'm a FTM due at the end of March. Getting so, so, so excited!

  39. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @jlm22: welcome! Glad to have you. Message me if you want I join our FB group as well.

  40. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    @BeachMama: I'm leaving DD in her spot behind passenger seat, she's very adamant about "baby sister sit there" while pointing next to her. I'm not going to fight her on this one.

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