clementine / 972 posts
Hi ladies!! I'm on my phone but will try to catch up next time I'm on a computer. It's great to read similar stories to our LO born 5/25. And to those whose babe doesn't STTN, I commiserate! We have 2-3 wakings to eat every night since I went back to work at 12 weeks.
pear / 1823 posts
LO's name: Nate
DOB: 5/5
Due date: 5/7
Delivery details: Scheduled C-section. They kept predicting he was going to be huge, but he wasn't as big as they said. Oh, well.
Birth stats: 9lb4oz, 20 3/4 inches
Key milestones: Smiling, laughing, grabbing at toys (and eating them!), rolls both ways
How's feeding going: Still EBF. He loves to eat, but is not fond of bottles. We're still working on that, so I can get out of the house every now and then
How's sleep going: Just starting getting better once he could roll to his stomach. Sleeps from 6:30-5am with one wake up to eat. I'd love him to sleep a little later!
Other details: The beginning was a little rough, but I think we're finally getting in a groove! He loves kisses, singing and standing. He hates the car and is not that fond of the stroller either. He's rather be worn on walks.
Thanks for starting this thread! It's great to hear about all the May babies!
clementine / 918 posts
@mssally: Do you think your LO is going through a growth spurt? L was at eating all the time last week, so maybe your LO is eating a lot and your supply will increase.
@mrsbookworm: Nate looks like he is a lot of fun with that huge grin!
L went down to sleep with no problems tonight, hopefully we are turning a corner over here. Fingers crossed
apricot / 444 posts
Just left Miss Thing with a sitter for the first time (i.e. someone I am paying, not a family member). Eeek! But here I am at the library, working away... (obviously making great use of my time on HB). Feels good, but scary!
@mrsbookworm: we had a horrible time with bottles until we figured out that she was down with it if she was sitting up--she hated to have them well held (and she likes to be held the rest of the time). We plop her in the carseat, the stroller, the bouncyseat, or sitting on the couch propped up with pillows and she takes it okay. It's worth a shot? Also, we just kept trying in one session--she might seem hungry and then reject it, so then we'd try 10 or 15 minutes later... and on and on.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@Mrs. Lovejoy: Us too!!!! Gah. I have to let go of thinking I'm in control of her STTN, I'm realizing she's just not ready yet
nectarine / 2177 posts
@emg86: I've been trying to cluster feed in the evenings, but my super curious boy is SUCH a distracted nurser these days. Sometimes I have to trick him to eat by swapping out a pacifier and slipping my nipple in! Sometimes at night DH gives him a pumped bottle to make sure he has a full belly. We do occasionally try a dreamfeed, but there generally doesn't seem to be any identifiable correlation to better sleep.
@Ms.Badger: Night before last sucked.
@mrsbookworm: So cute!!
nectarine / 2177 posts
So I feel super guilty posting this because I know how jealous I get hearing about other babies who are good sleepers (though I am happy for them!)...BUT. Jack slept last night from 8-6. WTF. DH gave him a bottle of pumped milk (5 oz) and at 11 he gave him 1.75 oz as a dream feed. I woke up at 1 and checked the monitor--sound asleep. And I woke again at 6 when I heard him awake. I am floored. I don't know if it was related to a different nap routine, the fact that DH did the whole bed time routine and feeding (I was out to dinner with a friend) or what, but I am praying this was not a fluke.
ETA: hoping everyone else had good nights last night!
clementine / 918 posts
@maybebaby: jealous, but we are moving in the right direction. We have had only 2 MOTN wakings 2 out of 3 nights. Hope it sticks!
How many feedings, how much time in between do you do the cluster feeds? I haven't tried that yet and I'm up for anything
blogger / apricot / 349 posts
@Ms.Badger: maybe a growth spurt or learning a new skill. She can almost roll over. Or maybe it's one of the wonder weeks. She's 18 weeks old and being fussy again during feedings. Congrats on LO's sleep improving!!
@Mrs. Lovejoy: welcome!! At least we can all be miserable in the middle of the night together!!
@mrsbookworm: what a cutie!!! Welcome!! So jealous that he sleeps so well!!! My LO was sleeping pretty well but lately waking up once or twice to eat.
@maybebaby: don't feel bad! So happy to hear that he slept so well!!! What did you do differently for his naps? My LO is duper distracted too in public. It's so hard to try to go anywhere unless they have a specific area for nursing. At home as long as it's quiet and we are in her room or on the sofa, she will nurse. Except like I said, she's been fussy again.
pear / 1823 posts
@mjane: I'll try your trick with the bottle. Hopefully, it will work! Thanks
nectarine / 2177 posts
@Ms.Badger: For cluster feeds I just try to offer right before and after naps...I have to kind of trick him with a pacifier and get my boob in there but he does start eating once he's latched on.
@mssally: For naps he usually naps every 1.5 hours for 30 min-hour, yesterday he had fewer naps for longer.
olive / 52 posts
Hi everyone!
I'm so glad someone finally started this board! I will have to come back later to add my stats.
I see a lot of people posted about sleep. DS went through the four month sleep regression where he was up every few hours but luckily it was only a few days.
We are very lucky in that he goes down at 7 and wakes up at about 6 in the morning. He was consistently waking up at 4 am or 5 am but once I put him down earlier he slept longer. If I put him down even a little later - at 7:30/8 - he will get up for those early morning wake ups. That seems to be what works for us now. But as you know that can change in a day sometimes When he does wake himself up at night I have go in and give him a pacifier and tell him its not time to get up yet. And sometimes I'm lucky and he'll fall right back asleep.
Is anyone going to start solids soon? Our ped said we can go ahead at our last check up. We may give it a try and see how it goes. We have a very big and hungry little boy that is really into watching us eat so I think we are ready to try some oatmeal and see how it goes.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@HappyJax: Hehe, we tried putting LO down at 7 the other night, and she was up for the day at 4:30! Not gonna try that again
We'll likely start solids in the next few weeks (she's a week shy of 5 months). Not ready yet, I don't think!
blogger / apricot / 349 posts
@HappyJax: Hi! You're lucky your LO is such a good sleeper! I thinking us going through a regression/wonder week/growth spurt/ etc. The past few days she's been waking up a bunch of times during the night and I even put her to bed earlier. She just turned 4 months a week ago.
I probably won't start solids until 6 months. LO is subways watching us when we eat but I don't think we are ready yet--especially me, to throw something new into the mix just yet.
pear / 1823 posts
My LO gets up for the day at 4am! Drives me crazy. He does go to sleep at 6:30 though. I keep trying to get him to stay up later but he just melts down.
We haven't tried solids yet. The ped said we could, but he seems content, so I'm not rushing it.
nectarine / 2177 posts
@HappyJax: Welcome! Hmm maybe we will try the earlier bed time and see how it does for us.
@mssally: I'm with you--I think LO might be ready, but I'M not!
We had Jack's 4 month apt today. He is doing well! He is 15 lb 4 oz, 26.5 inches. He is getting longer and leaner, but still has some nice thigh rolls He got his shots (standard schedule) and I really just hate seeing him cry--those needles look huge! He took a nice 2 hour nap and now seems like he is ready for an early bedtime. Hoping he sleeps off the shots.
Soooo the past three nights of sleep have been REALLY good. The first night he slept well but *I* kept waking up, probably out of habit, and had so much trouble getting back to sleep. The next two nights I slept until the morning. This was the first time this has happened since second trimester of my pregnancy. I feel human again.
I think the main thing that has been plaguing me is that I wake up at EVERY peep. We moved him to his own room around 8 weeks, well before we planned to, because he was napping so well in his crib. I think that was huge. BUT I would keep the monitor on as high as it would go, so I was still waking up with every peep. I finally realized that at the very lowest sound setting I still hear him and wake up at every little peep and usually would just go feed him figuring that is what he needed--he rarely if ever wakes crying, usually just babbling. So the past three nights I tried putting white noise on my iPhone on my bedside table next to the monitor and I think that cancels out his rustling sounds. In the morning when I have heard him he is "talking" loudly and that is when I go in to feed him. So my theory is that he probably IS waking still in the night, but that he is putting himself back to sleep and is happy about it. I told our pedi today what i'd been doing and she was all about it, saying that if I hear him just talking in the AM that this is probably helping him figure out how to get back to sleep during the night.
Sorry for the novel, but thought I would share. @JoJoGirl: I know A is still in your room and if I recall your husband wants to keep her there until 6 months, right? Do you think you might all be ready a little earlier? I seriously think that DH and I are sleeping so much better with our little roommate gone (though we do miss him!)
clementine / 918 posts
I had a scare today. L had an allergic reaction to something in my breast milk but I don't know what it was. I've been nervous that he's allergic to peanuts but it could also be strawberries which I did eat and my mom says I was allergic to when I was little. He broke out in terrible hives twice but was fine otherwise. I saw a ped (a different one in our practice) who agreed it was an allergic reaction but that there wasn't anything more so could do. He's no longer reacting to my breast milk so it must be out of my system but I really wish I knew what caused it. If its peanuts I'm terrified he's going to be very allergic and maybe next time will be really bad.
nectarine / 2177 posts
@Ms.Badger: Oh no! That is so scary Did the ped recommend cutting out both foods to be on the safe side?
clementine / 918 posts
@maybebaby: I stopped eating peanuts 6 weeks ago when I started suspecting he was sensitive (but gave him an old pumped frozen bottle this morning - stupid me, I'm going to toss all my old milk) but she just said that I'll have a better idea what he's allergic to when he reacts again. I didn't really like that answer and plan to talk to my own ped about it tomorrow.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@maybebaby: No we moved her about a month ago. Glad you are getting some sleep!!
apricot / 444 posts
@mssally: @maybebaybe: got the go-ahead from the ped, too, but I'm not ready for solids either. And she does seem interested, but she's also interested in chewing on my jeans, so.
Foodwise, also on the fence about how much to do purees vs. BLW, or some winning combo of the two. What are others doing?
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@mjane: Our ped said A isn't yet ready, but we're going to start out with BLW and see how it goes! Just banana and avocado to start.. see how she does. And I totally agree, she was trying to put food in her mouth the other day, but that was also after putting my water bottle and her own foot in her mouth, so not sure what that means..
apricot / 444 posts
@JoJoGirl: did you read the blw book? Haven't gotten around to it yet... And I'm worried I might be too chicken when it comes to gagging.
nectarine / 2177 posts
@JoJoGirl: @mjane: We are also interested in BLW but I need to get the book. I like the idea of not having to make so many purees!
cherry / 174 posts
LO's name: Oliver
DOB: 5/20
Due date: 5/21
Delivery details: labored FOREVER, pushed and found that he was stuck in my pelvic bone, pinching a nerve. got an epidural (did NOTHING for my pain) had an emergency c-section because both my and oliver's blood pressures were dropping. And he was born, BEAUTIFUL and healthy.
Birth stats: 3.4kg, 52 cm
Key milestones: He LOVES tickle time, bath time and talking. He smiles so much and loves the ladies. hehe
How's feeding going: he's a champion nurser. I EBF him and feed on demand. I tried to do scheduling but I'm not organized at all. But luckily he's flourishing in height and weight. (98th percentile and 86th respectively)
How's sleep going: He is horrible with his naps unless it's in the ergo. but he always goes down for a bath at 5:30, nurses by 6, asleep from 6-10pm then nurses, wakes for another nursing at 1, 3, 4 and wakes up around 6-6:30am. While not ideal, because we are so tired... he's so happy and healthy that we don't mind. If anyone has any tips on how to improve his naps and nightime sleep I would LOOOOOVEEEE to hear them!
Other details: Oliver was born in Shanghai (we are expats from NYC) and we just moved to Hong Kong YESTERDAY! Talk about CRAZY.
Recent picture: I post daily pics on instagram (same handle) if you're on, let me know your username too!
nectarine / 2177 posts
@anniegurumi: Yay Oliver!! He sounds so sweet. This sounds ridiculous, but in the beginning I thought J would just nap when he needed to. Wrong. We had to really pay attention to HIS cues and then get him in the environment to nap. For him, that means about after 1.25/1.5 hours he will yawn/run eyes, etc. If home, we bring him into his room, read a story, turn off lights, turn on white noise, swaddle (need to start weaning...), rock til drowsy, and put him in his crib. We pretty reliably get 5 naps a day, between 30 minutes and an hour. I would love for his happy wak time to extend and have some naps get longer.
cherry / 174 posts
@maybebaby: The crazy part is that Ollie doesn't have any cues! I actually put him in the ergo around an hour or hour an a half wake time to have him sleep. He won't do the crib at all. Sometimes (usually) he fights the ergo too, after 45 mins of ergo time I give up. It's sooooo hard. Maybe I'll try the rock till drowsy, though I've tried that too. I hope J naps longer too!
Have you ladies had a particularly fussy baby? I can't tell if Oliver is sleepy, hungry, or teething. He doesn't show any signs of teething other than crying out of nowhere, some drooling and a lot of Sophie the giraffe/sucking his thumb. I feel so clueless over here. Do you ladies have any idea? Also, I don't see any white on his gums to show a tooth is coming through. I feel overwhelmed.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@anniegurumi: a's only sleepy cue is being fussy! When it starts around 1.5 hours after her last nap, we know its time for another.
nectarine / 2177 posts
Well, it was a fluke 3 days of good sleep. So far I've been up at at 1 and 3 tonight...oh well.
nectarine / 2177 posts
@JoJoGirl: nope, it's been the last three nights. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted! How had you it's been the last few nights?
clementine / 918 posts
@maybebaby: @JoJoGirl: I with you all on the bad sleep. We are starting to implement no cry sleep solution tonight. We've been up like 8 times per night, with 3 feedings in there. The other wake ups he goes back with just shhhing and his paci but I can't take all those wake ups anymore.
clementine / 918 posts
@JoJoGirl: It's averaging 8 wake-ups in 12 hours, so not quite once an hour on average, but some hours I'm up multiple times. I'm seriously going crazy!
nectarine / 2177 posts
@Ms.Badger: OMG I am so sorry over here it's 3-4 usually and up for day at 5:30/6, Save for our three blissful nights of STTN. Let us know how you like no cry sleep solution, I think we'll have to try something soon.
pear / 1823 posts
Ugh, what's with these May babies and their sleep issues? My LO gave me one week of decent sleep (1 wakeup per night) and now we're back to 3-4 wakeups with the day starting at 4:30am. Oh, sleep, how I miss you!
clementine / 918 posts
@mrsbookworm: I know! L was sleeping 12 hours with 1 wake up for 10 weeks, then slept through the night twice and I was like yippee! Then he started rolling back to front and it has seriously gotten worse every day since then. Now I practically can't believe that at one time I thought he was a great sleeper
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