apricot / 444 posts
@JoJoGirl: @maybebaby: this one: http://www.amazon.com/Baby-Led-Weaning-Essential-Introducing-Confident/dp/161519021X
Although typing it out it seems a little nutso to buy a whole book about how to feed your baby real food?? Maybe a book is not necessary. At any rate, I've put Baby L's papa in charge. I figured I was doing all the obsessing about sleep, and there's no extra room in my brain for obsessing about food, too. I told him to do the research, decide what he felt was best, and I'd trust his judgement. We'll see what he comes up with--he was initially interested in BLW, but our ped recommended veggie purees to start, so we'll see. Feels liberating to have (sort of) relinquished control, though!
@ms.badger: yes, please let us know how you like the book! it's on my kindle (as is the No Cray Nap Solution) but I haven't read them yet...
@anniegurumi: welcome back! I feel your pain... and I think moving is hard on the babies, too. We just relocated overseas 2.5 weeks ago and LO was a hot mess until the end of last week. Moving is generally really hard on children, and although I thought that wouldn't really apply to babies, I think I was wrong. There's concrete stuff like time differences, new environments, but also they pick up on parental stress, seeing new faces and missing old ones, etc. She's doing much better now but moving + sleep regression was a major bummer for us... here's hoping some of the fussiness eases up soon for you, too?
clementine / 918 posts
Nothing's working. L just won't sleep. Last night he went down at 7:30 no problem, then slight fussing about every 1/2 hour until 10:30. I feed him and he was just until about 12:30 with DH while I sobbed. Then up at 1:30, I fed him. Stayed up until 3:00. Actually slept until 6:00. I fed him and he actually went back to sleep with only 10 min of soothing. THen up for the day around 8:00. He's only his third nap of the day (it's just after 2 pm here) so he's obviously exhausted. Why won't he sleep? Now every time he is put in his bed he whines, not fully cries but whines. And if he happens to fall asleep, his body twitches and he starts whining and we have to start over. This happened approximately 6 times in the 90 minutes he was up in the middle of the night. That's right, he fell asleep 6 times and then woke up less than 5 minutes later 6 times and I rocked and shhed and bounced him back to sleep 6 times. i know I'm just venting but I am at the end of my sanity.
clementine / 918 posts
So if and when you see my last post and are worried for my sanity, we've figured something out. My LO is teething and in pain - not scream inducing pain just constant whining pain. I thought that he couldn't be teething because he's not really drooling (and he used to drool like crazy) but I talked to my mom and she said everything Lucas is doing now is like when my siblings and I teethed. I gave him a little tylenol before bed (1/2 dose) and he slept 8 pm - 8am with 2 wake-ups. I felt a little bad giving him tylenol just to get him to sleep but my mom made sense when she told me you either have a baby with little sleep and uncomfortable or a baby who is fully rested and comfortable with a little tylenol - and sleep is just so important. So there I am - much better than yesterday
pear / 1823 posts
@msbadger: I think my LO is teething as well. His sleep has deteriorated, he seems uncomfortable, he's chewing on everything and his cheeks are red. I hope these teeth come in soon!
I also gave him 1/2 a dose of Tylenol last night. He slept a little better and was in a better mood when he did wake up.
clementine / 918 posts
@mrsbookworm: I waiver between thinking it will be nice when his teeth are in and he's back to my happy baby and being terrified of him breast feeding with teeth
apricot / 444 posts
@Ms.Badger: so glad things are better! or at least that they have a reason.
Baby L has her first cold. SAD! She slept amazingly the past two nights, but not for a good reason, I guess She alternates between her normal chipper self and being unable to breathe through her nose and therefore unable to eat or nap. Inaugurated the nosefrida but it wasn't super helpful, so I just bought some saline solution... we'll see if that helps. Anyone else had any colds yet? I guess it's fall. Sweaters and runny noses.
apricot / 444 posts
...and now baby L has begun refusing, for the most part, to nurse in public. So what with my effort towards getting her to nap regularly in her crib, seems like I will never leave the house ever again.
clementine / 918 posts
@mjane: Arg! So frustrating. My guy is still a champion eater (knock on wood) and a terrible sleeper. 2 hour wake-ups in the MOTN are still common and I'm about to loose my mind!
I hear you on not being able to leave the house. Everyday I have to decide between my sanity and getting out and L getting 3 good naps - it's definitely a lose-lose situation.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@Ms.Badger: Have you considered letting him CIO in the MOTN? We're in the process of working on that and she STTN for the first time ever last night. I was so terrified but the first time we did it she cried for... 10 mins and then put herself to sleep.
clementine / 918 posts
@JoJoGirl: I've definitely let him cry for more than 10 minutes before but he just seems to ramp up and get more and more upset then when I give in he can only be consoled by nursing. I'm just scared I have one of those stubborn babies who'd cry for an hour or more before falling asleep. And while he's awake he's not crying, he's dozing on me or in his crib but just when he's about to really fall asleep, he wakes up and we start all over again. Which means with each wake-up it takes an unknown number of times before he gives in sometimes -sometimes hours and sometimes just a few sweet minutes.
When you started CIO did you do it for all wake-ups or one at a time? Because I kinda do CIO for his early morning wake, he usually just fusses for 10-15 minutes and goes back to sleep. I keep hoping that will run off on the other wakes, but no dice so far.
clementine / 918 posts
It's been a month so do we want to do a status update?
What's your LO's favorite thing now?
What milestone did your LO recently achieve/is currently working on?
What are your Halloween plans? LO's costume?
How is sleep going?
How is eating going?
What's one thing that makes you happy right now?
Recent picture (if you want)
clementine / 918 posts
What's your LO's favorite thing now?
His feet, can't keep them out of his mouth
What milestone did your LO recently achieve/is currently working on?
He's starting to sit unassisted. He is cutting his first tooth.
What are your Halloween plans? Going to our city's festivities in the park
LO's costume? poison dart frog, made my MIL (if it ever gets here)
How is sleep going?
Knock on all the wood, it's going better. Last two nights, just 2 wake-ups. Tonight he went down without crying.
How is eating going?
Good. It will be even better when I can stop pumping an extra bottle so I can get more sleep.
What's one thing that makes you happy right now?
My LO has gotten to spend more time with his cousins since they moved 2 hours away. It's nice having family closer so that he knows them better.
Recent picture (if you want)
apricot / 444 posts
@ms.badger: gah! what a cutie!
What's your LO's favorite thing now? Also her feet! And she is finally warming up to Sophie (whose spots have all come off... Wtf?). Sadly she is also really into my phone, which has prompted many tears when I won't give it to her. Anyone else dealing with this? I try not to be on it much when she's awake, but sometimes a girl has got to send a text, or check google maps! I was dreading this battle, and here it is...
What milestone did your LO recently achieve/is currently working on? Trying to sit, rolling across the room, and the ped just said there's a tooth on its way.
What are your Halloween plans? LO's costume? We are living abroad and Halloween isn't much of a thing here
How is sleep going? This week it has been uhmazing. I can't even type it out for fear of jinxing things. Hoping it's not just due to the leftover cold. Not only are nights and naps going well, she has relearned how to put herself to sleep. She hasn't been able to do that since we swaddle-weaned at 3.5 months. She's now sucking her thumb in her crib, which helps. And is ADORABLE.
How is eating going? Sort of sucks. She has become super distracted and nursing in public is a messy challenge. Even nursing when her papa is in the room is tricky! And she's not crazy about the bottle, so... She's super interested in our food, so we're starting solids this week or next.
What's one thing that makes you happy right now? She's in a really good mood most of the time, playing independently or with one of us or her sitter. She's fun to be around! Which is pretty awesome!
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
What's your LO's favorite thing now?
Also her feet. Cannot. Change. Her. Diaper. Without a fight! GIMME YOUR FEET!
What milestone did your LO recently achieve/is currently working on?
Started rolling like a maniac last week!
What are your Halloween plans? LO's costume? Goldfish We have a moms party this weekend and a daycare party next week.
How is sleep going? Don't tell the sleep gods, but better. She STTN Sunday night again, so hoping it becomes more consistent.
How is eating going? Also well! My pumping supply is UP randomly, although she's also extremely distracted while nursing.
What's one thing that makes you happy right now? The fact that I got 9 hrs of uninterrupted sleep 2 nights ago.
apricot / 495 posts
What's your LO's favorite thing now? He loves bath time and tickles
What milestone did your LO recently achieve/is currently working on? Sitting up
What are your Halloween plans? LO's costume? I bought him a first Halloween onesie. We decided against a costume, bad parents
How is sleep going? We just started the RnP to crib transition... It's going better than anticipated! Sleeping from 9-8 with 1 wake up
How is eating going? Not a fan of rice cereal, I can't blame him! Still loves his boobies
What's one thing that makes you happy right now? His giggles
Recent picture (if you want)
pear / 1823 posts
These babies are adorable!
What's your LO's favorite thing now? playing peek-a-boo and the bath
What milestone did your LO recently achieve/is currently working on? Sitting up unassisted - getting close!
What are your Halloween plans? LO's costume? He'll be a dragon. We're getting together with my moms' group
How is sleep going? Slowly getting better...
How is eating going? Just started solids. So far apples are a hit, not so fond of rice cereal or avocados.
What's one thing that makes you happy right now? He's so much fun to be around. I love making him laugh. It's a really deep chuckle.
nectarine / 2177 posts
OMG all these LOs are too cute!
What's your LO's favorite thing now? Like many of your LOs, J is obsessed with his feet, especially when they are bare and he can get all 5 toes in his mouth. Gross!! He also loves chewing on our hands.
What milestone did your LO recently achieve/is currently working on? He is still not consistently rolling and just rolling fron to back...he is laughing a lot more which is so much fun!
What are your Halloween plans? LO's costume? We are hosting our 4th annual Pumpkin Party on Sunday and he will wear a Mommy's Little Pumpkin onesie...no real costume
How is sleep going? Meh, we have good days and bad...last night it was every 2 hours
How is eating going? He is eating every 1.5 hrs during the day (yikes!) and is a super distracted nurser unless he is sleepy.
What's one thing that makes you happy right now? What a little personality he is developing. He is sweet, funny charming and bashful. I am loving this age so much!
Recent picture (if you want): This is him at 12 days on the left and 20 weeks on the right.
clementine / 918 posts
@mrsbookworm: your LO is just like mine going after that cup. Every cup and bottle he tries to grab and pull to his mouth!
@maybebaby: what a great smile! Good luck on belly to back rolling. L only started doing it consistently last week and a totally different way than I think is normal.
blogger / apricot / 349 posts
WOW! So many posts to catch up on. Been out of the loop! Thanks @Ms.Badger: for starting the update!
What's your LO's favorite thing now?
LO loves her feet to. Diaper changes are like a wrestling match. She wiggles and stares at the wall and twists her body so it's a challenge. She just LOVES looking at everything!
What milestone did your LO recently achieve/is currently working on?
LO can flip from front to back but doesn't know how to roll back consistently.
What are your Halloween plans? LO's costume?
We'll probably going to a festival at a nearby church for Halloween. She has two costumes-- Snow White from my cousin and a mouse costume I bought for her.
How is sleep going? Sleeping has been better. I've been trying to get her to nap without nursing her to sleep so I'm timing it where she feeds first then we play for a bit. Then I put her in the crib awake. Night time sleep has been better too-- she can sleep for a 9+ stretch before waking for feed then she sleeps for another 3-4 hours.
How is eating going?
BFing is going well but she gets distracted by noise so I have to pretty much stay home to feed her or go somewhere quiet. That means less time for me to go out with her.
What's one thing that makes you happy right now?
Seeing her smile and listening to her laugh. She is such a delight. I also love seeing her observe the world around her with such wonder.
Recent picture:
nectarine / 2177 posts
@mssally: OMG that snow white costume is adorable--she is so sweet!
blogger / apricot / 349 posts
Hey ladies,
I just started sleep/nap training last week. I had her CIO and was going in for checks but when I did, she would cry even harder so I had to just let her CIO. BUT I'm happy to report that she now goes down for a nap without fussing and can put herself to sleep. The first 3 days sucked because she would cry/fuss then finally fall asleep. Prior to this, I was nursing her to sleep and she would sleep fairly well most nights (minus a couple of weeks when she was going through the 4 month sleep regression) but her naps were always bad. This forum post from baby center helped a lot because I didn't have the time to read through all the books I bought.. LOL... hope those that are having a hard time with their naps/night time sleep can benefit from it. Within the babycenter post they also have a link to another post of non-CIO methods of sleep training.
apricot / 444 posts
@mssally: that's awesome! Good naps are the most beautiful thing.
I am doing a half-assed CIO here, as LO basically won't be nursed, rocked, or bounced to sleep anymore and I didn't see another way out. She can often put herself to sleep with zero or a couple of seconds of fussing, but sometimes it takes longer. At this point I'm unwilling to let her go longer than 15 minutes but I may be making it harder for both of us with that attitude. I just don't know!
blogger / apricot / 349 posts
@mjane: you have to do what you are comfortable with. is she crying the whole 15 minutes are does she cry hard then whine and fuss? my lo would cry/scream for 10-15 seconds. then she would just be whining/fussing. then she would cry/scream again for 10-15 seconds. then whine/fuss. etc. also, at the beginning, i knew she was just doing it to get picked up because as soon as i went in there to pick her up, she stopped crying and smiled. lol!!
apricot / 444 posts
@mssally: by now things are pretty good. She rarely full on cries for more than a minute or two; if she does I go in (for naps). that smile when you go in is just an amazing combo of infuriating/adorable, isn't it?! Mostly it's fussing/babbling for a few minutes max, sometimes up to ten. I feel like we're on a good road. Is sleep training still going well for you?
How is feeding going for everyone else? We started BLW this week, with banana. It went fine... super cute to see her with the food, super messy, all fun and games until the hideous diaper rash set in. Can't be a coincidence, as she's never had it before (she's had little bumps and red patches, but this was full on angriness). Horrible! From bananas, no less! Not sure what to do now.
blogger / apricot / 349 posts
@mjane: that smile totally drives me crazy. it's absolutely infuriating/adorable!! LO sleeps through the night now 7-7 or 6:30. YAY! naps are going well too (most days) unless I go out with her to run errands. usually i just go to the mall or meet someone for lunch and then try to make up the nap. She usually naps 2-4 times. If she had short naps then she'll do 4 short naps.
I haven't started solids yet. I was going to start in December when she can probably sit better without my assistance. Did you just mash up the banana and let her eat what she wanted to? I went to this solids class at this natural baby store near by and they were saying that with BLW or even with solids/food in general, our job is to provide it for them and their job is to decide how much of it they want to eat.. as in don't push them to eat more if they don't want to. it was interesting. hope LO's diaper rash clears up!
apricot / 444 posts
@mssally: I gave her a half a banana with some of the skin peeled back and she gnawed bits off the top. A lot of it wound up on the tray/floor, but she definitely swallowed some. Once she'd gotten the bits off the unpeeled part, I took the rest and sliced it up into longish strips (read about this on a BLW board here). She could hold those okay and got some into her mouth. I think we'll do some purees, too, but I will probably spoon-feed her those. The banana thing was enough of a mess... my OCD soul can't stomach the idea of just putting puree on the high chair tray and letting her go to town... shudder.
clementine / 918 posts
I searched BLW and saw a few of my May mommas discussing it so I thought I'd bring it up here. I started L on homemade puree last week (1 week shy of 6 months) and he HATES it. I tried 5 days in a row, 3 different foods, he hates them all. I thought maybe trying BLW and gave him some banana and he played with it and when he finally put some in his mouth he made the same yucky face. His 6 month appt is Monday so I'll talk to his ped then, but would you keep trying or just wait to see what the Dr. Says?
apricot / 444 posts
@Ms.Badger: yeah, so far she seems to not be much of a fan of anything besides banana. I'm pretty lax so in your situation I guess I would say keep offering bland stuff pretty regularly but don't push him to eat it? interesting to see what the ped says... What are you inclined to do?
I am living abroad and realizing how cultural the feeding thing is... our ped here gave us completely different guidelines than our ped at home, and of course both those guidelines are different from BLW, and different from what my parents did, etc. Pretty hilarious. Remember, they all wind up eating in the end!
clementine / 918 posts
@mjane: I'm inclined to just let him play. I set him up with his sippy, a clean spoon, and some banana today and even though he didn't eat he is getting better with the sippy and comfortable with the spoon. I have another avocado and pears that I was planning on pureeing but I might as well let him play and at least learn with food. I'll let you know what the ped says monday
grapefruit / 4997 posts
I've been meaning to join this May 2013 baby board and finally have time to update it tonight!
What's your LO's favorite thing now?
Loves to flip multiple times (like playing a game of rollover), diaper changes can be tough unless I make funny faces or silly noises to entertain her long enough, it's a hit or miss though, it doesn't work every single time. She also likes to sleep on her tummy but I end up putting her on her back once she is in a deep sleep. She likes to nibble the arms & legs of her giraffe wubbanub and Sophie.
What milestone did your LO recently achieve/is currently working on?
Starting to sit up unassisted, army crawl, has 1 bottom tooth, and we started solids a few weeks ago.
What are your Halloween plans? LO's costume?
She was a butterfly and broke out in hives from eating avocados that day so we missed a Halloween party.
How is sleep going?
Sleep is great (so far so good)! Naps are getting harder since she's fighting them but she gets at least one long nap in daily. Not really STTN yet but manageable, sleeps from 9pm ish - 7am with 1 feeding in between.
How is eating going?
Eating is somewhat a struggle. It's harder than I anticipated. I tried BLW at first with banana then avocados but she broke out in hives from mashed avocados. So we are on purée pouches now. Some days she's a great eater, some days she spits her food out.
What's one thing that makes you happy right now?
When she responds to my voice and smiles back at me. I love to hear her laugh out loud too. Her laughter and smiles make me forget all of my worries!
clementine / 918 posts
@Kimberlybee: I just read your hello post and wanted to say hi from a fellow may mama. The hives are scary! My LO broke out from hives after I ate strawberries (we think). I am fearful with every new food that we will discover a new allergy. Although, with the small amounts he eats, it's unlikely he'll have a reaction.
Baby giggles are the best!
grapefruit / 4997 posts
@Ms.Badger: Hello fellow May mommy! Can't believe our babies will be closer to the 1 year mark than being a newborn. I was really sad that she broke out in hives from the avocados b/c she ate it so well and it's a known superfood with the good cholesterol. Btw, your baby is so handsome! That's awesome that his cousins live closer now. We had the opposite happen, our cousins moved 8 hours away so we only see them during the holidays now,
apricot / 444 posts
@Kimberlybee: Welcome! It's crazy to me that my baby is nearly six months... WTF?!
I hear you about the diaper changes + rolling. We're back in the land of screaming crying, which we had left for a little while.
She's eating very little via BLW. We'll see if she gets better at it, or if I move on to purees. Even when I give her a loaded spoon, though, she'll get the food into her mouth and then spit it out, so... And she's much less enthusiastic than I thought she'd be, given how interested she is in our meals and how much she luuurves to put things in her mouth. The moral of everything seems to be: you never know!
grapefruit / 4997 posts
@mjane: "You never know" is right! I've been buying Gerber dinner purées this week (I said I wouldn't in the beginning) and she seems to like it better than the mashed up foods. I am really, really interested in BLW though so I am going to revisit it next week.
persimmon / 1153 posts
How are you May mamas and babies doing?
Any fun stuff planned for the holidays?
J is 6.5 months and seem like such a big girl all of a sudden. She's scooting and crawling backwards everywhere. She's always trying to go after the dogs, but just goes backwards...hilarious. We've moved her into her room for the most part, although I bring her into bed to nurse and snuggle early in the morning. She loves food and has two bottom teeth with her two top ones coming in already...and boy has that made nursing different! We are super excited about the holidays coming up and how special it will be with our sweet girl. I ordered our stockings last night, so I'm in the holiday spirit!
grapefruit / 4997 posts
@Ms.Badger: Thinking of you and praying for this cute little boys of yours!!! Sending lots of positive thoughts and love to you and your family!
grapefruit / 4997 posts
@emg86: I am just loving this time of year with a LO with a year of firsts to document! My baby girl doesn't seem to enjoy solids so we went to purées. She was eating so well for about 2 weeks, now she seems to not enjoy it anymore? They change so fast!!
I can't seem to make a decision about the perfect stocking. Did you go with a "First Stocking" on it or will you be using the same one every year?
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