pear / 1849 posts
@BabyPenguinXO: Congrats mama!!! So glad to hear all is well. That's great she's nursing so well - a strong little girl! Definitely sounds like you made the right call. Can't wait to hear how it goes when big brother meets little sister today
kiwi / 549 posts
Baby Adelaide needs some good vibes.
Her EKG from yesterday showed her left side of her heart is stronger then the right, and it's supposed to be the other way around. She will have to have an echocardiogram to take a look at it and same what's going on. The pediatrician didn't really tell us what that means for her, so I'm not sure how to feel but I'm worried!
Thanks mamas!!
clementine / 972 posts
@BabyPenguinXO: Praying for you and her right now! I'm sure the uncertainty is so difficult, but hoping and praying for the best possible outcome (and that it's nothing!).
pear / 1558 posts
@BabyPenguinXO: thinking of you & baby!! Hope she checks out ok with the additional tests.
pear / 1849 posts
@BabyPenguinXO: Sending you so many hugs and positive thoughts. And crossing my fingers it turns out to be nothing.
coffee bean / 28 posts
Baum Marcel Lee was born on 4/18/2015 with 6lb 10oz and 19 inch. He was 36wk+5days but larger than his sister who was born at 39wk+4 days with 5lb 13oz. (I guess I make small babies...
He has been such a good boy. He had some issues with maintaining glucose during hospital stay and got many heel sticks for the first couple of days. He has been a really good nurser except falling asleep during feeding frequently. I guess that's what late preterm infants(LPI, 33wk-37wk) often do.
He sleeps all day long... Hope he has more wake time in next couple weeks so that I can enjoy his amazing eyes more.
coffee bean / 28 posts
Congratulation on arrival of your baby girl. I think some babies just want to decide their own destiny. Baum was born right before his scheduled version procedure (he was in breech presentation). It's like "I heard it's painful and I don't want to do it!".
Hope everything goes well with your little girl!
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
@BabyPenguinXO: Congratulations! I am sending prayers your way that her echo gives you good information and that she is a healthy little girl:)
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
@xmaskidjr: Congratulations! He is beautiful! I am also a small baby maker:) My sweet little girl was born on 4/22 @ 38.5 weeks and she weighed 6lbs 1 oz and by the time we left the hospital she was only 5 lbs 10 oz.
Hope everyone is well! We are adjusting to life with 2 - it is hectic for sure but my heart explodes seeing my girls together and especially hearing my oldest daughter go on and on about being a "big sissuh" and always talking about her "baby sissuh." Hayden is a fantastic day sleeper, but from around midnight to 5 am, she's ready to party. We can't get her to sleep longer than an hour. But other than that, she's the sweetest little tiny girl and I can't get over the fact that she's ours. Last night my PP hormones got to me and I cried while holding her and told my husband I had been having a hard time while I was pregnant REALLY believing that I could love someone as much as I love DD1. He never worried about that, so nice to be a dude I guess. But I love Hayden SO. MUCH. I don't even mind that she keeps me up all night. We'll get all that sorted out in time.
Our biggest issue has just been scrambling to accommodate her tiny size. She was about 5 lbs 10oz when we left the hospital. It's hard to find newborn and preemie stuff in the store since we need it now. My mom and I went out today and finally found some things, but even Preemie diapers are big on her.
Other than that, we're good! Just hectic and happy
I can't wait to see even more deliveries and beautiful babies!
pear / 1849 posts
@xmaskidjr: Congrats!! He's adorable.
@PrincessBaby: Glad to hear everyone is settling in well!
kiwi / 549 posts
Thanks for the well wishes! The echo went well and there aren't any concerns but I won't know more until morning rounds.
She's down about 9% body weight at 6 lbs 2.8 oz so she's down 10.2 oz. my milk is coming in so hoping that stops. She only lost 3.2oz in the past 24 hours the first 7oz was in the first 24. She won't be officially weighed until tonight but I wanted to see where she was at!
clementine / 972 posts
@BabyPenguinXO: Oh that's so good to hear!! LO1 lost about 10% of body weight too and while they were somewhat concerned (it was right at their threshold), our actual ped wasn't concerned and LO1 ended up gaining it back just a tinge later than they like. But, it was fine and I hope yours is too!
clementine / 972 posts
@PrincessBaby: aw that is so good to hear. I am definitely nervous about being able to share my love with this new baby, but I've heard similar to what you're saying that it just happens and it's perfect. I'm so excited!
pear / 1558 posts
@BabyPenguinXO: so glad the echo went well! Hope LO gets to nursing & regaining weight.
kiwi / 549 posts
@Mrs. Lovejoy: her weight loss seems to have stabilized since my milk came in. Her bili is border line . Waiting on some results now. Really wanna get home!
kiwi / 549 posts
@macintosh: @GoGoSnoGirl: thanks ladies! I actually have to bring her back in a week for a repeat EKG and ECHO just to be safe, there was one weird photo that made them want a few more.
We are busting out of here today!
kiwi / 549 posts
We are home! It's so nice to be out of the hospital! We have an appt in the morning to check her bilirubin and weight!
pear / 1849 posts
@BabyPenguinXO: Yay! Must feel so nice to be home! How's big brother liking his sister?
pear / 1697 posts
Hello May ladies! Congrats to all of you precocious April deliverers. I'm theoretically an April mama, but, it is still TBD whether baby wants the birthday today or in May.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@lilyofthewest: welcome, I hope your LO decides to make an appearance soon!
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
@lilyofthewest: Aw i was just stalking the April boards this morning to see who was going to make the switch to May, haha! Hope your LO comes soon!
pear / 1750 posts
I'm all checked in at the hospital for my induction. Just waiting on that doctor so we can start pitocin
clementine / 972 posts
@lilyofthewest: welcome!! While I hope your LO decides to make an appearance soon, you are more than free to join us if you make it one more day
@macintosh: yay!! You will do great - keep us updated!!! Can't wait to see pictures!
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
@macintosh: YAY!!!! It's Baby Day!!! I am wishing you the best L&D today and can't wait to hear that your sweet little guy is here!
Hope everyone else is doing well! I know there are a lot of May mamas hoping to go drug-free. I thought about that and decided that I guess if I would Have known how to cope with the pain of contractions, maybe it wouldn't have been that bad. But I had NO IDEA how to survive each one bc I never anticipated having to. I was an unwilling participant- a hostage- to the pain! Since I didn't even know how to manage surviving the pain, and somehow did survive until 9.5cm w/o an epi, then just wanted to offer encouragement to others that as painful as it was, maybe it truly is doable if you're planning for that and are prepared for how to get through each one.
My coping mechanism was screaming which actually made it worse, but I didn't know what else to do. I was just trying to survive until I got the epi. The nurse & anesthesiologist were both telling me to breathe through them and I just wanted to scream " STFU!!!" Actually having to endure contractions WHILE he placed the epi in was the most excruciating part. I didn't feel the epi, but I had to be still and that was sooooooo hard while going through monster contractions on top of each other. I thought I might pass out, and was actually hoping I would -haha
pear / 1750 posts
Thank you all! I been here for 2.5 hours and I've been waiting for the doctor for an hour of that. Why did I get up so early? I'm getting impatient and HUNGRY.
pear / 1750 posts
@jetsa: hooray, the doc finally came in. She did an ultrasound and it looks like baby is 9-10 lbs now ! I'm already 4 cm so they are going to start pitocin soon. I'm eating some lemon Italian ice.
pear / 1558 posts
@macintosh: good luck!! How all goes well & you're holding that baby soon!
clementine / 972 posts
@macintosh: Any baby update?!
@PrincessBaby: Thank you for the thoughts and encouragement! It's helpful to hear your perspective. I honestly have no idea how I'll feel in the middle of the moment. Pretty strong feeling that if they offer the epi, I'll likely take it. Unless I really prep and determine I want to truly go med-free.
pear / 1750 posts
@Mrs. Lovejoy: Phew, still in labor! I've been laboring since about 1 pm. My water broke around 5pm and then the contractions got super intense! I caved and got the epidural and I feel SO much better I was at 6 cm at my last check a couple hours ago, so we have a few more hours to go.
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