nectarine / 2784 posts
May 2017 Mamas
May 1: Astro Bee (#2) , BrandNewMom (#2)
May 3: MenagerieMama (#2)
May 10: lilteacherbee (#3)
May 11: Clementine12 (#1) , schubr03 (#2)
May 14: JessyMess (#2)
May 17: Emsmems (#2)
May 18: Mrs Music (#3)
May 19: adiamond (#1)
May 21: franconia1113 (#1)
May 22: combatlibby (#2)
May 24: ladymarley (#2)
May 25: Anya (#2)
May 26: ocean81 (#2)
May 29: Mrs. Deer (#3)
May 30: LemonJack (#2)
May 31: Onyx81 (#2)
- 7
- 1
- 4
persimmon / 1331 posts
Wow! So many girls! Maybe the team greens are all boys and will even it out
apricot / 431 posts
Is anyone deciding between a RCS or VBAC? I know it's early and I have time, but I have been asked by my OB at every single appointment. I have no idea what I want to do. Any RCS or VBACs mom, feel free to share your experience
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@ocean81: I'm having a third c-section. Do you know if you're going to want more kids after this? What were the reasons for your first c -section?
I know they say the risks go up with each one, but we knew we would stop at 3. My first was a scheduled c-section due to several factors (they were going to induce due to GD, he was almost 9lbs at 39 weeks with a huge head, other factors due to my history, etc.) When DS1 was born, they had to vacuum him out during the c-section because his head was so stuck and my OB said he was pretty confident I would have ended up with a c-section anyway.
I chose a second c-section over a VBAC because I didn't have any strong feelings to try vaginally and I knew what to expect. DS2 was measuring ahead as well.
Both of mine were as easy as major surgery can be! No complications and easy recoveries. The second one was a little tougher probably because I also had a 20 month old at home. Personally, I don't feel like I missed out on anything and I'm just thankful my babies are here safe.
Good luck with your decision!
apricot / 431 posts
@lilteacherbee: My daughter was breech (head down until 39 weeks, monkey!) My CS was a great experience and honestly, it was easy. I'm leaning towards a RCS because it's what I know and I am really scared something is going to happen to my baby during labor (Backstory... We TFMR for a fatal condition in June and this pregnancy is full of anxiety of bringing home a healthy baby) I think I'm waivering because my OB seems to think a VBAC is the best option for me. We are pretty sure we want another child after this, but we would stop at 3. How was it taking care of your toddler after your RCS? I'm also nervous about being away from my daughter for longer than I have to be, but I know that a VBAC doesn't automatically mean an easy recovery. (I also don't feel like I missed anything by not having a vaginal birth... just get me my baby safely, I don't care how you do it! )
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@ocean81: I can totally understand that! I had a miscarriage before my boys and a family friend had a stillborn while I was pregnant with DS1. It made me extremely anxious and I was terrified of something going wrong. I also have a really hard time with paps and even vaginal ultrasounds. I think if I would have opted for a VBAC, I would have had serious anxiety.
My recovery was pretty good, even with a toddler at home. The hardest part was that he didn't really understand why I couldn't pick him up or get down on the floor and play during the first few weeks because he was still so young himself. I'm just thankful we have lots of family around to help because DH goes back to work after a week or so.
apricot / 322 posts
Can you guys give this first-time mom a dose of honesty? I'm putting together a registry and trying to only add items that we will really need in the first few months. What items are your must-haves? Any brand recommendations? Is there anything you see people commonly registering for that you consider unnecessary?
For example - do you think a Rock 'n Play AND a Pack 'n Play are both must haves? If not, which do you think is more important? We're not super tight on space at our house.
nectarine / 2784 posts
@Clementine12: I didn't buy either but I know many people swear by the rock n play. We used a pack and play when my LO was over a year and stayed at my mom's house for a week. Where are you planning on having the baby sleep? I used a cosleeper (which can turn into a mini pack n play if you put all four sides up, I did that a few times) which I suppose is why I didn't need the other things.
Things I used in the first months:
-diaper and wipes (of course)
-play mat (or just a quilt)
-wrap carrier (I had a Boba but I got a Solly instead for this one)
-burp cloths, receiving blankets, prefold diapers, etc. I had a MAJOR spitter!
Things I received but didn't use:
-baby bath tub. This is because we found it way easier to bathe the baby in the shower. When one of us to a shower, the other would hand over the baby, soap her down, and then take her back to dry. I think I used the actual baby bath twice. Would have never thought that ahead of time though!
-soap/shampoo. I used these things eventually of course, but in the first few months I didn't open anything I had received from the registry since the hospital sent some baby soap home with us and I had a bunch of samples from the pediatrician too.
nectarine / 2784 posts
@Clementine12: have you looked at Lucies List? It's a pretty good resource for getting your list together.
Looking at the list though I was reminded of another thing I didn't end up using- scratch mittens. They came off really easy and I found them kind of pointless. I just tried to her her nails trimmed as best I could, and some of her newborn clothes had foldover mittens in the sleeves.
Also I think no matter what there's always going to be something you end up not using and something you don't think you need but end up running out for!
apricot / 322 posts
@Anya: Thank you so much for that list! I am loving the Lucie's List website as well. I'm thinking a rock 'n play for a place for the baby to sleep, which makes me think a pack 'n play is overkill at this time.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@Clementine12: We used a rock n play for sleep until 4-5 months. We never had a pack n play at our house, but we have one at both of our parents houses for them to sleep in. My kids would never play in them when they were awake- it would just make them mad!
Other things we used:
- gripe water
- carrier, especially with our second baby (k'tan when they were small and then ergo)
- burp cloths and bibs (DS2 had reflux and it felt like we went through a million a day)
-white noise machine (we used an app on our iPad)
-swaddle blankets
apricot / 322 posts
@lilteacherbee: Can I ask why the swing AND the rock 'n play? We do have a multi story house, but I feel like that could be redundant - could one serve both purposes?
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@Clementine12: Well we used our rock n play for sleep at night next to our bed for the first few months. The swing stayed in the living room and helped him fall asleep when he was little (mainly for naps). I know the newer RnP have an automatic rocking feature (ours doesn't), so that could be an option if you didn't want to get both.
apricot / 431 posts
@Clementine12: A pnp can be used as a bassinet if your baby doesn't like the rnp! We loved the rnp and used it for 2 months, but I think it contributed to my daughters flat head and torticolis. I will probably use it this time, but not as long. I think a bouncy seat is necessary! It's hard to know what your baby will like until they are here (bouncy seat, swing, etc) We had a hand me down swing but never used it. For us, a baby bathtub was necessary, along with this sponge that made bathing a slippery, wet newborn so easy!
I had so many swaddles and didn't use any of them because the only time she was swaddled was the hospital! We have an ear thermometer now and (thankfully) never had to use a rectal one, but I think I will buy one this time. I think as long as you have diapers/wipes, place for baby to sleep, place for baby to chill and some pjs and onesies you should be set for the first couple of days and then... buy now with one click on Amazon will be your best bud
blogger / persimmon / 1231 posts
@Clementine12: I liked Lucie's list, followed it for my first. what's so hard is you just don't always know what baby will like until they're here. My first was happy to sleep flat in a bassinet, loved taking naps in our swing... then my second had reflux, wouldn't sleep flat in the bassinet, loved a bouncer and hated the swing. Stinkers! Try and borrow as much as you can to start to "test drive" if you're able.
nectarine / 2784 posts
I stole this questionnaire from another group. Let's catch up!
How far along are you?:
Boy, girl, or team green?:
Have you decided on a name?:
What are you looking forward to in the near future?:
How are you feeling?:
What are you craving?:
Are you nesting?:
nectarine / 2784 posts
How far along are you?: 21w
Boy, girl, or team green?:
Have you decided on a name?: yes but we are keeping it under wraps until she's born. Although I have told my hb friends
What are you looking forward to in the near future?: my husband and I are going away for a long weekend next month and my in laws are babysitting. It will be nice to squeeze in some QT together before adding another little one to the mix.
How are you feeling?: Pretty good! Now that I'm through the NIPT, afp test and anatomy scan I'm feeling pretty reassured about the health of the baby. Physically I've been slow to show but now I think I'm on the cusp of exploding. I have a LOT of heartburn, which I had with my first as well.
What are you craving?: I can't stop thinking about a nice tuna steak, but I'm abstaining because of the mercury recommendations.
Are you nesting?: I've been doing some major organization in my house and it feels amazing! I haven't done much in the baby's room though. It's a guest room right now and both my mom and MIL will be visiting after the birth so we won't really make it a baby room until later. I do have some decor to put up in there.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@Anya: Have fun on your weekend away!! I have OB and MFM appointments this morning, so DH and I are out together while my parents have both kids and it's amazing We're gonna eat lunch in peace! Haha
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
How far along are you?: 23 + 2
Boy, girl, or team green?:
Have you decided on a name?: Annabelle Kate
What are you looking forward to in the near future?: DH is applying for new jobs and looking at a career change, which may involve a 2-3 hour move, so that's both nerve-wracking and exciting!
How are you feeling?: Pretty good overall, just exhausted! But I have two little kids and I'm starting to feel huge, so I guess it's to be expected
What are you craving?: ALL the sweets! It's bad! I had GD the first time, so I'm trying to tone it down so that if I have it again, it won't be such a shock to have to completely change my eating habits!
Are you nesting?: Kinda? Still trying to sort out the boys clothes and slowly get rid of them. I've picked out crib bedding and colors for her room, but she'll be in ours for at least the first few months, so I'm not too worried about having her room completely done yet.
apple seed / 4 posts
Hi adding myself in here.
Location: Massachussets, USA
EDD: May 12, 2017
How far along: 23 weeks
First child? My first, yes. I'm also raising three stepsons (7, 9, and 12) full time.
First doctor appointment: Uhh... it was a while ago.
Any symptoms so far? Right now, massive amounts of heartburn and sciatica.
Who have you told? Pretty much everyone, since I'm starting to show.
Oh, and the 19 week ultrasound tech said we are having a girl! I'm so excited, with three boys in the house. But I'm a little nervous that it's going to turn out to be wrong... I've heard that happens sometimes.
We call her Dumpling for now.
nectarine / 2784 posts
@ae2: welcome! Congrats! What do your boys think about the little dumpling coming, are they excited or more indifferent? It will be a change of dynamics for sure!
nectarine / 2784 posts
May 2017 Mamas
May 1: Astro Bee (#2) , BrandNewMom (#2)
May 3: MenagerieMama (#2)
May 10: lilteacherbee (#3)
May 11: Clementine12 (#1) , schubr03 (#2)
May 12: ae2 (#1)
May 14: JessyMess (#2)
May 17: Emsmems (#2)
May 18: Mrs Music (#3)
May 19: adiamond (#1)
May 21: franconia1113 (#1)
May 22: combatlibby (#2)
May 24: ladymarley (#2)
May 25: Anya (#2)
May 26: ocean81 (#2)
May 29: Mrs. Deer (#3)
May 30: LemonJack (#2)
May 31: Onyx81 (#2)
apricot / 322 posts
How far along are you?: 23+1
Boy, girl, or team green?: Team Green
Have you decided on a name?: We have lists, but no decision yet.
What are you looking forward to in the near future?: I'm really excited about looking pregnant soon!
How are you feeling?: I have very few complaints - sleep isn't the greatest and my appetite is off, but pretty great otherwise.
What are you craving?: Nothing specific - carbs and sugar? I'm not allowing that to be my diet though.
Are you nesting?: We're preparing a big room switch. Our master is on the first floor and we have 2 bedrooms upstairs (one is quite big), so we're painting the big room to be our new master, then moving our guest furniture out of the 2nd bedroom and into the old master. The last step will be setting up the nursery.
apricot / 431 posts
How far along are you?: 21
Boy, girl, or team green?: Team Green
Have you decided on a name?: NO idea. If this baby is a boy (which I have a feeling it is) then his name is probably going to be "boy"
What are you looking forward to in the near future?: Just the obvious! I can't wait until this baby is here safe in my arms!
How are you feeling?: Pretty good. I feel much better now that my baby has a clean bill of health. One more ultrasound with MFM in March, but hopefully that will be fast and easy! Heartburn has started for me and it's so, so painful.
What are you craving? Popcorn and ice cream. And McDonalds, ugh.
Are you nesting? I wish! I never had that urge when I was pregnant with my daughter. I hope I do this time!
nectarine / 2784 posts
@ocean81: Vegas! Omg I forgot about popcorn. I need to go to the movies by myself again
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@ae2: Welcome!! I have two boys, so I know what you mean- I found out gender via NIPT so it's extremely accurate, but it took awhile for me to actually believe I'm having a girl this time!
@Clementine12: A growing bump is one of the most exciting parts of pregnancy!
@Anya: @ocean81: Omg, popcorn has been one of my big cravings too! So good!
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
My appointments today went well. Growth scan at MFM looked great and I have another one in 5 weeks. I also scheduled my glucose test for 4 more weeks (can't believe it's that time already!).
pear / 1547 posts
How far along are you?: 24+3
Boy, girl, or team green?:
Have you decided on a name?: yep, DH and I couldn't agree on a name for LO1 - not that we didn't like the other name but we had both on our shortlist and couldn't agree on which was #1, DH is convinced we'll only have girls so I told him that if he was so sure then my #1 choice name would go to LO and future daughter would get his #1 choice...since we're having another girl looks like he gets his pick! And I really love the name so it works out. Our immediate family knows because they heard the story from naming our daughter, but everyone else we're waiting to tell until she's born.
What are you looking forward to in the near future?: I am just really looking forward to her being on the outside! Pregnancy makes me anxious.
How are you feeling?: Tired. I had a small scare last week with a little bleeding that I had to go into triage for in the middle of the night, so it's ramped up my anxiety and I feel like I"m just counting the days.
What are you craving?: Eggnog! And of course it isn't being sold anywhere anymore so it's a highly disappointing craving.
Are you nesting?: yes! With LO1 we moved cross country when I hit the 3rd trimester, but now I actually have somewhere to nest. Although we might be moving again when LO2 is 6 mo so we're trying not to go too crazy. The biggest thing is we got a new glider chair for LO1's room which has been looooong overdue. We moved her original one out a while ago because it was too small and I had used it to death. So I'm in love with the new chair and basically want to sit in it constantly. If LO wasn't sleeping I'd probably be in it now! I've also been scouring for some used doubles of things so I can have upstairs/downstairs sets for things I used a ton (boppy and bouncer currently!).
pear / 1547 posts
Poll for moms of LOs 2+: when are you sorting/washing clothes you have packed away? We're having another girl, though opposite seasons, but I'm itching to sort out all the onesies and sleepers and see what we need and also just because I'm excited to use them again! But I'm also feeling like it's way too early and I need to cool my jets.
nectarine / 2784 posts
@MenagerieMama: good question, I've been thinking of getting everything out soon. Maybe I'll hang and fold everything so I can get it organized but hold off on washing for now.
Are you ok?? What happened at triage?
pear / 1547 posts
@Anya: Good question! I sort of left that hanging. I had a small amount of blood with wiping (TMI sorry), once right before I left work and then at home after dinner. The first time it was so small I thought maybe it was a tiny superficial scratch, but then there was a bit more the second time. I called the OB on call who told me if it happened again then I should come in. Luckily baby was moving the whole time like she was auditioning for the Rockettes. I went to bed and then got up at 1am because LO had a nightmare, and of course then I had to pee and there was some blood again. So I got dressed and went in. Of course it had started to snow and we're not an area that gets snow so people freak out - luckily roads were fine. I had to go by myself though because we don't have any local support and DH had to stay with LO (they both slept through everything). Went to triage and baby was fine on the monitor, I had blood in the urine test but no other signs of infection and my pelvic exam didn't show any blood. I was a few mm away from being diagnosed with a previa so they did a quick bedside u/s to make sure my placenta hadn't gotten lower and it hadn't. So I was discharged without a great explaination but that baby looked great! Probably some kind of bleeding from below the cervix rather than in the uterus. So I got home by 3am and went back to bed. I didn't do any lifting that weekend just to be on the safe side and have done a week of pelvic rest mostly for my mental sake, but I've been fine since. I hadn't done anything strenuous that day and I've certainly done worst this pregnancy so it's a mystery! When I saw my OB the next week she said we'd do another u/s around 28 wks just to check on my placenta, but otherwise no precautions.
I just am decently anxious while pregnant at baseline since my pregnancy before LO ended in a miscarriage. And I just found out a friend's baby was born at 32 wks due to some complications. I feel like I'm just on high alert. When I miscarried I just had a tiny amount of pink with wiping when I went to bed and started bleeding the next day, so it just felt like a scary deja vu.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@MenagerieMama: Oh my gosh, I'm sure that was scary, but I'm glad everything is okay! I know what you mean- I had a miscarriage before DS1, so now I'm just a little anxious pretty much regularly. With this baby, I had some spotting at 6-7 weeks and freaked out.
I'm trying to remember when I started sorting through DS1's clothes last time. I was teaching and summer break started when I was 32 weeks, so probably sometime around then?
persimmon / 1331 posts
Once again, I missed a lot! Dang!
@MenagerieMama: I'm glad everything is ok! I am having a girl this time (have a boy already) so I went through NB and 0-3 month clothes today and kept a handful of not super boyish ones. The rest are being given away, which I don't mind getting that out of my house! A friend of mine gave me girl clothes so I sorted through those too!
How far along are you?: 22+3
Boy, girl, or team green?:
Have you decided on a name?: no. We have a handful that we like but can't decide. We will keep it secret until she's here!
What are you looking forward to in the near future?: Getting my son moved to his new room so I can redo the nursery
How are you feeling?: ok. Still more tired than my normal but better than the first trimester. Heartburn is ramping up which I hate!
What are you craving?: Coldstone ice cream. Mint ice cream with brownies mixed in. Mmm. I could eat that everyday!
Are you nesting?: somewhat. I sorted clothes today as I mentioned above and that for me more in the nesting mood!
apricot / 431 posts
@MenagerieMama: I'm glad everything is okay! I'm probably not going to start going through clothes until April! Ha. We are team green so I think I will only pull out and wash the gender neutral clothing. We were team green with my daughter so luckily I have a lot of grey
pear / 1547 posts
@ocean81: Yeah DH told me I was being ridiculous and should wait. I'm channeling my nesting instinct with getting Christmas things away (okay so that's late already) and organizing everything else!
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