Hellobee Boards


New Year, New Babes - January 2015 Moms

  1. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    @Radish: Our dog had a completely ruptured ACL this fall. We ended up having my parents' vet do the surgery. He's in a small town and charged less than 100 for the same surgery that was going to cost about 1500 at our vet. We were going to just skip the surgery until we talked to their vet. I read quite a bit about it and I think they often heal on their own as long as you try to get them to take it easy (no jumping, etc.). Worse case scenario, I'd seen plenty of happy dogs that only used 3 legs, which made me feel better since there was just no way we were going to be able to spend that kind of money on our dog when I was 6 months pregnant. She still occasionally carries her leg about 3 moths post-surgery, but it's mostly totally normal. The get we used was very reassuring that she would probably have been fine and had use of her leg eventually if we hadn't done the surgery, but that this just helped stabilize it during the recovery process hole scar tissue builds up. Let me know if you have any questions!

  2. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    With MrsHansen hopefully well on her way to a baby today and per the other post that Oliviapope made, I think I'm officially at the top of the list now. And, I also have officially zero signs of a baby coming in the next couple weeks. Hopefully, my non-progress will mean that the rest of you have timely, smooth labors. I'm the worst kind of grumpy at this point, and I just want to go into hibernation from the world. Pity party for one, please.

  3. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: Don't worry, I felt the same way for a long time. I'm still disappointed that my body hasn't done this naturally. Even my doctor was surprised that I didn't deliver yet.

  4. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: Thanks for the info! Yeah, we were quoted $1000ish and the vet said the only thing it would really change would be a limp - which I don't see interfering with her quality of life really. My parents have a vet like that as well - too bad it is all the way back in Texas.

  5. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @MrsHansen82: ahh so excited for you! When do you go in? Don't feel bad. You've carried that baby to a nice healthy point. You may not even need pitocin. Sometimes cervedril is enough on its own. My labor started immediately after one dose. Good luck!!!

  6. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: I'm calling in 20 min to confirm my 4:00 appointment. I assume they will give me all the details. I'm so nervous!!

  7. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    @MrsHansen82: Ugghhh, I thought you went in this morning. Having to wait all day suuuucks.

  8. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    @Radish: Yeah, that's what we thought, too. I know it still makes you feel bad for them, though, while they're hurting.

  9. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @MrsHansen82: don't be! You are gonna do great! I went in around that time and had my son in my arms just before noon the next day. Eat a meal that's filling but not high in fiber just before they start and do your hair and makeup! Waterproof mascara! These are the advantages to scheduled c sections and inductions.

    Sorry I comment so much you guys but I feel
    connected to everyone not just people on my own due date boards and I really enjoy keeping up'

  10. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @MrsHansen82: Good luck! It will be completely fine. Everyone has a slightly different experience, but I hope just a smidge of pitocin will get you going on your own and you'll have a great birth experience!

  11. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: I appreciate the advice!!

  12. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @Radish: Would they do any creative splinting to help it heal properly? It sounds like surgery is relatively unnecessary, but I wonder if some sort of brace would allow it to heal better?

  13. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @MrsHansen82: My induction with LO1 was nothing but positive! You should have your girl in your arms in no time!

  14. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @Espion: I don't think that there is an easy way to do that - I also know she would hate it. We just need to watch her and keep her from jumping up on things mostly. She already jumped up on the ottoman as soon as she got home so it'll be tough keeping an eye on her.

  15. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @Radish: Poor girl. We had to watch our lab-mutt after we had her fixed, because she would huddle in the corner with the cone looking like we put her in the stock in the city square. I couldn't take her misery, so we just watched her like hawks.

  16. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @Radish: oh no! I know of more than one dog who has been through that, though they all mainly seem to be labs. Some friends did the surgery, while others kept their dogs contained. It sounded like a lot of work either way--for those who passed on the surgery, their dogs were crated and taken out just for bathroom breaks and minimal activity. Sorry this is added to your plate at such a big moment!

  17. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    I think I updated that we're still set for a c-section. It's really weird b/c the baby's head is so easy to feel. My husband scolds me for prodding her so much. I guess having a partial footling means there's little-to-no chance of her flipping. Contractions with a baby in this position are no fun!

    Thanks for the "just the two of us" ideas. We're dropping our dog off to be boarded Wed. night and will go out to our favorite dining spot. I want to see a movie and have had multiple people suggest this. All the movies seem to be either intense dramas or shows for kids though--I want something funny and entertaining for grown-ups!

  18. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @Snowdrop: Good luck!! I sort of feel you might have a baby soon.

    @MrsHansen82: Good luck on your induction! You will have a lovely baby in no time!

    @Happygal: Haha I can totally feel the babies breech head. When we went to the ECV the doctor totally pushed down on it with the U/S device. I asked is that okay because I do that with my hands and people always yell at me to not do that! The docto laugh and said it's fine, and if she was pregnant with a breech baby she would totally be trying to push it down and make it uncomfortable to be in that position. Haha.

    Definitly do some "us" time with DH because it's going to be a whirl wind when the baby comes!

  19. Mrs. Confetti

    blogger / pomegranate / 3491 posts

    39w4d and I just had my appointment. I'm 2.5 cm and past 50% effaced and she swept my membranes. Really hoping it does the trick and gets me going. If not, I have an appointment for acupuncture on Saturday morning and maybe that will help

  20. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @Mrs. Confetti: yay, for making progress on your own! Did tht ever happen with C for you? Keeping my fingers crossed it helps you go into labor

  21. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: Officially at the top of the list!

    Due Dates
    January 18th: Mrs. Blue (#3)
    January 20th: Gigi2 (#1)
    January 23rd: HappyGal (#1), Mrs. Confetti (#2)
    January 25th: Espion (#2), JCCovi (#2)
    January 26th: NerdBee (#2), Pepperland (#1)
    January 28th: Raindrop (#2)
    January 29th: jojepie (#2), cheesehead (#2)
    January 30th: Snowdrop (#1), Radish (#2)

    December 23: Henry (Cupcake)
    December 29: Aya (namaste) , Camilla (oliviaoblivia)
    December 31: Julia (pmrlady)
    January 2: Eleanor (mfa_lady)
    January 5: Logan (HappyBaker)
    January 8: Elliott (Meowkers)
    January 10: J (Pumuckl), Henry (keepcalmcarrie)
    January 12: Baby Girl (MapleMoose)
    January 13: Henry (bhbee), C (sorrycharlie)
    January 15: J (SleepyMonkey)
    January 16: Quinn (CatchAFallingStar), Baby Girl (charmed), Baby Girl (OliviaPope)
    January 19: Baby Girl (MrsHansen82)

  22. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @Mrs. Confetti: Hoping things pick up for you soon! Yay for some progress.

    So we waiver about having a 3rd or not and it is crazy to me that these could be my last days pregnant ever.

  23. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @Mrs. Confetti: Sounds like a good appointment! I hope the membrane sweep does the trick too!

  24. Mrs. Confetti

    blogger / pomegranate / 3491 posts

    @Pumuckl: @Raindrop: thanks guys!! With C I walked around at 3 cm for a month so it is hard to feel hopeful, but I'm trying to stay positive that this isn't an inevitable induction.

  25. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @Raindrop: Good luck today!!

  26. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @Raindrop: Yay! Go get 'em, mama!!

    I can't believe I have only one day left of being pregnant. This scheduled c-section business is a bit disconcerting.

  27. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @Mrs. Confetti: Hopefully things are progressing!!

  28. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @Espion: I can't wait to find out if it's a or !

  29. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @Radish: The moment I'm most looking forward to is hearing DH announce the gender.

    Everyone is completely convinced this kid is a girl. My sister regularly asks how "her niece" is doing, ha!

  30. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @Espion: the scheduled bit is weird. As nice as it was to know my end date I didn't like how anti climactic it was. Good luck tomorrow. I too am looking forward to your DHs announcement. I hope it's followed by "and tons of red hair!"

    @Raindrop: good luck today!!

  31. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @Raindrop: good luck today!

  32. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @Radish: @Espion: @oliviaoblivia: @SleepyMonkey: On my way to the hospital. I am going to write in the other thread now. Thanks ladies!

  33. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    I had another round of contractions (5 hours this time) that ended up stopping and leading to a whole lot of nothing today. That was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I have an appointment Friday morning, and unless there's some miraculous progress and I'm dilated enough that he'll break my water to induce, I'm planning on scheduling my c-section for Saturday if he's still open then. It was a good run, but I think I'm one of those people who just doesn't go into labor on my own. I'm bummed, but coming to terms with it all, and just ready to be done & have my boy in my arms.

    Good luck to the ladies who are up tomorrow! I think we have two or three, right?

  34. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: I'm sorry to read this update! But you are on the right track--getting that sweet baby in your arms. And you know you've done all that you can, so take comfort in that.

  35. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: oh no, I really hope that those contractions do something for you! Otherwise a scheduled r/c on Saturday sounds amazing too

  36. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: Sorry your contractions are going no where. I have an induction scheduled for next week if I don't go sooner, and part of me feels like I'm cheating myself out of the true labor experience, but I also really enjoyed my induction experience last time and it is kind of a giant relief.

  37. JCCovi

    kiwi / 705 posts

    My son was born the 21st at 1:21 weighing 7lbs 6oz. Loving this little guy and can't wait to get him home to meet big sister!

  38. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @JCCovi: Congrats!! Handsome dude!

  39. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    Due Dates
    January 18th: Mrs. Blue (#3)
    January 20th: Gigi2 (#1)
    January 23rd: HappyGal (#1), Mrs. Confetti (#2)
    January 25th: Espion (#2)
    January 26th: NerdBee (#2), Pepperland (#1)
    January 28th: Raindrop (#2)
    January 29th: cheesehead (#2)
    January 30th: Snowdrop (#1), Radish (#2)

    December 23: Henry John (Cupcake)
    December 29: Aya (namaste) , Camilla (oliviaoblivia)
    December 31: Julia (pmrlady), Baby Girl (jojepie)
    January 2: Eleanor (mfa_lady)
    January 5: Logan (HappyBaker)
    January 8: Elliott (Meowkers)
    January 10: J (Pumuckl), Henry (keepcalmcarrie)
    January 12: Baby Girl (MapleMoose)
    January 13: Henry Chad (bhbee), C (sorrycharlie)
    January 15: J (SleepyMonkey)
    January 16: Quinn (CatchAFallingStar), Abigail (charmed), Baby Girl (OliviaPope)
    January 19: Baby Girl (MrsHansen82)
    January 21: Baby Boy (JCCovi)

  40. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @JCCovi: congrats!!

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