Hellobee Boards


Nov '12 Mamas: Post-partum Chat

  1. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @Mrs. Tricycle: My LO doesn't crawl, pull up, wave... I am freaking out a little but everything I read tells me not to worry. I just cant' stop my mind from worrying though. It's just so hard when every other baby in the neighborhood is already crawling and people are always asking! ugh! Good luck at the GI dr.

    AF has still not arrived, and we were planning on TTC #2 this fall, so I hope she makes her appearance soon!

  2. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @kml636: we were planning to do the same, once LO#1 is 1 so I'm in the same boat!

  3. Mrs. Tricycle

    blogger / pear / 1964 posts

    @kml636: thanks mama! Sorry to hear you're worrying, but glad to have another in the boat :).

    @scg00387: @kml636: DH would like to start trying again this fall, too, but I'm a little nervous...does the thought of two stress you out? I can't think about it without getting hives...

  4. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @Mrs. Tricycle: yes and no. I think it'll be easier to just soldier through the 'baby' phase without a break - but often throughout the day I find myself pondering WTF I'd do if I also had a newborn to take care of at that moment in time (not even when we're having issues, he's a pretty easy baby, just in general when I'm juggling getting his solids ready or something).

  5. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    Dh has had baby fever since MONTHS ago. Ill be ok w it post Nov but ideally would like tk wait til spring 2014 to ttc. OMGAH even that seems so close) !!!

  6. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @Mrs. Tricycle: @scg00387: makes me nervous too. I don't want to take away from her in any way... I go back and forth on it.

  7. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    I'm sooo jealous of you all with the hubbys that are looking forward to baby number 2. Mine has decided he wants to be one and done. (He originally thought he'd want 2-3.). I think it's the fact that there is really no downtime for us right now, the money factor with daycare/college savings/wanting a bigger house, and so on. I'm hoping this changes over time as E gets older and more independent...that the challenges of a small baby become more of a blur and that he starts to miss this phase and decides he wants to try for another. But I'm not sure that will happen. The one thing I have going for me is that his friends are just now all starting to have kids so he'll be less likely to miss his 'old life'. It breaks my heart each time I pack up clothes that she outgrows because I'm afraid I won't ever experience this phase again.

  8. Mrs. Tricycle

    blogger / pear / 1964 posts

    @SLR: I'm sorry you're sad!! I can imagine if feel that way if DH was less enthusiastic! I think he's so gung-ho for more because he does less of the grunt work. He's an amazing father, but I'm the one that gets up (willingly) at every night waking, deals with cranky fussing, and hangs with the baby so he can work out or socialize. I've totally encouraged him to do these things, and I'm not resentful, but it makes me the less willing party when it comes to #2.

  9. turkeylurkey

    kiwi / 541 posts

    @SLR: I'm the hold-out on our end of wanting baby #2. I love my LO but I had a rough first 5 months. I didn't heal properly and got every bug that came near me. So that didn't help. I've also been scared b/c DH travels every few days for 4-5 days at a time. So I can't imagine having a newborn with a toddler. I think DH would want one now if I let him!
    @kml636: AF still hasn't come for you either? Are you still BF?

  10. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @turkeylurkey: Yes I am. Hoping she shows up!

  11. turkeylurkey

    kiwi / 541 posts

    @kml636: Got mine this week! Finally! I feel so much better. I worry too much and that's probably part of why it hadn't happened yet for me!

  12. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @turkeylurkey: wow! Hope I'm next!

  13. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    Just got my period back. 10.5 months pp. I haven't nursed at night since 3-4 months, so I'm surprised it wasn't sooner.

  14. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @ChelseaRose: aw! My first cycle was like 56 days long and then the next couple have been more regular.

  15. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    @ChelseaRose: Aw, bummer! 10 months is a nice run though! Still haven't had mine, but I'm also still nursing once a night. I had several days of cramps a week or two ago, and I thought for sure that was it. I'm kind of dreading getting it again!

  16. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @ChelseaRose: lucky!!! AF came back at 4.5 months, after night weaning at 3!! mine cycles were also wacky the first few months. but now they're pretty regular

    i know we talked about it before, but where are all y'all on plans for LO#2?

    I think we may start trying in the spring, and it's FREAKINGMEOUT that i could be preggo again NEXT YEAR... like 3 months away next year...!!!

  17. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @mrsjyw: still no plans...I.e. several years from now or never. It will be DH convincing me because I'm totally cool with one and done. She's perfect. I don't want to tempt fate (or breastfeed ever again)

  18. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @ChelseaRose: 10 months is a great run tho!

    @mrsjyw: i think we're going to start trying next year, maybe ntnp after LO turns 1.. i'm starting to get the fever again! i don't want them too close tho, 2 under 2 scares me!

  19. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    Thanks ladies! Since the last time I had a period I gave birth and turned 30, so I already had my new diva cup ready to go. I think I may have ovulated a couple of times already based on cm changes. My cycles weren't super regular anyway so we will see what happens. No immediate plans for #2. Maybe when he's closer to 2.

  20. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @mrsjyw: we'll be TTC once LO hits 11 months probably, in the idea that if I got preggo right away and my milk dried up, it would be ok to start transitioning milks... eep! We had such an easy time the first time, I am both nervous and hopeful that we will have an easy time again.

  21. MamaChin

    clementine / 830 posts

    I got my period 6 months pp right after we sleep trained and I stopped nursing at night. I am currently 14 weeks pregnant although it was not planned. They'll be 16 months apart! Eek!

  22. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @MamaChin: that's exciting and crazy at the same time! Congrats!! the first of the nov mamas as far as I know

  23. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @MamaChin: congrats!!! I'm a little jealous!

  24. lindseykaye

    pear / 1992 posts

    @MamaChin: AAAH congrats! Same as @scg00387, I'm a little jealous too!

    We're planning to space ours out. We definitely want a second (and that's it) but not for several years. My ultimate plan is to have a second when LO is in kindergarden. I wish we could have one sooner, but finances really dictate our family planning and I know we wouldn't be able to afford two in daycare at once.

  25. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @scg00387: Good luck with TTC#2!

  26. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @MamaChin: Congrats!

  27. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @MamaChin: wow, congrats! so exciting!

  28. turkeylurkey

    kiwi / 541 posts

    Oh wow! Congrats on new baby!

  29. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @MamaChin: congratulations!!!!!

  30. MamaChin

    clementine / 830 posts

    @scg00387: Thanks, good luck TTC!!

    Thanks everyone!!

  31. turkeylurkey

    kiwi / 541 posts

    Has anyone had mild-cramping not around the AF time frame? I keep having it and called my OB's nurse. She said to start tracking AF and the cramps. Then call them in a couple weeks.

  32. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @turkeylurkey: which part of the cycle do you feel it (right after AF, ovulation time, etc)?

  33. turkeylurkey

    kiwi / 541 posts

    @kodybear: I'm thinking ovulation time. But I never felt that pre-pregnancy

  34. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    in the past i've gotten cramps right after AF (but before ovulation) and that was because of a small cyst i had. i've also gotten cramps during ovulation time (not every cycle but once in awhile) and i chalk it up to ovulating. so i'd say maybe its just ovulation pain... but ur ob will probably have a better answer!

    ETA the one cycle i had REALLY bad ovulation cramps was the cycle LO was conceived haha

  35. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @turkeylurkey: i get ovulation cramps for a day or two. i nvr noticed it before TTC, but def can tell now.

  36. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    Saw this over on the Oct Mamas thread and thought it'd be a great way for us to touch base and reconnect!

    A, ds, 11/21/13!

    How many teeth? 6! and I think his 3/4th bottom are on their way!

    What size clothes? 12 months! he's in between pant sizes tho, 9m are too short, 12 months are a tad bit long. And he's in some 12-18 month onesies too!

    Cruising, Crawling, or Walking? Crawling/Cruising speed demon, walks well w his walker, he took a few random steps and is a champ at standing on his own several times a day, but not walking just yet!

    How many ounces of formula/ and or Breast Milk per day? ~20 oz formula

    How many solid meals a day? 3!

    How many words? 1? He says UMMMMMMMMA/MAMAMAAAAAA when he wants the boob or when he's cranky/tired.

    Next Milestone that you are looking forward to: walking I'm sure is next, but I'm more looking forward to talking!

    Any plans for TTC? Probably next year sometime. Though I have the fever today with all these famous blogger announcements!

  37. lindseykaye

    pear / 1992 posts

    @mrsjyw: Great idea!! I thought about starting something like that a long time ago and then just forgot! So glad you borrowed this from the October mamas

    LO's Birthday: 11/10/12

    How many teeth? 6 - She's drooling more lately than she was and biting on blankets and her hand so I suspect more may be coming but nothing is showing and she's not fussy yet.

    What size clothes? She's all over the place with this. But I also stretch clothes (like wearing a 6 month dress as a shirt - hah!). Mostly in 9-12 month items though.

    Cruising, Crawling, or Walking? Fast little crawler, and fast when using a walker. She just learned how to turn the walker herself so now she can back up when she gets stuck, and go around corners. Hasn't begun standing on her own for longer than a few seconds before sitting down.

    How many ounces of formula/ and or Breast Milk per day? 9-12 ounces at daycare, with nursing sessions at 7p, 3a, 5a.

    How many solid meals a day? 3 small/medium meals, plus some snacks.

    How many words? 4-5 that we know but they're not really fully formed - mama(mamamama), dada, dog, kitty, bye

    Next Milestone that you are looking forward to: standing unassisted and her words getting more clear to other people

    Any plans for TTC? No plans for any time soon. Maybe in like... 2017? Hah!

    (Edited to add her birthday - I know my early Nov. baby may be very different from a late Nov. baby)

  38. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    @mrsjyw: Love this!

    How many teeth? Teeth numbers 5 and 6 (on the top) are making their way through as we speak.

    What size clothes? Mostly 9-12 months or 6-12months for Gap and Old Navy. She's a bit og a stringbean so so a lot of stuff that fits her length is baggy on her.

    Cruising, Crawling, or Walking? She crawls and cruises with serious SKILLZ. She uses her wheely bug and does ENDLESS circles around our kitchen island. She stands independantly and as of Saturday she takes 4-5 steps at a time before deciding that walking is too slow so she sits down and crawls away.

    How many ounces of formula/ and or Breast Milk per day? 12 ounces at day care plus three nursing sessions a day

    How many solid meals a day? 2 meals (lunch and dinner) plus an afternoon snack. Her ear infections + painful thrush in her mouth meant we were behind on introducing and mastering finger foods.

    How many words? I swear to God she says "Hi Dada" whenever my husband gets home from work

    Next Milestone that you are looking forward to: Sleeping through the night. Night time sleep has been really rough lately.

    Any plans for TTC? We plan to start trying when she's 18 months.

  39. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    love this idea!

    LO's Birthday: 11/22/12

    How many teeth? 4. bottom 2 and top 2. the 2 next to the top 2 are so close to popping through tho. my bet is by the end of the week.

    What size clothes? 6-12 month and 12 month clothing. she's getting taller tho so we're going to be packing the 6-12 month soon.

    Cruising, Crawling, or Walking? crawling. she definitely isn't walking anytime soon. she's starting to cruise but slowly. she's a cautious one!

    How many ounces of formula/ and or Breast Milk per day? about 25oz. 6oz bottle at 7am, 3pm, 7pm. 2-3oz cup at 11am, 1pm, 530pm. wanting to drop the 3pm bottle soon

    How many solid meals a day? 3 meals and 1 snack in the morning

    How many words? we're pretty sure she knows all done "ahdah". maybe dada too... no sign of mama

    Next Milestone that you are looking forward to: talking!! can't wait for that! not as much walking... that will bring a whole new set of worries!

    Any plans for TTC? i think we're going to start ntnp when she turns 1 NEXT MONTH!! crazy its coming up so fast!! if nothing happens in a couple months we'll probably start actively ttc

  40. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    LO's Birthday: 11/25/12

    How many teeth? 2 on bottom, one cutting on top (can see the white!)

    What size clothes? 12-18 BabyGap and I throw him in 2t/24M tops and roll the cuffs. I don't mind baggy

    Cruising, Crawling, or Walking? crawling like a pro, cruising no problem, and has taken a few steps but nothing official! Loves to stand lately.

    How many ounces of formula/ and or Breast Milk per day? No clue. Nurses 4x a day but is nursing less during the day.

    How many solid meals a day? 3 meals

    How many words? nada, just lots of sounds!

    Next Milestone that you are looking forward to: talking!

    Any plans for TTC? same as @kodybear, NTNP next month.. holy cannoli! scary!!

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