cherry / 202 posts
@MsMini: congrats! My girl is looking a little jaundiced at 5 days, but no intervention yet. I'm watching and getting her rechecked on Friday to make sure it's better. My first little never had this issue.
@mrsbubbletea: perfect moment in time
nectarine / 2821 posts
@snarkybiochemist: hang in there. Honestly I am still in shock I am not making a post like that right now. I never would have thought this baby would come early!
nectarine / 2180 posts
@mrsbubbletea: thanks I know it will happen when its supposed to its just hard not knowing
your kiddos are adorable
grapefruit / 4056 posts
Spencer’s bili came down REALLY well and my milk is in now so she is cleared to go home! Waiting on the final word for me but it’s looking like we will be sprung today!
nectarine / 2813 posts
@mrsbubbletea: Congratulations! My daughter is Ellie so I love her name
nectarine / 2821 posts
@MsMini: yay! Super baby! She’s so sweet. How are your older two doing?
@mrskansas: aw thank you!
grapefruit / 4056 posts
@mrsbubbletea: they are so in love with her! My son doesn’t know we are home yet so when he gets home from school he is going to be SO happy!
cherry / 202 posts
Any updates? Do we have any more new babies?
My little girl is 9 days old. We are struggling a but with gaining weight. I am pumping to try to monitor how much she is getting more closely. I also gave her some formula to top off, since I really don't want her to be hungry. She is so different from my first in regards to feeding! He was a nursing champ.
Is anybody sleeping good? Last few weeks of pregnancy vs sleep with a newborn, I'm not sure which is worse. Probably the end of pregnancy sleep!
nectarine / 2821 posts
@SugarMaple: I think newborn sleep is worse for me. She’s nursing well, amazingly after the formula, iv, and all the contraptions the lactation consultant had me using at the hospital. Thankfully she started latching regularly and maintaining it once my milk was in. But she still latches and unlatchs a million times before really getting going which is a lot harder at night! I also struggle with if I should be making her do both sides or not, my son did from pretty early on, but she doesn’t always seem to want it. I’ll feel better following her cues after next appt. she’s just so tiny! Still under 6 lbs. her newborn pants are so baggy on her
I also kind feel those hormones/baby blues on and off. I was feeling so sad last night about how she’s our last baby and I really feel like I want more now. I love snuggly newborns! And it goes so fast even though those hours especially at night are sloooooowwww. And literally a week ago I couldn’t stop saying how I never wanted to be pregnant or give birth again. I also feel like I could use a little more emotional support from husband, he’s awesome about picking up household tasks and helping with our older son, but I could use more hugs and “good job”s. And ugh, my parents were just here, and it’s nice to see them cuddling our new girl, and they did play with my son, but I have to ask them for any little thing to do, they aren’t the type to take out the trash unprompted. And I don’t really like asking for help when it means giving you Each individual task! Oh well. One day at time. My sweet baby is definitely the easiest part of the whole transition, she’s so good, but I know she’ll wake up soon and it will be a different story!
nectarine / 2821 posts
@SugarMaple: oh and my Ellie is 9 days old today too! She was born at 7:54pm, what about you?
kiwi / 578 posts
Still sitting tight here. Have my 39 week appt on Tuesday. Wasn’t dilated at all at my appointment last week. I hope he comes on his own but not holding my breath that I won’t have to be induced again. Hope y’all are doing well that have already had your babies and that everyone else is finding a way to pass the time!
grapefruit / 4056 posts
Things are going well here! I am dealing with an oversupply (again) so working through that but Spencer is SO sweet and content. She even did a 4 1/2 hour sleep stretch for me last night. I just love these newborn days so much.
nectarine / 2180 posts
Almost 38 weeks, trying to stay busy knowing I could have a few more weeks left but really hoping I get good news about progress at my appt on Tuesday.
nectarine / 2821 posts
@Lucy_goosey: hi Charlotte! Congratulations mama!
@snarkybiochemist: how are you? Any news from the appt? Ugh I remember exactly how you feel from my first pregnancy.
nectarine / 2180 posts
@mrsbubbletea: my appt was dramatic, my blood pressure was high and I was at a 4+ without feeling any contractions. They sent me to l&d and 7 hrs after my scheduled appt Evelyn was born.
cherry / 202 posts
@Lucy_goosey: yay! Congrats!
@snarkybiochemist: whoa! Congrats momma!
@mrsbubbletea: Birthday twins! My girl was born at 12:05 pm. I alternate between having her do both sides or just one. One usually isn't enough, but my supply isn't great. With adding in some pumping ssessions it's getting better.
nectarine / 2821 posts
@snarkybiochemist: what????? Congratulations!!! Welcome to the world miss Evelyn! How are you two doing?
nectarine / 2180 posts
@SugarMaple: thanks
@mrsbubbletea: yea I thought my doctor was kidding when he said 4cm and I was even more shocked when she came 5hrs after my water breaking
nectarine / 2821 posts
@snarkybiochemist: I bet! I think we need a birth stories thread!
nectarine / 2180 posts
@mrsbubbletea: I'd love to share her story, it's not the typical first time mom story and I would have loved to hear one this this when I was obsessively reading
persimmon / 1005 posts
We welcomed our baby boy on the sixth! He is doing great and we’re glad to be home and out of the hospital!
olive / 55 posts
@snarkybiochemist: wow! congratulations!! that's amazing! hoping you and baby evelyn are doing well.
looks like i'll be the last momma standing..
kiwi / 578 posts
@Lucy_goosey: @snarkybiochemist: @Jennibenni: congratulations to all! Hope y’all are doing well
My 39 week appt was yesterday and still not dilated. Cervix is soft but baby boy is content to stay in for now.
Thank you @mrsbubbletea: for making a postpartum thread!
olive / 55 posts
@mrsbubbletea: I'm due on 11/13, but it seems like everyone's having their babies early! Haha
I'm doing all right, having lots of aches and pains in my lower half. I had my doctor's appointment on Monday, and I haven't made much progress. Today's my last day of work (whoo, I made it!), so I'm going to try and see if I can kickstart my labor naturally.
Also, congrats to you @mrsbubbletea! Our baby girls will be name twins
cherry / 236 posts
I'm still here! *waves* I keepngetting logged out and losing my password.
Had my 38w appt on Tuesday and I'm at a 1, 50% effaced, and baby is at -2 station. She's dropped further since then, and my midwife said she wouldn't be surprised if I had baby girl this week. Whoops! DD1 came on her due date, so I wasn't really expecting baby to come early...maybe on time or late, but not early! Now DH and I are scrambling to take care of last minute details.
Crossing my fingers she'll wait until the 15th (our wedding anniversary), but who knows. Baby's gonna donwhat baby's gonna do.
pea / 18 posts
Hey everyone! I’m still hanging in there - 38w1 today, baby girl is comfy cozy. I don’t think they’ll make any moves to induce until after my growth scan next Thursday at 39w. I’ve never been more pregnant than 38w2d, so this should be interesting Congrats to all the mamas who’ve have their beautiful babies already!!
olive / 57 posts
@Lucy_goosey: @snarkybiochemist: @Jennibenni: congrats mamas!!
2 weeks and 2 days old over here. Everyone is doing well. We had family/newborn pictures done this week. I can't wait to get them!
persimmon / 1005 posts
@Shopoholicmom: thank you! You’ll have pics just in time for Christmas cards!
nectarine / 2180 posts
Feeling a bit like a failure right now, my milk still isn't in at 5 days post partum, Evelyn lost quite a bit of weight and I was told to start supplementing and last night she was just awake btwn 1:45 and 4:30. We have another weight check on Monday and I'm trying to get an appt with a lactation consultant in addition to attending a new mom's lactation group next Friday. I'm not sure what I'm looking for here, maybe just some support to reinforce my husband telling me that I'm not a failure and that I'm doing what I can to do right by my daughter
nectarine / 2821 posts
@snarkybiochemist: wish i saw this earlier! YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE!!!! So so many moms have a rough start to breastfeeding and not only does it not mean you won’t have a successful breastfeeding relationship, but you are not failing!
Definitely see a lactation specialist. Nurse her every 2-3 hours, then pump, and offer whatever you pump. If you don’t pump anything, give her an ounce of formula. Hopefully the lactation consultant can help with latch and all that, but it would also be great if she can show you how to use the SNS. That’s the little tube that you sneak into their mouth while they nurse to give them some formula, but they still stimulate production and practice latching. Also see if the lactation consultant can come to your house!
Also, do lots of skin to skin, relax, eat plenty, drink plenty of water.
How does her latch feel to you? How long are you pumping? Maybe if you do every 2 hours for a few stretches during the day, you can get a nice four hour stretch and have your husband just do a formula feeding during that time. Rest will help too, easier said thst done. Hang in there! PM me if you want to exchange info, we can email more too if thst might help.
nectarine / 2180 posts
@mrsbubbletea: thank you. I needed to hear this, again. I have just started pumping and will be getting a visit on Tuesday from a nurse/lc to hopefully get an even better plan going. Right now I'm doing the best I can and hoping for the best. Hoping she gained weight tomorrow.
nectarine / 2821 posts
@snarkybiochemist: btw i edited my post like 3 times with more thoughts, sorry!
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