A few of our month group are potty training over the holiday break and thought we could use a support group. Anybody else want to join in?
A few of our month group are potty training over the holiday break and thought we could use a support group. Anybody else want to join in?
nectarine / 2460 posts
DS is 28 months and is showing some signs of interest. He'll sit on the potty, "use" TP and flush, but has yet to actually go in the potty. He's getting some truck undies for Christmas and then we're going to start the 3-day method the next day!
nectarine / 2878 posts
DS2 is 30 months and goes pee when we ask him to but cannot keep his diaper or underwear dry. Poops have been a little bit of a bigger battle (has only gone a couple times) so far, but we have not been pushing him. We plan on starting over the break while daycare is closed and sending him in underwear once it starts back up in January. I would really love for him to be potty trained before baby 3 comes in March!
persimmon / 1273 posts
This is my plan too! My son is 2.5 and ready (the other night he asked to get out of the bath so he could poop on the potty). I just haven't been ready myself! Daycare kinda asked us to do it and I'd like to get it over with before baby #2 comes in February.
nectarine / 2317 posts
I'm in for this. We're planning on potty training DD over the holidays. She's 20months. She's one one per and a few poops on the potty but not super consistent. She always tells us right after and likes to be changed immediately.
pomegranate / 3658 posts
I'm going to spectate this thread I think. DD is 20 months and has been showing some intense interest in the potty, including role playing her dolls and stuffed animals peeing on the toilet over and over and over again (of course making us use real toilet paper and flush every time). We're traveling over Christmas so not ready to train yet but I think it's coming soon.
kiwi / 625 posts
Yep. My son will be 3 in February, and I have another one coming in march, so we are shooting for over the holidays as well. I worry I missed the window. He showed interest at some point, but no longer does. He is not motivated by treats anymore because an m&m is no longer a big deal to him like it was when he was younger and barely even got pancakes once in a while. We are also traveling over the break too, so that will be hard, but it MUST be done!
nectarine / 2460 posts
@oskarsmommy: My DS is extremely bribeable at this point so M&Ms are a huge part of my game plan. I had no idea this would go away so soon!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
My son just turned 2 and has been peeing on the potty regularly for months and school says he is ready He just started demanding to wear underwear over his diaper so I think I might give it a whirl. He is so young though, so I have very few expectations!
blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts
I may give it a whirl over Christmas, but mine is older (turned 3 in late October). I've been waiting to see more interest ... and he clearly could care less, so I guess it's time to push the issue a bit. Sigh.
pear / 1718 posts
DD is 22 months, pees on the potty regularly and poops on the potty occasionally. She rarely pees for me anymore, just at daycare. I'd like to hit it hard over break if she is ready, which I am uncertain of.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
AUGUST 2014 boy here.
Just going to try not to regress over the holidays. We are halfway trained but very reliant on pull ups
pear / 1593 posts
I think also spectate like @PawPrints:
DS is 29 months, and he has interest in toilet paper, flushing, will sit on the toilet if we ask him, wants clean diaper after a poop etc. I'm not ready though!!! I am scared to even try potty training until he's like 100% into it. I haven't gotten a successful pee even yet so...
persimmon / 1273 posts
@JennyPenny: my kid will be three in April, but there is not much he won't do for a bribe. So it might last!
Does everyone have a plan? I feel like I've read some things but we are really gonna just wing it. I think he's very ready so I'm hoping that's ok.
nectarine / 2173 posts
We might be. LO is 21 months and we weren't planning to train her yet but she is demanding to use the potty many times per day ("my turn big potty!"). She however has only owed on it a couple times despite sitting in the potty 5-7x per day. She seems to be mostly asking right after she pees so she gets the association but not in the right direction. Our thought so far is to keep letting her go when she asks but leave it at that until she's had some successes and then we'all start rewards. Thoughts from those with experience?
pomelo / 5866 posts
@sapphire: Maybe you could try taking her to the potty a few hours after her last pee or first thing in the morning and eagerly say, Oooh let's catch a pee this morning!!
I would preface that 'game' with a little pre-pep talk right after she independently sat on the toilet with or without success as she does now. Just give her the heads up you will help her catch a pee ina few hours For me, potty training was a 'we do' with reminders and a gradual release into 'you do'. Sounds like you are close!!
blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts
@gilmoregirl: Planning on what I did with my older DS around the same age. Three days. Cold turkey on undies except pull-ups or diapers for overnight. M&Ms after each successful trip. Sticker chart, too, and a small toy after a certain number of stickers.
pear / 1717 posts
DS is two and a half and has been potty training for almost a month and at first it was a bit of a nightmare but he's really getting the hang of it now. So much so that even when we go out and put a diaper on him he stays dry. Pooping is a wholeeeeee other story. Hopefully we can get him fully trained by April when baby 2 comes.
nectarine / 2460 posts
@gilmoregirl: Our "plan" is to follow the method summarized here: http://www.lucieslist.com/toddlerhood/the-two-day-method-potty-training/ I want to get the book as well, but I'm not sure I'll have time to read it before Christmas with everything else that's going on. For now we're just practicing getting pants off himself as that seems like a useful prerequisite.
persimmon / 1273 posts
@Mrs. Yoyo: Thanks for sharing! this sounds approximately like what I was planning. I've never done a sticker chart with him but he is so reward motivated that maybe it's worth considering.
nectarine / 2262 posts
Let me just say, I thank you all very much because my 15 month old is on the waiting list for his daycare and cannot get in until some older kids get potty trained and move up to the next room... the director told me the parents are going to get them trained over the break . So, in case your kid is any one of those, I appreciate it
honeydew / 7230 posts
I want to give it a try once we are home from traveling after Christmas. I really think my kids (2.5 year old twins) are ready, but I've been too lazy to really do it. My husband will be off work through Jan 3, so it would be a good time to try it with a 1:1 parent kid ratio. Or maybe I will just wimp out again.
nectarine / 2460 posts
@Mrs. Yoyo: We're planning on M&M rewards too, but I'd never considered a reward chart for more "long term" goals. I know your LOs are a bit older but what age do you think they would "get" a reward chart. We've never done one with DS (28 months) and I'm not sure he'd understand.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@JennyPenny: I was thinking about using stickers or stamps but i'm not sure my 20 month old gets rewards yet either...
I'm currently reading Oh Crap Potty training and hope to train in the few days before xmas... this will either be awesome or a huge mistake.
blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts
@JennyPenny: My gut says it might not be useful until closer to 3, but of course YMMV. I think delayed gratification may be hard for a 2-year-old to understand? That said, you could maybe still do a sticker chart as more of a progress tracker ("look how many times you've used the potty! let's celebrate!")
blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts
Also, if anyone is interested in how it went last time I attempted, here is the painfully detailed blog post.
And even though he was successfully pee trained after this, he totally pooped in his undies for like two months.
kiwi / 702 posts
Yes! This is my plan and I could certainly use some support. DD is 25 months and totally ready. I've just been lazy though I have thever oh crap book and a week off after Xmas so let's do this!
nectarine / 2173 posts
@808love: thanks for the advice. She's going first thing in the morning, before and after nap, on average every 1.5-2 hours, so I'm sure we must "catch a pee" soon.
@Banana330: a friend of mine gives 1 sticker for every success and 5 stickers earns him a matchbox car. He's 23 months and is motivated to work for those cars! I'm not sure what our "currency" is going to be. Maybe some little books.
persimmon / 1273 posts
@MrsADS: Our daycare charges a lower preschool rate at 3 but only if the kids are fully potty trained. It is very much part of my motivation to get it done soon
nectarine / 2460 posts
@Mrs. Yoyo: Yeah, now that I think about it my kiddo totally does not get delayed gratification. We've had to explain many times that if he didn't just shove the whole brownie/cookie/whatever into his mouth all at once, he'd have enough for a second bite. Still hasn't sunk in though...
pomelo / 5220 posts
I'm a spectator since we are traveling over the winter holiday but I think we will be doing it over MLK 3 day weekend. I need to start reading up. LO is 2 years and 4 months old and I would love to be potty trained by the time LO #2 arrives in April!!
cherry / 209 posts
We started over Thanksgiving weekend. She is pee trained but POOP has become bane of my existence. She is holding it for 2-3 days and then screaming when I am making her sit on potty. So definitely need support.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
I might join in. I've been toying with the idea of training my 1.5 yr old. So far he can pee on the potty when we ask him, but is also perfectly content to pee on the floor. I don't have any expectations, just want to see what happens. I also need to buy boy undies.
nectarine / 2460 posts
Well, day 1 has started for us. DS has been up for 2 hrs and we have had 1 pee incident, which predictably was all over the floor. He was upset about his "big mess" and we talked about doing it in the potty next time.
I almost decided to bail completely because DS and I both have awful colds. But I figure the cold is keeping him from running around less, and makes it so we really have nowhere to go, so might as well try.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@JennyPenny: we're on day 5 and DD is avoiding peeing on the potty as much as possible. She's holding it forever then peeing at naps, sometimes she needs to pee badly and pees on the floor cause we can't get her to the potty fast enough, poops are on the potty but she cries cause it's scary. I'm tempted to just back to diapers but I know she can do it she's just a bit stubborn. Day 2 was way better and 3-4 were both a butt crazy cause we had to go see family etc so she was in new places .
nectarine / 2460 posts
An hour later and were up to 5 accidents...
@Banana330: yikes! This is my fear. I hear so many stories of kids who are afraid or resistant towards the potty. I wish I had advice..
nectarine / 2317 posts
@JennyPenny: day 1 it was all pee accidents until early afternoon. We just managed to ctach her and get to pee a little on the potty hopefully it starts clicking in soon.
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