Hellobee Boards


Pregnancy After Infertility Support Group

  1. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    So happy to see so much activity on this board. It is hard to jump into the due date twin boards when you have been going through infertility. But it's fun to get to know other mamas-to-be too - and to try and let yourself focus on some of the fun stuff with pregnancy. After all of the not so fun stuff just to get to this point, isn't it time you let yourself have fun?

    @FaithFertility: I always used to worry about the appointments and my cleanliness "down there". I remember when I was on progesterone and estrace and it was green down there. Yellow progesterone and blue estrace make green. Good times... The thought of being cleaned out makes me cringe. Are you all done with the progesterone now?

    @EmilyE: Cautious optimism is totally understandable. But a yolk sac and a heartbeat! How exciting!!!

    @Happygal: That's so cool that you were able to connect with your dental hygienist like that! I remember connecting with mine as well because they asked if I was on any medication and at the time I thought - do I tell them about the clomid? So she saw that on my chart and asked me about it and then told me her story. Isn't it always funny though, trying to have a conversation with someone while you're reclined in that chair and their hands are in your mouth?

  2. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @MrsTal: Wahoo for 361!!! I had 4 betas too - I kind of liked knowing that things continued to go up and up!

  3. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @marionberry: I'm about a month behind you with the NTNP We have a wedding to attend next week and I just want to be able to have fun and drink without worry. But after that, it's on And I think we'll give it a few months before heading back to the RE. Fingers crossed for both of us that all it takes is some fun with our husbands.

  4. EmilyE

    pea / 21 posts

    @faithfertility - whoa! I've been on endometrin and I've wondered if that sort of thing could happen. The progesterone is so gross and messy! I think I get to come off of it next week. That is so great you got to hear the heartbeat!! So exciting!

    @mrs.tal - Congrats on the beta and good luck with your ultrasound!

    @happygal - Agreed about the progesterone. A clean out sounds kind of nice. Gross, but nice.

  5. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @sweetooth: Yay! 'How exciting that we'll be trying together again. I am definitely hoping that whole reset thing happened after having J. I'd really love to get pregnant the old fashioned way without all the stress. Are you stressed at all about the stress of two under two? J still doesn't sleep very well and I'm worried I might be one crazy mama if I cut the amount of sleep I'm currently getting in half for another. I think I'm reminding myself it will all be better once they grow up, so better to get it out of the way now.

  6. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @marionberry: Yeah 2 under 2 has been on my mind. But I feel like I'd love to get through the newborn and infant stage all at once. Plus, I'm a little older than you (I'm 35 1/2 now...) so I'd love to have #2 before I turn 37. I know it's not really in my control, but now that I have had success with the RE, I hope that if it comes to that again, we'll have success the second time around.

    Are you two and through?

  7. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @sweetooth: it was gross, but it happens a lot didn't phase her....lol.ohh yeah I've been off it for 2 weeks.... gross!

  8. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @sweetooth: Yes I'm younger but my husband is in his fifties so we have the same problem, just on the other side. We've said that if we get a girl this time around we'd likely stop trying (not to say a third couldn't happen down the road as an accident)- however if it were a boy we'd opt for trying for a third in hopes of having a girl. I've always wanted around 3 kids. What about you? And you're right, that knowing you had success with an RE makes you feel more confident.

  9. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @sweetooth: hi friend! It's fun seeing you here. How's the baby? Have you worked out a good child care situation?

    I had a good appointment today! Baby is measuring exactly on schedule and we saw the wee heartbeat. So amazing. My RE told me he's graduating me, so it's off to the regular OB for me!

  10. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @Happygal: Yay, such an exciting milestone

  11. MrsTal

    clementine / 901 posts

    @sweetooth: I'm sort of glad I'm doing 4 now. How are you doing?

    @Happygal: that's an awesome milestone! Remind me how far along you are again?

  12. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @MrsTal: 6 weeks, 5 days!

  13. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @Happygal: yay I've been waiting for your update!! We're only a week apart or so!

  14. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @Happygal: Ohhhhh yay! I'm soooo excited for you! Happy Graduation!!!!!!!

  15. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @bhbee: How are you??

  16. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @FaithFertility: hanging in there! Moving plus morning sickness is knocking me out but I got to see my new ob yesterday and see the nugget again. Crazy that I only have to have one more ultrasound (18 wks) but we're definitely going to opt into the nt as well so I'll get one more peek.

    Speaking of do you get another peek soon? Are you coming out of the 1st tri fog yet?? Hope you are feeling better!

  17. MrsTal

    clementine / 901 posts

    @Happygal: that seems so early! That's only 2 weeks away for me. So awesome tho, when will you meet with your OB?

    How long did you all keep testing? I'm still testing but I'm hoping I can quit after my last beta tomorrow but it's so hard. Seeing those two lines is so reassuring.

  18. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    Hi ladies. I'm not ready to join a due date board, but I would like to join you here. Even if things don't end well, today I am pregnant.

    I'm around 3w6d today. I had some brown spotting a couple days ago that's stopped. I'm hoping that was from implantation. The only other symptom I have is sore boobs.

    I'm trying not to obsess over anything, but it's hard! I POA FRER Tuesday pm and again this am and the lines are the same color. So of course I started to think that was bad! I think I'm going to have to stop testing.

    I'm so ready for my beta tomorrow!

  19. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @Leialou: Yay, so glad to see you here! Please step away from the pee sticks immediately

  20. TheReelDeal

    kiwi / 742 posts

    Congrats @leialou! And yes stop testing now

  21. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: @TheReelDeal: ok, I will!!

  22. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @MrsTal: @Leialou: no more testing! I think I tested a total of 3 times. The last time I tested, I decided to stop b/c there's nothing else I could do. I do have on digital that I want to test on just to see "pregnant" and take a picture of it!

    @MrsTal: I'm going to call again to set up an appointment. My RE said they'll see me at 11 weeks, but I think this practice has you come in to talk to a nurse and they give you a lot of information.

    @bhbee: I'm sorry you're dealing with morning sickness, but I'm so glad you got another ultrasound yesterday! How is Texas living treating you? I love that our DDs are so close!

    @faithfertility: yes, I'll get a picture on here in just a minute....

  23. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @Happygal: I have a digital that I'm saving for this weekend. I'm going to take it when DH is home because so far I've tested after he's left for work. I want to see the word "pregnant" too.

  24. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @Leialou: ha! Love it. I haven't done it yet b/c I'm getting my haircut soon and want to look nice in the picture holding it.

  25. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

  26. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    That's our little baby! I felt a swell of love. I definitely had a moment where I thought I could let myself get emotional and cry, but I decided not to.

    I don't think I mentioned it, but it looks like I ovulated twice, meaning twins were a possibility. I was relived when he saw just one baby, but my husband was disappointed!

  27. MrsTal

    clementine / 901 posts

    @Happygal: Hi baby! Oh my goodness I can't wait for my ultrasound. And I promise to stop testing, after tomorrow.. I have a CBE digi with the weeks on it and it should be at 3+ weeks if my hcg did what it should.

    @Leialou: Happy you are here! I can't wait to see your beta results tomorrow!!! What is your EDD? Will you be a February mama with me?

  28. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @sweetooth: yes--it is funny! Crazy that you had the same experience. We gabbed for about 15 minutes before she got to cleaning my teeth, but when there would be a pause, I would ask a question like, "So, did you take Menopur?" and then she would talk for awhile.

  29. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @Happygal: so sweet

    @MrsTal: yes! According to an online IVF calculator it's February 12th. Idk how accurate that is. I'm not sure if my embies were 5 days or 6 days old.

  30. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @bhbee: Sorry about not feeling to good
    Ohhh yay, I love u/s!
    I don't know if we will get a peek nexr time, I go back 7/9 I'll be 17 weeks soooo I hope, but they didn't say!!!!
    I'm Ok with hearing the heartbeat!!!

    I'm doing better, not as nauses but it creeps up on me from time to time, usually after I eat, so me and food are still not friends!

  31. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @Happygal: Yay baby!!!!! So cool!!!! I look at our pics daily...lol

  32. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @Leialou: I'm so excited for you! PRAYERS for tomorrow!

  33. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @marionberry: Sometimes I think three would be fun - but I think we'll be 2 and through. I'd love a little girl, but I'm also really enjoying my little boy. I think I'll be team green this time around

    @Happygal: The baby is good! We did make a decision on daycare, but I'm trying not to think about it too much. He starts at the end of the month so I'm soaking up every minute of him until then. // Congratulations on seeing the heartbeat, on the adorable picture and on graduating! So much goodness!!!

    @MrsTal: I'm doing well My little one will be 7 months old next week! Good luck at your next beta

    @Leialou: Yes, yes, yes! Today, you are pregnant. I remember when @Grace and several other wonderful IF friends told me that. It helped me each day I said it. Good luck at your beta tomorrow!

  34. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @marionberry: good luck this second time around! People said sometimes, getting pregnant clears the highways up or something and it was true in my case, so hopefully, u won't need your re!

    @sweetooth: I remember when u first joined the if boards and you are already thinking ntnp?! Time flies waaaaay too fast! Wishing u tons of luck too! I sorta wish we did team green this time around, which is funny since I was an adamant no the first time. But my hubby wanted to find out, which is funny since he didn't want to find out with twins!

    @Happygal: beautiful pic! Love it! Sooo excited for u too! I'm glad u r enjoying it.

    @Leialou: congrats again! Soooo excited for u and praying for sticky baby or babies?! Can't wait to hear updates!

    @bhbee: u only get to see the baby twice more? Is the 18th week the anatomy scan?

  35. MrsTal

    clementine / 901 posts

    Question for you ladies, I just had a 4th beta today and they took 3 tubes, I asked what the other two were for and she said thyroid and blood type, is this normal? And why?

  36. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @MrsTal: I only had 2 betas, and they didn't test for those things. You can look at it that they're being very thorough for you! Will you find out results today?

  37. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @MrsTal: Yep, I had all that stuff tested at my first OB appointment. They also tested for several STDs.

  38. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @tequiero21: thank you! I hope the same is true for me!
    @sweetooth: I could never be a team green girl; I am way too into planning. I love my little boy too. It would be cool for Jack to have a brother to play with.
    @mrstal: they'll check thyroid to make sure your levels are ok. I'm hypothyroid so they checked my levels monthly. It's important for your baby that your levels are in check. I'm not sure about blood type unless you don't know yours?

  39. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @MrsTal: they did all the blood work at my first ob appt, for both my pregnancies. I don't think the re did it. We did it when I graduated at like 8 weeks. Thyroid and std are normal, not sure about blood type, unless like @marionberry said, u don't know it? Or if u know it but don't know if u r + or -? Like I'm o+...

  40. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    My beta is 37. The nurse said she prefers to see 50. I'm going back on Monday for another draw.

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