I think that pregnancy brain has set in. I didn't believe it was an actual thing, but if it's not real, then I really can't explain what is happening to me!

In the past 2-3 weeks, I have:

- Forgotten to lock my car (thankfully I had my club lock on it). Somebody got into the car and rummaged around, but I never keep anything of value in my car, so no harm done.
- Gotten out of the shower without rinsing the conditioner out of my hair.
- In a parking garage, walked up to my car (a black Mazda3), pressing the unlock button on the key fob. Car doesn't unlock. I freak out, wondering if my battery is dead, if I'll have to call AAA, etc. After a longer amount of time than I'd like to admit, I glance at the license plate and realize that MY black Mazda3 is actually 4 cars down from the one I'm trying to unlock.

Anybody have any tales of pregnancy brain to help me feel like less of an idiot?