grapefruit / 4361 posts
A bit of a longer emotional vent.... I was talking to a formerly-best friend of mine about our pregnancies. She is 18 weeks, I am 9 weeks. She knows about our loss and infertility diagnoses. She has had two unplanned pregnancies (this one, and one she terminated) and her family history / friends groups tends to have a lot of surprise babies.
Anyways. We were emailing about maternity clothes and appts/ultrasounds, and I told her I have an ultrasound on Friday or Saturday and I'm somewhat nervous, yadda yadda. She replied saying my thoughts affect my body and that if I'm thinking negative things, there could be a negative outcome. She literally said, "think happy healthy thoughts. The color green, flowers blooming, smiling children, full breaths, delicious food, etc."
Of course, I'm all like.... stfu. I know that she was trying to be kind and has no firsthand experience of the emotional landscape of miscarriage, but really, think happy thoughts? If that solved medical issues, then no one would be infertile or have miscarriages etc. Plus, she totally implied that I could cause a miscarriage to myself, just by thinking about one. That's just ridiculous, and totally unhelpful. I feel like I can't be honest with her about my thoughts or feelings. I believe you shouldn't feed your fears, but you shouldn't suppress them, either. Just name them, understand them, and work through them.
We had one blow-up conversation back in January when she suggested the same thing about my former miscarriage and struggles to conceive; saying that I should just chill out, "it's not like you're 45 or anything.... just make sweet love to your husband and eventually the child will find you." After that we didn't talk for about 4 months (we are long distance, though, so normally we only talk monthly.)
Anyway. I just had to share with some people I though would understand. Of course, if you have any suggestions for ongoing communication with this person, I'm all ears. Unfortunately I think I'm confined to only talking with her about happy things and guarding what I say to her..... not how it should be
pomelo / 5129 posts
@DesertDreams88: I would agree with you on maybe not sharing all your feelings with her. It sucks when people don't understand where we're coming from, but some people simply lack the ability to be empathetic and will never understand how much it hurts other people when they say or do certain things.
I HATE that there's an idea in the world that people who are sad or scared or grieving can simply stop being sad or scared or worried if ONLY they would think happy thoughts. Duh!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@DesertDreams88: I'm sorry. People can say the most awful things when they haven't been through something themselves. I agree that we should have hope because it's what we deserve but that doesn't make it easy when you've seen the other side of things. My sister had two CPs when I was in my early 20s and I just know that I didn't say the right thing. I just thought she wanted to be pregnant. It's hard to understand the loss of a child that no one will meet but for whom you mourn. I had some friends/relatives who told me that at least I didn't end up with a special needs kid, or that I just needed to relax or it just wasnt meant to be. You wouldn't say that to a woman who lost a living child (not that its the same.) The loneliest time in my life was after my second loss.
Sorry for the rambles but, suffice to say, miscarriage and pregnancy after miscarriage is a complex and scary maze to be in...the comfort I have is in knowing I am not alone.
pomelo / 5129 posts
@simplyfelicity: oh the special needs thing really gets me. As if no one wants those children...
I had the worst confession experience ever when I told a young priest a MC and IF we're causing a crisis of faith. He told me to take long baths to relax, or listen to positive music, and that my baby died for a good reason, maybe because it wasn't healthy.
That didn't help the crisis of faith at all...
pear / 1558 posts
@DesertDreams88: hugs! She doesn't sound like she could comprehend where you are coming from, unfortunately. That is frustrating & it is too bad you will end up filtering what you discuss with her. I actually had some of DH's family who were upset with us for NOT sharing about our loss, saying we needed to have talked about it. Uhhh, thanks for telling me what I need... People do mean well, I believe, they just don't always get it right.
pomelo / 5607 posts
@MaryM: Sending you all the positive thoughts I can!
This is a weird week for me, emotionally. Last Friday marked 2 years since my first m/c. But far more importantly, I'm 32 weeks, which is how far along I was when we had the termination last time. I'm currently farther along than I've ever been carrying a living child, and Friday I'll be farther along than I've ever been, period. I've been looking forward to getting past this point for a long time, so in a way it's exciting. But feeling this LO move and seem so very alive just makes it hit home all over again how huge our loss was last time. And it's not really the same, because we knew all along R might not make it, so we're definitely much more attached to this one because we didn't distance ourselves from her like we did with R. But still. I will say that it makes me really glad I had an anterior placenta last time. I wasn't feeling nearly as much movement with R as I am now, and that contrast of the sudden lack of movement once she was gone (there were 3 days between the shot to stop her heart and delivery) would have been much harder if I had been feeling more to begin with.
But I had an ultrasound Monday, and baby girl is still perfect. She even has a little bit of hair apparently! That just makes her seem so much more real. There's a real baby in there, and she's going to be here so soon! It was also kind of nice at the appointment, because we ran into the doctor we were with during everything with R. She saw my name on the schedule (and remembered it a year later!), and watched the ultrasound remotely (didn't know they could do that), just to be sure everything really looked good. She was amazing last year, and really helped us through it all, so I appreciated that she took the time to check up on us.
pear / 1837 posts
@Torchwood: Just a big ol' hug to you, mama. I can't imagine what you are feeling right now. So glad to hear baby girl is looking good, she really will be here soon, and it will be magic. I'm 15 weeks, and this whole pregnancy is just one big mind game... I wonder how I will feel when I make it to 23 weeks. I know I won't feel any peace about it until this one is here, in my arms. I'm thinking about you!!
pear / 1558 posts
@Torchwood: I'm so very happy for you for reaching these milestones and for having an awesome u/s experience!! I truly can't imagine how devastating your loss was, being so far along last time, but you & your baby deserve HUGE celebrations for all going so well & being so close to holding your sweet baby girl here in just a matter of weeks.
clementine / 957 posts
@DesertDreams88: So sorry she said those things to you. While it's true that most people probably have good intentions with their comments, they just don't understand how hurtful words can be. I'm glad we can all come here to ladies who understand
@MaryM: Thinking of you today!
@Torchwood: I can't imagine the pain you feel but I'm so very glad that your little girl is doing well. Thinking of you also!
pomelo / 5129 posts
I'm so excited. I got to keep my pants on for an ultrasound! Oh yeah. And baby is good and SCH is shrinking (1cm). We got to hear the heartbeat (188bpm) and its measuring 9w3d...smack in the middle of previous EDDs.
clementine / 957 posts
@MaryM: Oh I'm so happy! I've been thinking about your appointment all morning! Glad the SCH is shrinking and baby is looking good!
nectarine / 2641 posts
@MaryM: Wonderful news! So glad!!
@Torchwood: Hugs to you. I understand mixed emotions, but am glad little one looks healthy!
grapefruit / 4361 posts
@marym: & @simplyfelicity: yeah, I heard the special needs / "healthy child" line a lot, since I was very open about my miscarriage. I know it would be very difficult to raise a child with special needs, but still, it's your child.... I'd rather have my miscarried special needs child rather than no child at all.
@GoGoSnoGirl: It still amazes me how some people feel the right to say how others should feel, how they should grieve, how long it should take, what it would look like, etc... not just for losses but truly everything.
@Torchwood: what a bittersweet time.... but hopefully more and more sweet as time progresses. Interesting about the anterior placenta with R.... cognitively recognizing things to be thankful for, in the midst of sorrow, has been one of the few things that helps me emotionally. So glad you are feeling tons of movement now and that you had a good ultrasound and connected with your former doctor!
grapefruit / 4361 posts
@MaryM: yayyyy! I refreshed the screen hoping to see an update from you! So have they adjusted your EDD at all?
nectarine / 2641 posts
Everett George is here! 21 inches, 8lb,0.5oz. Only 6 minutes of pushing. Such an angel!
pomelo / 5129 posts
@Jess1483: yay! Welcome baby!
@DesertDreams88: the baby measured within a few days of my LMP EDD, so we're sticking with that. They only adjust it if it's more than a week off. 10 weeks today!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@Jess1483: Hi, Everett! Oh, he is so beautiful! I am so so so happy for you!!!
pear / 1558 posts
@Jess1483: wow!! Awesome delivery of your little angel! Huge congrats!
clementine / 957 posts
@Jess1483: Congratulations!!! I absolutely love his name!
@MaryM: Woohoo for double digits!!
grapefruit / 4361 posts
I requested an additional 9 wk ultrasound bc of nerves, and baby looked great! Measured on track, had a good heartbeat, and even kicked their leg!! So relieved and thankful!! Even DH is feeling much better
grapefruit / 4361 posts
How do you all feel about exercise in the first trimester? I know light/moderate exercise is recommended, with guideline of the max 140 heartbeat. But, due to fears and fatigue, I've been pretty sedentary, other than yoga 1-2 a week. Before pregnancy, yoga was 2-3 days a week, and I walked a TON (teacher.)
Yesterday at 10w3d my husband and I did some moderate hiking. It was in three 30-45 min increments, with 15-30 min resting-in-shade breaks, with shorter little 3 min breaks whenever I felt my heart pounding. The paths were pretty level, though there were some sections of stairs (which I rested after.) It was gosh darn hot... maybe 90-95, but not humid at all (I live in Phoenix.) I drank tons of water and ate some salty snacks. In the moment I was a bit worried but pretty sure I was following the guidelines, but of course I woke up this morning thinking I pushed it too far. I have an US on Monday so that might be heightening my fear.
So, how'd you deal with exercise in the 1st tri? No guilt if you did nothing!! Nausea and fatigue are definitely barriers!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@DesertDreams88: Is there a reason you would be on a specific exercise restriction? I didn't exercise other than walking (once in a while) because I was so so sick. As far as I know, the real "danger" is to yourself because your body creates the hormone relaxin which causes your joints to become much more flexible. That's why you are more prone to aches and pains after the most basic activities during pregnancy. I think the main concern is falling (so horseback riding is out.) Most say that if you resume your regular exercise you have been doing all along, you and baby are fine. If you are on bedrest for a very particular reason, that's obviously different. So, enjoy the fact that you can exercise before it gets really uncomfortable and just listen to your body .
apricot / 369 posts
@DesertDreams88: I was pretty active before starting infertility treatment and pregnancy and have been doing absolutely nothing recently! There were some exercise restrictions during IVF and then I had very heavy bleeding at 5 weeks so I was on bed rest and basically afraid to move. I'm now 12 weeks and still really nervous to resume my normal routine. I asked my doctor and she said I can and should exercise with modification or rest if I need it, but I'm still having trouble actually doing it. It sounds like your hike was perfectly fine and the anxiety is normal too (at least in my experience). Just wanted to let you know that I completely understand and good for you for getting some fresh air and exercise
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@Torchwood: your baby girl is perfect! So gorgeous!
@DesertDreams88: I was just thinking about this! I hope to ask my dr about it at my next appt. I think I'm just so nervous I am overthinking everything.
Your story: DH and I started NTNP in Dec/Jan 2013. Started actively TTC in June of 2013, and got a BFP in Nov 2013. Found out we were losing the baby the day after thanksgiving and started bleeding a week later. We've been TTC ever since and have unexplained infertility. Got my BFP on the second round of clomid. So grateful and excited, so completely terrified I'll miscarry again.
Due Date: Feb 28- Mar 1 (maybe a leap day baby!)
LO #: 1
How are you coping with pregnancy after a loss: not spectacularly well... I keep going back and forth between obsessing over every little sign and symptom to feeling like this baby is meant to be.
Is your doctor recommending different care after a loss: no. I think I'm annoying him with all my questions, tbh.
Something interesting about you; I'm a second degree black belt in taekwondo.
Anyone have mini milestones in their heads that if they could just be past it, they'd feel slightly more confident? The days are going by so slowly, and I wish I could fast forward til 14 weeks.
pear / 1558 posts
@DesertDreams88: I think you were very careful & conscientious about your exertion & shouldn't worry. Staying as active as you can is a good thing for your pregnancy. I wasn't as active as I wanted to be, but did do a few reasonable hikes/walking while pregnant. I actually dropped off more toward the end (for no real good reason), but wished I'd stayed more consistent with my exercise.
@Crystal: Welcome!! I definitely kept a lot of milestones in mind to get me through the early days after my loss, and fortunately was able to feel more & more positive & excited as each week ticked by. Hoping for the same for you!
pomelo / 5607 posts
@Crystal: Thank you! I meant to post here, totally forgot.
I had a ton of milestones. First loss, second loss, end of first tri, anatomy scan, viability, end of second tri, and third loss (farthest I'd made it). I only passed that last one by 2 days! I'm actually really glad I hit it though. All of those were so good to pass, even the ones that were bittersweet.
Pictures because baby!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@Torchwood: I can completely relate about he being bittersweet. You are a trooper!
Precious baby! How is she doing? Any eta for coming home?
pomelo / 5607 posts
@Crystal: No idea yet, but she's doing well and they're moving forward on things. Like she was only on oxygen for a day, and got her IV out, and they switched her isolette to the setting they do before going to a regular crib. Right now feeding is the issue. She won't stay awake for a bottle or to nurse, so they feed her mostly through a tube in her nose. But it's all normal for a preemie, and they've said they're pushing her pretty hard on food, so still very optimistic on getting her home! And we have a room we can sleep in (well, one of us at a time can), so one or both of us has been with her all the time.
pomelo / 5607 posts
@simplyfelicity: Thanks! We think so too, though we're a little biased.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@Torchwood: that's nice you have a room for her! I hope you and DH are able to get a little bit of rest. Get big, baby, and come home soon!
clementine / 957 posts
I missed the updates to this board, I'm not sure how!
@Crystal: Congratulations! I certainly have milestones, when I get to one I usually find another. It's helps the anxiety for me.
@Torchwood: Aww so absolutely adorable! Glad things are going well!
grapefruit / 4361 posts
So, when did you announce on social media? "Never" is an ok reply what was your rationale?
As of Tuesday all of the family and closest friends will know, and I will be 12 weeks (with a good 11 wk ultrasound). I waffle on being brave and posting next week so that "everyone knows" and it's just done, or being a bit nervous and waiting until sometime after my NT scan at 13w2d. Anyone else want to share their thought process??
One thing pushing me towards posting regardless is I have a ton of extended family and I don't want one of them "spilling the beans"... like if it's going to be said, I want to be the one saying it... ETA: I'm not a very private person at all.
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